spark-submit --proxy-user do not work in yarn cluster mode - hadoop

Currently I am using a cloudera hadoop single node cluster (kerberos enabled.)
In client mode I use following commands
spark-submit --master yarn-client --proxy-user cloudera examples/src/main/python/
This works fine. In cluster mode I use following command (no kinit done and no TGT is present in the cache)
spark-submit --principal <myprinc> --keytab <KT location> --master yarn-cluster examples/src/main/python/
Also works fine. But when I use following command in cluster mode (no kinit done and no TGT is present in the cache)
spark-submit --principal <myprinc> --keytab <KT location> --master yarn-cluster --proxy-user <proxy-user> examples/src/main/python/
throws following error
<proxy-user> tries to renew a token with renewer <myprinc>
I guess in cluster mode the spark-submit do not look for TGT in the client machine... it transfers the "keytab" file to the cluster and then starts the spark job. So why does the specifying "--proxy-user" option looks for TGT while submitting in the "yarn-cluster" mode. Am I doing some thing wrong.

Spark doesn't allow to submit keytab and principal with proxy-user. The feature description in the official documentation for YARN mode (second paragraph) states specifically that you need keytab and principal when you are running long running jobs. This enables the application to continue working with any security issue.
Imagine if all application users logging into your applications can proxy to your keytab.
I have to do what Hive does to run "spark-submit". Basically kinit before submitting my application and then provide a proxy-user. So here is how I solved it.
kinit # -k -t
spark-submit with --proxy-user
is best implementation. So no your are not doing anything wrong.


how to switch between cluster types in Apache Spark

I'm trying to switch cluster manager from standalone to 'YARN' in Apache Spark that I've installed for learning.
I read following thread to understand which cluster type should be chosen
However, I'd like to know the steps/syntax to change the cluster type.
Ex: from Standalone to YARN or from YARN to Standalone.
In spark there is one function name as --master that can helps you to execute your script on yarn Cluster mode or standalone mode.
Run the application on local mode or standalone used this with spark-submit command
--master Local[*]
--master spark:// \
--deploy-mode cluster \
Run on a YARN cluster
--master yarn
--deploy-mode cluster
For more information kindly visit this link.
If you are not running through command line then you can directly set this master on SparkConf object.
sparkConf.setMaster(http://path/to/master/url:port) in cluster mode
sparkConf.setMaster(local[*]) in client/local mode

Launching a Spark-Submit job under Kerberos for Kafka

Through tinkering I have been able to partially launch a spark submit job using the following command, however soon after starting it crashes and gives me the exception outlined below:
Spark-Submit Command:
su spark -c 'export SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION=2; spark-submit \
--verbose \
--master yarn \
--driver-cores 5 \
--num-executors 3 --executor-cores 6 \
--principal \
--keytab /etc/security/keytabs/spark.headless.keytab \
--driver-java-options ""\
--conf "" \
--files "/tmp/kafka_client_jaas.conf,/tmp/kafka.service.keytab" \
--class test.jar'
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Could not login: the client is being asked for a password, but the Kafka client code does not currently support obtaining a password from the user. not available to garner authentication information from the user
WARN KerberosLogin: [Principal=kafka/]: TGT renewal thread has been interrupted and will exit.
How can I get Kerberos to KINIT two principals at the same time? I'm assuming that is the problem here? I have tried adding another set of --principal/--keytab to the initial command, although this presented more permission issues within HDFS.
It's an old thread, but I struggled with this for some time and hopefully this can help someone.
The possible cause is that the Spark executors are not being able to locate the keytab, so they are failling to authenticate to Kerberos. On your submit, you should pass your Jaas config and Keytab files to your executors using the following options:
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --files /path/to/keytab/yourkeytab.keytab#yourkeytab.keytab,/path/to/jaas/your-kafka-jaas.conf#your-kafka-jaas.conf --conf "" --conf "" --driver-java-options "" your-application.jar
Finally, since these jaas files are being sent to executors (and the spark driver), you should use the relative path for the Keytab, and not the absolute. Your jaas config then should have the following line:

Can't see Yarn Job when doing Spark-Submit on Yarn Cluster

I am using spark-submit for my job with the command below:
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster
spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --deploy-mode cluster
The job is working fine. I can see it under the Spark History Server UI. However, I cannot see it under the RessourceManager UI ( YARN).
I have the feeling that my job is not sent to the cluster but it is running only in one node. However, I see nothing wrong on the way I use the Spark-submit command.
Am-i wrong? How can I check it? Or send the job to yarn cluster?
When you are using --master yarn means that in some place you have configured the yarn-site with hosts, ports, and so on.
Maybe the machine where you are using the spark-submit doesn't know where is the Yarn master.
You could check your hadoop/yarn/spark config files, specially the yarn-site.xml to check if the host of the Resource Manager is correct or not.
Those files are in different folders depending on which distribution of Hadoop you are using. In HDP I guess they are in /etc/hadoop/conf
Hope it helps.

Submitting a Spark application to the virtualbox Spark Master

I have created a Spark application Hello World that works well locally through Eclipse IDE.
I would like to deploy remotely this application from my local machine to the virtualbox Cloudera machine, through the "spark-submit".
The command line used for that is:
rk-submit --class com.saadlamarti.helloworld.App --master spark://
:7077 --deploy-mode cluster helloworld-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Unfortunately, the application doesn't work, and I get this message error:
15/10/12 12:20:40 WARN RestSubmissionClient: Unable to connect to server spark:/
Warning: Master endpoint spark:// was not a REST server. Fall
ing back to legacy submission gateway instead.
Can someone have any idea, why is not working?
Remove the arguement --deploy-mode cluster and try again.
Check the master:8080,and then you can see two url,one is the client submit url,another is the rest for cluster.
Find your REST url, if you set the argument --deploy-mode cluster, you must set the argument --master spark:Rest url.

What is the master URL in EC2 spark cluster

I have a spark cluster launched using spark-ec2 script.
(EDIT: after login into the master), I can run spark jobs locally on the master node as :
spark-submit --class myApp --master local myApp.jar
But I can't seem to run the job in the cluster mode:
../spark/bin/spark-submit --class myApp --master spark:// --deploy-mode cluster myApp.jar
The ip address of the master is obtained from the AWS console.
I get the following errors:
WARN RestSubmissionClient: Unable to connect to server
Warning: Master endpoint spark:// was not a REST server. Falling back to legacy submission gateway instead.
Error connecting to master (akka.tcp://sparkMaster#
Cause was: akka.remote.InvalidAssociation: Invalid address: akka.tcp://sparkMaster#
No master is available, exiting.
How to submit to a EC2 spark cluster ?
When you run with --master local you are also not connecting to the master. You are executing Spark operations in the same JVM as the application. (See docs.)
Your application code may be wrong too. So first just try to run spark-shell on the master node. /root/spark/bin/spark-shell is configured to connect to the EC2 Spark master when started without flags. If that works, you can try spark-shell --master spark:// on your laptop. Be sure to use the external IP or hostname of the master machine.
If that works too, try running your application in client mode (without --deploy-mode cluster). Hopefully in the course of trying all these, you will figure out what was wrong with your original approach. Good luck!
This is nothing to do with EC2, I had similar error on my server. I was able to resolve it by overwriting SPARK_MASTER_IP.
