Objective C Compile Time CRC Generation and Checking - xcode

I'm using Objective C with the native webkit GUI option for my Cocoa-based application, and using file:// URLs to load my GUI. Is there a way that at compile time I can generate a CRC value on my html folder and save it in a plist so that when the application loads, it can validate the CRC to ensure the directory hasn't been tampered with since the HTML is plain text and modifiable?
I know that I can manually do this with a Bash script, but wanted to know how to setup XCode to do this during compiling.
Note: Of course I would kind of sha256 hash or AES256 encrypt this with a salt so that someone couldn't just generate their own very easily.

If you already have a script for this, you can simply create a run script phase for this build target and put add the script to it.


Create an application that generates a DLL

Currently, I have an MFC C++ visual studio project that is built to a DLL. Let's call it the FinalDLL.
I need this FinalDLL to be configurable. So, I want a GUI such that the users can generate the FinalDLL based on the information the enter via GUI. Please consider that I don't want to make the sources available at any points.
I do not have a clear idea how to integrate these steps. The solution I came up with was to have something like a button in my GUI, so that when it is clicked, the FinalDLL gets generated based on the information entered via GUI. Is it possible to do something like that? Probably I need another DLL library, as the information entered via GUI can be calls to functions that are used inside the FinalDLL source.
The solution to this would be very complex and complicated, mainly due to the fact that you don't want to disclose the source code of the DLL.
Basically you need to compile those source files every time you want to generate the DLL, and without the user having access to them.
Firstly, this is also required for the users that you want your DLL-generator app distributed to.
Secondly, you'll need to store those files somewhere in the app, and in an encrypted form, so that hackers won't just look at you app binaries and extract the source code for the DLL.
As a prerequisite on the user side, he will need to have a compatible Visual Studio installation, which will be used to compile on the fly the source code files.
What the DLL-generator application will need to do is to compile on the fly those source code files along with the customised ones via the form that the application will present.
So what you will need to do (the list might not be exhaustive due to the complex requirements):
Gather all compiler/linker commands that Visual Studio executes when building your project
Store all source code files into your application, in an encrypted form. Now if you want to allow your application to decode the files then you need to either store the encryption key within the application, and obfuscate it so its not that easy to find, or have the app communicate with your server and ask for the encryption key via https (this is a more secure approach, however neither this is 100% bullet-proof, insistent/trained hackers can still peek into the memory used by your app)
After the user fills all DLL generating details, the app will need to decrypt the source code files, updated the ones affected by the customised parameters, and start the build process by using the commands gathered at step #1. The compiler/linker should allow reading from stdin, so you'll use pipes to write the source code contents to the compiler/linker stdin, and to obtain the compiled/linked objects from stdout.
As I said, the solution is not pretty, and the main problem will be having the users install a Visual Studio that comes with a compiler compatible with the one from your machine, otherwise the commands you gathered at step #1 will not work.

How to create a Ruby executable using ocra or rubyscript2exe gems but including needed Excel files?

I have a dozen of selenium webdriver scripts written in Ruby and I have used both rubyscript2exe and ocra gems in an attempt to end up with a 'bundled' executable but to no avail. Problem is, my scripts are grabbing test data from Excel files; and this is causing havoc when trying to create the executable.
It works fine on the machine which has the original excel file but when taken home away from its native path it 'll just refuse to run. Do I need to declare my paths in my code in a relative way and not explicitly? Is there a command in Ruby like 'require' but for an Excel file for example?
I will be grateful if anyone knows a way to make a ruby executable (or even an installer/application builder) which will somehow include the Excel files running in parallel with the script.
* Resolved *
Admins you can close this one if you want.
It was pretty simple but couldn't figure it out on the first place. If you want to included additional non ruby files in your final executable you can use the line below..:
ocra yourscript.rb test.xls docs\documentantion.doc excel\additional.xls
Once you package an exe using Ocra the files are locked inside it, and if they're intended to be immutable you may as well store the data in the script and write it out directly from there. If you absolutely can't do it without an excel file you'd might also consider creating one via the script.
If you're using an external excel file which is distributed with the exe, then you'd be best off referencing the excel file's path relative to the script (Dir.pwd). Also, wouldn't it be more efficient to gather the data from a delimited text file rather than excel?

How to Debug Following Fortran Program

I am trying to compile the following software so that I can step through and debug it. I am only a novice programmer and I am trying to understand how this whole makefile business works with Fortran. I know that there is a ton of literature on makefiles but I just need to insert a simple debug flag and I think if someone provided me with the answer to this question that would be the best way for me to learn.
So the program I am trying to compile, TINKER, is actually made up of several packages, located at http://dasher.wustl.edu/tinkerwiki/index.php/Main_Page. I would like to compile and debug JUST ONE specific executable, "analyze". I contacted the developer and received the following reply but I am still stuck...
Since TINKER has lots of small source code files, what we do is
compile each of the small files to an object file using the "-c" flag.
Then we put all of these object code files (ie, the ".o" files) into
an object library. Finally, we link each of the TINKER top level
programs, such as "analyze", against the object library. There is a
Makefile supplied with TINKER that does this. We also supply
individual scripts called "compile.make", "library.make" and
"link.make" for various CPU/compiler combinations that can be run in
order to perform the steps I describe above. To build a "debuggable"
executable, you just need to include the appropriate debug flags
(usually "-g") as part of the compile and link stages.
I am currently running OSX 10.6.8. If someone could show me which folders I cd into, what commands I enter that would be so great!
My follow up question (once I can figure out how to answer the above via command line will concern how to import the same procedure but using the Photran IDE - http://wiki.eclipse.org/PTP/photran/documentation/photran5#Starting_a_Project_with_a_Hand-Written_Makefile)
The directions are at http://dasher.wustl.edu/tinkerwiki/index.php/Main_Page#Installing_TINKER_on_your_Computer
Maybe out of date? g77 is obsolete -- it would be better to use gfortran.
The key steps: "The first step in building TINKER using the script files is to run the appropriate compile.make script for your operating system and compiler version. Next you must use a library.make script to create an archive of object code modules. Finally, run a link.make script to produce the complete set of TINKER executables. The executables can be renamed and moved to wherever you like by editing and running the ‘‘rename’’ script."
So cd to the directory for the Mac -- based on "we also provide machine-specific directories with three separate shell scripts to compile the source, build an object library, and link binary executables." Then run the command scripts. Probably ./compile.make. Look around for the directories ... you can probably figure it out from the names. Or search for the file "compile.make".
Or find someone local to you who knows more about programming.

Xcode build phase

Hey, I'm implementing MD5 checksum on my app(for preventing binary crack). I created a command line tool that will generate the hash for the binary and will add it to the .app folder. However, I didn't figure out how to add it as a build phase. I've read Apple's documentation with no luck. Could anyone explain me how to do that step by step?
To do any kind of post-processing, use a Run Script build phase (add such a phase to your target). Use the list of environment variables Xcode provides (you can see them when the phase runs by expanding the script's results in the build results window) to locate the binary. From there you know where its Resources file is. The rest is standard Unix command-line stuff (run the command line and put the file into the target folder).
Now for advice you didn't ask for: It's trivial to re-hash the modified binary and replace yours with the new one in the resources folder. Anyone experienced enough to crack binaries would likely just disable the call to your "verify the MD5 against a file" code anyway, eliminating the need to replace the saved hash altogether. Long story short: You're wasting your time with this approach. :-)

Compiling applescript from a text-only source file

Is there a way to compile apple script code on the command line from a text source file, like you know, the way it is done in every real programming language? I have an applescript .app file and it seems the only way to edit it is using the native script editor app. However not having a source text file results in all kinds of problems when the binary is loaded into different environments. From what I can tell, it is not even possible to edit the source in the binary in many cases if the script editor is for whatever reason unable to load the binary file.
What I am trying to do is make it so that I can compile it in the environment it will run in. Any suggestions are appreciated...
Try the osacompile command.
