Vaadin Bean validation with Hibernate-validator with UTF-8 - spring

Firstly, I am newbie in Vaadin 7. I was just trying out some vaadin demo when I discovered the BeanFieldGroup.class. As I saw ,this class bound a field to a bean property. In the bean the properties are annotated with validation constraints annotations ( JSR 303 ). In this case my pom.xml include hibernate validator dependency:
I made file and put there some messages, ( with Hungarian characters ) and it has been saved UTF-8 format,for example :
validation.NotBlank=Árvíztűrő tükörfúrgép
And here is the annotated bean property:
#NotNull(message = "{validation.NotBlank}")
private String name = null;
I can see, when I change the field value to null, Vaadin show me my previous constraint error message, but with wrong character coding.
In other hand - without Vaadin, but Spring,I can use the next simple formula where the character coding is appropriate me ( as you can see I use Spring ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource) :
private MessageSource MessageSource(){
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource reloadableResourceBundleMessageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("fileEncodings", "UTF-8");
return reloadableResourceBundleMessageSource;
public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator(){
LocalValidatorFactoryBean factory = new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
return factory;
My question is: Can Somebody tell me the right solution how do I configure hibernate validator or Vaadin to read property files with UTF-8 encoding ?

By default, ISO-8859-1 encoding is used when reading properties files. Characters not available in that encoding must be converted using Unicode escapes ("\u1234"), e.g. using the native2ascii tool. See this answer to a related question for some more details.
Alternatively, you could plug in a custom ResourceBundleLocator which reads properties using UTF-8 encoding. The Hibernate Validator reference guide describes how to do this. As a starting point, you could take PlatformResourceBundleLocator and adapt it as per your requirements.

Vaadin's BeanFieldGroup uses another Vaadin class BeanValidator for JSR-303 validation. If you take a look at it's source code at BeanValidator.getJavaxBeanValidator() and getJavaxBeanValidatorFactory() methods, wou will see that it's building it's own Validator and ValidatorFactory instances. You'll need to subclass it and override the getJavaxBeanValidatorFactory() method with one that uses a ValidatorFactory obtained from your Spring context, which is properly set up to use Spring's own UTF-8 encoded MessageSource as you already configured it in your example. It will also help you with debugging as Spring's MessageSource can be reloadable, which is a huge saver.
EDIT: following a question in comments on how to override with subclassing I realized that with the current state of this part of the Vaadin API as of version 7.5.9, I can't do it elegantly. Since we can't do it elegantly we could do it the quick and dirty way by reflection with this hack implemented as a spring component:
public class VaadinValidationHack implements InitializingBean {
private ValidatorFactory validatorFactory;
protected void hack() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
Field field = BeanValidator.class.getDeclaredField("factory");
if (!field.isAccessible()) {
field.set(null, validatorFactory);
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {


how to register custom converters for spring messaging, web sockets #DestinationVariable or jms #Header

I'm integrating spring web sockets capability into an existing spring mvc application, everything works as expected, except for enabling custom Spring Conversion on my inbound messages via #DestinationVariable.
Now I already have custom converters fully working for the http side, ex #RequestParam or #PathVariable but the same conversion on a websocket controller method throws a ConverterNotFoundException
Ex. I have a custom converter that converts String into Users
public class StringToUserConverter implements Converter<String,User>{
#Autowired UserDAO userDAO;
public User convert(String id) {
return userDAO.getUser(Integer.parseInt(id));
And this works exactly as expected in my http controllers, where I can pass in an id, and its automatically converted to the domain class
public String myControllerMethod(#RequestParam User user)
However the same does not work for my websocket controller for a parameter annotated with #DestinationVariable
public String send(#DestinationVariable User user) {
return "hello"
I stepped through the code and I can see that the DestinationVariableMethodArgumentResolver has the default conversion service which doesnt include my custom coverters
So how do I register custom converters, or a custom ConversionService so that it works for web sockets like it already does for http controllers
So now I'm running into the same issue with #Header annotation for JmsListener methods.
Same idea, #Header User user, throws the ConverterNotFound exception.
#JmsListener(destination = "testTopic")
public void testJmsListener(Message m, #Header User user)..
Here I was trying to pass the user id on the message header, and have spring convert it, but to no avail, only basic default conversions are supported, like strings or numbers.
I have stepped through quite a bit of initialization code in Spring here, and I can see that a new DefaultConversionService gets instantiated in many places, without any consideration for external configuration.
It looks like these modules are not nearly as mature as Spring MVC or the developers took a shortcut. But based on my inspection there is no way to easily configure custom converters.
Ok and here is the very hacky, not recommended, approach that did work. Its pretty convoluted and brittle, Im not going to use it, but just for illustration purposes here is what it took to register a custom converter for #Header jms mapping.
Here Im passing in a user_email on the jms message header, and wanted spring to automatically convert the id/email into the actual domain object User. I already had a working converter that does this well in mvc/http mode.
public class StringToUserConverter implements Converter<String,User>{
UserDAO userDAO;
public User convert(String email) {
return userDAO.getByEmail(email);
The above part is pretty standard and straight forward. Here comes the idiotically convoluted part. I stepped through the spring jms listener initialization code and found lowest spot where I could cut-in with my custom converter for jms #Header.
I created a service, that will #Autowire one of springs Jms beans, and then sets a custom conversion service on it using #PostConstruct. Even here some of the properties were private, so I had to use reflection to read them
public class JmsCustomeConverterSetter {
StringToUserConverter stringToUserConverter;
JmsListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor jmsPostProcessor;
public void attachCustomConverters() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
//create custom converter service that includes my custom converter
GenericConversionService converterService = new GenericConversionService();
converterService.addConverter(stringToUserConverter); //add custom converter, could add multiple here
DefaultConversionService.addDefaultConverters(converterService); //attach some default converters
//reflection to read the private field so i can use it later
Field field = jmsPostProcessor.getClass().getDeclaredField("beanFactory"); //NoSuchFieldException
BeanFactory beanFactory = (BeanFactory) field.get(jmsPostProcessor); //IllegalAccessException
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory f = new DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory();
f.setBeanFactory(beanFactory); //set bean factory read using reflection
Creating the DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory was based on code I saw in
I would definitely not recommend using this in production. It is fairly brittle and unnecessarily complex.
Spring...sometimes it's a breath of fresh air... and sometimes it's convoluted-clap-trap

spring boot error page with resource handlers

tl;dr: how to enable spring's ResourceUrlEncodingFilter for spring boot Error pages?
(Question written while using spring boot 1.3.7.RELEASE and Spring Framework/MVC 4.2.4.RELEASE)
Some background: We have a fairly standard spring boot/spring webmvc project using Thymeleaf as the view layer. We have the out-of-the-box spring boot Resource Chain enabled to serve static assets.
Our thymeleaf views have standard url-encoding syntax in them such as <script th:src="#{/js/some-page.js}"></script>. This relies on Spring's org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceUrlEncodingFilter to transform the url into an appropriately-versioned url such as /v1.6/js/some-page.js.
Our error handling is done by:
setting server.error.whitelabel.enabled=false
subclassing spring boot's default BasicErrorController to override public ModelAndView errorHtml(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
relying on our already-configured thymeleaf view resolvers to render our custom error page
The problem is: the ResourceUrlEncodingFilter isn't applying on our error pages. I assume it's a lack of the filter being registered for ERROR dispatched requests, but it's not obvious to me: a) how to customize this in spring boot; and b) why this wasn't done by default.
Update 1:
The issue seems to be with a combination of OncePerRequestFilter and the ERROR dispatcher. Namely:
ResouceUrlEncodingFilter does not bind to the ERROR dispatcher by default. While overriding this is messy it's not impossible, but doesn't help due to:
OncePerRequestFilter (parent of ResourceUrlEncodingFilter) sets an attribute on the Request indicating it's been applied so as to not re-apply. It then wraps the response object. However, when an ERROR is dispatched, the wrapped response is not used and the filter does not re-wrap due to the request attribute still being present.
Worse still, the logic for customizing boolean hasAlreadyFilteredAttribute is not overridable by request. OncePerRequestFilter's doFilter() method is final, and getAlreadyFilteredAttributeName() (the extension point) does not have access to the current request object to get the dispatcher.
I feel like I must be missing something; it seems impossible to use versioned resources on a 404 page in spring boot.
Update 2: A working but messy solution
This is the best I've been able to come up with, which still seems awfully messy:
public abstract class OncePerErrorRequestFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
protected String getAlreadyFilteredAttributeName() {
return super.getAlreadyFilteredAttributeName() + ".ERROR";
protected boolean shouldNotFilterErrorDispatch() {
return false;
public class ErrorPageCapableResourceUrlEncodingFilter extends OncePerErrorRequestFilter {
// everything in here is a perfect copy-paste of ResourceUrlEncodingFilter since the internal ResourceUrlEncodingResponseWrapper is private
// register the error-supporting version if the whitelabel error page has been disabled ... could/should use a dedicated property for this
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "server.error.whitelabel", name = "enabled", havingValue="false", matchIfMissing = false)
public static class ThymeleafResourceUrlEncodingFilterErrorConfiguration {
public FilterRegistrationBean errorPageResourceUrlEncodingFilterRegistration() {
FilterRegistrationBean reg = new FilterRegistrationBean();
reg.setFilter(new ErrorPageCapableResourceUrlEncodingFilter());
return reg;
Better solutions?
This has been reported in spring-projects/spring-boot#7348 and a fix is on its way.
It seems you've made an extensive analysis of the issue; too bad you didn't report this issue earlier. Next time, please consider raising those on the Spring Boot tracker.

Spring - Retrieve all scanned packages

I'm creating a Spring Starter project and need to get all classes which are marked with a custom annotation. The annotated class is not a spring bean.
My current solution is to use the ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider to find the required classes.
ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider scanner =
new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider(false);
scanner.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(CustomAnnotation.class));
candidates = scanner.findCandidateComponents("THE MISSING PACKAGE NAME");
The problem is that I'm currently provide an empty package String so that all packages/classes are scanned which slows the startup down.
I need to access the packages which are scanned by Spring to avoid the scanning of all packages and classes.
Is there a way to retrieve all packages programmatically which are scanned by Spring or is there an alternative solution to retrieve custom annotated classes which are not Spring beans.
One solution without the need to make a full classpath scan is to use the AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor:
private List<Class<?>> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
public Object postProcessBeforeInstantiation(Class<?> beanClass, String beanName) throws BeansException {
return new Object();
public CandiateHolder candidates() {
return new CandidateHolder(candidates);
You can check if the bean class which should be instantiated has the required annotation. If its the case you add the class to a property to expose it later as a bean. Instead of returning null you have to return an instance of a new Object. The returned object can be used to wrap the class in a proxy. Cause I don't need an instance I will return a simple new object. Its maybe a dirty hack but it works.
I have to use this kind of hack cause an instantiation of the needed object will result in an runtime error cause it has to be instantiated in the framework I use.

Spring Boot - Detect and terminate if property not set?

Is there any way for a Spring Boot web application to abort at startup if a required property is not set anywhere (neither in the file nor the other property sources)? Right now, if the property is included in another property, it seem that Spring Boot simply avoids substitution.
For example, in my file, I have the line:
Right now, if "my.home" is not set elsewhere, Spring Boot is setting the url literally to "jdbc:hsqldb:${my.home}/database/my-jobstore" (no substitution).
I would like to have the application fail to start if the property my.home were not set anywhere else.
To throw a friendly exceptions just put a default null value in property, check and throw a exception in afterProperty method.
public static class ConfigurationGuard implements InitializingBean {
private String myHomeValue;
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (this.myHomeValue == null or this.myHomeValue.equals("${my.home}") {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("${my.home} must be configured");
Create a bean with a simple #Value(${my.home}) annotated field. - Then Spring will try to inject that value and will fail and therefore stop when the value is not there.
Just #Value(${my.home}) private String myHomeValue; is enough for normal (not Boot) Spring applications for sure! But I do not know whether Boot has some other configuration to handle missing values: If there is an other failure management than you could check that value in an PostCreation method.
public static class ConfigurationGuard implements InitializingBean {
private String myHomeValue;
* ONLY needed if there is some crude default handling for missing values!!!!
* So try it first without this method (and without implements InitializingBean)
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (this.myHomeValue == null or this.myHomeValue.equals("${my.home}") {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("${my.home} must be configured");
The default behaviour in current versions of Spring Boot (1.5.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x) is to throw an exception if a placeholder can not be resolved.
There will a be an exception like this one :
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder '' in value "${}"
It works because a bean of type PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer (from spring-context) is automatically registered in Spring Boot, in this class : PropertyPlaceholderAutoConfiguration. And by default, the property ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders in PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer is set to false, which means an exception must be thrown if a placeholder is unresolved (be it nested or not).
Although they work, I think the approach in the foremost answer is somewhat brittle, as it only works for the predefined name(s), and will silently stop checking the when someone changes quartz.datasource.url in the configs to use a different expansion.
Ideally, I want this value of ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders to be false to get wholesale expansion checking when parsing my configs such as or its YAML variants, but it's hard-coded to true for these cases. This unfortunately leaves strings such as ${FOO} in its unexpanded form if FOO cannot be found, making troubleshooting extremely painful. This is especially the case for fields that don't readily appear in the logs such as passwords.
While I couldn't find a way of changing ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders short of modifying Spring Boot's classes, I did find an alternative of using a custom PropertySource implementation and defining a new syntax such as "${!FOO}" to indicate FOO must exist as an environment variable or die. (The OP didn't mention whether my.home is an environment variable but the code below is for environment variables.)
First, an EnvironmentPostProcessor implementation is required for registering the custom PropertySource. This does this as well as holds the implementation of the custom PropertySource:
package some.package;
class StrictSystemEnvironmentProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor {
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication application) {
if (environment.getPropertySources().contains(PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME)) {
SystemEnvironmentPropertySource delegate = (SystemEnvironmentPropertySource)environment.getPropertySources()
environment.getPropertySources().addLast(new StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource(delegate));
private static class StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource extends SystemEnvironmentPropertySource {
public StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource(SystemEnvironmentPropertySource delegate) {
super(PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, delegate.getSource());
public Object getProperty(String name) {
if (name.startsWith("!")) {
String variableName = name.substring(1);
Object property = super.getProperty(variableName);
if (property != null) {
return property;
throw new IllegalStateException("Environment variable '" + variableName + "' is not set");
return null;
Instead of returning null, an exception is thrown for names that start with !.
This META-INF/spring.factories is also required so that Spring initializes our EnvironmentPostProcessor:
Then henceforth, I can write all environment variables substitutions in my configs as ${!FOO} to get strict existance checking.
You can also create a #ConfigurationProperties bean, and decorate it with #Validated and #NotNull. This will throw an exception during startup when the value is not present (or null), e.g.
public class MyProperties {
private String home;
// getter/setter, or constructor. See #ConstructorBinding.
For reference: Spring Boot 2.6 - #ConfigurationProperties Validation.
Note that you may need to add spring-boot-starter-validation, or another validator, depending on your project.
Then, you can just supply it as a dependency when needed, e.g.
public class AnotherBean {
private final MyProperties myProps;
public AnotherBean(MyProperties myProps) {
this.myProps = myProps;
// some code that uses myProps.getHome()

JSR-303 bean validation with Spring and iBatis

Is it possible with JSR-303 bean validation to write a custom annotation that can talk to a back end service?
We accomplished this type of validation with the "old school" Spring validators. In that case, the validator was a Spring bean and could have other services injected into it. Then that validator is injected into the controller.
An example might be an annotation (perhaps #EmailExists) to verify if an email already exists. I can only do this with a SQL query using one of our services. I would prefer to "validate" this alongside the other annotations and check it as soon as possible and not have to explicity do it in a back end service.
NOTE: We are using iBatis/MyBatis so I can't use any JPA/Hibernate tricks :-)
That's definitely possible. Spring provides dependency injection support also within constraint validators. So you can simply inject any required services in your custom validators like this:
public class EmailExistsValidator implements ConstraintValidator<EmailExists, String> {
private EmailValidationService service;
public void initialize(EmailExists constraintAnnotation) {}
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
if (value == null) {
return true;
return service.exists(value);
Depending on your concrete scenario it might be a good idea to first check "cheap" constraints such as #NotNull and only if these constraints are valid check more expensive constraints such as #EmailExists.
You can do this with help of group sequences and a redefined default group sequence for your type.
