Apache Cordova VS2015 - Clear Cache on remote machine - visual-studio

I've started using Apache Cordova tools for VS2015 and using the remote build tool on a Mac to run iPhone simulators. When debugging the solution I'm seeing a lot of old JS files that are clearly not being updated on the Macs cache. It's equivalent to the browser not getting the latest version of a JS file and using the one in cache as the debugger stops on lines that are no longer or have moved.
How do I reset the cache on the Mac (remote device) so that it will load all of the latest files from my project?

Thanks for reporting the issue. If you do a clean build from VS then it should create a completely fresh project with no relation to the previous one and hence should use the latest version of your files.
I would like to know more about the old JS files that you are seeing, because typically each build should be using your most recent versions.
Let me know, what you find.


Blazor: Failed to launch debug adapter

kind of desperate with this problem that I don't know how to fix and I don't know the cause.
Full error when running Blazor app:
It's a WASM application hosted in .net core. Therefore there is a backend and a frontend.
I have set my backend project as Startup project, which will take care of hosting also the frontend.
Both projects are set up on .NET 5.
I have read that multiple factors can cause this error and yet I tried all the possible solutions I have found so far.
I kill manually the app processes that hang running even when I stop debugging, closed VS, deleted the whole .vs folder and then restarted VS.
I disabled script debugging
Also tried enabled and disabled:
Tried also to start it with latest version of Microsoft Edge instead of Chrome, sometimes it works and doesn't give troubles sometimes it doesn't
in a post I have read from the official support that it's a bug that is being solved already in the 16.10 VS preview version. I downloaded and installed it, still nothing.
tried both iisExpress and .net CLI as hosting profile.
Moreover when starting the app a normal blank page only opens on the browser:
Don't know honestly what to try anymore. Could anyone help? Thanks in advance!
I have had the same problem exactly with the same setup, this on a couple times and on both occasions I have deleted the VS folder, did a rebuild and then rebooted my PC.
I know this is not a root cause solution, but it has worked for me.
In my case it was missing the latest ASP.NET Core framework...
Make sure you get the hosting bundle.
.NET location: C:\Program Files\dotnet\
The following frameworks were found:
6.0.9 at [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
Learn about framework resolution:
To install missing framework, download:
I had to restart VS after installing..
Updating to the latest hosting bundle did the trick for me.
I also threw out the .vs folder as well as any obj and bin folders in the solution projects to ensure a nice and clean environment.
Reboot. Rebuild. Rejoice.

App Studio is generating a version 1.9 manifest which fails validation and stops side loading

I am using Microsoft Teams version and App Studio version 1.6.0. When I update any of my bots it is setting the manifest version to 1.9, previously it was generating a manifest version of 1.8. When I try to side load these apps they fail with a "Something went wrong message". Im trying to understand if there is a reason for this or anything I can do to change the manifest version, if I download and manually change the version then compress and side load the bot will install as expected.
You can manually edit the value easily - open the zip file, extract the .json file, and change it inside there. Then re-add it to the zip file, and try it again from there.
Fyi, I'm having a similar problem now trying to install the app directly using App Studio, from a manifest I installed into app studio a few moments before.
We are able to repro the issue. Raised a bug. We don't have ETA to share when it will be fixed.
Please follow this Git-hub for updates on bug.

When I am using Github how can I create a version 1.1 of my application while I still maintain a version 1.0?

I have an application that I am working on. It's the Master Branch. Now I would like to continue fixing bugs with that but at the same time work on the next version.
On my front-end I am using Visual Studio Community on the Mac OS.
Can someone explain to me how I can start on another version and work on that and then sometimes switch between versions to maintain the current app?

phpstorm and aptana building or synchronizing files slow over network share

I've been doing some Magento development over a network share using Aptana and PHPStorm and the syncronizing or project building is extremely slow.
I've tried a few various things to improve speed but no results. PHPStorm takes a few minutes to synchronize the project and Aptana takes even longer to rebulild the project. I've copied the project locally and everything works great.
Is it just more efficient to work on large projects locally? I don't like running xampp or wamp locally. I prefer having a dedicated server and mapping drives to the files.
Any recommendations?
Yes. Locally. Try version control. I recommend git.

How do you test Windows Phone 7 app upgrades?

Version 1.5 of my Windows Phone app uses Version 1 of a 3rd party Isolated Storage library. I Version 2 of this library has performance improvements and bug fixes. I would like to upgrade my app (make it Version 1.6) to the new version but would like to test that data is not lost during upgrade.
I deployed version 1.5 to the phone and when I deploy version 1.6 from VS2010, the previous app and data are lost. My app is not upgraded but simply replaced.
How to I test the upgrade?
You should deploy from within Visual Studio after rebuilding the xap, not using the xapdeploy tool - see this article for an example:http://gusperez.com/wp/2010/12/22/update-testing-your-windows-phone-7-apps/
I'm guessing that you have 2 separate project which each have the same ProductID (in WMAppManifest.xml). This would explain why the first app is being uninstalled when the second app is deployed.
I'd test this by manually setting the contents of Isolated on the first run of the new version of the app.
There are 2 approaches you can take:
- Manually set the contents of the files in IS (either in code or during debug)
- Use a tool like Isolated Storage Explorer
I would probably do something like:
You can use Isolated Storage Explorer Tool (ISETool) to copy the isolated storage files from your old version into a directory (which you would commit to source control).
Create a Build Configuration called "Debug - Upgrade from 1.5"
Define a Post-Build Event that copies the data from the 1.5 backup directory to the emulator (it will need to be running; you may want to create a separate command line that starts the emulator)
Now you should be able to just hit F5 (after the emulator is already running) to test your upgrade over and over.
(Ideally, if Visual Studio used MSBuild to do the Deployments to the emulator/phone, we could simply hook into that process and update the IS after deployment but before execution. Sadly, that is not the case)
