Why does this Web2Py ajax call fail to return the value of a variable? - ajax

Here is the relevant snippet from my Web2Py view:
{{for candidate in rows:}}
<div class="well col-sm-12">
<button type="button" name="up_button" onclick="ajax('{{=URL('default', 'arrow_button_callback')}}', ['name'], 'target')" class="fa fa-caret-up arrow-up fa-4x"></button>
<button type="button" name="down_button" onclick="ajax('{{=URL('default', 'arrow_button_callback')}}', ['name'], 'target')" class="fa fa-caret-down arrow-down fa-4x"></button>
{{=IMG(_src=URL('photos',candidate.path_to_photo), _alt="Photo of Candidate")}}
<div id="target"></div>
And the relevant snippet from my Web2Py controller:
def arrow_button_callback():
response.flash = str(request.post_vars.name)
return request.post_vars.name
So why do I see the string "None" in my target div (and in my flash)?
Thank you for your help. I read chapter 11 of the Web2Py book and I'm still confused.
I really want to be able to pass candidate.id (depending on which row's button was pressed) and the button direction to controller variables. Please let me know if there's a better way to do this.

From the web2py documentation (emphasis added):
ajax(url, [name1, name2, ...], target)
It asynchronously calls the url (first argument), passes the values of the field inputs with the name equal to one of the names in the list (second argument)...
In your code, your second argument is ['name']. However, there is no input field with the name "name" anywhere, so no "name" variable gets posted to web2py (therefore, request.post_vars.name is None, which is the default value returned whenever you attempt to get a variable that does not exist in request.post_vars).
In this case, because you are not placing any data in form input fields, you can simply ignore the second argument to ajax(). Instead, pass the relevant data via the URL itself:
{{url = URL('default', 'arrow_button_callback',
vars=dict(id=candidate.id, direction='up'))}}
<button type="button" name="up_button" onclick="ajax('{{=url}}', [], 'target')"
class="fa fa-caret-up arrow-up fa-4x"></button>
Then in the arrow_button_callback controller, you can access the candidate id via request.get_vars.id (or just request.vars.id). And you can access the arrow direction via request.vars.direction. Create a new URL for the "down" button, with direction='down'.


How to get value from input thymleaf and post to controller with th href spring boot

I have problem with thymleaf spring boot, my input is like this
<input class="-Text" type="text" style="border:none" placeholder="1234567890xx" th:value="${sn}" name="sn"/>
I want to get parse the value from input to my th href thymleaf code like this
<a id="btnx" th:href="#{/pages/input-order-manual/finish-confirm/?sn=__${sn}__}" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block">Confirm</a>
But when I try to run, this value always return null for my sn variable, what must I do, to make this code run?
For any help,
Thank you in advance
Insert full code. Run code in debug, add break point before return template and make sure you have sn variable in model. Also you can concat th:href (th:href="#{/pages/input-order-manual/finish-confirm/?} + ${sn}")

Laravel commenting with ajax

So I have a laravel commenting system which lets me conment using ajax. My current setup is simple. I have a field for comments and then my route is as follows:
Route::post(‘comment/{post_id}’, ‘CommentController#insert’);
And in my ajax url, I have given the same route with the post_id. I am giving the post id because I wanted to add the post id to my post_id column in my comments table. Also my ajax is in line.
Now my question is, I do not know how to add replies to a comment. I have to insert the comment_id to my replies table comment_id column because comment and replies are related. What confuses me is, if I created a lot of reply forms with a foreach loop for each comment, how can I pass all those comment ID to the ajax?
Say for an example this is my route for storing replies
Route::post(‘replies/{comment_id}’, ‘ReplyController#insert’);
This won’t be like comments that I will be passing only value for the parameter (post_id). This reply will have a lot of values for one parameter right? So how can I proceed with this. I am new to ajax and I am having a hard time trying to get the logic of this. Like I mentioned before, the confusion is that each reply will have a separate comment_id that I need to pass to the route parameter.
you should pass like below:
You can try like this
View (here $comments and $comment->replies are assumed, you may have different)
<div class="post-comments">
#foreach($comments as $comment)
#foreach($comment->replies as $reply)
<form name="replyForm">
<input name="reply" />
<button type="button" onclick="replyComment('/comment/{{$comment->id}}/reply', this.form.reply)">Reply</button>
function replyComment(url, input){
//call ajax with this url and input value
Route::post('comment/{comment_id}/reply', 'ReplyController#insert);
<input type="submit" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-primary" value="Comment" id="comment" data-url="/comment/{{$comment->id}}/replies" data-token="{{ csrf_token() }}" data-comment_id="{{$comment->id}}" >
assuming that you are fetching the $comment from controller.
even if you are adding button there is no need to add the <form>.
You have to pass post_id during reply .
Route like :
Route::`post(‘replies/{post_id}/{comment_id}’, ‘ReplyController#insert’);`
Then sort it those comment by inserting time .

Scripts not working on partial view after Ajax call

I have called scripts on _Layout.cshtml page and my Index.cshtml page has partial view into it. So on page load, SignalR scripts working perfect on partial view, on page end I make another ajax request and load the partial view with another data filled in that and embed under already displayed data, and then the SignalR does not work on the newly embedded record.
This is my index page code:
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="profile-body">
<div class="row infinite-scroll">
#Html.Partial("_AlbumRow", Model)
This is my partial View Code:
#model IEnumerable<SmartKids.Lib.Core.ViewModels.FileMediaAlbumsVM>
#foreach (var item in Model)
<div class="widget">
<div class="block rounded">
<img src="#Url.Content(item.ImageUrl)" alt="#item.Title">
<input type="button" data-image-id="#item.imageId" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">Like</input>
Kindly help me how to resolve this issue that after making an ajax request I am not able to get those SignalR working. Here is more to say when I put the SignalR scripts on PartialView that works but it also sucks that on each ajax request there is again SignalR loaded on the page and when I click on LIke button it makes many calls to the function behind it.
Kindly help me to resolve this issue, I am stuck at this point since 1 week.
Here is signalR Code:
$(".btn.btn-sm.btn-default").on("click", function () {
var imageId = $(this).attr("data-image-id");
Problem: You are binding event to elements directly, So when you remove this element and replace it with a different one the events are also removed along with that element, This is something like strongly coupled.
Solution: Use Jquery event delegation. This will make sure the events will be triggered on the current elements and also all the elements that can come in future.
syntax is as below.
$(document).on("click", ".btn.btn-sm.btn-default",function () {
var imageId = $(this).attr("data-image-id");
NOTE: This was never a singlaR issue, it was Jquery issue.
Efficient Way: The problem in using $(document).on("click"... is that when ever there is a click happening on the entire page the Jquery framework will bubble the events from the clicked element upwards(its parent, and its parent and so on..) unless the element specified in the selector arrives, So its kind of performance hit as we don't want this check's to run if we are clicking outside the required area ( button .btn.btn-sm.btn-default in this example).
So best practice is to bind this event delegation to the closest parent possible which will not be removed, <div class="row infinite-scroll"> in this question. So that only when the click happens within this element the event bubbling will happen and also will be stopped once it reaches the parent element,it acts kind of a boundary for event bubbling.
$('.row.infinite-scroll').on("click", ".btn.btn-sm.btn-default",function () {
var imageId = $(this).attr("data-image-id");

Laravel: Render queried Data whith Blade functions

Currently I'm getting some data from the database and after that I want to render it within my Blade template.
In my queried data I have blade functions like url('/foo') combined with some html. And here is the problem.
When I'm using {!! $child->description !!} the HTML is rendered correctly, but my Blade function won't work:
Function: url('/foo)
Output: http://myurl.de/url('/foo')
When I'm using the "normal" Syntax like {{ $child->description }} the generated URL is correct (http://myurl.de/foo), but the HTML is not rendered.
So my question is:
How can I use my queried Blade function within rendered HTML? ^^
Okay, perhaps my question is too abstract. So I want to show you my problem based on my example. (generated template image - only on german, sorry)
Every form is a database entry like:
As you can see on my image, the categoryDescription is the small text under my first input field with the small button.
I want to use this script abstract as possible so that I can fill the entry with every content I want to fill in.
In this case my content is:
lore ipsum <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm pull-right" href="url('foo')">dolor</a>
As you can see there is the mentioned Blade-function (url) and the HTML.
{!! !!} - this dont escapse string so if u have something from database like,
something it would output it like that.
While in other hand {{ }} this would give you just "something" without , it is used to protect you from injections.
Maybe blade error.{{}}
lore ipsum <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm pull-right" href="{{url('foo')}}">dolor</a>
Laravel Blade

prototype : onclick remove previous element

i have html as below in which onclick of <a> i want to remove the text box above it.
<input class="sku-box" class="input-text validate-number" type="text" title="file-number" name="sku[]">
<a value="remove" onclick="remove()" href="javascript:void(0);">remove</a>
<input class="sku-box" class="input-text validate-number" type="text" title="file-number" name="sku[]">
<a value="remove" onclick="remove()" href="javascript:void(0);">remove</a>
my solution to this, i changed the <a> tag to this.
and my prototype function look like this
function removefield(ele)
You have several options for observing click events, and usually I wire up click events after the dom is loaded using something like:
document.on('click', 'a', myFunction.BindAsEventListener())
The above statement sets you up for observing all click events occurring for the a element firing up the function myFunction. Once you have this established you can then either trap the event or simply allow it to bubble up or do both, trap and bubble up the event.
However, with the direction you are going there you would be better off to pass the identity of your a tag to the remove function, then it is easy to remove the previous element. So you would have:
<a id="a_tag1" value="remove" onclick="remove('a_tag1')" href="javascript:void(0);">remove</a>
Then your function remove might look something like this:
function remove(a) {
// prev element
var elm = $(a).previous('input');
// remove it
This is very basic and in reality you would need to do things to guarantee that the previous input element you are grabbing is associated with the a element you clicked. You could do this by agreeing on a new data-xxxx element tag or an arbitrary class name you can use to compare the elements. For example, your a tag might look like:
<a data-group='monkeys'>...</a>
And the cooresponding input tag might look like:
<input data-group='monkeys'>...</input>
Then, in the above code where you call previous on the a tag, you would construct your select to include a test on the data-group value that matches the current a tag.
