Pebble can't install app in any way - cloudpebble or command line - pebble-watch

I've enjoyed developing simple apps for my pebble watch, but since yesterday I cannot install any new ones on my phone (I do have spare slots on pebble).
I've tried installing old (working) apps via cloudpebble portal, but I get following:
Preparing to install app
Installation rejected. Check your phone for details.
(Phone message: There was an error trying to install the provided app.)
So I've tried installation through a command line:
$ pebble install --cloudpebble -vvvv
But this is the output:
INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): analytics data: {'platform': 'native_sdk', 'data': {}, 'event': 'invoke_command_install', 'identity': {'sdk_client_id': '93381446-f47e-4be5-bd4a-781af1f42c3a', 'user': u'55b8844a6638300025560100'}, 'sdk': {'project': {'sdk': u'3', 'is_watchface': True, 'type': 'native', 'uuid': '2737c550-fd8a-4e70-82be-1b887e5d7a4d', 'app_name': u'MoveInGrid'}, 'host': {'platform': 'Darwin-15.2.0-x86_64-i386-64bit', 'python_version': '2.7.10', 'is_vm': False}, 'version': u'3.8.2', 'tool_version': '4.0.1'}}
DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 301 0
INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"POST /td.pebble.sdk_events HTTP/1.1" 200 0
Waiting for phone to connect...
DEBUG:libpebble2.communication:-> WatchVersion(command=None, data=WatchVersionRequest())
DEBUG:libpebble2.communication:-> 0001001000
DEBUG:libpebble2.communication:<- 00960010015509b4fb76322e392e31000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000035343636346264000005015222545f76312e352e350000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000316331363237350001050152e2f83256335233000000000051313536303535453030513604750648b4b026658a035509b4fb656e5f55530000015858585858585800
DEBUG:libpebble2.communication:<- WatchVersion(command=1, data=WatchVersionResponse(running=WatchFirmwareVersion(timestamp=1426699515, version_tag=v2.9.1, git_hash=54664bd, is_recovery=False, hardware_platform=5, metadata_version=1), recovery=WatchFirmwareVersion(timestamp=1377981535, version_tag=v1.5.5, git_hash=1c16275, is_recovery=True, hardware_platform=5, metadata_version=1), bootloader_timestamp=1390606386, board=V3R3, serial=Q156055E00Q6, bt_address=04750648b4b0, resource_crc=644188675, resource_timestamp=1426699515, language=en_US, language_version=1, capabilities=24866934413088856, is_unfaithful=None))
Installing app...
App install failed.
INFO:root:Spent 0.001597 seconds waiting for analytics.
I've tried several things to resolve this issue:
creating new project from provided template;
disconnecting the watch;
watch factory reset;
iOS pebble app reinstallation;
creating and linking to a new cloudpebble account,
but still no luck installing any new apps or reinstalling old ones...
Any help would be greatly appreciated (or more tips on what else to try...).
PS: Apps load just fine in an emulator.
PS2: I can download and install apps from the store just fine [I found PixelMiner that way : )].
PS3: I do have a developer connection on and there is a valid IP shown on iOS app.

I got an answer from Morris on pebble forums. I was developing for SDK3, but still running older version of firmware on a pebble watch. After an update, deployment works again!
Original response:
You are building with the latest SDK but your watch has not the latest firmware.
You either have to upgrade your Pebble Classic to firmware V3.8.2 (see Upgrade to SDK3) or if you want to build for the old firmware you have to use SDK2 instead (see SDK2)


Nativescript - cannot run android on device

I used to be able to run on android and all of a sudden I am getting this error (see below).
The only thing I recall changing is downgrading "nativescript-ui-listview" to "^7.1.0" and "nativescript-ui-sidedrawer" to "~7.0.0" because it otherwise breaks on ios 12.
Webpack compilation complete. Watching for file changes.
Webpack build done!
Project successfully prepared (android)
Installing on device f180a829...
More than one .apk found in /Users/manuelmaestrini/Programming/spiio-development/spiiomobile/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk directory. Using the last one produced from build.
Successfully installed on device with identifier 'f180a829'.
Application is not running on device f180a829.
This issue may be caused by:
* crash at startup (try `tns debug android --debug-brk` to check why it crashes)
* different application identifier in your package.json and in your gradle files (check your identifier in `package.json` and in all *.gradle files in your App_Resources directory)
* device is locked
* manual closing of the application
Unable to apply changes on device: f180a829. Error is: Application is not running.
Any idea what might be? I tried to do --clean, remove node_modules, hooks, platforms, uninstall and reinstall webpack etc but no luck...

How to troubleshoot when Safari App Extension not appear in Safari Preferences?

I'm developing a Safari App Extension. Previously it worked fine. When I run the project in Xcode, and enable Allow Unsigned Extensions in Safari, I can see my extension in Safari Preferences -> Extensions page.
After I merged code with one of my team member, suddenly the Extension cannot get installed.
I have tried:
Clean the build folder in Xcode, and run again. But no luck.
Restart Xcode doesn't help either.
Use command pluginkit -mAvvv -p to check installed Safari extensions list. My extension is not in the list.
There are some errors in Xcode output, but I can't link them with the issue I'm facing:
objc[49476]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EmbeddedOSInstall.framework/Versions/A/EmbeddedOSInstall (0x7fff9a2aa748) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x108db2600). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[49476]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OSPersonalization.framework/Versions/A/OSPersonalization (0x7fff9b5d49f0) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x108db2650). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2018-12-13 16:25:46.003099+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] Could not connect action, target class SecurityPreferences does not respond to -toggleJavaScriptCanOpenWindows:
2018-12-13 16:25:46.163130+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] AssertMacros: 0 (value = 0x0), file: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line: 75
2018-12-13 16:25:46.163219+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] AssertMacros: 0 (value = 0x0), file: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line: 396
2018-12-13 16:25:46.163465+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] [Framework-Internal-Legacy] AssertMacros: _xpcClient (value = 0x0), file: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line: 137
2018-12-13 16:25:47.060959+0800 Safari[49476:1264368] [RemotePlistController] The downloaded plist could not be loaded: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file couldn’t be opened because it doesn’t exist."
2018-12-13 16:25:47.128105+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] Scheduling the NSURLConnection loader is no longer supported.
2018-12-13 16:25:47.491811+0800 Safari[49476:1264370] NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1100
2018-12-13 16:25:47.799590+0800 Safari[49476:1264514] [CloudBookmarks] Error fetching remote migration state: Error Code=0 "(null)"
2018-12-13 16:25:47.953259+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] [WebKit2Callbacks] Page (pid: 0) did become unresponsive
2018-12-13 16:25:47.970927+0800 Safari[49476:1264512] NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1100
2018-12-13 16:25:48.032647+0800 Safari[49476:1264425] [RemotePlistController] The downloaded plist could not be loaded: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file couldn’t be opened because it doesn’t exist."
2018-12-13 16:25:48.125530+0800 Safari[49476:1264426] Calling IOPPFGetProperty simulator_utility_clamp!
2018-12-13 16:25:48.840769+0800 Safari[49476:1264277] [WebKit2Callbacks] Page (pid: 49481) did become responsive
Now I'm running out of options. It lacks official documentation in Apple Developer site.
Is there regular steps to troubleshoot this kind of issue? Is there any kind of system logs which can help me address the error? Any suggestion is appreciated.
Make sure that the extension .appex is listed as embedded content for your App Extension target. Otherwise it doesn't get bundled when you build from Xcode. Look in the project editor under Target_Name > General > Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content. The extension should be listed there.
Also check under the Build Phases tab > Dependencies that your extension is added there as well.
Check to see if the code signature of your app is valid. Safari will refuse to list your extension otherwise. Run codesign on your built app as follows:
codesign -d --verify --verbose=3 ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OnePassword-epeydspviethpabprcrsqenrkiin/Build/Products/Debug_WebStore/1Password\
It should show valid on disk and satisfies its Designated Requirement. If it doesn't, Safari will ignore your extension completely, even when Allow Unsigned Extensions is enabled.
I had a similar problem more recently after updating to Xcode 13.2.1 and a I think a MacOS update. My Safari web extensions I was developing stopped showing up in Safari (even with unsigned extensions enabled).
In a Terminal/CLI shell, I ended up running:
lsregister -f /Applications/
And suddenly my extensions started showing up again in Safari. Something screwy happened with Safari and LaunchServices.

How to get a simple app deployed on watchOS 3 with Xamarin?

I can't get a simple app to run on watchOS 3 and it's driving me CRAZY!
I'm running with Xcode 8.
Recreate scenario: Create a newiOS app (defaults to deployment target 10), add WatchOS project (3.0). Try to compile.
I get:
Could not AOT the assembly (MT3001)
Changing Build link to "Don't Link" on all three projects and downgrading to target 8.4 and Watch OS 2.2 results:
Error MT1006: Could not install the application on the device: Sent message error( error : 0xe800002d).
Changing to target 10, but keeping Watch OS 2 finally gets compiled and installed on the phone and deployed on device, but debugger either:
A. Never manage to connect over Wifi to the watch (stuck at "waiting for the app to connect on port 10000)
B. Get the following error:
Launched watch application 'com.XXX.testwatch.watchkitapp' on 'Apple Watch' with pid 270
Exception: Xamarin.Hosting.MobileDeviceException: Send Message Error (error: 0xe800002d)
at Xamarin.Hosting.RealDevice.StartSession () <0x118c24dd0 + 0x0009d> in :0
at Xamarin.Hosting.DebugService+c__AnonStorey6.<>m__0 (System.Object v) <0x118c24450 + 0x000cf> in :0
[MVID] 703d5be3b466420882f6cb97c41b6723 0,1
What am I doing wrong here?
I've submitted a bug report To Xamarin. They confirmed. You need to modify the default compilation to disable the incremental build.

Unable to Run Meteor Application Locally Windows 10 (Tasklist.exe)

I need some help please.
I just did a fresh install of Meteor from the website using the windows installer. That worked just fine.
I then created one of the sample applications. That worked just fine.
The problem is when I try to run the app and the first package starts to download, I get an exception error. I have Googled this issue for a couple hours now and cannot find a solution.
Here is the CMD output Error:
Error: Couldn't run tasklist.exe: tasklist wasn't found on your system, it usually can be found at C:\Windows\System32\.
at Object.Future.wait (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\\dev_bund
at findMongoPids (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\\tools\run-mon
at findMongoAndKillItDead (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\\tool
at launchOneMongoAndWaitForReadyForInitiate (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.w
at launchMongo (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\\tools\run-mongo
at [object Object]._.extend._startOrRestart (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.w
at [object Object]._.extend.start (C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\
at C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\\tools\run-all.js:199:26
- - - - -
at C:\Users\jwuli\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\\tools\run-mongo.js:73:24
at exithandler (child_process.js:654:7)
at ChildProcess.errorhandler (child_process.js:670:5)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:818:12)
I am able to run tasklist.exe in any command window and see all my running process.
There is another user here that had the EXACT same issue but on Windows 7. What worked for him was opening the command prompt directly from the root directory of the project. This solution did not work for me.
That post is here: Other Post
I have also tried Powershell along with CMD both running as the Administrator.
Does anyone have any insight?
So after allot of research, and working with other similar platforms/frameworks. I found out that there are many dependencies that you need to install that are not listed in the normal documentation. Examples being, Python, Ruby for the Saas Gem. A ton of old windows C++ Distributabls.
As a Full Stack .NET developer all these concepts were new to me! Everything is working just fine now.

deploying debug app to playbook gives "failure 881 required signatures missing (RDK, AUTHOR)"

I am using Marmalade to build a PlayBook app, but I think my question applies to PlayBook apps in general. I have successfully created a file and have installed it on my device. When I go to try to install a built file on the device, I get:
[execute] "blackberry-deploy.bat -device -password ******* -installApp -package deployments\default\playbook\release\Quote"
Info: Sending request: Install
Info: Action: Install
Info: File size: 6400334
Info: Installing ...
Info: Processing 6400334 bytes
result::failure 881 required signatures missing (RDK, AUTHOR)
ERROR: error running blackberry-deploy
Note that this is the Marmalade deploy tool running the standard PlayBook installer.
What I don't understand is: I thought the point of using a file was that you could install unsigned apps. I have in fact successfully deployed these unsigned apps using the Marmalade deploy tool just like this. But I was having problems signing the app for distribution, so I went back and did everything from scratch, requested new code signing keys from RIM, made a new file and installed it, etc. And now I'm worse off than I was before because I can't even install to the device now.
So again: My understanding is that the point of was to be able to deploy to the device before actually signing the for distribution. So what does this error message even mean?
To answer my own question:
For deploying a "debug" build to a device, it's critical to have
Application-Development-Mode: true
in the MANIFEST.MF within the .bar file.
A stupid mistake, but I'll leave this up in case it helps anyone...
Taking a look to the QNX deployment plugin "C:\Marmalade\6.1\s3e\deploy\plugins\qnx\" I found that 'FOR DEVELOPMENT' option is false if the 'playbook_keystore' is given so I just cleared the signing section on the Marmalade System Deployment Tool and it is not longer trying to sign it
