bluemix node-red debug not working - debugging

I'm working with a node-red application inside Bluemix. It worked well but now the debug sidebar did not show no message.
The application log traces correctly the messages incoming from the IoT device.
I tried to deploy again, to change browser, nothing changed: the debug sidebar is always empty.
What to do to have again messages showed?

I had the same issue. Simple Timestamp injection plugged to a debug output and for some reason nothing was shown on the debug side panel.
The solution in my case was simply to set no proxy for the application address in the web browser. After that debugging came through

In my case the problem was a different version of NodeRed was installed on the server, all I had to do is clear Chrome cache.

In my case, I simply didn't have the debug tab selected. I thought I did. You have to click on the little bug icon. I was getting the messages all along, just didn't have the correct display.


Can't debug my microsoft teams tab using DevTools

I'm trying to get console logs from my tab using DevTools in Microsoft Teams. I can open the console, but my logs are not showed and I'm getting the following error instead:
The Content-Security-Policy directive 'prefetch-src' is implemented behind a flag which is currently disabled.
I tested my application in Chrome and I can see the logs properly.
If you mean in the desktop version of Teams, then when you access via DevTools (sounds like this is what you're doing), try choosing All WebContents. Remember, Teams is an electron app historically, so everything is a "web" content - you'll get multiple DevTools windows and you need to find which is the right one for your tab. Screenshot below shows this option.
But, a better tip, if you're actively developing your tab, is just to run Teams in a browser directly (browse to - then it's just a single DevTools option and easier to manage.

NSLog not working when debugging an app extension

I just can't see any logs in the window, even though I know I'm attached to the extension, I can place and enter into breakpoints, as well I see the values of variables.
However I can't see any logs.
Any ideas?.
Normal app logs works just fine.
Seems like you are running the actual main app, not the extension (wrong scheme).
In Xcode, next to the play and stop buttons it should say the name of your app and the device you're running on. Make sure it says the name of your extension, not the name of your actual app.
Please see the attached screenshot:
As you can see, I have selected my keyboard extension - not the main application 'TransKey'. Once you do that, you should be able to see the logs in the Debug area for your extension.

How do I step through Cordova code when the app starts?

When I debug a Cordova app what I constantly do is step through its code inside Chrome's WebInspector. In order to be able to do this, however, I have to wait for the device to become ready in chrome://inspect/#devices (only then can I click on the appearing link for the started app). But if I do this the inspector will not halt on breakpoints if I am not quick enough. How do experienced Cordova developer tackle this issue?
Additionally to frank's comment I just found GapDebug which offers instant debug and, thus, comes close to what I deserve.

Pebble.js WatchApp displays: "Disconnected - run the pebble phone app"

I can't find much documentation around this issue. All other running apps on my pebble have a connection to my phone, and work as expected. However, a Pebble.js application I'm currently working on simply displays Disconnected - run the pebble phone app.
I have noticed that in my Developer Settings that the Connection Manager is listed as Disconnected. Is this part of the problem? I see nothing in the logs.
For reference, the application is doing a simple ajax request and displaying the result.
This message is often caused by the JavaScript crashing on the phone (undefined reference, unknown function, etc) and so the watch thinks it is not running.
Some ideas to debug this:
Replace your code with one very simple console.log("hello world") statement and see if this works.
Look at the Logs (View Logs button in CloudPebble or pebble logs on the command line).
Very rarely, on Android, I have seen situation where the Pebble app is in a bad state where it cannot execute the JS for only one app. When this happens, you need to force-kill the Pebble app and relaunch it.
I have had the same experience.
I usually kill and restart the pebble app on my phone and then I also do refresh the browser. Sometimes you have to log out of and then log back into Cloudpebble.

IE8 Local HTML File - "System cannot find the specified file."

We're writing a Windows client application in VB.NET. On the first launch of the application it loads a local HTML file "User Guide" for the user to get acquainted with the new software. There is also a menu option to access the content which also produces the same error. Whenever the page is launched, a dialog box appears stating that "The system could not find the specified file.", and then the browser windows loads the content. This is IE8 specific, as we previously tested with IE6 and 7 as well as Firefox with no problems.
Apparently this behavior is also happening within Outlook 2007 for some of our users whenever they click a link in an email, but only on the first link they click.
Also, one condition for the error to appear is that no IE8 window is currently running, otherwise another tab opens and loads the content just fine. We get this error on XP and Vista.
So far this is all I have found about the issue:
Anything would be greatly appreciated.
Esactly the same issue; problem was resolved by disabling a specific add-on:
"Sophos Web Content Scanner"
So, looks like anti-virus add-ons are the culprit here - or IE8 itself.
Problem can also be reproduced (when add-on is running) by simply entering a url into the Start box on Vista.
The issue is caused by the McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention service. Stopping the service mitigates the issue. So the answer is to contact the team who runs the HIPs application.
