Visual Studio reports (RDLC) - multiple tables in one report? - visual-studio

I'm working with Visual Studio Reports (rdlc files) for the first time, so I'm still quite new to it, and I don't know if this can actually be done.
I want to have a report that contains multiple tables of the same "type" (i.e.: with the same columns).
Now, obviously I can do this "by hand" by adding multiple tables to the designer. But here's the catch: I don't know beforehand how many tables I have to display!
So basically what I'd want is some sort of "repeater", a way to put "a list of tables" on the report, and then pass an array of data sources in code that would be used to populate them.
Can this be done at all? I don't see anything obvious in the designer that would allow me to achieve this... is it possible?
If not, could this maybe be done with a more advanced solution, like Crystal Reports?

If your tables have the same columns - use single table with the grouping by whatever criteria that defines "how many" tables you need to have. It would appear as if you have multiple tables on the resulting report. You can display report header for each group and if needed start each on new page.
Bottom line, don't think about it as multiple tables, it's the same table with the data driving how it is being displayed on the report.
Maybe helpful:


Crystal Report 2008 swap data table for identical differently-named table

I have a Crystal Report that gets its data from a SQL Server view. The users want the view to be able to get data from a particular start/end date range which means the view needs parameters passed to it.
I have put the view's query into a SQL Server stored procedure with parameters.
I was able to get the Crystal Report in question to use that SP as part of its data and it prompts for the start/end dates just fine.
I have gone through the formula fields and was able to modify the formulas to point to the corresponding fields in the SP's data in stead of the view.
I need to somehow get the fields that are displaying in the details section of the report and other areas to utilize data from the new SP and not from the view.
I'd like to modify each control and field on the Crystal Report layout to somehow change the tablename of those fields from (CurrentTableName).(FieldName) to (NEWTableName).(FieldName). I think this would be the least intrusive because I think some of the fields being used have formatting and other attributes added to them and I don't want to do a whole bunch of detective work.
I know in other development products there is usually a properties window where you can find the TableName.FieldName for an object in the report and you can just edit it to be NEWTableName.FieldName.

create views in filemaker

I am trying to make something like this in Filemaker Database views.
The database will contain employees and projects. There need to be two combined views. One displaying the list of employees and which projects they are on in which week and by which percentage. The other one displaying the list of projects and which employees are on it in which week by which percentage. For each employee and each project there need to be a sum of percentages for all assigned projects / employees.
I have made three tables in my database:
Now I want to create these views. Can anybody tell me how to do this from scratch?
Thanks in advance.
FileMaker is not a good tool for creating cross-tab reports, as it has no native functionality to build these. It has to be done manually. Do a search on cross tab reporting in FileMaker and you will get some ideas.
Traditionally you need relationships and fields to hold and display your data.
On the top of my head, in this case I would probably use merge variables for displaying progress and other calculated data to avoid having fields for all those weeks. A script would gather the data using ExecuteSQL and calculate the variables. The whole thing could even be generated in HTML and displayed in a web viewer.
This way you should get away without too many relationships and fields.
If you want a simpler, but more cluttered solution, you could go with regular fields for all 53 weeks and use a sub summary report. Each field could be set up with ExecuteSQL if possible, to avoid having a relationship for each period.

LLBLGenPro + VB6 project - accessing new columns added to a typedlist

I have a program made in Visual Basic 6 which access data from a database (made with Microsoft SQL server management studio express 2000 then migrated to 2005) and puts all data into an immense GridView.
The views, typedlists, queries, etc... all have to go through LLBLGenPro, which is used from what i learned to regenerate the entire code of our program in case we need to add anything. The project on LLBL contains entities, typedlists and typedviews. I'm not a pro of LLBLGenPro and i'm just starting to discover it
I have to add two columns to the Gridview with two specific tables columns containing the information i need. So i went onto the database to modify the view i needed to get the required data (which now gives me the two more desired rows), then i loaded the database again in LLBLGenPro and made sure to check my new fields in the typedList that contains them. I regenerated the program, and
started the visual basic project. My columns appear in all the files where they should be, with the right names (the typedlist and the views referring to it). The classes now find 23 column indexes instead of 21. All seems fine for now.
The typedList is then imported into the main class:
Private _typedList As New DBSqlTypedList.MyClassNameTypedListTypedList
All the items from the table in the DB are already loaded correctly by the code using filters and appear in the program without problem. The typedlist we need (imported as _typedList) fills the data in the gridview (GridBT) with the following lines:
If isOpenSoftware Then
With Me.gridBT
.AutoGenerateColumns = True
.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle = Nothing
.DataSource = _typedList
Now here's the problem: _typedList does not see my two news rows at all and they don't appear in the grid at all.
Typing _typedList.item(0).xxxx for example gives me access to all the rows that were already there but none of the two i added appear in it.
Did I forget something in LLBLGenPro?
Don't hesitate to tell me if you think i didn't send enough code or information!

OpenERP Report over multiple purchase orders using openoffice / libreoffice

I was able to add a report record for object purchase.order. It shows up when I select and open a specific PO.
How do I print a report over multiple purchase orders, or multiple stock moves, or multiple sales orders etc.?
What do I specify in "object" (model) for the report record and where would this print menu show up?
(I am using aeroo reports engine and I was able to specify a
<for each..> ... </for>
loop but it only prints one record (which is the currently selected PO).
at report template level you have two variables o and objects. the 1st one is present if you have only one item. the second one should be always available and must contains all the selected objects (or the objects that has been filtered trough a custom parser).
TIP: when you have doubt on how to do things... just look at how other modules do.
I. Create your report as it was intended for one object only.
<for each="o in objects"></for> as you define
II. On your OpenERP, go to Settings->Customization->Aeroo Reports->Reports and open the report you've previously created. On the report, click the Advanced tab and enable Process separately then save.
Hope this help to you.

database driven form controls

How to do databse driveen jsp page,
Suppose i have 5 text fields,if user wants to put one of the form field as select box.JSp should identify and return the select box if it define in db as select box.
I dont know how to achieve this,can anyone suggest this.
Raju komaturi
There are multiple tasks if you want to do this completely. The world at large has not gone this way and so there are not many tools (if any) for this. But basically here are the main ideas.
1) You want a "data dictionary", a collection of meta-data that tells you what the types and sizes of each column are, and the primary and foreign keys are.
2) For your example of "knowing" that a field should be a drop-down, this almost always means that column value is a foreign key to another table. Your code detects this and builds a listbox out of the values in the parent table.
3) You can go so far as to create a complete form generator for simple tables, where all of the HTML is generated, but you always need a way to override this for the more complex forms. If you do this, your data dictionary should also have column descriptions or captions.
There are many many more ideas, but this is the starting point for what you describe.
