Guard clause in Ruby not always that convenient - ruby

I am a bit mitigated concerning the use of Guard Clauses in Ruby.
The style that is suggested by Rubocop is to use the "do if condition_fails"
Often I want to generate useful error messages with the guard clause, which results in long lines if I want to keep use the aforementionned style, and the "if" will often be pushed off the screen (I don't like line wrapping).
The problem is that as a developer, I don't really care about the error message but rather the code condition itself (which is sometimes more explicit than the error message).
Example of a Guard Clause which hides visibility for the dev
def crtical_function(params)
fail"Useful message for the user, but not often useful message for the dev, and as you can see this line is veeeeeeerrrrrry long and just annoying because the dev is rather looking for the condition itself which is often more einteresting than an error message") if not_enough_params
Without the Guard clause style, you understand right away
def crtical_function(params)
if not_enough_params
fail"Useful message for the user, but not often useful message for the dev, and as you can see this line is veeeeeeerrrrrry long and just annoying because the dev is rather looking for the condition itself which is often more einteresting than an error message")
So hum yeah the story is that I just installed rubycop and it started highlighting a lot of things including those if condition fail end code blocks suggesting to transform them to Guard clauses. I wasn't sure how to react to these.
Is there a setting to configure or maybe a workaround to preserve developer visibility while getting rid of complaints of not writing a guard clause ? What are your suggestions to compromise visibility/guidelines compliance ?

This is very subjective. First of all, in both cases you are breaking another de-facto convention that wants a line of code to not exceed 80 chars.
All these conventions are inheritance from the days when monitors were reasonably small, hence having long lines was uncomfortable and could possibly hide important statements as you noticed.
Personally, I use the one-line style only when performing pre-validation, in general at the beginning of the method or when I have several short conditions in sequence.
Regardless the style you use, you may also want to consider extracting the message in a variable so that the final code is more readable.
def critical_function(params)
message = "Useful message for the user, but not often useful message for the dev, and as you can see this line is veeeeeeerrrrrry long and just annoying because the dev is rather looking for the condition itself which is often more einteresting than an error message"
fail if not_enough_params
def critical_function(params)
message = "Useful message for the user, but not often useful message for the dev, and as you can see this line is veeeeeeerrrrrry long and just annoying because the dev is rather looking for the condition itself which is often more einteresting than an error message"
if not_enough_params
Extracting the message also allows you to store it in a constant and/or freeze it, and/or perform other interpreter optimizations.
Furthermore, you can also consider to wrap the string.
Finally, speaking of conventions, I'd be more worried about following the naming conventions for the methods, rather than forcing to one style for the if-statement.
Ruby methods are underscore_case, not camelCase:
and not


Python: Detect code which gets never executed in production

I need to do refactoring in a big legacy Python code base.
Often I think "these lines don't get executed in production any more".
But I am unsure.
There are some tests which touch these lines. But I can't tell for sure if really no usage happens in production.
What can I do in this situation?
This question is about coverage on a production system. This question is not about coverage during testing/CI.
I don't want to comment out that lines, since I don't want to produce an error in the production system.
Common practice is to use logging inside that lines of code. e.g. you have a block of code you think is not in use. You add try catch block in the beginning of that block of code. Inside trycatch you add line to a specific json named same as your suspicious block of code.
with open("block1.dat", "rb") as file:
activity = pickle.load(file)
curtime ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
currentact = "dt = {}; code done that: var1 = {},
var2 = {}".format(curdate, var1, var2)
file = open("block1.dat", "ab")
pickle.dump(activity, file)
except Exception: pass
You can use telegram api to log code to. After a while You'll get info how often your code works and what does it do.
Then you monitor for a while and if nothing happens in a month, You can comment the block.
Is the production system deterministic?
Is it interactive?
Does control flow depend on input data?
Do you have access to all possible inputs?
Do the tests exist for a reason or just because?
I'd be careful removing code based on what is needed based on logging unless I knew there are no exceptional situations that occur rarely.
I would follow the common code paths to try to understand the codebase piece by piece in order to figure out what can be simplified. It's hard to give more specific advice without knowing more about the system you're dealing with.
We use a simple pattern to handle this: looks_like_dead_code(my_string)
This is a method which logs the string "my_string".
Example usage:
if ext == '.jpe':
looks_like_dead_code('2018-11-30 tguettler: looks fixed in mime_type_to_extension')
Using the date and the developer login is not enforced, it is just best practice.
If the line gets executed the one who is responsible for checking the logs will talk to the developer.
Since our production environments get updated roughly once in two weeks, you can be sure that this line was not executed during the last months.
I like this solution since in most cases it is like this:
you want to fix a bug or implement a new feature
you look at the code and see some lines which look like dead code. I mean code which is useless, since it won't get executed any more.
You don't have hours of time to investigate. You can dive into your vague guess that this is dead code. You want to do your actual work (fix a bug or implement a new feature. See Step1)
The method looks_like_dead_code() gives you a way to actually do something and leave a note for other developers. It only costs some seconds improve the current situation.
If you have a Tickler file System you can remind yourself to check this code in six months. At least in my context I can be very sure that this is dead code if this line was not executed for several months.

Use parentheses to enclose a block in Ruby?

I have accidentally discovered the Ruby idiom of ||=(),
as in:
def app_logger
#app_logger ||= (
logfile =, 'a')
logfile.sync = true
I tried to use {} instead of (), but it didn't work. I thought {} is meant to enclose a block.
Is this a known idiom? Is it a good style?
I haven't found much documentation on this kind of use of parentheses. Any pointers would be helpful.
Please note this post is about the use of () this way, not the use of ||=. There are many posts about this latter idiom already.
Like a lot of things in Ruby that can be done, many of them shouldn't be done and this is one of them.
Using brackets to group code when there are already other facilities is potentially confusing and almost certainly contrary to many coding style guides. If I saw this in code I was managing, I'd immediately fix it.
What's best is to use the begin/end markers to make it completely clear what's going on:
def app_logger
#app_logger ||= begin
logfile =, 'a')
logfile.sync = true
A lot of things in Ruby evaluate down to a single value, and the contents of (...) are apparently one of those things.
Your other example of foo ||= (a=10; a+10) being "nicer" is also rather controversial. This does two assignment and addition, but only conditionally. This one would almost always be better written in long-form with begin/end to make it clear that a+10 is the result.
From a style perspective, hiding the "important" part of that, the a+10, at the end of a line is bad, it can be overlooked. Having it as the last line makes it abundantly clear. This is also why having if statements tacked on the end of long lines is also bad, it hides that the line is only conditionally executed.
Concern for brevity is always trumped by concerns of readability. Saving a couple of bytes on disk is not going to help you one bit when, due to someone misreading your code, they introduce a crippling bug.
That someone could be you in the future when you get caught up in your own cleverness. It's happened to all of us at some point.
In addition to #tadman's answer, I'd counter that writing the method in a more Ruby-like way maintains the readability and keeps it nice and tight:
def app_logger
return #app_logger if #app_logger
logfile =, 'a')
logfile.sync = true
#app_logger =
For my intent and rationale in writing it this way, see my comment to this answer in response to #fotanus's comment.
Our brains become conditioned to see patterns as we learn to program and learn new languages. Whether the patterns are in hexcode emitted by a debugger or C, Perl, Python, Java or Ruby, we still see patterns. When we're used to seeing them we tend to want to change code to resemble those familiar constructs. That's why Perl and C programmers tend to write Java, Python and Ruby like C and Perl at first. The "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but that same beauty is a weed when it's out of place, just as wild-flowers are out of place in formal gardens or the middle of a fairway. We should write in the vernacular of the programming language, because that is the way of speaking expected by those who live in that land.
Something to remember is, though we, personally, might be a code-studly monster who can reduce code from multiple lines down to a single character, what will keep me in a job is the ability to write code other people can understand, without necessarily having to be of the same caliber. Code crunching invariably reaches a point of diminishing returns, well before it has been reduced to its minimal size, especially when that code is running in a production environment and is being maintained by junior programmers and there is a need to extend or debug it, and the clock is ticking. Minutes = dollars where I work, and the dollars have really big multipliers, which causes the walls to leak managers like cockroaches when a bug-bomb goes off. (Oh... did I call managers cockroaches? Whatever.)
Being called the morning after an event and being thanked for writing code that made it easy for them to debug/fix or amend/extend is a whole lot better than being called at 2:45AM and asked to get online to help. I value my sleep and that of my coding-partners and push for maintainable code as our #1 priority.
That's my $0.02.
Parentheses are really ugly for in my opinion. Why you don't delegate logic behind creating logger to method?
def app_logger
#app_logger ||= instantiate_app_logger
def instantiate_app_logger
logfile =, 'a')
logfile.sync = true
But I am afraid that it breaks some OOP, your code also. Why AppLoger class can't open file based on passed path and turning syncing on? It will be so much cleaner.

How stringent should I be with Code Analysis compliance in Visual Studio?

After playing with Code Analysis for a small project I am working on, I am wondering just how severe I should be when resolving code to be analytically compliant.
I know I can suppress warnings for this, but to me, suppressing a warning to some extent is a Cop-out (no pun intended..."FXCop").
Example warning:
Do not raise exceptions in unexpected
locations 'CustomObject.Equals(object)' creates an exception of type
'ArgumentException'. Exceptions should not be raised in this type of
method. If this exception instance might be raised, change this
method's logic so it no longer raises an exception.
Reason for throwing this...
CustomObject.Equals(object) might try and compare CustomObject to FooBarObject...which aren't even of the same type, so in this instance, should I throw an exception, or just return false?
In general, should I be really anal (for want of a better word) in making my code absolutely compliant, or will I come across situations where warning suppression will become necessary?
FxCop warnings are just warnings, they don't flag invalid code. That's the job of the compiler. The rules FxCop uses were collected from years of experience writing .NET code. They represent "best practices" and in general are there to remind you of unintended consequences and the more obscure parts of .NET programming, like CAS.
Always refer back to the documentation to see why the rule exists. For CA1065 you'll see:
An Equals method should return true or false instead of throwing an exception. For example, if Equals is passed two mismatched types it should just return false instead of throwing an ArgumentException.
Which exactly matches your usage, you'll have no trouble adopting the advice. Unfortunately it is a bit short on the exact reason the rule was created. Which really doesn't go beyond the "don't throw in unexpected places" guidance. The unintended consequence here is that another programmer that uses your class won't realize that a try/catch would be needed if he doesn't want the code to fail. Feel free to put a Debug.Assert() in your Equals method. There are plenty of cases where you'll want to ignore the advice, CA2000 is particularly prone to false warnings for example. Apply the [SuppressMessage] attribute if necessary to not have to look at it again.

Avoiding, in general, "undefined method 'some_method' for nil:NilClass" in Ruby

Ruby's duck-typing is great, but this is the one way that it bites me in the ass. I'll have some long running text-processing script or something running, and after several hours, some unexpected set of circumstances ends up causing the script to exit with at NoMethodError due to a variable becoming nil.
Now, once it happens, it's usually an easy fix, but it would be nicer if I could predict these better, or at least handle these types of errors more gracefully. Sorry for the vagueness of the question, but this type of error just happens too often to me and I wonder if there's a good way to avoid it.
Is there some best practice related to these kinds of "type errors" for Ruby?
Look up Design by Contract. It's useful in many programming paradigms, but it's particularly useful when you don't have a compiler to help you catch these sort of errors, of forbidding particular sorts of values for a parameter.
In essence, DbC allows you to make an assumption about a parameter. It allows you (in all but one place) to skip the mundane checks that guarantee this assumption to hold.
What about Object.nil?

Where are catch and throw useful in Ruby?

I really don't see a sane use for these. There is already rescue and raise, so why the need for throw and catch? It seems they are supposed to be used to jump out of deep nesting, but that just smells like a goto to me. Are there any examples of good, clean use for these?
Note: It looks like a few things have changed with catch/throw in 1.9. This answer applies to Ruby 1.9.
A big difference is that you can throw anything, not just things that are derived from StandardError, unlike raise. Something silly like this is legal, for example:
but it's not terribly meaningful. But you can't do:
irb(main):003:0> raise
TypeError: exception class/object expected
from (irb):3:in `raise'
from (irb):3
from /usr/local/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
They can be really useful in simplifying DSLs for end users by passing control out of the DSL without the need for complex case / if statements
I have a Ruby app which allows users to extend it via an internal DSL. Some of the functions in the DSL need to return control to specific parts of my application. Let's take a simple example. Suppose the user is developing a simple extension concerning dates
if today is a holiday then
do nothing
week_of_year = today.week.number
if week_of_year < 10 then
The do nothing bit triggers a throw which passes control out of the exec statement and back to me.
Rather than continuing to execute the DSL, on some condition, we want it to exit and hand control back to my application. Now you could get the user to use lots of embedded if statements and have the DSL end naturally but that just obscures what the logic is trying to say.
Throw really is a goto which is 'considered dangerous' but damn it sometimes they are the best solution.
It's basically a goto, and slightly more akin to a call/cc, except that the control flow is wired up implicitly by name instead of explicitly as a parameter. The difference between throw/catch and raise/rescue is that the former is intended to be used for control flow instead of only exceptional situations, and it doesn't waste time putting together a stack trace.
Sinatra uses throw/catch for HTTP error codes, where a handler can use throw to cede control to the Sinatra library in a structured way. Other sorts of HTTP frameworks use exceptions, or by returning a different class of response, but this lets Sinatra (for example) try another request handler after catching it.
The difference between the two is that you can only 'raise' exceptions but can 'throw' anything (1.9). Other than that, they should be interchangeable, that is, it should be possible to rewrite one with another, just like the example given by #john-feminella.
