Yahoo Finance. Search by name - yahoo

I can get info by symbol using RQL.
select * from where symbol in ("YHOO","AAPL","GOOG","MSFT")
How can I create search by company name?

There was this webservice before, but it seems to be down. I haven't found another one unfortunately


How to get an event ID from the HitID returned by a Microsoft Graph search query?

I am trying to patch a calendar event with the Microsoft Graph API (from a Node express app).
I create a new event with client.api('/me/events').post(myEvent) and it works just fine (I see it appear in my calendar). The return value has an ID which is:
I then use client.api('/search/query').post(myQuery) to find the event based on some criteria, and this works fine. I receive an array of hits, with only one hit (which actually is the freshly created event, looking at the subject and body), and with a hitId equal to:
For some reason I don't understand why the 2 IDs are not fully identical: the _ is changed to +and -changed to /.
I now want to modify the event, and try to update it with
let newVal = hits[0].resource // hits is coming from the result returned by the search query = hits[0].hitId // needed because the 'resource' does not contain the id
But I get an error: Resource not found for the segment 'B7AAA='.
Could you please tell me how to make the patch work (and explain why the ID from the search is not strictly like the one created). I have read several examples in the documentation (such as but I could not find a solution.
Many thanks!
So what is happening here is, PATCH /me/events/{hitId} is being resolved by Graph API such that the forward slash in the hitId denotes a path and Graph ends up using B7AAA= as a resource id hence the error Resource not found for the segment 'B7AAA='.
A work around that might work is to replace / in hitId(s) with %252F. You can do it like this.
client.api(`/me/events/${hitId.replace('/', '%252F')}`).patch(patch)
There is already this Issue on GitHub for documentation on how to handled these base64 encoded resource ids with /
As for the two IDs being non identical, Graph API will accept both of them and resolve to the same resource. I have no idea why they are different though.

JQL Query in JIRA filter that sorts my custom type issue first

I have added a custom issue type called 'Customer problem' in my JIRA installation. When I do a JQL query on a list like this:
project = MYPROJECT ORDER BY issuetype ASC
The resulting list shows the 'bug' issue type on top, after that my Customer problems and then the rest.
How can I prioritize my own custom issue type over the standard bug issue type?
I think the following happens:
ORDER BY x ASC does order alphabetical. The issuetype "bug" is probably alphabetically in front of your custom issuetype.
A solution with this searchterm could be renamming your custom type to a name with "a_oldname". That brings the name to the front... Not exactly elegant but a workaround.
You could also exclude bugs from the search results:
project = MYPROJECT AND issuetype NOT " bug" ORDER BY issuetype ASC
Alternatively we could try creating a search term that will order things differently... But on a mobile device I currently can't test my thoughts on that...
It seems like this solved my own question:
Go to Administration -> Issues -> Issue Type Schemes and click edit. There you'll get a screen which enables you to do exactly what is intended here:
The proper JQL-query to get the required result is now the one in the question.

Getting Location of Tweets found with Twitter Search API

Whenever I search for tweets using the geocode option, the returned tweets have "null" as their geo property. They are definitely coming from the right place because the location property has a name which is in the correct area, however I want to know what the coordinates of the tweet are so I can place on on a map (specifically Windows Phone).
I've tried a really hacky solution of searching for the location using the geo api, but this seems a really awkward way of doing it and often returns bad results (I want results from Oxford, UK but often the geo search return Oxford, IN for example).
Looking around, it seems Twitter's geolocation is currently broken, but I really need this to work for a presentation on Thursday demonstrating an app we built in a group, and it would really suck if our main feature didn't work.
Twitter's search API is broken. It will not return some information which is available through the regular API.
Once you have found a Tweet, you can try looking it up directly using statuses/show
For example, calling one of my tweets:
<georss:point>51.52505194 -0.132582</georss:point>
<georss:point>51.52505194 -0.132582</georss:point>

Doctrine record unknown exception in a Symfony 1.4 backend admin module

I am facing a problem with the admin generator and I am unable to get my way around this after 3 hours of brainstorming and exploring.
The error reads as:
500 | Internal Server Error | Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException
Unknown record property / related component "option1" on "Questions"
Looking up the WWW, I got a gist of possible alternatives. None of which seem like the answer. option1, does exist under Questions schema. However, it is option_1 so I am not sure why it says option1. More importantly, opening up BaseQuestions.class.php file, it clearly states:
getOption1() retrieves the value of option_1.
Anybody with any answer on this?
I had just the same problem with a field named address_2. Changing the name of the field in the database to address2 solved the problem. I think that that this is because of the number that confuse the admin generator to translate the name from underscore-separated propriety name to camelCase function name. This issue append only with the admin generator so, if you need to use it you have to change the field name in your DB with option1.

Find account GUID, and Select it back using Object GUID

I am trying to select a unique identifiers for accounts from Active Directory. I found that "objectguid" attribute do identify a user uniquely, but my problem is that I don't know how to convert the retrieved value into a readable format. And then be able to select a user back using this value.
I am using spring ldap libraries, right now the "objectguid" return a char[] (15 element)
So, Does any one knows any thing that can help?
(Note, I can't use SAM Name attribute)
See here. It appears there are two string formats: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX, which you can get via new BigInteger(0, (byte[])attr.get()).toString(16), and XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX, which is the same thing plus punctuation.
