Configuring SAML with LDAP in spring - spring

Is there a way to configure LDAP as IDP provider for SSO.
I used the spring saml demo project (which shows sso circle as idp provider) and able to configure two apps (sps) with SSO.
Now, I want to use the LDAP for populating user data (for authentication and autherization). Is there a good demo or tutorial to learn and follow?
Thanks in advance

I can't say I use SAML (so can't speak to that), but I use the following for configuring my LDAP (AD) in Spring.


How to use two authentication providers in the same request with Spring Security?

I have two authentication providers configured in my application, one using LDAP and other looking in the database:
<sec:ldap-authentication-provider server-ref="ldapServer" />
<sec:authentication-provider user-service-ref="dbUserDetailsService" />
Spring tries to use LDAP first, and if it does not find the user there, it tries my custom provider.
What I want to do is force Spring to authenticate the user in all available providers. In this case, it will only try my custom provider if it can perform the login in the LDAP server first. If the authentication in the custom provider fails, the entire authentication fails.
Is it possible to achive this with Spring Security?
I think you can implement your own authentication provider, in which you inject two instances - one of LdapAuthenticationProvider and the other is DaoAuthenticationProvider.
You will have to implement a method
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException
where you can proxy authentication call at first to LdapAuthenticationProvider and if it is successful then you call DaoAuthenticationProvider.

Problems redirecting to access token entry point Oauth Token

I am having problems with redirecting to access token entry point /oauth/token which will detail bellow. I am hoping someone could give me some light to it as I took a lot of time
implementing this.
Also, interesting is the fact that I cannot test with with SoapUI 5.0 community edition even following their instructions. It gest the authorization code but fails later as you need to set the redirect URI as "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".
Since Spring-Security-Oauth2 lacks a lot of good documentation and I had spent lots of time debugging and documenting the work I decided to share
my comments and configuration code here which might also be helpfull to someone else.
I am using the following dependencies versions on my pom:
Now, the idea was to implement all the clientId objects, UserPrincipal, access, nonce and token stores using Cassandra as a persistency store. All those components
are working perfectly and are tested. In fact, it fetches all the authentication/authorization, creates authorization codes.
I've seen a bug recently on testing JDBC stores on Spring Oauth2 github but that was related to testing not the actuall implementation, specially because not
using JDBC.
I have wrote a client webapplication to access a REST resource which resides with the OAuth2 servers and Spring Security for logging in. All goes well until I go request
an access token to /oauth/token.
When I hit the secure Rest service first it properly starting doing redirections and goes tru DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory createAuthorizationRequest() method. Loads
the ClientDetails object perfectly with the secret etc from the store. So it has all the scopes, grants etc for the Oauth2 client. It also validates properly the redirectURIParameter
and resolves the redirect. Then it goes to the TokenStoreUserApprovalHandler and create the OAuth2Request object. Then, of course, tries to find an existing access token which
does not exist yet on the workflow. It creates the authenticationkey from authenticationKeyGenerator and queries the store which properly returns null at this point.
Then it redirects back to /oauth/authorize twice when on the second time it has an authorization code and marks as approved (AuthorizationEndPoint) inside approveOrDeny() method.
The authorizationCodeServices creates the code and stores it properly in my Cassandra store.
At this point it calls (AuthorizationEndPoint) getSuccessfulRedirect() where it adds the state parameter to the template.
Then it calls (OAuth2RestTemplate class) getAccessToken() method. Since the access token is fine and valid it then calls acquireAccessToken() which returns an accessTokenRequest with
{code=[Q19Y6u], state=[1PyzHf]} . Then it calls the accessTokenProvider to obtain an access token at obtainAccessToken(). Then the calls OAuth2AccessTokenSupport is called at
retrieveToken() method. And fails at getRestTemplate. The AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails is created perfectly with grant type authorization_code and it has both authorizationScheme
and clientAuthenticationScheme as header. The clientId is correct as the clientSecret. The id of the AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails is oAuth2ClientBean and the userAuthorizationURI is Headers show as
{Authorization=[Basic .....]}
The extractor is
The form is {grant_type=[authorization_code], code=[Xc7yni], redirect_uri=[]}
And then the application freezes and it shows on the logs:
DEBUG: - No event was found for the exception
DEBUG: - Authentication request for failed:
Then I have the following Exception on my client web application:
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is error="access_denied", error_description="Error requesting access token."
Now, I believe I have a few things wrong on my xml configuration for OAuth2 and Spring Security. So the configuration file follows.
I do have a few questions concerning it so here are the questions first:
1) <oauth2:authorization-server> I am not sure if I had this configured correctly. Please look at the comments I have on my xml file.
I have added the authorization-request-manager-ref parameter which points to my userAuthenticationManager bean, a authentication manager
which takes a authentication-provider user-service-ref="userService"
<oauth2:authorization-server client-details-service-ref="webServiceClientService"
token-services-ref="tokenServices" user-approval-page="/oauth/userapproval"
error-page="/oauth/error" authorization-endpoint-url="/oauth/authorize"
token-endpoint-url="/oauth/token" user-approval-handler-ref="userApprovalHandler"
authorization-code-services-ref="codes" />
<oauth2:password authentication-manager-ref="userAuthenticationManager"/>
<!-- <oauth2:custom-grant token-granter-ref=""/> -->
2) authentication-manager oauthClientAuthenticationManager is used when "/oauth/token" is intercepted.
This is defined as follows:
<sec:authentication-manager id="oauthClientAuthenticationManager">
<sec:authentication-provider user-service-ref="clientDetailsUserService">
<sec:password-encoder ref="passwordEncoder" />
3) I have the following methodSecurityExpressionHandler bean defined which is used at sec:global-method-security.
Not sure if this is correct or not as well.
<beans:bean id="methodSecurityExpressionHandler"
class="" />
4) I also have a bean "clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter" which I believe is not recommended.
I use this as a custom-filter for entry point "/oauth/token" but I believe this is wrong.
<beans:bean id="clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter" class="">
<beans:property name="authenticationManager" ref="oauthClientAuthenticationManager"/>
A filter and authentication endpoint for the OAuth2 Token Endpoint. Allows clients to authenticate using request
parameters if included as a security filter, as permitted by the specification (but not recommended). It is
recommended by the specification that you permit HTTP basic authentication for clients, and not use this filter at
5) Now for the Oauth Token Endpoint:
This is the endpoint /oauth/token as I have many questions here:
This is never reached.
Shall I have a custom-filter like clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter to it or not?
Do I have to have a http-basic entry point?
Shall I have an access attribute as in IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY or can I use an authority I have defined on my UserPrincipal object such as OAUTH_CLIENT I have added there?
What about the session? Shall I say "stateless" or
Shall I add the corsFilter to it as well?
Is the entry point correct? Which is the OAuth2AuthenticationEntryPoint class?
Do I have to add the csrf token? I believe not as it will
restrict it more.
Is the expression-handler correct as a
The authentication-manager-ref I can change from oauthClientAuthenticationManager to userAuthenticationManager.
<sec:http use-expressions="true" create-session="stateless"
entry-point-ref="oauthAuthenticationEntryPoint" pattern="/oauth/token">
<sec:intercept-url pattern="/oauth/token" access="hasAuthority('OAUTH_CLIENT')" />
<!-- <sec:intercept-url pattern="/oauth/token" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY" /> -->
<sec:http-basic entry-point-ref="oauthAuthenticationEntryPoint"/>
<!-- <sec:http-basic/> -->
<sec:anonymous enabled="false" />
<sec:custom-filter ref="clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter" after="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER" />
<sec:access-denied-handler ref="oauthAccessDeniedHandler" />
<sec:expression-handler ref="webSecurityExpressionHandler" />
<!-- <sec:custom-filter ref="corsFilter" after="LAST"/> -->
I would like to add the full config file here but there is a limit.
The /oauth/token endpoint should be secured with client credentials, and it looks like you wired it to a user authentication manager. You didn't show the configuration or implementation of that, but judging by the InternalAuthenticationServiceException it is failing with an exception that isn't classified as a security exception. Fix those two things and you might be in business.
(The #Configuration style is much more convenient by the way, and I would recommend getting started with that and more of the defaults it provides, until you get the hang of it.)

Spring Security for SOAP web services- Token based authentication

I'm developing SOAP web services using spring-ws framework and it is required to implement authentication for web service access.I'm trying to implement token based authentication as follows.
There is a separate web method to user authentication. If user credentials are valid, system generated token will be returned to the client. Token will have limited validity period.
When user accessing rest of the web methods, its required to provide username with the valid token which is returned by the authentication method.
Once the token expired, user need to get the valid token again and again through the authentication web service.
Please advice, what are the available methods in spring framework to implement such a scenario. Since I'm newer to spring web-service security, its better if I can have simple guideline on how to implement.
Thank you.
Here you can use Wss4jSecurityInterceptor - an EndpointInterceptor which can be used to perform security operations on request messages (of course before calling the Endpoint)
<bean class="">
<property name="validationActions" value="UsernameToken Encrypt" />

Does Spring Security provide a basic registration solution?

I'm new to Spring Security, I used it only for the authorization. I know, that Spring Security provides authentication and authorization solutions. Of course, in some cases registration is nothing more than checking a validity of email, confirmed password and so on, putting user's data in the database. Is there any Spring Security's code that should be used for the registration? I didn't find any registration tutorials (but there are a lot of login tutorials). Thanks in advance.
By now there is no standardized registration process. You need to write a Service implementing UserDetailsService an pass it to your authentication-manager (here a DAO is used):
<authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<authentication-provider user-service-ref="userDao" />
Check the Spring Security Docs:

Configuring Spring Security Ldap 3.0 to work with Active Directory LDS

I am hoping that someone will help me out with a really frustrating problem I have.
Currently I am trying to get Spring Security 3.0 Web App to authenticate with an AD LDS instance but I keep getting this error 'Bad Credentials'. Unfortunately I dont have anything more to go on at the moment.
Below is a copy of the Security configuration being used:
<authentication-manager alias="ldapAuthenicationManager">
<ldap-authentication-provider user-dn-pattern="CN={0},OU=Users,O=JLP,C=UK" >
</ldap-authentication-provider> </authentication-manager>
<ldap-server url="ldap://servner ip/o=JLP,c=UK" manager-dn="CN=Manager,O=JLP,C=UK" manager-password="manager" />
I suspect the problem is caused by the <Ldap server> tag and that the manager-dn is not configured correctly. The DN of the Manager is copied directly from AD LDS - have I not provided enough information? Or does the password need to encrypted\hashed?
Has anyone done anything like this with LDS - how did you work around this problem?
Applogies that this is so vague, but this is as much information as I have to go on. Does any one have any suggestions of things to look at or for solutions?
All help is gratefully recieved!
I am not sure if things would be significantly different for LDS but can you try upgrading to spring security 3.1 as it has a specialized Authenticator for AD.
It does not need manager account as it tries to bind using the username/password being authenticated. Also the configuration is minimal (No DN, search pattern, etc to be provided)
<security:authentication-provider ref="activeDirectoryAuthenticationProvider"/>
<bean id="activeDirectoryAuthenticationProvider"
<constructor-arg value="${activedirectory.domain}" />
<constructor-arg value="${activedirectory.server}" />
<property name="convertSubErrorCodesToExceptions" value="true"/>
where domain = (from your example, and server = ldap://ip
I remember that I came across with the same issue and the solution was to set the value of manager-dn
to manageruser#yourdomain
<ldap-server url="ldap://servner ip/o=JLP,c=UK" manager-dn="" manager-password="manager" />
Thanks for your answers they were very helpful.
Also found that the user account you are using for the manager-dn needs to be added to the reader role within LDS to allow it to search.
If you add the user role to the Administrators group you can connect but not search.
Cheers for your help
Slight necromancy here, but for those who stumble across this via Google, the most helpful tool I found regarding configuring my LDAP connection was to install Apache Directory Studio LDAP browser. It was via this tool that I was able to get verbose enough error messages to discover what was wrong with my LDAP configuration, and how to correct it.
