I have both iPads disconnected from the debugger, running "stand alone"... any changes I make on iPad 1 appear on iPad 2, but the reverse is not true (changes made on iPad2 do NOT show up on iPad 1). I have checked the universal identifier and they are the same!
They (the two objects) are the same, hence they have the same global id's (universal identifiers); same SKU numbers, same global ids = same book. The code is the same on iPad 2 as it is on iPad 1, but iPad 2's changes, deletes, etc don't show up on iPad 1. I don't want to "clean" both devices, because this is something the user's would absolutely have fits about! :D
Where do I start looking for the cause?
We've run into a tricky situation developing our Windows application (problem applies to both our old WinForm-based app as well as our new UWP-based app). The application is used on a touch screen based device (15 – 27 inch touch screen depending on system size). Hence, no touch pad involved. Touch screen only (which does not have any Windows-related adjustments available that does effect this scenario. The touch device is identified as a “10-point multi touch screen” by Windows.
When using the tap-gesture (as opposed to previously using PointerPressed) the interface gets very picky about the way the user taps. If there is only the slightest "glide" when the finger touches the button (which is very often the case, it turns out, in usability studies) the pan-event is trigged (as opposed to the tap-event) and the button is not "pressed". The pan gesture is used for other purposes in the application.
The problem is specifically noticeable on smaller devices (with higher DPI). Probably a function of the finger used "does not scale" as the display does.
Is there a way to adjust for high DPI for the tap gesture? Something along the lines “if the slide is less than x pixels, then it’s not a pan but a tap”-kind of value?
“Google” has little to offer on the subject.. On the other hand - we simply cannot be the first to run into this situation!?
I have two monitors, Windows 10 identifies them as 1 and 2. I'd like to change which one is which. Is it possible?
Please do not reply that I should go to display settings and drag monitors around to represent my physical layout, or that I should mark the desired monitor as primary. I have done all that already. It fixes ALMOST all issues, but e.g. every time I restart my laptop and open Visual Studio, it opens on monitor #1, though I marked #2 as primary.
Next to impossible to change those numbers around.
The only method that might get you somewhere involves playing with your cables.
First, back up your registry so you can roll things back if it breaks.
Then delete these registry keys:
Power off your PC and unplug all your monitor cables from the back of it.
Power it back up with just one monitor connected then add the rest one at a time.
Downsides: If you have a laptop and want the built in screen to be something other than 1, then you are out of luck.
And it may not work at all. Sometimes the number gets allocated if the hardware reports itself as active. My graphics card has a composite port which grabs a number even if unconnected. My setup has three screens numbered 1, 3 and 4 because of it.
This is my first iOS app, designed explicitly for the iPhone, not iPad, but apparently Apple won't put it on their store unless it will run on a iPad as well. I'm at a total loss as how to "fix" this. I've searched everywhere for suggestions and nothing I've tried works (including here on StackOverflow). I can run the app in the iPad simulator and get the same results as Apple does, but can't seem to find a fix. This is proving extremely frustrating, especially when one considers that this app won't run on a iPad because it needs access to a cellular network.
I'm using the latest Xamarin for Visual Studios and I'm using Visual Studios 2013. There is no mention of the iPad in Info.plist or anywhere else for that matter
Anyone have any suggestions?
Prescott ....
You are receiving this from Apple because you might have indicated your app is an Universal App.
To indicate your application will only run on iPhones you need to set this in the info.Plist file if using Xamarin Studio. When using Visual Studio this is in the project properties. The option is called "Devices" make sure you select iPhone/iPod from the dropdown list.
Device selection in VS2017
I know you said you are using 2013 but this might give you an idea.
Apple requires that apps run on all iOS platforms. Accordingly I had to add constraints to my storyboard to adjust the location of subviews on each screen. Because adding each constraint is tedious, I used Cirrious Fluent Layout which worked very well for me. Below is the code I used on my screen that included a imageview. This was the most complicated screen to "fix" because (apparently) the imagevies somehow changed all the screen sizes, being an iOS developer novice, I had no idea why this worked, only that it did.
First I needed to add the reference:
using Cirrious.FluentLayouts.Touch;
//This line is required to turn off all autosizing/positioning
// Get the screen dimensions and the middle of the screen
// for button positioning
var barheight = this.NavigationController.NavigationBar.Bounds.Height;
// Height of the navigation bar
var height = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height;
var width = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width;
int middle = (int) UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width / 2;
// We cast to int to truncate float,
// int will convert implictly to float when used (Visual Studio).
var heightavailabletoimageviw = height -74 - 47 - 26 - 60;
// 74 is the height of the banner, 47 is the height of the buttons and
// 26 is the height of the title label plus a 5px gap The rest of the
// screen is available for use by the image view,
// set heightavailabletoimageviw to this value
// Had to subtract 60 because the image view still overlapped
// the buttons, no idea why. Anyone?
// Had to add a constraint to the imageview because if I didn't
// it automatically scaled to the size of the image, not good.
// Had to fix the size of the imagebutton otherwise the button size
// scaled to the size of the image
// Now we add the constraints to the viewcontroller to finish up.
// Can't cover the navigation bar (unless it isn't there, mine is),
// this value sets all other relative positions
Banner.AtTopOf(View, barheight),
Banner.AtRightOf(View, 0),
Banner.AtLeftOf(View, 0),
lblTitle.Below(Banner, 0),
ThePhoto.Below(lblTitle, 5),
// I have no idea why, but I had to use negative
// values for the buttons to appear on the screen,
// otherwise they were off screen.
// If anyone could explain this, I would appreciate it.
// Same here, had to use negative values for button to
// position correctly on the screen
btnPhoto.ToLeftOf(View,-(middle + 31)),
// Again, same thing.
This is how I solved my problem, I re-submitted the app and it now appears on the app store at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/oml-photo-manager/id1212622377?mt=8.
Hope this helps someone ....
Prescott ...
I have a huge app in process, and since updating to Xcode 7.3, doing anything in storyboard is like molasses!!
About a month ago, I had about the same speed using one HUGE storyboard, so I split the project up into 5 separate storyboards, and Hallelujah, a hundred times faster!
But now, after updating, even dividing to 7; slow as can be!
I'm about to back up, then try and recreate one big one, then back up again, then divide again - to see if that does anything; but I am doubtful.
Anyone know how to fix this, or what is wrong with the latest update?
Well, not a great solution but, all I can determine is that; if the number of items and constraints in the view gets over a certain amount (using Xcode 7.3), the speed suddenly drops horribly.
So what I ended up having to do with this last storyboard (8 of 8) is to take a slide out side pane full of buttons and subviews, and place it in a container view - so that I could give it its own VC and thereby make it a stand alone 9th storyboard.
Not a great solution that's for sure, especially since I had to tie all of the buttons and methods to the parent view controller. I was lucky in this event in that the parent view (my main app map) is a single instance occurrence so I was able to reference it at launch, and merely prefix my former methods with the reference. If this was not so, I guess I would have to have done some serious protocol / delegation.
So, a proper solution (or 'fix' if it is Xcode's doing) is still wanting :)
Basically I would like to run OS X application in full screen mode on two monitors. There is no specific layout I would like to accomplish, I would just like to zoom in application to use whole two screens. Only application that I saw behaves that way is parallels.
How do I accomplish that ?
This application will run only on my personal setup where i have two screens with the same resolution. OSx application contains two tableview's. One table view have one column and second tableview have numerous columns. In fullscreen mode i would like to see as much of those columns from tableview2. Preferable would be that tableview2 stretches to use both screens.
There are several different approaches that you could use:
Create two full screen windows in which you will put two scrollviews
containing two tableviews displaying your data. Then, you will
need to scroll the tableviews to the appropriate position, in order
to display your content. You will also have to synchronize scrolling between the views.
Create one window that you enlarge, so that it spans across the monitor. This will be far easier than solution (1) since your displays are the same size. You have one large tableview. You have to take care of the dock and the toolbar.
Other solutions, requiring more voodoo. Not worthy of detailing.
Pro / Cons
Solution 1: the OS takes care of the dock and the toolbar for you. it is easy to deal with display of different size / resolution. But the setup (programmatically) requires some amount of effort.
Solution 2: Easy to setup. But you have to take care of the dock and the toolbar, and won't really work if the displays are of different size/resolution.