I am trying to ALTER a table but its giving below error:
alter table TABLE_NAME partition by EXTRACT(YEAR FROM to_timestamp(CC));
ROLLBACK 2552: Cannot use meta function or non-deterministic function in PARTITION BY expression
alter table TABLE_NAME partition by date_part('YEAR',to_timestamp(CC));
ROLLBACK 2552: Cannot use meta function or non-deterministic function in PARTITION BY expression
Data in CC column is like
EPOCH time
Does anyone know the reason?
As you know Vertica classifies function based on their behaviour as volatile, stable and immutable. More details here.
Now, as you can check in the Administrator's Guide here PARTITION BY clause expressions can only use immutable functions while TO_TIMESTAMP() - as you can check here - is only "stable".
Personally I find making these types of alterations easier by doing the following:
1. creating a new temporary table (with the changes that are to be made) that mirrors the table I want to alter
2. Then I copy all of the data over to the new table
3. Delete the original table
4. Rename the new table to the existing name.
This the one aspect of the version control we use where I work, everything is stored in Delta scripts so all of the changes to my code is fully documented.
As far as creating projections using an alter statement I cant really comment however I do have a script that I feel would work for you because I am using a similar data format to yours. The column is called DateKey and the format is YYYYMMDD00:
I want to partition by year and quarter so I have written the following
CREATE TABLE Schema1.fct_Table1 (
ORDER BY DateKey, col1, col2, col3
PARTITION BY left(cast(DateKey as char(10)),4)
|| case
when substring(cast(DateKey as char(10)),5,2) in ('01','02','03') then '01'
when substring(cast(DateKey as char(10)),5,2) in ('04','05','06') then '02'
when substring(cast(DateKey as char(10)),5,2) in ('07','08','09') then '03'
when substring(cast(DateKey as char(10)),5,2) in ('10','11','12') then '04' end;
So my script is partitioning by the year and the the quarter for that year,
months 1 - 3 are Qtr 1
months 4 - 6 are qtr 2 etc.
I guess you could write something like:
when substring(cast(DateKey as char(10)),5,2) = '01' then '01'
when substring(cast(DateKey as char(10)),5,2) = '02' then '02'
Using Oracle, I have a procedure to create unique ID numbers. Currently the ID number is built with the sysdate year concatenated with a "-". I then update the ID number to concatenate a value from within the table after the dash.
EX: 2022-8501.
Instead of using a table value, I want to increment the number after the dash by 1, and it should start back at 1 every year.
EX: 2022-1, 2022-2, 2022-3 // (Next year) 2023-1, 2023-2, 2023-3
What would be the best way to approach this? I have attached my current code below.
SET PLANE_ID = PLANE_ID || LPAD(v_entry_id,5,'0')
WHERE ENTRY_ID = v_entry_id;
The "best" way? Use a sequence.
create sequence seq;
insert into plane_info.id_numbers (plane_id)
values (extract (year from sysdate) ||'-'|| seq.nextval);
[TL;DR] Just use a normal sequence and if you want to generate the pseudo-sequence that restarts every year then you can calculate it for display purposes (but you should not use it as a referential constraint).
If you have the table:
CONSTRAINT table_name__id__pk PRIMARY KEY,
year NUMBER(4)
CONSTRAINT table_name__year__nn NOT NULL
Note: IDENTITY columns are available from Oracle 12.
Then you have an incrementing sequence (that you can use as the primary key and for any referential constraints) and a year column.
You can generate your pseudo-sequence (for display purposes, rather than as a referential constraint) using the ROW_NUMBER() analytic function and string concatenation:
|| '-'
AS pseudo_seq
db<>fiddle here
I need to create a trigger in oracle 11g for auditing a table .
I have a table with 50 columns that need to be audited.
For every new insert into a table ,i need to put an entry in audit table (1 row).
For every update ,suppose i update 1st 2nd column ,then it will create two record in audit with its old value and new value .
structure of audit table will be
attribute NOT NULL
cre_date NOT NULL
upd_date NULL
cre_time NOT NULL
upd_time NULL
In case of insert ,only the primary key (main table)i.e the id and cre_date and cre_time need to be populated and attribute equal to * ,in case of update ,suppose colA and colB is updating then all need to be populated.In this case two records will be created with attribute of first record colA and corresponding old and new value , and same for the colB
Now my solution to audit is not very optimized , i have created a row level trigger ,which will check for each and every 50 columns for that table whether it is been changed or not based on its new and old value(if -else) , and it will populate the audit table .
I am not satisfied with my soltuion thats why i am posting here.
Another solution which i have seen in the link below :
This is not working in my case , I have done a POC for that as shown below:
create table temp12(id number);
create or replace trigger my_trigger
after update or insert on temp12
for each row
TYPE tab_col_nt IS table of varchar2(30);
v_tab_col_nt tab_col_nt;
v_tab_col_nt := tab_col_nt('id','name');
for r in v_tab_col_nt.first..v_tab_col_nt.last
if updating(r) then
insert into data_table values(1,'i am updating'||r);
insert into data_table values(2,'i am inserting'||r);
end if;
end loop;
In case of updating it is calling the else part i don't know why .
Can this be possible through compound trigger
Your immediate problem with the else always being called is because you're using your index variable r directly, rather than looking up the relevant column name:
for r in v_tab_col_nt.first..v_tab_col_nt.last
if updating(v_tab_col_nt(r)) then
insert into data_table values(1,'i am updating '||v_tab_col_nt(r));
insert into data_table values(2,'i am inserting '||v_tab_col_nt(r));
end if;
end loop;
You're also only showing an id column in your table creation, so when r is 2, it will always say it's inserting name, never updating. More importantly, if you did have a name column and were only updating that for a given id, this code would show the id as inserting when it hadn't changed. You need to split the insert/update into separate blocks:
if updating then
for r in v_tab_col_nt.first..v_tab_col_nt.last loop
if updating(v_tab_col_nt(r)) then
insert into data_table values(1,'i am updating '||v_tab_col_nt(r));
end if;
end loop;
else /* inserting */
for r in v_tab_col_nt.first..v_tab_col_nt.last loop
insert into data_table values(2,'i am inserting '||v_tab_col_nt(r));
end loop;
end if;
This will still say it's inserting name even if the column doesn't exist, but I assume that's a mistake, and I guess you'd be trying to populate the list of names from user_tab_columns anyway if you really want to try to make it dynamic.
I agree with (at least some of) the others that you'd probably be better off with an audit table that takes a copy of the whole row, rather than individual columns. Your objection seems to be the complication of individually listing which columns changed. You could still get this information, with a bit of work, by unpivoting the audit table when you need column-by-column data. For example:
create table temp12(id number, col1 number, col2 number, col3 number);
create table temp12_audit(id number, col1 number, col2 number, col3 number,
action char(1), when timestamp);
create or replace trigger temp12_trig
before update or insert on temp12
for each row
l_action char(1);
if inserting then
l_action := 'I';
l_action := 'U';
end if;
insert into temp12_audit(id, col1, col2, col3, action, when)
values (:new.id, :new.col1, :new.col2, :new.col3, l_action, systimestamp);
insert into temp12(id, col1, col2, col3) values (123, 1, 2, 3);
insert into temp12(id, col1, col2, col3) values (456, 4, 5, 6);
update temp12 set col1 = 9, col2 = 8 where id = 123;
update temp12 set col1 = 7, col3 = 9 where id = 456;
update temp12 set col3 = 7 where id = 123;
select * from temp12_audit order by when;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - -------------------------
123 1 2 3 I 29/06/2012 15:07:47.349
456 4 5 6 I 29/06/2012 15:07:47.357
123 9 8 3 U 29/06/2012 15:07:47.366
456 7 5 9 U 29/06/2012 15:07:47.369
123 9 8 7 U 29/06/2012 15:07:47.371
So you have one audit row for each action taken, two inserts and three updates. But you want to see separate data for each column that changed.
select distinct id, when,
when action = 'I' then 'Record inserted'
when prev_value is null and value is not null
then col || ' set to ' || value
when prev_value is not null and value is null
then col || ' set to null'
else col || ' changed from ' || prev_value || ' to ' || value
end as change
from (
select *
from (
select id,
col1, lag(col1) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col1,
col2, lag(col2) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col2,
col3, lag(col3) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col3,
action, when
from temp12_audit
unpivot ((value, prev_value) for col in (
(col1, prev_col1) as 'col1',
(col2, prev_col2) as 'col2',
(col3, prev_col3) as 'col3')
where value != prev_value
or (value is null and prev_value is not null)
or (value is not null and prev_value is null)
order by when, id;
---------- ------------------------- -------------------------
123 29/06/2012 15:07:47.349 Record inserted
456 29/06/2012 15:07:47.357 Record inserted
123 29/06/2012 15:07:47.366 col1 changed from 1 to 9
123 29/06/2012 15:07:47.366 col2 changed from 2 to 8
456 29/06/2012 15:07:47.369 col1 changed from 4 to 7
456 29/06/2012 15:07:47.369 col3 changed from 6 to 9
123 29/06/2012 15:07:47.371 col3 changed from 3 to 7
The five audit records have turned into seven updates; the three update statements show the five columns modified. If you'll be using this a lot, you might consider making that into a view.
So lets break that down just a little bit. The core is this inner select, which uses lag() to get the previous value of the row, from the previous audit record for that id:
select id,
col1, lag(col1) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col1,
col2, lag(col2) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col2,
col3, lag(col3) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col3,
action, when
from temp12_audit
That gives us a temporary view which has all the audit tables columns plus the lag column which is then used for the unpivot() operation, which you can use as you've tagged the question as 11g:
select *
from (
unpivot ((value, prev_value) for col in (
(col1, prev_col1) as 'col1',
(col2, prev_col2) as 'col2',
(col3, prev_col3) as 'col3')
Now we have a temporary view which has id, action, when, col, value, prev_value columns; in this case as I only have three columns, that has three times the number of rows in the audit table. Finally the outer select filters that view to only include the rows where the value has changed, i.e. where value != prev_value (allowing for nulls).
from (
where value != prev_value
or (value is null and prev_value is not null)
or (value is not null and prev_value is null)
I'm using case to just print something, but of course you can do whatever you want with the data. The distinct is needed because the insert entries in the audit table are also converted to three rows in the unpivoted view, and I'm showing the same text for all three from my first case clause.
Why not make life easier and insert the entire row when any data in any column is updated. So any update (or delete typically) on the main table has the original row copied to the audit table first. So your audit table will have same layout as the main table, but with an extra few tracking fields, something like:
create or replace trigger my_tab_tr
before update or delete
on my_tab
referencing new as new and old as old
for each row
l_type varchar2(3);
if (updating) then
l_type = 'UPD';
l_type = 'DEL';
end if;
insert into my_tab_audit(
values (
Add additional columns as you like to the audit table, this is just a typical example
The only way I've seen field-by-field audits done is to check each of the fields :OLD and :NEW values against each other and write the appropriate records to the audit table. You can semi-automate this by having a subroutine in the trigger to which you pass the appropriate values, but one way or another I believe you're going to have to write code for each individual field. Unless someone else has a brilliant way to do this with some sort of reflective API of which I'm not aware (and "what I'm not aware of" is applicable to more stuff each day, or so it seems :-).
The choice of whether to audit individual fields or to audit the entire row (which I usually call "history" tables) depends on how you intend to use the data. In this case, where individual fields changes need to be reported, I agree that a field-by-field audit seems to be a better fit. In other cases (for example, where a data extract must be reproducible for any given date) a row-by-row audit or "history table" approach is a better fit.
Irregardless of the the audit level (field-by-field or row-by-row), the comparison logic needs to be carefully written to handle the NULL/NOT NULL cases, so that you don't get bitten by comparing :OLD.FIELD1 = :NEW.FIELD1 where one of the values (or both) is NULL, and end up not taking the appropriate action because NULL is not equal to anything, even itself. Don't ask me how I know... :-)
Just out of curiosity, what will be put in for OLD_VALUE and NEW_VALUE in the single row which will be created when an INSERT occurs?
Share and enjoy.
the way i like to do it:
create an audit table that is parallel to your existing original
add a timestamp and user columns to this audit table.
whenever the original table is inserted or updated, then just insert
into the audit table.
the audi table should have a trigger to set the timestamp and user values -
all other values come in as the new values.
then you can query at any time who did what, and when.
A very unorthodox solution:
(only if you have access to system tables, at least the SELECT privilege)
You know your table's NAME. Identify the ID of the owner of the table. Look it up in SYS.USER$ by the user's (=owner's) name.
Look up your table's object-ID (= OBJ#) in SYS.OBJ$ by OWNER# (= owner's ID) and NAME (=table's name).
Look up the columns that compose the table in SYS.COL$ by OBJ#. You will find all the columns, their IDs (COL#) and names (NAME).
Write an UPDATE trigger with a cursor that moves on the set of those columns. You will have to write the nucleus of the loop only once.
and end of it: I don't provide code, because the details may differ from Oracle version to Oracle version.
This is real dynamic SQL programming. I happened to use it even on fairly large enterprise systems (the team leaders did not know about it) and it worked. It is fast and reliable.
Drawbacks: {privileges; transportability; bad consideration from responsible people}.
I am pretty new to Oracle.
I am just stuck when i try to achieve the following logic. I am creating a sql script in oracle that will help me to generate a report. This script will run twice a day so i should't pick the same file when it runs next time.
1) run the query and save the result setand store the Order Id in the temp table when the job runs #11 Am
2) Run the query second time # 3 pm check the temp table and return the result set that's not in temp table.
Following query will generate the result set but not sure how to create a temp table and valid against when it run.
rownum as LineNum,
'New' as ActionCode,
from crd.V_IVZ_T19 t19
(t19.acct_cd in
(select fc.child_acct_cd
from cs_config fc
where fc.parent_acct ike 'G_TRI_RPT'))
and t19.date>= trunc(sysdate)
and t19.date<= trunc(sysdate);
Any help much appreciated. I am not sure how to get only the timestamp also.
TEMP table is not the idea here, cause temp table data will not store the data for a long time (just for a session), you just need to create a normal table. Hope it will help you:
--- table for storing ORDER_ID for further checking, make a correct DataType, you also can add date period in the table to control expired order_ids';
CREATE TABLE order_id_store (
order_id NUMBER,
end_date DATE
--- filling the table for further checking
INSERT INTO order_id_store
SELECT ORDER_ID, trunc(sysdate)
FROM crd.V_IVZ_T19 t19
WHERE t19.order_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT order_id FROM order_id_store)
AND t19.date>= trunc(sysdate)
AND t19.date<= trunc(sysdate);
--- delete no need data by date period, for example for last 2 days:
DELETE FROM order_id_store WHERE end_date <= trunc(SYSDATE - 2);
---- for select report without already existed data
rownum as LineNum,
'New' as ActionCode,
FROM crd.V_IVZ_T19 t19
(t19.acct_cd in
(select fc.child_acct_cd
from cs_config fc
where fc.parent_acct ike 'G_TRI_RPT'))
AND t19.order_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT order_id FROM order_id_store)
AND t19.date>= trunc(sysdate)
AND t19.date<= trunc(sysdate);
I'm not sure about your "t19.date>=" and "t19.date<=", cause the close duration taking there, make that correct if it's not.
I need to create a trigger in oracle 11g for auditing a table .
I have a table with 50 columns that need to be audited.
For every new insert into a table ,i need to put an entry in audit table (1 row).
For every update ,suppose i update 1st 2nd column ,then it will create two record in audit with its old value and new value .
structure of audit table will be
attribute NOT NULL
cre_date NOT NULL
upd_date NULL
cre_time NOT NULL
upd_time NULL
In case of insert ,only the primary key (main table)i.e the id and cre_date and cre_time need to be populated and attribute equal to * ,in case of update ,suppose colA and colB is updating then all need to be populated.In this case two records will be created with attribute of first record colA and corresponding old and new value , and same for the colB
Now my solution to audit is not very optimized , i have created a row level trigger ,which will check for each and every 50 columns for that table whether it is been changed or not based on its new and old value(if -else) , and it will populate the audit table .
I am not satisfied with my soltuion thats why i am posting here.
Another solution which i have seen in the link below :
This is not working in my case , I have done a POC for that as shown below:
create table temp12(id number);
create or replace trigger my_trigger
after update or insert on temp12
for each row
TYPE tab_col_nt IS table of varchar2(30);
v_tab_col_nt tab_col_nt;
v_tab_col_nt := tab_col_nt('id','name');
for r in v_tab_col_nt.first..v_tab_col_nt.last
if updating(r) then
insert into data_table values(1,'i am updating'||r);
insert into data_table values(2,'i am inserting'||r);
end if;
end loop;
In case of updating it is calling the else part i don't know why .
Can this be possible through compound trigger
Your immediate problem with the else always being called is because you're using your index variable r directly, rather than looking up the relevant column name:
for r in v_tab_col_nt.first..v_tab_col_nt.last
if updating(v_tab_col_nt(r)) then
insert into data_table values(1,'i am updating '||v_tab_col_nt(r));
insert into data_table values(2,'i am inserting '||v_tab_col_nt(r));
end if;
end loop;
You're also only showing an id column in your table creation, so when r is 2, it will always say it's inserting name, never updating. More importantly, if you did have a name column and were only updating that for a given id, this code would show the id as inserting when it hadn't changed. You need to split the insert/update into separate blocks:
if updating then
for r in v_tab_col_nt.first..v_tab_col_nt.last loop
if updating(v_tab_col_nt(r)) then
insert into data_table values(1,'i am updating '||v_tab_col_nt(r));
end if;
end loop;
else /* inserting */
for r in v_tab_col_nt.first..v_tab_col_nt.last loop
insert into data_table values(2,'i am inserting '||v_tab_col_nt(r));
end loop;
end if;
This will still say it's inserting name even if the column doesn't exist, but I assume that's a mistake, and I guess you'd be trying to populate the list of names from user_tab_columns anyway if you really want to try to make it dynamic.
I agree with (at least some of) the others that you'd probably be better off with an audit table that takes a copy of the whole row, rather than individual columns. Your objection seems to be the complication of individually listing which columns changed. You could still get this information, with a bit of work, by unpivoting the audit table when you need column-by-column data. For example:
create table temp12(id number, col1 number, col2 number, col3 number);
create table temp12_audit(id number, col1 number, col2 number, col3 number,
action char(1), when timestamp);
create or replace trigger temp12_trig
before update or insert on temp12
for each row
l_action char(1);
if inserting then
l_action := 'I';
l_action := 'U';
end if;
insert into temp12_audit(id, col1, col2, col3, action, when)
values (:new.id, :new.col1, :new.col2, :new.col3, l_action, systimestamp);
insert into temp12(id, col1, col2, col3) values (123, 1, 2, 3);
insert into temp12(id, col1, col2, col3) values (456, 4, 5, 6);
update temp12 set col1 = 9, col2 = 8 where id = 123;
update temp12 set col1 = 7, col3 = 9 where id = 456;
update temp12 set col3 = 7 where id = 123;
select * from temp12_audit order by when;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - -------------------------
123 1 2 3 I 29/06/2012 15:07:47.349
456 4 5 6 I 29/06/2012 15:07:47.357
123 9 8 3 U 29/06/2012 15:07:47.366
456 7 5 9 U 29/06/2012 15:07:47.369
123 9 8 7 U 29/06/2012 15:07:47.371
So you have one audit row for each action taken, two inserts and three updates. But you want to see separate data for each column that changed.
select distinct id, when,
when action = 'I' then 'Record inserted'
when prev_value is null and value is not null
then col || ' set to ' || value
when prev_value is not null and value is null
then col || ' set to null'
else col || ' changed from ' || prev_value || ' to ' || value
end as change
from (
select *
from (
select id,
col1, lag(col1) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col1,
col2, lag(col2) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col2,
col3, lag(col3) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col3,
action, when
from temp12_audit
unpivot ((value, prev_value) for col in (
(col1, prev_col1) as 'col1',
(col2, prev_col2) as 'col2',
(col3, prev_col3) as 'col3')
where value != prev_value
or (value is null and prev_value is not null)
or (value is not null and prev_value is null)
order by when, id;
---------- ------------------------- -------------------------
123 29/06/2012 15:07:47.349 Record inserted
456 29/06/2012 15:07:47.357 Record inserted
123 29/06/2012 15:07:47.366 col1 changed from 1 to 9
123 29/06/2012 15:07:47.366 col2 changed from 2 to 8
456 29/06/2012 15:07:47.369 col1 changed from 4 to 7
456 29/06/2012 15:07:47.369 col3 changed from 6 to 9
123 29/06/2012 15:07:47.371 col3 changed from 3 to 7
The five audit records have turned into seven updates; the three update statements show the five columns modified. If you'll be using this a lot, you might consider making that into a view.
So lets break that down just a little bit. The core is this inner select, which uses lag() to get the previous value of the row, from the previous audit record for that id:
select id,
col1, lag(col1) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col1,
col2, lag(col2) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col2,
col3, lag(col3) over (partition by id order by when) as prev_col3,
action, when
from temp12_audit
That gives us a temporary view which has all the audit tables columns plus the lag column which is then used for the unpivot() operation, which you can use as you've tagged the question as 11g:
select *
from (
unpivot ((value, prev_value) for col in (
(col1, prev_col1) as 'col1',
(col2, prev_col2) as 'col2',
(col3, prev_col3) as 'col3')
Now we have a temporary view which has id, action, when, col, value, prev_value columns; in this case as I only have three columns, that has three times the number of rows in the audit table. Finally the outer select filters that view to only include the rows where the value has changed, i.e. where value != prev_value (allowing for nulls).
from (
where value != prev_value
or (value is null and prev_value is not null)
or (value is not null and prev_value is null)
I'm using case to just print something, but of course you can do whatever you want with the data. The distinct is needed because the insert entries in the audit table are also converted to three rows in the unpivoted view, and I'm showing the same text for all three from my first case clause.
Why not make life easier and insert the entire row when any data in any column is updated. So any update (or delete typically) on the main table has the original row copied to the audit table first. So your audit table will have same layout as the main table, but with an extra few tracking fields, something like:
create or replace trigger my_tab_tr
before update or delete
on my_tab
referencing new as new and old as old
for each row
l_type varchar2(3);
if (updating) then
l_type = 'UPD';
l_type = 'DEL';
end if;
insert into my_tab_audit(
values (
Add additional columns as you like to the audit table, this is just a typical example
The only way I've seen field-by-field audits done is to check each of the fields :OLD and :NEW values against each other and write the appropriate records to the audit table. You can semi-automate this by having a subroutine in the trigger to which you pass the appropriate values, but one way or another I believe you're going to have to write code for each individual field. Unless someone else has a brilliant way to do this with some sort of reflective API of which I'm not aware (and "what I'm not aware of" is applicable to more stuff each day, or so it seems :-).
The choice of whether to audit individual fields or to audit the entire row (which I usually call "history" tables) depends on how you intend to use the data. In this case, where individual fields changes need to be reported, I agree that a field-by-field audit seems to be a better fit. In other cases (for example, where a data extract must be reproducible for any given date) a row-by-row audit or "history table" approach is a better fit.
Irregardless of the the audit level (field-by-field or row-by-row), the comparison logic needs to be carefully written to handle the NULL/NOT NULL cases, so that you don't get bitten by comparing :OLD.FIELD1 = :NEW.FIELD1 where one of the values (or both) is NULL, and end up not taking the appropriate action because NULL is not equal to anything, even itself. Don't ask me how I know... :-)
Just out of curiosity, what will be put in for OLD_VALUE and NEW_VALUE in the single row which will be created when an INSERT occurs?
Share and enjoy.
the way i like to do it:
create an audit table that is parallel to your existing original
add a timestamp and user columns to this audit table.
whenever the original table is inserted or updated, then just insert
into the audit table.
the audi table should have a trigger to set the timestamp and user values -
all other values come in as the new values.
then you can query at any time who did what, and when.
A very unorthodox solution:
(only if you have access to system tables, at least the SELECT privilege)
You know your table's NAME. Identify the ID of the owner of the table. Look it up in SYS.USER$ by the user's (=owner's) name.
Look up your table's object-ID (= OBJ#) in SYS.OBJ$ by OWNER# (= owner's ID) and NAME (=table's name).
Look up the columns that compose the table in SYS.COL$ by OBJ#. You will find all the columns, their IDs (COL#) and names (NAME).
Write an UPDATE trigger with a cursor that moves on the set of those columns. You will have to write the nucleus of the loop only once.
and end of it: I don't provide code, because the details may differ from Oracle version to Oracle version.
This is real dynamic SQL programming. I happened to use it even on fairly large enterprise systems (the team leaders did not know about it) and it worked. It is fast and reliable.
Drawbacks: {privileges; transportability; bad consideration from responsible people}.
Question 1
Can anyone tell me if there is any difference between following 2 update statements:
UPDATE TABA SET COL1 = '123', COL2 = '456' WHERE TABA.PK = 1
where the original value of COL2 = '456'
how does this affect the UNDO?
Question 2
What about if I update a record in table TABA using ROWTYPE like the following snippet.
how's the performance, and how does it affect the UNDO?
SampleRT TABA%rowtype
SampleRT.COL2 = '111';
Is your question 1 asking whether UNDO (and REDO) is generated when you're running an UPDATE against a row but not actually changing the value?
Something like?
update taba set col2='456' where col2='456';
If this is the question, then the answer is that even if you're updating a column to the same value then UNDO (and REDO) is generated.
(An exception is when you're updating a NULL column to NULL - this doesn't generate any REDO).
For Question 1:
The outcome of the two UPDATEs for rows in your table where PK=1 and COL2='456' is identical. (That is, each such row will have its COL1 value set to '123'.)
Note: there may be rows in your table with PK=1 and COL2 <> '456'. The outcome of the two statements for these rows will be different. Both statements will alter COL1, but only the first will alter the value in COL2, the second will leave it unchanged.
For question 1:
There can be a difference as triggers can fire depending on which columns are updated. Even if you are updating column_a to the same value, the trigger will fire.
The UNDO shouldn't be different as, if you expand or shrink the length of a variable length column (eg VARCHAR or NUMBER), all the rest of the bytes of the record need to be shuffled along too.
If the columns don't change size, then you MAY get a benefit in not specifying the column. You can probably test it using v$transaction queries to look at undo generated.
For question 2:
I'd be more concerned about memory (especially if you are bulk collecting SELECT * ) and triggers firing than UNDO.
If you don't need SELECT *, specify the columns (eg as follows)
cursor c_1 is select pk, col1, col2 from taba;
SampleRT c_1%rowtype;
SELECT pk, col1, col2 INTO SampleRT FROM TABA WHERE PK = 1;
SampleRT.COL2 = '111';
UPDATE (select pk, col1, col2 from taba)
SET ROW = SampleRT WHERE PK = SampleRT.PK;