Orderby month and year using linq - linq

I'm fetching distinct months from database but the month values are in the form of month and year. ie, Jan-15,Feb-15. How do I get it in Ascending order of both month and year?
Right now I'm getting result as: Apr-15 Feb-15 Jan-15 Mar-15. But I want the result like this: Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15.
var months = ((from mnths in context.Table
orderby mnths.Month
select mnths.Month).Distinct()).ToList();
return months;

You can use DateTime.TryParseExact like this:
var months = ((from mnths in context.Table
orderby mnths.Month
select mnths.Month).Distinct()).ToList().OrderBy(m =>
DateTime month;
return DateTime.TryParseExact(m, new[] {"MMM-yy"}, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out month)
? month
: DateTime.MinValue;
You need to call ToList before OrderBy so the original query is executed and you get an IEnumerable<string> instead of an IQueryable.

Just use .NET Sort Method.
First Get All dates from DB
var dates = ((from dts in context.Table
select dts).Distinct().ToList();
return dates;
And then Do
And you'll get the result as yo want. (And Store Datetime in Db with type datetime not nvarchar or other).


LINQ select row with max value after group by

I have following sql statement:
from TransactionStatesLog tsl
group by tsl.Transaction_Id
How this statement can be translated to LINQ? I just want to select the whole row, where Timestamp is maximum of the group.
With this code i am able just to select TransactionId and max Timestamp from the group.
var states = (from logs in _context.TransactionStatesLog
group logs by new { logs.TransactionId } into g
select new
TransactionId = g.Key,
Timestamp = g.Max(x => x.Timestamp)
I am working with ef core 3.1
Assuming you forgot to add tsl.State_Id to your SQL as grouping key as follows(otherwise that SQL does not work either):
from TransactionStatesLog tsl
group by tsl.Transaction_Id, tsl.State_Id
If I understood you correctly you need to add StateId to grouping statement as well so that you will be able to select StateId and TransactionId.
So this should work:
var states = (from logs in _context.TransactionStatesLog
group logs by new { logs.TransactionId, logs.StateId } into g
select new
TransactionId = g.Key.TransactionId,
StateId = g.Key.StateId,
Timestamp = g.Max(x => x.Timestamp)
See: Group by with multiple columns using lambda

Linq2DB adding unnecessary statements to query

I am trying to generate a query that gets the number of entries with dates that occur within each given month. The SQL form of the query I wish to generate goes like this:
DatePart(Year, [t1].[StartTime]) as Year,
DatePart(Month, [t1].[StartTime]) as Month,
Count(*) as 'Visits',
Sum([t1].[PageCount]) as 'Total Pageviews'
[MyDatabase] [t1]
DatePart(Year, [t1].[StartTime]),
DatePart(Month, [t1].[StartTime])
I tried the following Linq2DB code:
var query = from table in dataContext.MyDataContext(tablePath)
group table by new { table.StartTime.Year, table.StartTime.Month} into grp
select new { Month = grp.Key.Month, Year = grp.Key.Year,
TotalVisitors = grp.Count(),
TotalPageviews = grp.Sum(table2 => table2.PageCount) };
but the SQL query being generated by this is
-- SqlServer.2008 --
Count(*) as [c1],
Sum([t1].[PageCount]) as [c2]
[MyDatabase] [t1]
DatePart(Year, [t1].[StartTime]),
DatePart(Month, [t1].[StartTime]),
Why is [t1].[StartTime] rather than the month or year? And why is it grouping by that extra [t1].[StartTime] at the end? How do I generate the SQL query I have above using Linq2DB?
Please use the following workaround with Sql.AsSql function. We are trying to fix this longstanding issue.
var query = from table in dataContext.MyDataContext(tablePath)
group table by new { Sql.AsSql(table.StartTime.Year), Sql.AsSql(table.StartTime.Month)} into grp
select new { Month = Sql.AsSql(grp.Key.Month), Year = Sql.AsSql(grp.Key.Year),
TotalVisitors = grp.Count(),
TotalPageviews = grp.Sum(table2 => table2.PageCount) };

Ruby format DateTimeParameter in where query

I want to do a query like this:
bookings = Booking.where(user_id: #current_user.id, start_at: date.to_datetime)
The problem in this case is, that I just get results in bookings which match a timestamp 00:00:00 which is quite logical.
Is there a possibility to format the start_at parameter in the query to date, so that I just compare two dates and not datetimes?
Try convert your datetime field to date via SQL:
bookings = Booking.where(user_id: #current_user.id)
.where("DATE(start_at) = ?", date)
DATE() extracts the date part of a datetime expression.
Note: it does not works in PotsgreSQL
bookings = Booking.where(user_id: #current_user.id,
created_at: date.beginning_of_day..date.end_of_day)
How about this?
bookings = Booking.where(user_id: #current_user.id, start_at: start_date..end_date)
bookings = Booking.where(user_id: #current_user.id)
.where('start_at > ? AND start_at < ?', start_date, end_date)
where start_date and end_date are the two dates you wish to check between.

orderby nested linq

var query = from m in db.Members.Include("Companies.Projects.Experiences.ExperienceTags")
where m.MemberId == id
select m;
I would like to also from this query to orderby the project.enddate. How would I do that. Also enddate can be null which then I would like it to be today date when it orderby. And, a company might not always have a project either which then it should be orderby today date too.
here is a image of the ef data diagram a link
Since there is a many relationship you need to do a SelectMany like so:
var query = from m in db.Members.Include("Companies.Projects.Experiences.ExperienceTags")
where m.MemberId == id
orderby m.Companies.SelectMany(c => c.Projects).OrderByDescending(p => p.EndDate).FirstOrDefault() == null ?
DateTime.Today :
m.Companies.SelectMany(c => c.Projects).OrderByDescending(p => p.EndDate).FirstOrDefault()
select m;

Linq (MIN && MAX)

What is equal of below sql in LINQ
select MIN(finishTimestamp) AS FromDate, MAX(finishTimeStamp) AS ToDate From Transactions
from t in Transactions
select new {
FromDate = ?,
ToDate = ?
To use multiple aggregates in Linq to SQL, on a table, without grouping, the only way I've found to avoid doing multiple queries, is to make a "fake group":
var q = from tr in dataContext.Transactions
group tr by 1 into g // Notice here, grouping by a constant value
select new
FromDate = g.Min(t => t.InvoiceDate),
ToDate = g.Max(t => t.InvoiceDate)
Kinda hacky, but the generated SQL is clean, and by doing so, you make only one query to the database.
You can just do
var transactionDates = from t in Transactions
select t.FinishTimeStamp;
var dates = new {
FromDate = transactionDates.Min(),
ToDate = transactionDates.Max()
You can also use the aggregate functions if you want (Example in VB)
Dim max = Aggregate tMax In Transactions Select tMax Into Max()
