Network setup and class "Veins::ObstacleControl" not found - windows

I will be grateful if you help me to figure out my problems with veins:
I successfully installed veins 4a2 and sumo 0.21.0 and Omnet 4.4 , the simulation example works fine.
Next, I imported Crypto++ 5.6.3 in the workspace as a new project under C/C++ → Existing Code as Makefile Project. Then I linked it to veins as follow:
in Project References I selected the Crypto++
in Makemake options, I select Link → and write Crypto++
I include in my code #include< rsa.h> etc… , it is recognized and there is no syntax errors, but when I run the simulation (omnet.ini), opp_run.exe crash.
The system is Windows 10 and the error is :
<!> Error in module (cCompoundModule) RSUExampleScenario (id=1) during network setup: Class "Veins::ObstacleControl" not found -- perhaps its code was not linked in, or the class wasn't registered with Register_Class(), or in the case of modules and channels, with Define_Module()/Define_Channel().
TRAPPING on the exception above, due to a debug-on-errors=true configuration option. Is your debugger ready?
Simulation terminated with exit code: -2147483645
Working directory: C:/Simulateur/veins-4a2/veins-veins-4a2/examples/veins
Command line: c:/Simulateur/omnetpp-4.4-src-windows/omnetpp-4.4/bin/opp_run.exe -r 0 -n .;../../src/veins --tkenv-image-path=../../images omnetpp.ini
Environment variables:
PATH=;c:\Simulateur\omnetpp-4.4-src-windows\omnetpp-4.4\bin;c:\Simulateur\omnetpp-4.4-src-windows\omnetpp-4.4\msys\bin;c:\Simulateur\omnetpp-4.4-src-windows\omnetpp-4.4\mingw\bin;c:/Simulateur/omnetpp-4.4-src-windows/omnetpp-4.4/ide/jre/bin/client;c:/Simulateur/omnetpp-4.4-src-windows/omnetpp-4.4/ide/jre/bin;c:/Simulateur/omnetpp-4.4-src-windows/omnetpp-4.4/ide/jre/lib/i386;.;C:\Simulateur\omnetpp-4.4-src-windows\omnetpp-4.4\msys\local\bin;c:\Simulateur\omnetpp-4.4-src-windows\omnetpp-4.4\mingw\bin;C:\Simulateur\omnetpp-4.4-src-windows\omnetpp-4.4\msys\bin;c:\Simulateur\omnetpp-4.4-src-windows\omnetpp-4.4\bin;c:\Windows\system32;c:\Windows;c:\Windows\System32\Wbem;c:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;c:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;c:\Program Files (x86)\AMD\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;c:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.dnx\bin;c:\Program Files\Microsoft DNX\Dnvm\;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\;c:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\;c:\Simulateur\omnetpp-4.4-src-windows\omnetpp-4.4;
Question: How to link another C++ library, like Crypto++, to my veins project?

Veins generates a dynamic library of its simulation modules. When using opp_run you will need to tell it to load this library. Otherwise the simulation will not be able to instantiate any of Veins’ modules.
Try doing the Veins tutorial to see what command line parameters OMNeT++ uses to launch the simulation.


omnet++ 5.4.1 shows xml parser error in inet examples

i try to run Inet framework examples in omnet++ but i get this error and dont know how to solve it
Error: Cannot evaluate parameter 'config': Cannot parse XML
string: XML input is not supported: this copy of OMNeT++ was compiled
without an XML parser (libXML or Expat) -- in module
(inet::Ipv4NetworkConfigurator) Net80211.configurator (id=3), during
network setup
I too got the same error but I found a solution which might be useful. OMNeT++ IDE is not running on the same environment. Just choose the project file and right click "Run As > OMNeT++ simulation", it should run without an error.

Simulte error: LteChannelControl not found

I am trying to run simulte with omnet 5.0 and inet 3.4. I build in with terminal.
When i try to run tutorial simulation via
Right-clicking on simulations/tutorial/omnetpp.ini and "Run as Omnet simulation", it gives me following error
Error in module (omnetpp::cModule) SingleCell (id=1) during network setup:Class "LteChannelControl" not found -- perhaps its code was not linked in, or the class wasn't registered with Register_Class(), or in the case of modules and channels, with Define_Module/Define_Channel().
Now I have also checked LteChannelControl class .cc and it infact has the Define_Module(LteChannelControl) inside.
If you have any idea how to resolve this, it will be eppreciated.
the problem was solved by running simulations via terminal. It appears that using Omnet gui for simulte gives alot of problems. Simulte wants to be used via terminal or cmd instead.

arduino.h: 48:17: fatal error: sam.h: No such file or directory

I am trying to compile a simple new project ('hello') for the Arduino M0 Pro. I have created a new project in visual studio 2015 (using vMicro).
But I get the error:
hello.ino: In file included from
arduino.h: 48:17: fatal error: sam.h: No such file or directory
#include "sam.h"
compilation terminated
Through the Arduino IDE - board manager I have installed the cores for Arduino SAM Boards and SAMD Boards. Currently it is on Arduino IDE: v1.6.18, SAM: v1.6.11 and SAMD: v1.6.15 (the newest version at time of writing).
The strange thing is that I do see that the project has included this file, as it is shown in the file tree of External Dependencies, see screenshot.
file tree showing sam.h
I have also checked the include paths in the 'hello.vcxproj' file. I have cut out the list below:
$(ProjectDir)..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries
Even when I just open a completely new project in the Arduino IDE and try to compile it for Arduino M0, I get the exact same error!
I am stuck at this point. I've tried, as suggested at some other websites, de-installing SAM, de-installing SAMD, changing versions of either, but no luck.
In my case the specific solution was to delete the C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Arduino15 folder and reinstall the board packages I needed through the Arduino IDE Boards Manager.
Note this will not impact any libraries or other changes you have made in the IDE.

Class "Veins::ObstacleControl" not found

I have followed step by step the tutorial to install Veins, but when I tried running the example scenario (final step) I ended up with the above error.
The whole error was:
Error in module (cModule) RSUExampleScenario (id=1) during network
setup: Class "Veins::ObstacleControl" not found -- perhaps its code
was not linked in, or the class wasn't registered with
Register_Class(), or in the case of modules and channels, with
TRAPPING on the exception above, due to a debug-on-errors=true
configuration option. Is your debugger ready?
Simulation terminated with exit code: -2147483645 Working directory:
C:/Users/user/src/veins-4.3/examples/veins Command line:
../../../omnetpp-4.6/bin/opp_run.exe -r 0 -n .;../../src/veins
--tkenv-image-path=../../images -l ../../src/veins omnetpp.ini
I don't think I have missed a step during the tutorial as I have tried it two times. I did not make any change in anything, I've just strictly followed the tutorial like a robot, so I cannot provide an MCVE with more details than the tutorial.
Here is what I'm using:
- Windows 7 Pro 64 bits
- SUMO 0.25.0 64 bits
All other steps of the tutorial successfully worked until the final step.
I assume this error occurs when running Veins via the OMNeT++ IDE. Or, if you have compiled it with GCC (The error does not happen if you use CLANG)
There are two ways to bypass this error:
Use the .run as executable from your examples directory, which calls veins/run and includes all the required libraries:
Use opp_run as executable and set dynamic libraries to the directory where is located (usually src/veins)
PS: to answer #ChristopSommer questions: Veins::ObstacleControl appears in opp_run -l src/veins -h classes
This could be a solution too, but I never tested it: Compiler flags in Eclipse

Errors in Castalia while importing in Omnet++

i had installed Omnet++ version 4 and also 5.I had imported castalia 3.2 and tested the simulation with radiotest.While running the simulation i am getting an error like
" Exception occurred executing command line.
Cannot run program "D:/MTECH/M.TECH" (in directory "D:\MTECH\M.TECH PROJECT\NEW OMNET++ FILES\Casssss\Simulations\radioTest"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified"
Not only in radiotest and i am also getting these types of errors for many simulation models.How to resolve it.Help me please.
I had also changed the Environmental variables with java.I am not getting a solution.Please recommend a solution or please tell me which are the perfect versions to use castalia 3.2.
Your path contains spaces. A path for OMNeT++ simulator, projects, etc must not contain spaces nor special characters.
