Improve TLB (translation lookaside buffer) hit rate to approach 100%? - memory-management

I'm reading how TLB works and I came across this:
Lots of workloads (though certainly not all) approach 100% TLB hit rate.
What kind of workloads? any example would really help.

Here's a good little paper I found through DuckDuckGo that explains quite well how the TLB works (part of a Comp Sci course from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, by the looks of it): That should give you enough to start reasoning about how your data layout and algorithms might affect your TLB hit rate.
Essentially, it comes down to keeping things close together in memory, so you minimize the number of different pages you have to access when accessing your data and instructions. With 4K pages or larger being typical, it turns out that most programs typically will have a very high TLB hit rate. In fact, the computer systems we use today have been specifically designed this way, based on extensive research into what most computing workloads typically did before those systems were designed.
If you think about a function running without any branches, you can picture the sequential fetching and executing of each instruction, beginning at some point in a page and continuing down the page. The first instruction may result in a TLB miss, but every instruction after that will be a TLB hit, until the end of the page is reached. When the first instruction on the next page is accessed, there may be another TLB miss, but then the rest of the page of instructions will all be hits. It gets even better if the function contains a loop, because the CPU will jump back to something it just executed. It may not even leave the same page for a long time.
Programs also tend to access data on pages that they have just recently accessed. For example, all the automatic variables within a function will typically reside on one or two stack pages, and in many cases, all the stack frames for all the functions in the call stack will often fit into a small number of pages. For heap-allocated or statically-allocated memory, there is usually some locality too. The paper I mention above gives a good example of how array traversals result in high TLB hit rates.
Workloads that tend to have relatively low TLB hit rates are those that spread their frequently-accessed data and/or instructions over a large number of pages, with infrequently-accessed data/instructions in between; and those that do things to invalidate their TLB entries (e.g., on some systems a process context switch results in the TLB being dumped).


Does page walk take advantage of shared tables?

Suppose two address spaces share a largish lump of non-contiguous memory.
The system might want to share physical page table(s) between them.
These tables wouldn't use Global bits (even if supported), and would tie them to asids if supported.
There are immediate benefits since the data cache will be less polluted than by a copy, less pinned ram, etc.
Does the page walk take explicit advantage of this in any known architecture?
If so, does that imply the mmu is explicitly caching & sharing interior page tree nodes based on physical tag?
Sorry for the multiple questions; it really is one broken down. I am trying to determine if it is worth devising a measurement test for this.
On modern x86 CPUs (like Sandybridge-family), page walks fetch through the cache hierarchy (L1d / L2 / L3), so yes there's an obvious benefit there for having to different page directories point to the same subtree for a shared region of virtual address space. Or for some AMD, fetch through L2, skipping L1d.
What happens after a L2 TLB miss? has more details about the fact that page-walk definitely fetches through cache, e.g. Broadwell perf counters exist to measure hits.
("The MMU" is part of a CPU core; the L1dTLB is tightly coupled to load/store execution units. The page walker is a fairly separate thing, though, and runs in parallel with instruction execution, but is still part of the core and can be triggered speculatively, etc. So it's tightly coupled enough to access memory through L1d cache.)
Higher-level PDEs (page directory entries) can be worth caching inside the page-walk hardware. Section 3 of this paper confirms that Intel and AMD actually do this in practice, so you need to flush the TLB in cases where you might think you didn't need to.
However, I don't think you'll find that PDE caching happening across a change in the top-level page-tables.
On x86, you install a new page table with a mov to CR3; that implicitly flushes all cached translations and internal page-walker PDE caching, like invlpg does for one virtual address. (Or with ASIDs, makes TLB entries from different ASIDs unavailable for hits).
The main issue is that TLB the and page-walker internal caches are not coherent with main memory / data caches. I think all ISAs that do HW page walks at all require manual flushing of TLBs, with semantics like x86 for installing a new page table. (Some ISAs like MIPS only do software TLB management, invoking a special kernel TLB-miss handler; your question won't apply there.)
So yes, they could detect same physical address, but for sanity you also have to avoid using stale cached data from after a store to that physical address.
Without hardware-managed coherence between page-table stores and TLB/pagewalk, there's no way this cache could happen safely.
That said; some x86 CPUs do go beyond what's on paper and do limited coherency with stores, but only protecting you from speculative page walks for backwards compat with OSes that assumed a valid but not-yet-used PTE could be modified without invlpg.
So it's not unheard of for microarchitectures to snoop stores to detect stores to certain ranges; you could plausibly have stores snoop the address ranges near locations the page-walker had internally cached, effectively providing coherence for internal page-walker caches.
Modern x86 does in practice detect self-modifying code by snoop for stores near any in-flight instructions. Observing stale instruction fetching on x86 with self-modifying code In that case snoop hits are handled by nuking the whole back-end state back to retirement state.
So it's plausible that you could in theory design a CPU with an efficient mechanism to be able to take advantage of this transparently, but it has significant cost (snooping every store against a CAM to check for matches on page-walker-cached addresses) for very low benefit. Unless I'm missing something, I don't think there's an easier way to do this, so I'd bet money that no real designs actually do this.
Hard to imagine outside of x86; almost everything else takes a "weaker" / "fewer guarantees" approach and would only snoop the store buffer (for store-forwarding). CAMs (content-addressable-memory = hardware hash table) are power-hungry, and handling the special case of a hit would complicate the pipeline. Especially an OoO exec pipeline where the store to a PTE might not have its store-address ready until after a load wanted to use that TLB entry. Introducing more pipeline nukes is a bad thing.
The benefit of this would be tiny
After the first page-walk fetches data from L1d cache (or farther away if it wasn't hot in L1d either), then the usual cache-within-page-walker mechanisms can act normally.
So further page walks for nearby pages before the next context switch can benefit from page-walker internal caches. This has benefits, and is what some real HW does (at least some x86; IDK about others).
All the argument above about why this would require snooping for coherent page tables is about having the page-walker internal caches stay hot across a context switch.
L1d can easily do that; VIPT caches that behave like PIPT (no aliasing) simply cache based on physical address and don't need flushing on context switch.
If you're context-switching very frequently, the ASIDs let TLB entries proper stay cached. If you're still getting a lot of TLB misses, the worst case is that they have to fetch through cache all the way from the top. This is really not bad and very much not worth spending a lot of transistors and power budget on.
I'm only considering OS on bare metal, not HW virtualization with nested page tables. (Hypervisor virtualizing the guest OS's page tables). I think all the same arguments basically apply, though. Page walk still definitely fetches through cache.

Is it possible to “abort” when loading a register from memory rather the triggering a page fault?

I am thinking about 'Minimizing page faults (and TLB faults) while “walking” a large graph'
'How to know whether a pointer is in physical memory or it will trigger a Page Fault?' is a related question looking at the problem from the other side, but does not have a solution.
I wish to be able to load some data from memory into a register, but have the load abort rather than getting a page fault, if the memory is currently paged out. I need the code to work in user space on both Windows and Linux without needing any none standard permission.
(Ideally, I would also like to abort on a TLB fault.)
The RTM (Restricted Transactional Memory) part of the TXT-NI feature allows to suppress exceptions:
Any fault or trap in a transactional region that must be exposed to software will be suppressed. Transactional
execution will abort and execution will transition to a non-transactional execution, as if the fault or trap had never
Synchronous exception events (#DE, #OF, #NP, #SS, #GP, #BR, #UD, #AC, #XM, #PF, #NM, #TS, #MF, #DB, #BP/INT3) that occur during transactional execution may cause an execution not to commit transactionally, and
require a non-transactional execution. These events are suppressed as if they had never occurred.
I've never used RTM but it should work something like this:
xbegin fallback
; Don't fault here
; Somewhere else
; Retry non-transactionally
Note that a transaction can be aborted for many reasons, see chapter of the Intel manual volume 1.
Also note that RTM is not ubiquitous.
Besides RTM I cannot think of another way to suppress a load since it must return a value or eventually signal an abort condition (which would be the same as a #PF).
There's unfortunately no instruction that just queries the TLB or the current page table with the result in a register, on x86 (or any other ISA I know of). Maybe there should be, because it could be implemented very cheaply.
(For querying virtual memory for pages being paged out or not, there is the Linux system call mincore(2) that produces a bitmap of present/absent for a range of pages starting (given as void* start / size_t length. That's maybe similar to the HW page tables so probably could let you avoid page faults until after you've touched memory, but unrelated to TLB or cache. And maybe doesn't rule out soft page faults, only hard. And of course that's only the current situation: pages could be evicted between query and access.)
Would a CPU feature like this be useful? probably yes for a few cases
Such a thing would be hard to use in a way that paid off, because every "false" attempt is CPU time / instructions that didn't accomplish any useful work. But a case like this could possibly be a win, when you don't care what order you traverse a tree / graph in, and some nodes might be hot in cache, TLB, or even just RAM while others are cold or even paged out to disk.
When memory is tight, touching a cold page could even evict a currently-hot page before you get to it.
Normal CPUs (like modern x86) can do speculative / out-of-order page walks (to fill TLB entries), and definitely speculative loads into cache, but not page faults. Page faults are handled in software by the kernel. Taking a page-fault can't happen speculatively, and is serializing. (CPUs don't rename the privilege level.)
So software prefetch can cheaply get the hardware to fill TLB and cache while you touch other memory, if you the one you're going to touch 2nd was cold. If it was hot and you touch the cold side first, that's unfortunate. If there was a cheap way to check hot/cold, it might be worth using it to always go the right way (at least on the first step) in traversal order when one pointer is hot and the other is cold. Unless a read-only transaction is quite cheap, it's probably not worth actually using Margaret's clever answer.
If you have 2 pointers you will eventually dereference, and one of them points to a page that's been paged out while the other is hot, the best case would be to somehow detect this and get the OS to start paging in one page from disk in the background while you traverse the side that's already in RAM. (e.g. with Windows
PrefetchVirtualMemory or Linux madvise(MADV_WILLNEED). See answers on the OP's other question: Minimizing page faults (and TLB faults) while "walking" a large graph)
This will require a system call, but system calls are expensive and pollute caches + TLBs, especially on current x86 where Spectre + Meltdown mitigation adds thousands of clock cycles. So it's not worth it to make a VM prefetch system call for one of every pair of pointers in a tree. You'd get a massive slowdown for cases when all the pointers were in RAM.
CPU design possibilities
Like I said, I don't think any current ISAs have this, but it would I think be easy to support in hardware with instructions that run kind of like load instructions, but produce a result based on the TLB lookup instead of fetching data from L1d cache.
There are a couple possibilities that come to mind:
a queryTLB m8 instruction that writes flags (e.g. CF=1 for present) according to whether the memory operand is currently hot in TLB (including 2nd-level TLB), never doing a page walk. And a querypage m8 that will do a page walk on a TLB miss, and sets flags according to whether there's a page table entry. Putting the result in a r32 integer reg you could test/jcc on would also be an option.
a try_load r32, r/m32 instruction that does a normal load if possible, but sets flags instead of taking a page fault if a page walk finds no valid entry for the virtual address. (e.g. CF=1 for valid, CF=0 for abort with integer result = 0, like rdrand. It could make itself useful and set other flags (SF/ZF/PF) according to the value, if there is one.)
The query idea would only be useful for performance, not correctness, because there'd always be a gap between querying and using during which the page could be unmapped. (Like the IsBadXxxPtr Windows system call, except that that probably checks the logical memory map, not the hardware page tables.)
A try_load insn that also sets/clear flags instead of raising #PF could avoid the race condition. You could have different versions of it, or it could take an immediate to choose the abort condition (e.g. TLB miss without attempt page-walk).
These instructions could easily decode to a load uop, probably just one. The load ports on modern x86 already support normal loads, software prefetch, broadcast loads, zero or sign-extending loads (movsx r32, m8 is a single uop for a load port on Intel), and even vmovddup ymm, m256 (two in-lane broadcasts) for some reason, so adding another kind of load uop doesn't seem like a problem.
Loads that hit a TLB entry they don't have permission for (kernel-only mapping) do currently behave specially on some x86 uarches (the ones that aren't vulnerable to Meltdown). See The Microarchitecture Behind Meltdown on Henry Wong's blod ( According to his testing, some CPUs produce a zero for speculative execution of later instructions after a TLB/page miss (entry not present). So we already know that doing something with a TLB hit/miss result should be able to affect the integer result of a load. (Of course, a TLB miss is different from a hit on a privileged entry.)
Setting flags from a load is not something that ever normally happens on x86 (only from micro-fused load+alu), so maybe it would be implemented with an ALU uop as well, if Intel ever did implement this idea.
Aborting on a condition other than TLB/page miss or L1d miss would require outer levels of cache to also support this special request, though. A try_load that runs if it hits L3 cache but aborts on L3 miss would need support from the L3 cache. I think we could do without that, though.
The low-hanging fruit for this CPU-architecture idea is reducing page faults and maybe page walks, which are significantly more expensive than L3 cache misses.
I suspect that trying to branch on L3 cache misses would cost you too much in branch misses for it to really be worth it vs. just letting out-of-order exec do its thing. Especially if you have hyperthreading so this latency-bound process can happen on one logical core of a CPU that's also doing something else.

Minimizing page faults (and TLB faults) while "walking" a large graph

Problem (think of the mark phase of a GC)
I have a graph of “objects” that I need to walk, visiting all objects.
I can store in each object if it has been visited.
All the objects are stored in memory and linked together using normal pointers.
The objects are not all the same size.
Sometimes there is not enough ram in the system to hold all the objects in memory at the same time, and I wish to avoid “page thrashing”.
I also wish to avoid TLB faults
Other times, there is more than enough ram.
I do not mind writing low-level code.
I do not mind different code for windows and linux.
The code must run in “user space” without needing none standard permissions.
I don't care the order I visit the nodes in.
I am going to ask more detail questions about possible solutions, linking back to this questions.
Page faults aren't necessarily bad, as long as they're not stalling your progress.
This means that if you have a node Node* p with two candidate successors p->left and p->right, it can be useful to pick the nearest (in terms of (char*)p - (char*)p->next) and pre-fetch the other (e.g. with PrefetchVirtualMemory).
How efficient this will be cannot be predicted; it greatly depends on your graph topology. But the prefetch is virtually free when you have enough RAM.
Closer to the CPU, there's cache prefetching. Same idea, different storage
Use 2M hugepages for address ranges that are full of "hot" data that the kernel can't usefully swap out any / many 4k chunks of. This will reduce TLB misses, but costs extra physical memory if there are any 4k chunks of a hugepage that aren't hot.
Linux does this transparently for anonymous pages (, but you can use madvise(MADV_HUGEPAGE) on pages you know are worth it, to encourage the kernel to defrag physical memory even if that's not the default in /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag. (You can look at /proc/PID/smaps to see how many transparent hugepages are in use for any given mapping.)
Based on what you posted in your answer: An ordered set of nodesToVisit would give you the most locality, but might be too expensive to maintain. Multiple accesses within the same 64-byte cache line are much cheaper than coming back to it later after it's been evicted from L3 cache and has to come from DRAM again.
If you have lots of addresses to visit in your Set, doing one pass of a radix-sort into 2M buckets would give you locality within one hugepage. 2M is also smaller than L3 cache size, so you'll probably get some cache hits when visiting multiple objects in the same cache line, even if you don't hit them back to back.
Depending on how big your Set is, throwing around that many pointers even to partial-sort them might not be worth the memory traffic that takes. But there's probably some sweet spot of taking a window of data and at least partially sorting it. Using the pointers before they are evicted from cache is nice.
SW prefetch can trigger a page-walk to avoid a TLB miss, so you could _mm_prefetch(_MM_HINT_T2) one address from the next 2M bucket before starting on the current bucket. See also Prefetching Examples?. I haven't tested this, but it might work well. It won't help with page faults: prefetch from an unmapped page won't cause a page fault, and you don't want to trigger an actual PF until you're ready to touch the page.
MSalter's suggestion to ask the OS to prefetch and wire the next page is interesting (I think madvise(MADV_WILLNEED) is the Linux equivalent), but a system call will be slow for no benefit if the page was already mapped+wired into the HW page table. There's no x86 asm instruction that just asks if a page is mapped without faulting if it isn't, so I can't think of a way to efficiently choose not to call it. And BTW, I think Linux breaks up transparent hugepages into 4k regular pages for paging in/out. But don't write a big loop that just does _mm_prefetch() or madvise on all the 4k pages in a 2M block; that probably sucks. The prefetcht2 part would probably just result in excess prefetch requests being dropped.
Use perf counters to look at cache hit/miss rates. On Intel CPUs, the mem_load_retired.l1_miss and/or .l2_miss event should show you whether you're getting cache hits on accessing the Set itself, as well as on accessing dereferencing those pointers. Those counters are precise events, so they should map accurately to asm load instructions. (e.g. perf record -e mem_load_retired.l2_miss ./my_program / perf report on Linux).
We remove one item at a time from nodesToVisit
I don't know much about GC design, but can't you use a sequence number or tagged-pointer or something to avoid modifying the Set data structure itself every GC pass? If your minimum object alignment is 4 bytes, you have 2 bits to play with at the bottom of every pointer. ANDing them off before dereferencing is very cheap.
x86-64 with full 64-bit pointers currently requires the top 16 to be the sign-extension of the low 48. So you could use bits there (16 bits, or maybe just the top byte) if you re-canonicalize pointers. (redo sign extension, or just zero the high 16 bits if you want to assume user-space pointers; Linux uses a high-half kernel VM layout so user-space addresses are always in the low half of virtual address space. IDK what Windows does.)
On x86-64, you might consider using the x32 ABI (32-bit pointers in long mode) if 4GiB of address space is enough, especially if you're hitting physical memory limits and swapping. Smaller pointers mean smaller data structures, thus half the cache footprint.
Some Linux systems are built without kernel support for x32, though, only classic x86-64 and usually 32-bit mode. But if it works on your systems, consider gcc -mx32.
These are my first thoughts about a possible solution, they are clearly not optimal. I will delete this answer if someone posts a better answer.
The basic method:
Assume we have a Set<NodePointer> nodesToVisit that contains all nodes we have not yet visited.
We remove one item at a time from nodesToVisit,
and if it has not been visited before we add all “pointers to other nodes” to nodesToVisit.
But we can clearly do better, by ordering nodesToVisit based on address, so that we are more likely to visit nodes that are contained in pages we have recently accessed. This could be as simple as having a second Set<NodePointer> nodesToVisitLater, and putting any node that has an address a long way from the current node into it.
Or we could skip over any node that are contained in pages that are not resident in memory, visiting these nodes after we have visited all nodes that are currently in memory.
(The"set" could just be a stack, as visiting a node more than once is a "no-opp") seems to be related, but I have not read it yet.

Techniques available to control data/instructions in/out of the cache?

I have encountered some Intel compiler intrinsic functions which I believe allow developers to bypass the cache?
I have also come across the GCC compiler prefetch keyword, although I cannot admit to fully appreciating what this does.
With the above in mind I wondered if any members could either elaborate on the above (which I badly described) or provide other techniques which allow the developer to have close control over which data (or instructions) is/isn't loaded in the CPU cache?
This page contains a lot of information about all intrinsics:
Intel Intrinsics Guide
The series of instructions that will write data to memory, avoiding cache evictions are generally named _mm_stream_.... As the name implies, these are ideal for applications that write a large stream of data that is basically contiguous in memory and unlikely to be accessed again in the near future. So, for example, if you are mixing audio buffers and producing a single waveform output this would work well.
One of the keys to using these instructions effectively is taking advantage of write combining. If your write locations are scattered throughout memory, these instructions will stall as badly, or possibly worse than any other kind of memory storage instruction you attempt. Since these writes do not wind up in cache, if you're not filling an entire write buffer then essentially your operation becomes a write-through operation, requiring a stall until the write is completed. If you are writing contiguous memory locations then write combining will apply, and make your data writes much more efficient.
The flip side of that coin is prefetching. Prefetching tells the system to start pulling a memory address into the desired level of cache so that by the time the memory read is complete, you are ready to use the data. This is much harder to use, and requires an appropriate data "stride" which takes into account the cache sizes, cache line size, and the number of instructions which can execute before the memory read completes. Using the hinting parameter, you can "suggest" that the data goes into the L1, L2, or L3 cache, or that it is "non-temporal", meaning that you're just going to use it once and it should be evicted first before any other cache evictions. The hardware has its own prefetching heuristics that work well for most problems without explicit prefetching instructions, but the classic counter-example is a matrix transpose:
Prefetching examples
Prefetching is generally very difficult to use effectively except in some very specific cases like this. Without a more specific problem statement from you, this is about all I can provide.

Why is LRU better than FIFO?

Why is Least Recently Used better than FIFO in relation to page files?
If you mean in terms of offloading memory pages to disk - if your process is frequently accessing a page, you really don't want it to be paged to disk, even if it was the very first one you accessed. On the other hand, if you haven't accessed a memory page for several days, it's unlikely that you'll do so in the near future.
If that's not what you mean, please edit your question to give more details.
There is no single cache algorithm which will always do well because that requires perfect knowledge of the future. (And if you know where to get that...) The dominance of LRU in VM cache design is the result of a long history of measuring system behavior. Given real workloads, LRU works pretty well a very large fraction of the time. However, it isn't very hard to construct a reference string for which FIFO would have superior performance over LRU.
Consider a linear sweep through a large address space much larger than the available pageable real memory. LRU is based on the assumption that "what you've touched recently you're likely to touch again", but the linear sweep completely violates that assumption. This is why some operating systems allow programs to advise the kernel about their reference behavior - one example is "mark and sweep" garbage collection typified by classic LISP interpreters. (And a major driver for work on more modern GCs like "generational".)
Another example is the symbol table in a certain antique macro processor (STAGE2). The binary tree is searched from the root for every symbol, and the string evaluation is being done on a stack. It turned out that reducing the available page frames by "wiring down" the root page of the symbol tree and the bottom page of the stack made a huge improvement in the page fault rate. The cache was tiny, and it churned violently, always pushing out the two most frequently referenced pages because the cache was smaller than the inter-reference distance to those pages. So a small cache worked better, but ONLY because those two page frames stolen from the cache were used wisely.
The net of all this is that LRU is the standard answer because it's usually pretty good for real workloads on systems that aren't hideously overloaded (VM many times the real memory available), and that is supported by years of careful measurements. However,
you can certainly find cases where alternative behavior will be superior. This is why measuring real systems is important.
Treat the RAM as a cache. In order to be an effective cache, it needs to keep the items most likely to be requested in memory.
LRU keeps the things that were most recently used in memory. FIFO keeps the things that were most recently added. LRU is, in general, more efficient, because there are generally memory items that are added once and never used again, and there are items that are added and used frequently. LRU is much more likely to keep the frequently-used items in memory.
Depending on access patterns, FIFO can sometimes beat LRU. An Adaptive Replacement Cache is hybrid that adapts its strategy based on actual usage patterns.
According to temporal locality of reference, memory that has been accessed recently is more likely to be accessed again soon.
