How do I reset to the default Camera setting? - settings

When you first run Unity, it has that scene where an Area Light is acting like a sun, and the camera is a nice shade that allows you to clearly see around you.
I accidentally changed my settings on my Main Camera, and it has stayed there, and is a solid color of blue. How do I get the original camera settings back?

Just click that little gear and reset it:

Delete your main camera. Make a new camera. Drag it back into the hierarchy. Rename it to the name of your original camera. That should, in theory, give you all of the default settings if I remember correctly.

What you're looking for is called a Skybox. Here's how to get it back
Select the Main Camera GameObject. Under the Clear Flags setting, select Skybox
Open the Lighting tab by going to Window -> Lighting
Under the Environment Lighting settings, change your Skybox to Default-Skybox
Pictures below

just set the scale in Main Camera for z-axis to -10 as it is set to 0 which renders camera preview with blue screen.
A screenshot is provided so i hope it may help you. just change your settings as depicted in the screenshot


How to fix image texture not transfering to Unity from Blender

I textured an object in Blender because it wouldn't texture properly in Unity, and then imported the object and texture to Unity.
I don't know how to fix this, I'll put both pictures here.
Blender Texture Before Import
Object In Unity
Okay, so based on your screenshots..
You're going to select everything then add a modifier called "Solidify", then set this to something very small like .03. (Unity doesn't like objects that are just planes).
double check all your normals are facing out. Let me know if you don't know how to do this...
Go into edit mode select all edges, then right click, select "mark as seam".
Open UV editor window (should be split screen with Edit mode on one side, UV view on the other). In the Edit side select all, then go to UV dropdown menu and click "unwrap". You should then see your object unfolded into flat planes over on the UV window side. There's different unwrap options, like smart UV unwrap, etc. I think just "unwrap" has worked for me, but play around and there may be something that shows your object shapes in a less distorted way..
At this point, since your pattern is basically repeating. If you export the OBJ file and take it into unity, and you add the image file (make sure it's dimensions are perfectly square) it should receive the image file as an Albedo texture much better than in your screenshots. You can play with the 'tiling' and "X/Y offset" till it looks right (you might face issues with rotation though.
If you want to line it up very specifically, you can export the UV layout as a png from the UV window in blender. Then use photoshop or another photo editor to change/rotate and arrange your texture so the sides line up properly. In blender in the Edit window (assuming you still have both UV + editor open) when you select a side it will highlight in the UV window the corresponding flat plane, based on this you should be able to figure out what should be rotated up/down, etc. Then when you change that 2d image and drag it into Unity, it will adjust and wrap around the object.
I'm pretty new to both, but the advice I've been given is to not do the texturing in blender, but instead to do it in Unity.
This is a 10-month-old post but incase anyone is curious or struggling the same, Blender exports models with a scale of 100 so you need to scale up the tile of the material (in material settings) to see it.
This is a bad solution however because then you are not working with objects on a scale of 1 so you actually want to check "Apply transformations" when exporting the FBX model in blender

How to change the camera in three.js / editor using only scripts?

How to change the type of camera used in three.js/editor? I want to do this using scripts, and not using the add camera button (Add → Orthographic Camera). I try to announce the camera again, but I can't. I'm trying to check the view of the main camera using the function (console. log(camera)) — the console shows that the camera has changed. But, when you click the PLAY button, the view remains the same as it was. Thank you for your help and feedback, I am very grateful for this!
It is not possible to do what you are looking for since cameras are handled within the editor. You can't use scripts to change the type of camera used for rendering.
In general, there is no full support for orthographic cameras in the editor. For example the editor's controls only support perspective cameras as well as the app player that playbacks exported/published applications. However, there is a feature request at GitHub that tracks the improvement of orthographic camera support:

Misplaced UI made with UI in hololens emulator

I got a small problem and I can’t really find the source of it. I just created a Canvas and put a Panel in the top right corner. I got it to the right scale at 3: for the Hololens and loaded it up in the Holoemulator. The problem is that even though the panel is supposed to be in the corner, it is placed almost in the middle of the screen in the end.
Is there anything I can do to fix this or is there something I am missing?
If I need to provide more information then please tell me.
Could you double-check the [Render mode] of your Canvas? Is it set as World Space? In this render mode, the Canvas will behave as any other 3D object and will render in front of or behind other objects in the scene based on 3D placement in the scene. You need to adjust the position of the canvas from the perspective of the camera.
However, according to your post, it seems that you want to place UI elements on the screen rendered on top of the scene. If so, You should turn the [Render mode] to [Screen Space - Camera]. More information please see: Canvas

How to fix Blue Screen appearing after GameObject is removed in Unity 2d Project

I have been successfully building and running a Unity 2D game, but started receiving a Blue Screen during one of my operations. Specifically, when I close a popup and remove all of its child Game Objects, the entire Game Screen turns dark blue (the default background color of the main camera). The music for the game still plays and clicks are still registered if you click in the right area (I can still press the back button, just can't see it).
If I remove 1 gameobject, this problem doesn't come up. But once I have to remove 2 game objects, the entire screen turns blue.
This is my function for removing my game object in case it helps, which works perfectly when it comes to actually removing the gameObjects correctly (game objects to be removed are created from prefabs). I think the problem may be with the camera for some reason, but I have no clue as to why it happens on this function.
public void Remove(int index)
float toggleWidth = toggle.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x;
DestroyImmediate(scrollSnap.pagination.transform.GetChild(scrollSnap.NumberOfPanels - 1).gameObject);
scrollSnap.pagination.transform.position += new Vector3(toggleWidth / 2f, 0, 0);
I don't receive any errors or warnings in the console. Just a blue screen once more than one GameObject is removed
Turns out my main Canvas's planeDistance was being changed from 100 to 3200. I still have no clue as to why this change occurred...but for anyone else having a similar issue with a dark blue screen appearing in the middle or start of their game, then please check the values your canvas and camera in the Inspector. Simply controlling the planeDistance did the trick for me!
Made a new scene next to the sample scene when i started my sprite learning game. Forgot all about that.
When I had to publish it, In the Build Settings, I had the wrong scene selected. So It published an empty scene instead of my game.
I solved it by putting game in 3d mode and realized that the camera is positioned very far from the sprites, just change the z-axis and again go to 2d mode.
Just Move your camera in Z-axis position, it could be too far from object or it is behind the object, you can also check it by 3D mode the check the object position and change it in positive and negative values.

Importing animated .3DS max file into unity3D

I have an animated .3ds max file. I have imported the file in unity3D. The animation works in preview of animation tab in bottom right corner of the image, have attached the screen shot of it. But, while i play the scene, It comes with a blank scene, i am not able to see man and the animation. Cant able to find the solution for it. Please help me to fix the issue.
Reference screenshot is placed in the below link
Make sure that your object is visible by your camera. Select your camera in objects list and you will see small preview.
