I have developing a map app by using Google Maps Android API. I used Google Maps Android API Utility Library for adding a GeoJSON layer (in polygon geometry).
String gj = loadJSONfromAssets();
GeoJsonLayer layer = new GeoJsonLayer(mMap, gj);
And also added a WMS layer as TileOverlay. I want map objects selectable. For example users can click on map objects (GeoJSON layer) and get their attributes. About this case I just found that only objects like Point, Polyline, Polygon can have click events. My question is: how can i set this event for all objects in a layer (GeoJSON layer).
I found the example provided at https://github.com/googlemaps/android-maps-utils/blob/master/demo/src/com/google/maps/android/utils/demo/GeoJsonDemoActivity.java had a feature on click listener
// Demonstrate receiving features via GeoJsonLayer clicks.
layer.setOnFeatureClickListener(new GeoJsonLayer.GeoJsonOnFeatureClickListener() {
public void onFeatureClick(GeoJsonFeature feature) {
"Feature clicked: " + feature.getProperty("title"),
Any updates on this topic? I got the same problem.
for (i in 0 until body.lands.size) {
val geo = body.lands[i]
val geos = geo.get("geometry")
val properties = geo.get("properties")
Log.i("Properties", properties.toString())
val geometryJson: JSONObject = JSONObject(geos.toString())
val geoJsonData: JSONObject = geometryJson
val layer = GeoJsonLayer(mMap, geoJsonData)
val style: GeoJsonPolygonStyle = layer.defaultPolygonStyle
style.fillColor = resources.getColor(R.color.darkGray)
style.strokeColor = resources.getColor(R.color.darkerGray)
style.strokeWidth = 2f
layer.setOnFeatureClickListener {
Log.i("Properties", properties.toString())
Use case: I have a LUIS Dispatch Model in front 2 Composer-built LUIS models - each of which front up a Composer-built Adaptive Dialog conversation. e.g.
LUIS model 1 - home automation
LUIS model 2 - weather
Once the LUIS intent is recognised I want to transition into either one of these three processes.
My strategy for integrating the Composer Generated Adaptive Dialogs into the Bot is based on the example here: https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/experimental/adaptive-dialog/declarative
And I add the two proesses to the ResourceExplorer in my adapter and then in my Bot, I am loading the dialogs and creating a parent AdaptiveDialog and wrap it in a DialogManager before delegating to that on OnTurnAsync. :
(note: I've stripped back and simplified a lot of this code to help me debug through the issue)
var adaptiveDialogs = new DialogSet();
foreach (var resource in _resourceExplorer.GetResources(".dialog").Where(r => _composedDialogNames.Contains(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(r.Id))))
var subDialog = DeclarativeTypeLoader.Load<AdaptiveDialog>(resource, _resourceExplorer, DebugSupport.SourceMap);
// Note - at this point adaptiveDialogs correctly contains two Composer created dialogs
var dialog = new AdaptiveDialog()
AutoEndDialog = false,
Dialogs = adaptiveDialogs,
Triggers = new List<OnCondition>() {
new OnBeginDialog() {
Actions = new List<Dialog>()
new CodeAction(async (context, o) =>
await context.Context.SendActivityAsync("say something to me");
return new DialogTurnResult(DialogTurnStatus.Waiting, o);
new BeginDialog(adaptiveDialogs.GetDialogs().ElementAt(0).Id),
new BeginDialog(adaptiveDialogs.GetDialogs().ElementAt(1).Id),
new RepeatDialog()
The issue I am having is that when this runs, the line new BeginDialog(adaptiveDialogs.GetDialogs().ElementAt(0).Id) does not do anything if there is a subsequent Adaptive dialog loaded. (new BeginDialog(adaptiveDialogs.GetDialogs().ElementAt(1).Id) runs fine, by the way)
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
I'm trying to implement geofencing in Windows phone 8.1. First I wanted to create a sample Project to understand how it Works, but i couldnt make it works. What I'm trying to achieve is basically, I'll set the coordinates and close the app by pressing back button and it will trigger a toast notification when the phone is in the area of interest.
I've created a blank Windows phone(silverlight) 8.1 Project(geofence_test_01) and added a Windows RT Component Project(BackgroundTask) into the same solution. Added a reference for BackgroundTask in the geofence_test_01 Project.
ID_CAP_LOCATION is enabled in the app manifest.
MainPage.xaml has only one button to start geofencing.
<Button Name="btnStart" Content="Start" Click="btnStart_Click"/>
In btnSave_Click, I call a method which creates the geofence and registers the background task.
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private async Task Init_BackgroundGeofence()
//----------------- Crating Geofence ---------------
var geofenceMonitor = GeofenceMonitor.Current;
var geoId = "building9";
var positionBuilding9 = new BasicGeoposition()
Latitude = 47.6397,
Longitude = -122.1289
var geofence = new Geofence(geoId, new Geocircle(positionBuilding9, 100),
MonitoredGeofenceStates.Entered | MonitoredGeofenceStates.Exited,
false, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
private async Task registerBackgroundTask()
//----------------- Register Background Task ---------------
var backgroundAccessStatus =
await BackgroundExecutionManager.RequestAccessAsync();
var geofenceTaskBuilder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder
Name = "GeofenceBackgroundTask",
TaskEntryPoint = "BackgroundTask.GeofenceBackgroundTask"
var trigger = new LocationTrigger(LocationTriggerType.Geofence);
var geofenceTask = geofenceTaskBuilder.Register();
And finally, in BackgroundTask, I've the following code:
namespace BackgroundTask
public sealed class GeofenceBackGroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
var geofenceMonitor = GeofenceMonitor.Current;
var geoReports = geofenceMonitor.ReadReports();
var geoId = "building9";
foreach (var geofenceStateChangeReport in geoReports)
var id = geofenceStateChangeReport.Geofence.Id;
var newState = geofenceStateChangeReport.NewState;
if (id == geoId && newState == GeofenceState.Entered)
//------ Call NotifyUser method when Entered -------
private void notifyUser()
var toastTemplate = ToastTemplateType.ToastText02;
var toastXML = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(toastTemplate);
var textElements = toastXML.GetElementsByTagName("text");
textElements[0].AppendChild(toastXML.CreateTextNode("You are in!"));
var toast = new ToastNotification(toastXML);
I get no error when building and deploying this in the emulator. I set a breakpoint in the backgroundTask but I've not seen that part of code is called yet. It never hits the breakpoint. I test it by using Additional Tools of the emulator, in Location tab, by clicking somewhere in my geofence area on the map, waiting for a while, but it never hits the breakpoint. Hope somebody can tell me what i am missing here...
I've checked these following links to build this application:
Geofence in the Background Windows Phone 8.1 (WinRT)
Toast notification & Geofence Windows Phone 8.1
You can download the project here:
---- Some clues
Thanks to Romasz, I've checked the Lifecycle events and i see "no background tasks" even after registerBackgroundTask() is executed.... Apparently there is something wrong/missing in registerBackgroundTask() method.
I've tried to build my sample (it was easier for me to build a new one) basing on your code and it seems to be working. You can take a look at it at my GitHub.
There are couple of things that may have gone wrong in your case:
remember to add capabilities in WMAppManifest file (IS_CAP_LOCATION) and Package.appxmanifest (Location)
check the names (of namespaces, classes and so on) in BackgroundTask
check if your BackgroundTask project is Windows Runtime Componenet and is added to your main project as a reference
I know you have done some of this things already, but take a look at my sample, try to run it and maybe try to build your own from the very beginning.
Did you add your background task in the Package.appxmanifest under Declarations with the correct supported task types (Namely Location)?
I wrote an add-in for Outlook years ago that adds entries to a database based on the Item's ConversationIndex/ConversationId properties. This works great and remains uniform across all clients interacting with the messages (e.g. "Bob" can see that "Mary" already processed this message because an entry with the ConversationIndex already exists).
I'm now trying to move this piece to a service (and connect via the EWS API) but I'm not having good luck matching these properties with the values coming from Outlook. For example:
The Outlook Add-In will give me the following values for a specific email I'm targeting:
ConversationID: 6B6369F5023EA646AA7BC161274BDAE8
ConversationIndex: 0101CF3C7EEC6B6369F5023EA646AA7BC161274BDAE8
However, from the EWS API I get the following:
ConversationIndex: new byte[]{1,1,207,60,126,236,107,99,105,245,2,62,166,70,170,123,193,97,39,75,218,232}
I recognize the first as a Base64 encoded string, however what I get decoded doesn't look like anything I recognize (or can decipher). Is there anyone familiar with this, or who can help to get these two values to align? I can only imagine these properties come from the exchange server is some fashion, but the Client probably performs some cleansing whereas the EWS API just gives me the raw value (less the Base64 for what I presume transport purposes given the XML medium).
If anyone is familiar with this or has done it before I would greatly appreciate any guidance.
Side Note:
There are probably better ways to identify emails but for now I'm stuck with trying to keep these two synonymous. Modifying the outlook add-in isn't really an option, and once I migrate a 1:1 translation to the server (and drop the add-in) I'll have flexibility changing how it work. But for now I need them to run side-by-side. I need to be able to see processes made within Outlook from the web server and vise-versa.
Just found out (I think).
With more Googling and a bit more effort I believe I was able to make them align 1:1 using the following:
This is apparently an assembled value made up of several properties. Luckily I was able to find a method Woodman posted re-implementing the original algorithm used by Outlook here. With some minor modifications (to work with EWS instead of Outlook) I was able to get it to work.
This turned out to simply be a matter of using the BitConverter (and removing the hyphens). Easy peasy.
Final Result:
public static class EwsEmailMessageExtensions
private const int c_ulConvIndexIDOffset = 6;
private const int c_ulConvIndexIDLength = 16;
private static ExtendedPropertyDefinition PidTagConversationIndexTracking = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(0x3016, MapiPropertyType.Boolean);
// HUGE props to Woodman
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/21625224/298053
public static string GetOutlookConversationId(this EmailMessage emailMessage)
Boolean convTracking;
if (!emailMessage.TryGetProperty(PidTagConversationIndexTracking, out convTracking))
convTracking = true;
var convIndex = emailMessage.ConversationIndex;
byte[] idBytes;
if (convTracking && convIndex != null && convIndex.Length > 0)
// get Id from Conversation index
idBytes = new byte[c_ulConvIndexIDLength];
Array.Copy(convIndex, c_ulConvIndexIDOffset, idBytes, 0, c_ulConvIndexIDLength);
// get Id from Conversation topic
var topic = emailMessage.ConversationTopic;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic))
return string.Empty;
if (topic.Length >= 265)
topic = topic.Substring(0, 256);
topic = topic.ToUpper();
using (var md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
idBytes = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(topic));
return BitConverter.ToString(idBytes).Replace("-", string.Empty);
public static String GetOutlookConversationIndex(this EmailMessage emailMessage)
var convIndex = emailMessage.ConversationIndex;
return BitConverter.ToString(convIndex).Replace("-", String.Empty);
// Prep
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(...);
Folder inbox = Folder.bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Inbox);
Item item = /* inbox.FindItems(...).First() */
// Implmentation
EmailMessage emailMessage = item as EmailMessage;
if (emailMessage != null)
String conversationId = emailMessage.GetOutlookConversationId();
String conversationIndex = emailMessage.GetOutlookConversationIndex();
/* ... */
I'm trying to post directly to facebook/twitter without prompting the user with a UIViewController using the following code:
// 1. Create the service
var facebook = new FacebookService {
ClientId = "<App ID from developers.facebook.com/apps>",
RedirectUrl = new System.Uri ("<Redirect URL from developers.facebook.com/apps>")
// 2. Create an item to share
var item = new Item { Text = "Xamarin.Social is the bomb.com." };
item.Links.Add (new Uri ("http://github.com/xamarin/xamarin.social"));
// 3. Present the UI on iOS
var shareController = facebook.GetShareUI (item, result => {
// result lets you know if the user shared the item or canceled
DismissViewController (true, null);
PresentViewController (shareController, true, null);
BUT the Xamarin.Social instructions say:
As an alternative to presenting the share UI, you can share items directly using the **ShareItemAsync** method of the service.
I can't find any examples or explicit tutorials on how to use this. Can anyone help me on this please?
If you look at the source of Xamarin.Social, internally ShareItemAsync is used anyways to carry out the requests. GetShareUI is just a wrapper around ShareItemAsync.
From the source of ShareViewController (which gets the UI), you can see how they are using ShareItemAsync to carry out the requests. Here's the snippet for you.
try {
service.ShareItemAsync (item, account).ContinueWith (shareTask => {
StopSharing ();
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext ());
So all you need to do is create the item, get hold of the account and call the method on the service, something like this
var item = new Item { Text = "Xamarin.Social is the bomb.com." };
item.Links.Add (new Uri ("http://github.com/xamarin/xamarin.social"));
var account = facebook.GetAccountsAsync().FirstOrDefault();
facebook.ShareItemAsync(item, account);
For connecting to webservices i wrote the following code.
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://www.Webservices.asmx"));
wc.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(wc_DownloadStringCompleted);
void wc_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender,DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("Web service says: " + e.Result);
using (var reader = new StringReader(e.Result))
String str = reader.ReadToEnd();
by using above code Get the string result.But i want get the result in HTMLVisulaizer then i know the what are the methods having that webservice.then i can easily access the particular method.
Please tell me how to call a web service method in Windows phone 7?in webservice i am having 5 webmethods.how to get that and how to call the Particular webmenthod.
Please tell me thanks in advance.
#venkateswara Are you talking about obtaining a list of known WebReference methods so you know which one to call in you code? Do you not see the this of known method calls when you add the WebReference to your WP7 project? Since you will be developing the WP7 app in VS I can't see the reason you would want to do this. Even if you don't own the webservice yourself, you will need to connect to it from VS in order to add the reference to your project.
Below is the screen in VS2010 where a WebReference is added. The Operations are listed on the right.
Once added you can use the ObjectBrowser to understand how the methods should be called.
Please let me know if I have missed something from your question.
#Jason James
The first step:
You must add referent Services ,like Jason James has very detailed instructions .
step 2 :
You can open App.xaml.cs , in Functions Apps
public Apps()
// Global handler for uncaught exceptions.
UnhandledException += Application_UnhandledException;
// Show graphics profiling information while debugging.
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
// Display the current frame rate counters.
Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableFrameRateCounter = true;
// Show the areas of the app that are being redrawn in each frame.
//Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableRedrawRegions = true;
// Enable non-production analysis visualization mode,
// which shows areas of a page that are being GPU accelerated with a colored overlay.
//Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableCacheVisualization = true;
// You can declare objects here that you will use
//Examlpe: NameservicesReferent.(Function that returns services) = new NameservicesReferent.(Function that returns services)();
Ws_Function = new Nameservices.ServiceSoapClient();
step 3:
in Mainpage.xaml.cs
GlobalVariables.Ws_advertise.getLinkAdvertiseIndexCompleted += new EventHandler<advertise.getLinkAdvertiseIndexCompletedEventArgs>(Ws_advertise_getLinkAdvertiseIndexCompleted);
GlobalVariables.***NameWedservise***.getLinkAdvertiseIndexAsync("**parameters to be passed**");
step 4:
void Ws_advertise_getLinkAdvertiseIndexCompleted(object sender, advertise.getLinkAdvertiseIndexCompletedEventArgs e)
//function returns the results to you, the example here is an array
string[] array = null;
array = e.result;
if(array != null)
cath(exception ex)
array = null;
GlobalVariables.Ws_advertise.getLinkAdvertiseIndexCompleted -= new EventHandler<advertise.getLinkAdvertiseIndexCompletedEventArgs>(Ws_advertise_getLinkAdvertiseIndexCompleted);