Open phone call form with prefilled caller and direction using - dynamics-crm

How could one open a phone call entity form so that direction is Incoming and that in "From" field there's a contact. I know already who is calling and I have the GUID. I know it's always contact. And I know that phone call is always incoming.
I have to use function and pass those values in url. This site ( does explain how to provide values for option sets and lookups, but in phone call "From" field is not a simple lookup but party list. And direction is not an option set but a Two options (if that makes any difference).
I have simply tried this
var extraqs = "directioncode=1&from=" + contactid;"" + encodeURIComponent(extraqs));
but I can't get it work. I have tried to fiddle with those values back and forward and sometimes I get no error but it doesn't work either. Sometimes I get System.Web.HttpUnhandledException. I know it's probably because the format is off.
Another option I was thinkin that I could probably pass those values in url to the form and then create a function to form onLoad event where I could more easily set those field. But it sounds a workaround to me.
But my question is can I, and if how, set up those two fields?

A party list can not be set like a simple lookup.
Check out this blog post, it may guide you in setting party list


how to pass the executionContext on the Ribbon workbench for a HomePageGrid

I have been able to pass the formContext to the javascript function that I call from the ribbon when I call it from a Form button, but the same trick when calling from the HomePageGrid pass me a null value.
I use in both cases the Primary Control CRM parameter as stated in multiple places.
You can see on the left side how my PrimaryControl CRM parameter is passing a null value when selecting an item on the Grid. On the right side you can see how my PrimaryControl CRM parameter is passing the formContext correctly.
is it there any way to pass the executionContext/formContext/Context?. As you can see I have tried that is the Primary Control value is null to pick up and xrm.ui.getglobalContext.... and still doesn't work.
Any idea of what to do?
This is the configuration in the Ribbon Workbench
Updated for minohimself:
I have set the SelectedControl in the Ribbon and I am receiving on the first parameter the Mscrm.GridControl. And I dont see the formContext as you see it.
I might be doing something wrong, because it is obvious that you are able to see the context? can you point me in the right direction?
What I can see from your javascript code is that you have a theia.button which has a function called ExecuteActionWithErrorMessage that receives at least 4 parameters, including objectid, formContext, entityName, and actionName).
In my case my function is called and should receive the formContext and a yes/no (T/F) statement to decide how to manage the security roles.
So, should I include your four parameters, so I can retrieve as well the objectid, formcontext, entityname and actionname?
Thanks for your quick turn around and help.
Here you can see my Ribbon Workbench Command
and here you can see my Debugger View:
as you can see what you see it is not what I see. I am on a Ms. Dynamics CRM v9.0.15.9 (version 1612) on-premises.
Have you tried SelectedControl parameter ? that one is ment for subgrids. The one youre using is used on Forms. ;)
I just tested what you get when you pass SelectedControl

Link change SESSION var

I have a listing page for an e-commerce website with various items (item_list.php). This page is generated with a PHP loop and displays each item inside a <li> element. Every item is a link to the same page, called item_details.php .
When clicking on the link i want to run a script that changes a SESSION var to a certain $id (which will be excracted from the <li> itself with .innerHTML function) and then allowing the browser to move into the next page (item_details).
This is needed so i can display the proper information about each item.
I think this is possible with Ajax but I would prefer a solution that uses JS and PHP only.
(P.S.This is for a University project and im still a PHP newbie, i tried searching for an answer for a good while but couldn't find a solution)
No JS or other client-side code can set session values, so you need either an ajax call to php, or some workaround. This is not a complete answer, but something to get you thinking and hopefully going on the project again.
The obvious answer is just include it in the link and then get it in PHP from the $_GET -array, and filter it properly.
item title
If, however, there is some reason this is not a question with an obvious answer:
1.) Closest what you're after can be achieved with a callback and an ajax call. The idea is to have the actual link with a click function, returning false so the link doesn't fire at once, which also calls an ajax post request which finally will use document.location to redirect your browser.
I strongly advice against this, as this will prevent ctrl-clicks causing a flawed user experience.
Check out some code an examples here, which you could modify. You will also need an ajax.php file which will actually set the session value.
2.) Now, a perhaps slightly better approach, if you truly need to do this client-side could be to use an click handler which instead of performing an ajax call or setting session directly, would be to use jQuery to set a cookie and then access this data on the item_list.php -page.
See more information and instructions here:
$('product_li a).click(function(){
$.cookie("li_click_data", $(this).parent().innerhtml());
return true;
<li class="product_li">your product title</li>
And in your target php file you check for the cookie. Remember, that this cookie can be set to anything, so never ever trust user data. Test and filter it in order to make sure your code is not compromised. I don't know what you want to do with this data.
3.) Finally, as the best approach, you should look at your current code, and see if there is something you can re-engineer. Here's a quick example.
You could do the following in php to save an array of the values in the session on each page load, and then get that value provided you have some kind of id or other usable identifier for your items:
// for list_items.php
foreach($item as $i) {
// Do what you normally do, but also set an array in the session.
// Presuming you have an id or some other means (here as item_id), to identify
// an item, then you can also access this array on the item_details -page.
$_SESSION['mystic_item_data_array'][$i['item_id]] = $i['thedata'];
// For item_details.php
$item_id = // whatever means you use to identify items, get that id.
$data_you_need = $_SESSION['mystic_item_data_array'][$item_id];
All above ways are usable for small data like previous page, filters, keys and similar.
Basically, 1 and 2 (client-side) should only be used, if the data is actually generated client-side. If you have it in PHP already, then process it in php as well.
If your intention is to store actual html, then just regenerate that again on the other page and use one of the above ways to store the small data in case you need that.
I hope this gets you going and at least thinking of how to solve your project. Good luck!

Creating dynamic web forms on the client side

Is there an existing library that would do this?
I want to be able to have code on the client side where the user chooses something, it makes a call to the server, and the server sends back "for this option, you need a have a text field called foo and a select field called bar with the following options, this one is selected, etc", and then the client side builds the next part of the form from that information. Or if they choose a different option, a different set of fields and values is returned from the server and populated on the screen. Also it might cascade so after the first selection we need a select field with some options, and then depending what they select on that select field the next field might be another select field or it might be a text input field.
Has anybody done anything like that? Is my best choice to have the AJAX call return some html that I just stuff into a div, or can I do it field by field and value by value?
If it matters, the back end is going to be written in Perl/MASON, and the front end will be using Javascript/JQuery/JQuery-UI.
I would use jquery and submit AJAX calls to whatever backend system you choose. Have this backend system compute the necessary changes and return the info as JSON. Let JQuery parse it for you and append the necessary form elements. However, it seems like under alot of use cases these decisions could be made on the client side without even talking to the server just as we pre validate form input before allowing posting to the server. I don't, however, have your requirements in front of me so I am sure there is a reason you want to get the info back from the server.
P.S. please do not return pure html from the back end to the client....ever.

When using Url.RouteUrl, the area is missing

I suspect I'm doing this wrong.
For various reasons, my app forces the user to make some choices right after login. In order to ensure that they enter the necessary data, I override the OnActionExecuting method in a base controller class to intercept any attempt at executing an action before this data has been entered, and redirect the user to the necessary page. I preserve the url of the action they were attempting to execute with the following code:
url = Url.RouteUrl("Default", filterContext.RouteData.Values);
(filterContext is an ActionExecutingContext object, and a parameter of OnActionExecuting.)
The problem I'm having is that, if the action was associated with a controller in an area, the url I get doesn't reflect the area.
I understand from other posts that I can get the area name from the DataTokens collection of RouteData. But I'm uncertain of the best way to pass it. I suppose I could retrieve it and use the RouteValueDictionary.Add method to add it to RouteData.Values (assuming Values is not read-only at that point; I don't know), but that feels a bit ... odd, like somehow the point is being missed.
Is this really the way this is supposed to be done? Is there something wrong elsewhere, that Area is absent from my RouteData.Values?
I would just take it out of the data tokens in the filter and add it to route values. You can do it with RouteValues.Add:
if (filterContext.RouteData.DataTokens.ContainsKey("area"))
The areas feature was added in MVC2, and I imagine this is a side effect of it not being in MVC1. However, as long as your RouteValues contains an "area" key, UrlHelper.RouteUrl should generate the correct URL for the area.

Hide url routing parameters in mvc

Is there a method for specifically hiding the routing parameters in ASP.NET MVC from the users. Specifically, I'd like a link = 2
to simply become
but internally pass the titleId to my controller.
Is that do able?
Update: yes, there are buttons on my webpage that currently have such as their href, but I'd rather hide all the parameters so users dont go to other parts of the page directly by trying differnt parameters. #Moshe, no its not a from submit or post else I'd have used a strongly typed view. Thanks
As long as your parameters are on the client, they are never 'hidden' unless you encrypt them. You could store the parameter in a hidden field and set the action method to post, then the value is not visible in the URL. But a user with a little bit of knowlegde about web could still manipulate the hidden field (unless you encrypt the value in some way).
EDIT: If it has to be save you have to check the user's credentials on the server. Otherwise you can obscure the data like in the other sample or you can use encryption, e.g. with ProtectData.Protect(...).
For simple numeric values that have to be passed back and forth to a view you can write two private methods in your controller:
private int Obscure(int source) {
return (source*source) * 3; //or something clever you come up with
private int DeObscure(int obscuredValue) {
return (int)Math.Sqrt(obscuredValue / 3); //inverse the Obscure method
You can use these to obscure values before you pass them to a view, and de-obscure them after you get them posted back. Mind you, this is really not a good way to implement security, as is explained in this stackoverflow post.
Another option is to create an Obscure/DeObscure procedure that takes in the entire querystring and somehow mangles that back and forth. This would required writing a custom ViewEngine though. Sounds interesting...
