Possibility of migration Amazon EC2 Windows images to Google Compute Engine - windows

Maybe anyone know the way how to migrate Windows images from Amazon EC2 to Google Compute Engine and back. I've read about the Linux images migration in GCE documentation, but there are no any info about the Windows images. I also seen this Is it possible to upload a windows image to Google compute engine? question, but reference to google group is banned, so I can't read it.

Sorry there was a problem with that Groups link. The answer I wrote there was that at least two companies offer migration tools for moving a Windows VM into GCE. One is Racemi, and the other is CloudEndure.

I wanted to update this to reflect that GCE now has an "Import VM" option on the Cloud Console. This will direct you to a service that will enable free migration of Windows VMs


Azure Devops Deploy Docker image to ec2 instance

I hope somebody can direct to the best approach to solve this matter.
I have an azure account on which I have an azure container registry holding my docker images. Just for personal education purpose I want to try and deploy one of azure docker images into a aws ec2 instance.
Reading some aws documentation, I understand that I need to create a ecr container and with azure DevOps, using the service connection to build and deploy the docker images to ecr, this seems to be pretty straight forward. But after this step its plain darkness as I cannot find a best approach on how to implement a continuous delivery every time there is a new docker image in my ecr.
One of the solutions I thought and found, is to install an azure DevOps agent on the ec2 to run a docker pull but I am not 100% sure about if this is the best approach.
So I am asking to you experts to enlighten me about this and I do apology for the basic question.
Thank you so much in advance for any help you can provide, and please if my question is not 100% clear, do not hesitate to ask more infos.
You should be able to authenticate to your Azure Container Registry instance from EC2 using standard docker login command. You do not even need Azure DevOps agent for that, since you should be able to configure regular service principal with set of standard docker registry credentials.
Then you can pull and use your images normally.
It is absolutely not required to replicate your images in the ECR.
Unless you want to do full ECS. Use a shell script to do what you would do manually on the EC2 command line.

Common APIs to launch EC2 and Openstack instances

At work we use Amazon linux Ec2 instances for production purposes. Also, for our internal dev setup we use openstack Cent OS instances.
I want to make a common CLI or expose REST APIs to start and stop instances on both these cloudstacks. (I already have machine images). I understand I can use any of the common SDKs (I plan to use GO) and build this.
Recently, I came across this. I am just wondering if such a thing is already available. Or does the above repo mean something else? There have been also some other articles which mention EC2 support for openstack. I am not sure if it means the same as I what I want to achieve.
There already is some compatibility with ec2 command line clients, for Nova, what you have linked to expands on that to include some network functions (VPC etc.), and openstack heat is compatible with some aws cloudformation templates.
have you looked at euca2ools? - this client was developed by Eucalyptus cloud and is compatible with AWS and nova EC2

In Amazon Web Services what does AMI number signify

I am trying to create an Amazon EC2 instance. I want to create a micro, 64-bit, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS instance.
In Amazon Web Services I have seen all instance have AMI numbers. Now I found two ami(s) with numbers ami-8a7f3ed8 and ami-b8a8e9ea. both looks same to me - micro, ebs-based, 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04LTS images.
If so, what is the difference and why two number for the same machine image?
When selecting an AMI, select from a trusted source.
The AMI number is just a unique identifier for a particular image that someone published. The title (e.g. Ubuntu 12.04LTS) is just a claim by the person who published the AMI about what is on it.
If you get your AMI from a source that is not known to be trustworthy, it could potentially contain built-in security holes, pre-installed spam relays, etc.
From Amazon
You launch AMIs at your own risk. Amazon cannot vouch for the integrity or security of AMIs shared by other EC2 users. Therefore, you should treat shared AMIs as you would any foreign code that you might consider deploying in your own data center and perform the appropriate due diligence.
Ideally, you should get the AMI ID from a trusted source (a web site, another EC2 user, etc). If you do not know the source of an AMI, we recommend that you search the forums for comments on the AMI before launching it. Conversely, if you have questions or observations about a shared AMI, feel free to use the AWS forums to ask or comment.
Amazon's public images have an aliased owner and display amazon in the userId field. This allows you to find Amazon's public images easily.
Personally I select AMIs published well-known entities like Amazon or RighScale.
An infinite number of people can create an infinite number of disk image variations that are still "64-bit micro Ubuntu 12.04 LTS". Just like there are over 500 million PCs in the world running Windows 7 64-bit, yet their hard drives all contain different data. If you wanted to be able to differentiate Joe's disk image from Sue's disk image, you'd need to give them different identifiers. That's why the AMI numbers are different.
AMI is just an image of a disk. It has nothing to do with type(micro). You can create multiple AMIs from the same instance and they will have have different IDs.
They are just different images. You could make two images from the same machine a minute after each other with no changes on the machine at all and they will have different AMI id's. The AMI ID is just applied at the time the image is created as a unique identifier, it infers nothing about the uniqueness of the image content.

images cloud-ready for openstack

I have a question about the images to mount on openStack.
I can use any image of any operative system? I guess not... but why?
I found images already suitable for openStack, but what's the different between an image cloud-ready and a normal image?
For instance, I can create a virtual machine with windows desktop? If not, why?
thank you
Cloud-ready images have been customised by the distro maker to run well under a hypervisor such as OpenStack, EC2, kvm, and LXC (not strictly a hypervisor) instead of on physical hardware. This entails removing packages that are only need in physical environments like wireless drivers etc, and adding packages that are useful in a cloud environment. For example during the boot process, cloud-ready images download metadata from the environment such as hostname and networking information. This data is used to "personalise" a new instance when it boots up for the first time.
If you really want to get in to the nuts and bolts of things, the Ubuntu UEC Images page has lots of details about the composition of the Ubuntu cloud images and other information like how to build one yourself.
I'm sure you can create a virtual machine running Windows desktop, but I've never had occasion to do so. If you look at the Amazon page about Windows it's all about running server apps like SQL Server and ASP.NET apps.
As Everett Toews pointed out in a comment above, one of the main things for making an image cloud-ready is that it can retrieve data from the metadata server when it boots up. This is used for things like retrieving the private key and collecting user data.
In addition to CloudInit, there's also Condenser. Or, you can roll your own. OpenStack uses the same protocol as the Amazon EC2 metadata service, so the EC2 metadata docs explain how to access this data.

Want to Deploy Task on AWS

I want to deploy my task (which is implemented in Hive) on AWS EC2.
I just read about the AWS, I came to know that we can create our own environment on EC2.
I am completely new to AWS. So I don't know anything about it
How to create such environment there?
I also read that we can import our VM image?
But for that the connector needed for it having .ova extension. If I download it, How to install it? (having .ova extension)
All this things is possible on AWS Free instance (creating our own environment and also VM Import)
Please guide me through this if you know about this.
To setup an instance on Amazon EC2 you might want to go through following guide: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/GettingStartedGuide/Welcome.html
Regarding importing your own VM image, you might want to go through following link: Amazon EC2 VM Import. They do support importing images of VMWare, Hyper V etc. In the link you will see 2 options how you can import your image:
Command line option
Amazon EC2 VM Import Connector for VMware vCenter
Personally I know that using command line option has option to provide image file in format specific to your virtual machine software. You can see details of command line options at ec2-import-instance API reference.
Importing an image is free as there is no charge for data coming in to AWS. But there is a change for storing an instance created using image import. Every service has some sort of charge associated with it like per hour charge for instance until instance is up. So those charges are applicable regardless you are importing your image or not. Please see Amazon EC2 pricing at EC2 pricing
