ClassBridge with DAO class injected - spring

I have a Hibernate Search ClassBridge where I want to use #Inject to inject a Spring 4.1 managed DAO/Service class. I have annotated the ClassBridge with #Configurable. I noticed that Spring 4.2 adds some additional lifecycle methods that might do the trick, but I'm on Spring 4.1
The goal of this is to store a custom field into the index document based on a query result.
However, since the DAO, depends on the SessionFactory getting initialized, it doesn't get injected because it doesn't exist yet when the #Configurable bean gets processed.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

You might try to create a custom field bridge provider, which could get hold of the Spring application context through some static method. When provideFieldBridge() is called you may return a Spring-ified instance of that from the application context, assuming the timing is better and the DAO bean is available by then.
Not sure whether it'd fly, but it may be worth trying.

Hibernate Search 5.8.0 includes support for bean injection. You can see the issue
However I couldn't make it work in my application and I had implemented a workaround.
I have created an application context provider to obtain the Spring application context.
public class ApplicationContextProvider implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException {
ApplicationContextProvider.context = context;
I have added it to the configuration class.
public class RootConfig {
public ApplicationContextProvider applicationContextProvider() {
return new ApplicationContextProvider();
Finally I have used it in a bridge to retrieve the spring beans.
public class AttachmentTikaBridge extends TikaBridge {
public void set(String name, Object value, Document document, LuceneOptions luceneOptions) {
// get service bean from the application context provider (to be replaced when HS bridges support beans injection)
ApplicationContext applicationContext = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext();
ExampleService exampleService = applicationContext.getBean(ExampleService .class);
// use exampleService ...
super.set(name, content, document, luceneOptions);
I think this workaround it's quite simple in comparision with other solutions and it doesn't have any big side effect except the bean injection happens in runtime.


Delaying Dependency Injection in Spring

I'm writing an app that talks to one database, obtains credentials for other databases, and connects to the others. It does this using a DataSource and EntityManagerFactory constructed at runtime.
If I want to use Spring Data Repositories, I think I'd need to Autowire them, and therefore they must be Spring Beans.
How can I use Spring Data if I don't have a constructed DataSource until after I run a query against the first database?
I believe that conditional bean creation is your answer. check here.
Also, you have to get the bean after you make sure the conditions are met. check here.
public class RuntimeBeanBuilder {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public MyObject load(String beanName, MyObject myObject) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext configContext = (ConfigurableApplicationContext) applicationContext;
SingletonBeanRegistry beanRegistry = configContext.getBeanFactory();
if (beanRegistry.containsSingleton(beanName)) {
return beanRegistry.getSingleton(beanName);
} else {
beanRegistry.registerSingleton(beanName, myObject);
return beanRegistry.getSingleton(beanName);
public MyService{
//inject your builder and create or load beans
private RuntimeBeanBuilder builder;
//do something
So, define a bean for your Spring Data Repository and set its condition to be met when the other database credentials are fetched.
And then, reloading the bean using the RuntimeBeanBuilder in your service will get you the bean because now its condition is met.

In a Spring Boot application is a Bean Factory/Application context ever explicitly used?

I am fairly new to Spring Boot and it is my sense from looking at sample applications that if a Bean Factory is ever used, it is used "under the covers" by Spring Boot. Or are there cases when using Spring Boot that you would in fact want to explicitly obtain a bean using the Bean Factory?
Every once in a while, I access Spring ApplicationContext from a bean that I initialize with new (basically a non-Spring managed bean) as follows:
public class ApplicationContextProvider implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext ac)
throws BeansException {
context = ac;
and in wherever I need it:
SomeBean someBean = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext().getBean("testBean", TestBean.class);
This is because:
I have to access a singleton (say, a #Service or a #Repository) from a bean I initialize (new) and I cannot make my bean Spring managed for that case. (so no #Autowired).
I don't want to introduce #Configurable to the project because it brings in AspectJ, which might be overkill to introduce for this simple case.

spring boot application - get bean from static context

I have a instance of a class that is created outside of Spring that I'd like to have access to Spring beans so that it may fire an event and be observed by Spring beans. I'm not using Spring web, my application is running from the command-line via spring boot.
The only option you have is to expose the Spring context of your application using a static method so that the object that is not managed by Spring can use it to get references to managed beans it needs.
Start with a wrapper for the context. Create a regular managed bean which required reference to the context in its constructor. The reference is assigned to a static class field, which also has a static getter:
class ContextWrapper {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public ContextWrapper(ApplicationContext ac) {
context = ac;
public static ApplicationContext getContext() {
return context;
Use the static getter to get access to context in the object which is not managed by Spring and get reference to beans using methods available in the context:
SomeBean bean = ContextWrapper.getContext().getBean("someBean", SomeBean.class);
// do something with the bean
Last thing you need is communication channel from Spring beans to non-managed object. For instance, the SomeBean can expose a setter which will accept the non-managed object as a parameter and store the reference in a field for future use. The object mast get references to managed beans using the static context accessor mentioned above and use the setter to make the bean aware of its existence.
class SomeBean {
// ... your bean stuff
private SomeClass someclass;
public void setSomeClass(Someclass someclass) {
this.someclass = someclass;
private void sendEventToSomeClass() {
// communicate with the object not managed by Spring
if (someClass == null) return;
You can inject by constructor that spring beans, something like:
class Bean {
class NotBean {
private Bean bean;
public NotBean(Bean bean) {
this.bean = bean;
// your stuff (handle events, etc...)

Receiving Objects from the IoC Container - Spring

have have these two apps which actually do the same (if I am correct)
public class DemoApplication {
HelloWorld helloWorld;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public CommandLineRunner run() {
return (load) -> {
public class MainApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext context = new
HelloWorld obj = (HelloWorld) context.getBean("helloWorld");
both uses
public class HelloWorld {
private String message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public void getMessage() {
System.out.println("Your Message : " + message);
The only difference at the helloWord obj is, that if I use the MainApp-class in my program, then the helloWorld class doesn't need the #Component annotation.
My Question:
If I am correct the SpringBoot annotation makes it unnecessary to define a ClassPathXMLApplicationContext. #Autowire does that for me.
I am now interested if I AutoWire lets say 100 objects at the beginning, all these objects are now in the IoC container correct?
If so: Is not possible to just hand out that container in a CTOR of another class and have access to all saved objects there like:
(HelloWorld) context.getBean("helloWorld"); or
(someRandomClass) context.getBean("someRandomClass")
public CTOR(IOCContainer container) {
this.container = container;
Instead of that implementation
public CTOR(HelloWorld helloWorld, SomeRandomClass someRandomClass) {
this.helloWorld = helloWorld;
this.someRandomClass = someRandomClass;
And if that is possible, how can I do that?
(There is no use case/task behind my question, i am just interested if that is possible)
The XML'ish way of configuration where you define your bean and wiring via
<bean ... etc. pp.
can be completely replaced by either using
public class MyClass ....
or by
public MyClass myClass() {return new MyClass();}
definition in a configuration class. Both ways place the entity in the IoC container of Spring.
The #Autowire just informs the IoC container of Spring that you would like to have a bean fulfilling the contract of the entity marked with #Autowire injected into this place.
In order to get access to the container you just need to inject the ApplicationContext where you would like to have it.
There are two ways of creating beans in Spring. One is through XML config and the other is through annotation config. Annotation config is the preferred approach as it has lot of advantages over xml config.
Spring boot doesnt have any thing to do with annotation or xml config. Its just a easy way to boot spring application. #Component creates the object of the annotated bean in the application context. #Import or #ImportResource are the annotations used to load the configs from Annotations or through XML configs in Spring boot. With Spring boot u need not create ClassPathXMlCOntext or AnnotationContext objects, but its created internally by spring boot.
#Autowired is a way of getting the beans into any object by injecting rather than tight coupling to the code. Spring container(Application context) do this job of injecting. Just autowiring any class wont create the objects in Spring context. Its just an indication for the Spring context to set the object in the Application context here. You need to create them explicitly inside a xml config/ or annotations like #Component #Service others.
There is no need of hand out of container anywhere. U can just #Autowire ApplicationContext context; in any other spring bean object. With which you can call getBean(YourBean.class) to get that bean.

Spring Autowiring not working for Abstract classes

I have a project where I have an interface, an Abstract class implementing the same interface and then a set of concrete classes which implement this interface and extend the Abstract Class.
public interface Invoice
void process();
public abstract class AbstractInvoice(){
protected Writer writer;
protected validateInvoice(){
//some implementation
public Class TypeAInvoice() extends AbstractInvoice implements Invoice{
public void process(){
//... some code
public Interface Writer(){
public void write();
public class CDWriter implements Writer{
public void write() { /* implementation.....*/}
Spring file has a component scan for the package.
<context:component-scan base-package="" />
I am using a factory to get an instance of TypeAInvoice invoice
Now calling invoice.process() gets a NPE when getting to write.write()
I am not sure what am I missing here. I tried to see the component scan and scope and could not find anything conceptually wrong.
I am using a factory to get an instance of TypeAInvoice invoice
Depending on what your Factory does, this may be the problem. If the Factory creates a new TypeAInvoice, Spring wiring doesn't apply. You have to query the Spring context for the Bean. One way (though not very pretty) is to use ContextLoader:
return ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext().getBean(TypeAInvoice.class)
I'd say static Factories and Spring don't go to well together. Spring stands for the Inversion of Control pattern, while Factories stand for the Service Locator pattern. I'd suggest that you get rid of your factories and autowire your Spring Beans.
Everything is good, except for the fact you use a factory to get the TypeAInvoice. If you create it like TypeAInvoice typer = new TypeAInvoice() then spring knows nothing of it, the Writer is not autowired, there for you get the NullPointerException. You should get the bean from the spring application context.
In my case, inside a Spring4 Application, i had to use a classic Abstract Factory Pattern(for which i took the idea from - to create instances each and every time there was a operation to be done.So my code was to be designed like:
public abstract class EO {
protected SmsNotificationService smsNotificationService;
protected SendEmailService sendEmailService;
protected abstract void executeOperation(GenericMessage gMessage);
public final class OperationsExecutor {
public enum OperationsType {
private OperationsExecutor() {
public static Object delegateOperation(OperationsType type, Object obj)
switch(type) {
case ENROLL:
if (obj == null) {
return new EnrollOperation();
return EnrollOperation.validateRequestParams(obj);
if (obj == null) {
return new CampaignOperation();
return CampaignOperation.validateRequestParams(obj);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("OperationsType not supported.");
#Configurable(dependencyCheck = true)
public class CampaignOperation extends EO {
public void executeOperation(GenericMessage genericMessage) {"This is CAMPAIGN Operation: " + genericMessage);
Initially to inject the dependencies in the abstract class I tried all stereotype annotations like #Component, #Service etc but even though Spring context file had ComponentScanning for the entire package, but somehow while creating instances of Subclasses like CampaignOperation, the Super Abstract class EO was having null for its properties as spring was unable to recognize and inject its dependencies.After much trial and error I used this **#Configurable(dependencyCheck = true)** annotation and finally Spring was able to inject the dependencies and I was able to use the properties in the subclass without cluttering them with too many properties.
<context:annotation-config />
<context:component-scan base-package="" />
I also tried these other references to find a solution:
Using abstract factory with Spring framework
Spring and Abstract class - injecting properties in abstract classes
Inject spring dependency in abstract super class
Spring autowire dependency defined in an abstract class
Spring can you autowire inside an abstract class?
Please try using **#Configurable(dependencyCheck = true)** and update this post, I might try helping you if you face any problems.
So precisely my point here is you don't need to get a bean from spring context all the time.
