Ruby GPGME - How to encrypt large files - ruby

I'm having difficulty to Encrypt large files (bigger than available memory) using GPGME in Ruby.
require 'gpgme'
def gpgfile(localfile)
crypto =
filebasename = File.basename(localfile)
filecripted = crypto.encrypt, :recipients => "", :always_trust => true"#{localfile}.gpg", 'w') { |file| file.write(filecripted) }
In this case I got an error of memory allocation:
"read: failed to allocate memory (NoMemoryError)"
Someone can explain me how to read the source file chunk by chunk (of 100Mb for example) and write them passing by the crypting?

The most obvious problem is that you're reading the entire file into memory with The Crypto#encrypt method will take an IO object as its input, so instead of (which returns the contents of the file as a string) you can pass it a File object. Likewise, you can give an IO object as the :output option, letting you write the output directly to a file instead of in memory:
def gpgfile(localfile)
infile =, 'r')
outfile ="#{localfile}.gpg", 'w')
crypto =
crypto.encrypt(infile, recipients: "",
output: outfile,
always_trust: true)
I've never used ruby-gpgme, so I'm not 100% sure this will solve your problem since it depends a bit on what ruby-gpgme does behind the scenes, but from the docs and the source I've peeked at it seems like a sanely-built gem so I'm guessing this will do the trick.


How do I write data binary to gcs with ruby efficiently?

I want to upload data binary directly to GCP storage, without writing the file to disk. Below is the code snippet I have created to get to the state that I am going to be at.
require 'google/cloud/storage'
bucket_name = '-----'
data ='image_block.jpg', 'rb') {|file| }
storage ="project_id": "maybe-i-will-tell-u")
bucket = storage.bucket bucket_name, skip_lookup: true
Now I want to directly put this data into a file on gcs, without having to write a file to disk.
Is there an efficient way we can do that?
I tried the following code
to_send =
bucket.create_file to_send, "image_inder_11111.jpg"
but this throws an error saying
/google/cloud/storage/bucket.rb:2898:in `file?': path name contains null byte (ArgumentError)
from /home/inder/.gem/gems/google-cloud-storage-1.36.1/lib/google/cloud/storage/bucket.rb:2898:in `ensure_io_or_file_exists!'
from /home/inder/.gem/gems/google-cloud-storage-1.36.1/lib/google/cloud/storage/bucket.rb:1566:in `create_file'
from champa.rb:14:in `<main>'
As suggested by #stefan, It should be to_send =, i.e. without .read (which would return a string again)

How do I get the entirety of an uncompressed gzip file using Zlib?

I am trying to uncompress a 823,000 line file, but I'm only receiving 26,000 lines of the file. I'm new to I/O and for some reason, not grasping why this is the case. Here is my code: file_path ) do |gz|
puts gz.readlines.count
Any direction would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Ok, so I managed to fix this.
It turns out the server log file I was using had about 29 streams of data in it. Zlib::GzipReader only read the first one. In order to fix it, I had to loop through until all 29 streams had been read: file_path ) do |file|
zio = file
loop do
io = zio )
uncompressed +=
unused = io.unused # where I'm writing my file
break if unused.nil?
zio.pos -= unused.length

Create in-memory only gzip

I'm trying to gzip a file in ruby without having to write it to disk first. Currently I only know how to make it work by using Zlib::GzipWriter, but I'm really hoping that I can avoid that and keep it in-memory only.
I've tried this, with no success:
def self.make_gzip(data)
gz =
gz << data
string = gz.close.string, 'rb').read
Here is what happens when I test it out:
# Files
normal ='chunk0.nbt')
gzipped ='chunk0.nbt.gz')
# Try to create gzip in program
make_gzip normal
=> "\u001F\x8B\b\u0000\x8AJhS\u0000\u0003S\xB6q\xCB\xCCI\xB52\xA8000OK1L\xB2441J5\xB5\xB0\u0003\u0000\u0000\xB9\x91\xDD\u0018\u0000\u0000\u0000"
# Read from a gzip created with the gzip command
reader = gzipped
"\u001F\x8B\b\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\xED]\xDBn\xDC\xC8\u0011%\x97N\xB82<\x9E\x89\xFF!\xFF!\xC9\xD6dFp\x80\u0005\xB2y\r\"\xEC\n\x89\xB0\xC6\xDAX+A./\xF94\xBF\u0006\xF1\x83>`\u0005\xCC\u000F\xC4\xF0\u000F.............(for 10,000 columns)
You're actually gzipping normal.to_s(which is something like "#<File:0x007f53c9b55b48>") in the following code.
# Files
normal ='chunk0.nbt')
# Try to create gzip in program
make_gzip normal
You should read the content of the file, and make_gzip on the content:
As I commented, the make_gzip can be updated:
def self.make_gzip(data)
gz =
gz << data

Zlib inflate error

I am trying to save compressed strings to a file and load them later for use in the game. I kept getting "in 'finish': buffer error" errors when loading the data back up for use. I came up with this:
require "zlib"
def deflate(string)
zipper =
data = zipper.deflate(string, Zlib::FINISH)
def inflate(string)
zstream =
buf = zstream.inflate(string)
setting = ["nothing","nada","nope"]
taggedskills = ["nothing","nada","nope","nuhuh"]'testzip.txt','wb') do |w|
w.write(deflate("hello world")+"\n")
w.write(deflate("goodbye world")+"\n")
w.write(deflate("Setting: name "+setting[0]+" set"+(setting[1].class == String ? "str" : "num")+" "+setting[1].to_s)+"\n")
w.write(deflate("Taggedskill: "+taggedskills[0]+" "+taggedskills[1]+" "+taggedskills[2]+" "+taggedskills[3])+"\n")
end'testzip.txt','rb') do |file|
file.each do |line|
p inflate(line)
It was throwing errors at the "Taggedskill:" point. I don't know what it is, but trying to change it to "Skilltag:", "Skillt:", etc. continues to throw a buffer error, while things like "Setting:" or "Thing:" work fine, while changing the setting line to "Taggedskill:" continues to work fine. What is going on here?
In testzip.txt, you are storing newline separated binary blobs. However, binary blobs may contain newlines by themselves, so when you open testzip.txt and split it by line, you may end up splitting one binary blob that inflate would understand, into two binary blobs that it does not understand.
Try to run wc -l testzip.txt after you get the error. You'll see the file contains one more line, than the number of lines you are putting in.
What you need to do, is compress the whole file at once, not line by line.

How to calculate the amount of data downloaded and the total data to be downloaded in Ruby

I'm trying to build a desktop client that manages some downloads with Ruby. I would like to know how to go about trying to identify how much of the data is downloaded and the size of the entire data that is to be downloaded.
Im trying to do this with Ruby so any help would be useful.
Thanks in advance.
Like Wayne said in his comment, it depends on the protocol that is used to transfer the files. With HTTP for example, the HTTP response will include a Content-Length header which will tell you the length of the file that you are downloading. After you know that you will have to keep track of the number of bytes that you've read from the HTTP connection.
Something like this seems to work (for HTTP), but I wouldn't be surprised if it could be done more elegantly:
require 'net/http'
url = URI.parse('')
req =
res = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) do |http|
http.request(req) do |res|
remaining = res.content_length
puts "total length: #{remaining}"
res.read_body do |segment|
puts "read #{segment.length} bytes"
remaining = remaining - segment.length
puts "#{remaining} bytes remaining"
end is a bad example since the content gets returned in one segment, but try it on a larger object and you should see multiple "read..." lines.
If you're using Net::HTTP then the length of whatever you're requesting should be in the response header. Net::HTTP mixin NET::HTTPHeader, in it you'll find content_length(). Although it only works if the size is determined before the transfer happens.
Net::HTTPResponse has a method that reads the body in chunks, so you can use that to determine the progress. Start at 0 and add the length of each chunk, compare it to the total size and you're done.
http.request_get('/index.html') {|res|
res.read_body do |segment|
print segment
} #Example taken from Ruby-Documentation
If you're using FTP then it should be easier through NET::FTP. Connect to the server, get the size of a given file with size(filename), and then download the file with get, getbinaryfile or gettextfile.
This is the signature of the get method: get(remotefile, localfile = File.basename(remotefile), blocksize = DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE) {|data| ...}
ftp.get('file.something', 'file.something.local', 1024){ |data|
puts "Downloaded 1024 more bytes"
