Change cluster name in elastic search - elasticsearch

How to rename the current cluster in elasticsearch config?
i want to rename the cluster without it going down if possible.

Make edits in the elasticsearch.yml file. By default the es cluster name is elasticsearch and the field in the yml file is commented out. So first uncomment it, then give a name and restart es.

If you are having multi nodes cluster means, you can try updating cluster names in config file & directory name (if replicas enabled) one by one nodes; which is similar to rolling upgrade of the Elasticsearch.
if you are using single node cluster means, you can attempt changing the cluster name in config file but restart of cluster will be needed to take effect change.


How to create new cluster in elasticsearch?

I have installed elastic search on my ubuntu system and it's working fine with default cluster.
But i want to create another cluster.
I have checked official document of elastic search but i haven't found any steps for create another or multiple cluster.
You need to update ES_HOME/config/elasticsearch.yml. Under the cluster section, change the cluster name parameter. my_cluster
Default value for cluster name is elasticsearch
One instance of ES can be a part of only one cluster. If all ES instances / machines have the same cluster name, elasticsearch will form a cluster automatically as long as the machines are all on the same network

Elasticsearch Shard Location

I am trying to setup an elasticsearch cluster and have a question thats bothering me. I am transitioning from Marklogic to Elasticsearch and have this concept of storing data on a different disk rather than on the same disk where my software i.e. MarkLogic is installed. I know how to do it in MarkLogic but somehow can not find anything on this on elasticsearch. Can anyone point me to a document that can help me configure my shard on a different machine where elasticsearch is not installed?
You simply need to change the setting in your elasticsearch.yml configuration file:
- /mnt/hda1
- /mnt/hda2
- /mnt/hda3
You can use a single location or several and when you do, ES will store your index data on those locations. Note that data pertaining to a given shard will always be located at the same path location.

Does Curator remove indices from entire elasticsearch cluster?

I have a cluster of 4 elasticsearch servers and was wondering if curator will remove indices from the entire cluster when ran from one server or if I need to run it on all servers?
It deletes from the whole cluster. It uses the Elasticsearch API, rather than any file system logic.

Elasticsearch 0.90.0: Putting existing server (with some data) into cluster

I am using elasticsearch 0.90.0 in my production environment. Currently, I am using only a single server (along with jetty plugin to restrict write access).
Now I want a cluster of two servers consisting of one old server (with data) and one new server. Now, I need my data on both of my servers, so that in case if anyone of them fails, data can be fetched from another. What should I do? Will the normal configuration work? Can I copy data folder from one server to another and expect it to work properly when placed in a cluster? Or should I clone elasticsearch folder itself on my second machine?
By normal configuration, I mean this:- elasticsearch "John" false []
Please help!
You should not have to copy data manually.
If you kept the default settings, adding one more node to the cluster should trigger :
creation of one replica by existing shard on your new node
rebalancing of the primary shards between your two nodes
You will have to add the adresses of your nodes as hosts as you have enabled unicast communication.
I recommend you to make some tests with ElasticSearch instances on your personal computer in order to check this behavior.

How to setup an elasticsearch cluster

I am trying to setup a multi node elastic search cluster.Any useful link which i can follow to setup cluster.
I am trying to run a map reduce programe in cluster to find out exact matches .
From my experience, if you just run the executable in two or more machines connected via a network, elasticsearch will somehow figure it out and all nodes will be added to the same cluster. I don't think you have to do anything.
This is the tutorial I've used:
Here you have a step by step guide on how to setup an EMR cluster with Elasticsearch and Kibana installed using the bootstrap actions mentioned before.
The article also provides basic Elasticsearch tests on the installed cluster.
The bootstrap actions also provide the Elasticsearch-Hadoop plugin that will allow you to run Mapreduce or other Hadoop applications.
Last version of Elasticsearch Bootstrap actions are available here:
The only thing to cluster two elasticsearch node is, identical cluster name of elasticsearch can find cluster name elasticsearch.yml file.[you can find the file in config folder of elasticsearch ].The default cluster name is elasticsearch.
To change name edit the property in elasticsearch.yml "custom cluster name"
Elasticsearch uses zen discovery to find the the nodes in cluster during start up.If the cluster name is identical the elasticsearch ll automatically form the cluster.
Check out this link. You need to install the Amazon Powershell but replace the variables in the script for what you want and it should launch a EMR with elasicsearch.
you can use kubernetes to create a cluster of elasticsearch nodes running inside docker containers
take a look at
