Appcelerator Studio and Modules - appcelerator

What is the recommended way to install 3rd party modules in Appcelerator project so that once checked into SVN/Git the module is available to everyone who checks out the project?

Just put them into ROOT/modules and then for iOS /iphone and /android

The downloaded zip can be added to the root of your project. It will then automatically extract the zip, and remove the zip when building.
Or, as Sebastian says, you can extract the ZIP yourself, and put them in the modules folder. Every module should already have the modules folder as a root, in that case copy the correct folders into your modules directory, or copy/paste the extracted modules folder into your project and merge folders.
Easiest is still just adding the zip


Creating an installer that installs two programs?

I have an electron app that I want my users to be able to install. However, a dependency of this app is a C++ package that I have compressed in a .zip file. I need the user to unzip this file and put it into a certain directory under Program Files (target platform is windows). Is it possible to create an installer that both installs the electron app and contains a payload that it can unzip and put into that directory?
Yes, this is possible. An Electron app is just a bunch of files that you can package however you want. A great tool for packaging Electron apps is electron-builder
electron-builder uses NSIS by default to build Windows setups. It also provides a way to customize the NSIS script
If you want to include additional resources for use during installation, such as scripts or additional installers, you can place them in the build directory and include them with File. For example, to include and run extramsi.msi during installation, place it in the build directory and use the following:
!macro customInstall
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\extramsi.msi "${BUILD_RESOURCES_DIR}\extramsi.msi"
ExecWait '"msiexec" /i "$PLUGINSDIR\extramsi.msi" /passive'
In your case, instead of extramsi.msi, you'll probably want to include 7zip standalone console version and your additional .zip file. You can use this custom script to extract this file to wherever you want

Is there a pre-built Bolts.framework for Objective-C available?

We have tried to update our Bolts.framework (to remove UIWebView references) from the GitHub sources and failed. And the one provided on is out of date.
Does anyone know if there is an already built Bolts.framework ZIP file posted anywhere with the latest updates?
I spend almost whole day to built this lib, so few steps to build Bolts:
Download latest release
After that download xtoolchain from
Move files and folders from xtoolschain folder to Bolts/Vendor/xtoolchain
So now you can build Bolts running command sh from Bolts/scripts
In Bolts folder you can found build folder and the framework will be here build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Bolts.framework

Wy my GOPATH/src contains few directories just after installed?

I've just installed Golang on my machine, and I set up GOPATH.
But when I navigate to my go/src I see that src folder contains ./, ./ and ./ Also GOPATH/bin and GOPATH/pkg also no empty.
So I have several questions:
1) I know how to use ./ folder for pushing my code to github, but why it contains , from box, some other not mine projects inside such as acroca, cweil ... and other ? Can I clear this folder?
2) What I should do with folder, can I remove it ?
3) What I should do with folder, can I remove it ?
4) Can I clear bin and pkg from preinstalled binaries and packages?
I think you not only installed the Golang but also install/configure Visual Studio Code IDE with Go Extension. Those alien repositories were created when the extension installs needed tools. The full list of tools can be found here. Or probably other similar IDE/extension which depends on those tools.
Yes you can clear the sources, since the IDE depends only on the compiled binary, and the sources are only needed during compilation.
Same as (1). Refers to Golang SubRepositories
Same as (1)
For now, you can clear the content of pkg directory but don't remove the directory. In the future, when you install some packages/libraries, the compiled version may be created under the directories, so don't remove it. For bin directory, don't remove the files inside it, because the IDE (Go Extension) depends on them.
But, since I don't know exactly what else you've done, I think before you completely remove them, try just to move them outside your GOPATH or take a backup and see whether your dev environment works as expected.

Xcode workspace dependencies building but not packaging

I have a workspace with an app and a static lib. The lib is used in the project.
When I modify the lib and build the app, the lib is well rebuilt: cool! But if I have not modified the app, the newly built lib is not packaged within the app, it lets the old one. To have the newly built lib, I have to modify the app (I add a space and delete it)...
I have tried both ways: letting Xcode managing dependencies automatically, and explicitly added the lib in the app build phase.
So if someone has an idea!
Thanks in advance.
I dont fully get it I am afraid... you hit 'archive' and the .a file isn't included together with the .app inside the archive?
to get the .a file included in the archive, set:
go to build settings > your static lib > skip install and set it to NO
after the comments:
you HAVE to touch the app to get it copied to the simulator again.. mock editing a file should help
you can maybe automate this too:
add a scripting phase to the lib's build phases and have it run touch %PATH_TO_AN_M_FILE_FROM_THE_APP%

Is it possible to sync only the source codes of xcode project with dropbox?

Is it possible to sync only the source codes of xcode project with dropbox?
I hope to synchronize only the sources rather than files in build directory under xcode project.
I sit possible?
Welcome any comment
The current versions of Xcode, by default, keep the build directory and other intermediate files in a separate directory under ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. Assuming you are using a recent Xcode and haven't configured it to save build files in your project directory you should be able to place your project directory in your Dropbox folder.
