Okta Session hand-over from desktop application to web application - session

We have a desktop application that is used to upload content to a web application, both use Okta for authentication. Before uploading, the desktop application authenticates the user via Okta using an embedded browser control. Later in the workflow we want to open the user's default browser so he/she can start using the web application directly. At the moment the user will need to login a second time when their default browser opens.
We planned to implement a mechanism to generate a one-time key (transferable session token) that can be passed as a URL parameter when the browser is opened. For our application's own token we can achieve this but we also need to transfer the Okta session (cookie) and we have not found a way to transfer this from the desktop browser control to the standalone browser.
What options are available to achieve this?
Edit: it is acceptable if a new session is created for the standalone browser as long as the user identity stays the same and the user does not have to provide login details a second time.

Unfortunately, Okta does not have a way to transfer one active session to another as you describe.
However, if you have enough control over the organization's environment, you could simulate this behavior. For Okta organizations that use IWA to authenticate users, you would get this sort of feature "automatically" (provided that the user's default browser supports Active Directory). Another way could be to configure your web application as a "SAML IdP" and have it "transfer a session" to Okta using a SAML Response and Okta's Inbound SAML functionality.


msal-browser, 2.0: logout() logs met out of O365 on the web, including outlook

When I call agent.logout(...) with the account that I logged into my application with, I get logged out of my application but I am also logged out of Outlook on the web that I have open in another tab.
How do I logout of only my application (registered in AAD 2.0 of course) but not logout of Outlook on the web? I provide the "account" that I logged in with that should be tied only to my specific application.
This is intended behavior, given both applications rely on the same AAD session. If you would like to only remove the session information for the MSAL instance on your website, you can manually clear local/session storage, instead of using the MSAL logout API (which will send the user to the AAD logout screen).
If you would like the ability to configure logout to only clear browser storage and not making a network request to the AAD logout page, you can open a feature request on the MSAL.js Github repository.
I think that makes sense. I guess I'm not familiar with how AAD sessions overlay/influence the oauth process. I'll open up a feature request. Thanks

Organizing a secure channel between a Web app and a Native app

This question is kinda complimentary to "Share credentials between native app and web site", as we aim to share secrets in the opposite direction.
TL;TR: how can we securely share the user's authentication/authorization state from a Web Browser app to a Native Desktop app, so the same user doesn't have to authenticate additionally in the Native app?
TS;WM: We are working on the following architecture: a Web Application (with some HTML front-end UI running inside a Web Browser of user's choice), a Native Desktop Application (implementing a custom protocol handler), a Web API and an OAuth2 service, as on the picture.
Initially, the user is authenticated/authorized in the Web Browser app against the OAuth2 service, using the Authorization Code Grant flow.
Then, the Web Browser content can do one-way talking to the Native app, when the user clicks on our custom protocol-based hyperlinks. Basically, it's done to establish a secure bidirectional back-end communication channel between the two, conducted via the Web API.
We believe that, before acting upon any requests received via a custom protocol link from the Web Browser app, the Native app should first authenticate the user (who is supposed to be the same person using this particular desktop session). We think the Native app should as well use the Authorization Code flow (with PKCE) to obtain an access token for the Web API. Then it should be able to securely verify the origin and integrity of the custom protocol data, using the same Web API.
However, it can be a hindering experience for the user to have to authenticate twice, first in the Web Browser and second in the Native app, both running side-by-side.
Thus, the question: is there a way to pass an OAuth2 access token (or any other authorization bearer) from the Web Browser app to the Native app securely, without compromising the client-side security of this architecture? I.e., so the Native app could call the Web API using the identity from the Web Browser, without having to authenticate the same user first?
Personally, I can't see how we can safely avoid that additional authentication flow. Communication via a custom app protocol is insecure by default, as typically it's just a command line argument the Native app is invoked with. Unlike a TLS channel, it can be intercepted, impersonated etc. We could possibly encrypt the custom protocol data. Still, whatever calls the Native app would have to make to decrypt it (either to a client OS API or some unprotected calls to the Web API), a bad actor/malware might be able to replicate those, too.
Am I missing something? Is there a secure platform-specific solution? The Native Desktop app is an Electron app and is designed to be cross-platform. Most of our users will run this on Windows using any supported browser (including even IE11), but ActiveX or hacking into a running web browser instance is out of question.
The best solution : Single Sign On (SSO) using Custom URL Scheme
When I was checking your question, I remembered the Zoom app that I am using in my office. How it works ?
I have my Gmail account linked to a Zoom account (this is account linkage, which is outside the scope of implementation). When I open Zoom app, I can choose the option to login with Gmail. This opens my browser and take me to Gmail. If I am logged in to Gmail, I am redirected back to a page that asking me to launch Zoom app. How this app launch happen ? The application register a custom URL scheme when app get installed and the final redirect in browser targets this URL. And this URL passes a temporary secret, which Zoom application uses to obtain OAuth tokens. And token obtaining is done independent of the browser, a direct call with SSL to token endpoint of OAuth server.
Well this is Authorization code flow for native applications. And this is how Mobile applications use OAuth. Your main issue, not allowing user to re-login is solved. This is SSO in action.
There is a specification which define best practices around this mechanism. I welcome you to go through RFC8252 - OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps.
You need to implement OS specific native code for each application distribution. Windows, Mac and Linux have different implementation support for custom URL scheme.
PKCE is mandatory (in IETF words SHOULD) for all OAuth grant types. There is this ongoing draft which talks about this. So include PKCE for your implementation too.
With PKCE, the redirect/callback response is protected from stealing. Even some other application intercept the callback, the token request cannot be recreated as the PKCE code_verifer is there.
Also, do not use a custom solution like passing secret through another channel. This will make things complicated when it comes to maintenance. Since this flow already exists in OAuth, you can benefit with libraries and guidance.
Update : Protecting Token Request
While the custom URL scheme solves the problem of launching the native application, protecting token request can be challenging. There are several options to consider.
- Bind native application launch with a secret shared from browser
When browser based client launch the native client, it can invoke a custom API to generate a secret. This secret acts like a one time password (OTP). User has to enter this value in native app before it obtain tokens. This is a customization on top of Authorization code flow.
- Dynamic client registration & Dynamic client authentication
Embedding secrets into public clients is discouraged by OAuth specification. But as question owner points out, some malicious app may register itself to receive custom URL response and obtain tokens. In such occasion, PKCE can provide an added layer of security.
But still in an extreme case, if malicious app registers the URL plus use PKCE as the original application, then there can be potential threats.
One option is to allow dynamic client registration at the first time of application launch. Here, installer/distribution can include a secret that used along with DCR.
Also, it is possible to use dynamic client authentication through a dedicated service. Here, the application's token request contains a temporary token issued by a custom service. Custom service obtain a challenge from native application. This may be done through totp or a cryptographic binding based on an embedded secret. Also it is possible to utilize OTP (as mentioned in first note) issued through browser, which needs to be copy pasted manually by end user. Once validated, this service issue a token which correlate to the secret. In the token request, native client sends this token along with call back values. This way we reduce threat vectors even though we increase implementation complexity.
Use custom URL scheme to launch the native application
Browser app generate a temporary secret shared with a custom service
At native app launch, user should copy the secret to native app UI
Native app exchange this secret with custom service to obtain a token
This second token combined with call back authorization code (issued through custom url scheme) is used to authenticate to token endpoint
Above can be considered as a dynamic client authentication
Value exposed to user can be a hashed secret, hence original value is never exposed to end user or another client
DCR is also an option but embedded secrets are discouraged in OAuth world
As you mentioned, using a custom protocol handler is not a safe way to pass secrets, since another app may handle your protocol and intercept that secret.
If you are imposing a strict constraint that the communication channel between the native app and the web app is initiated from the web app, and that the native app has not previously established a secure channel (e.g. shared secret which could encrypt other secrets), then it is not possible to safely transmit a secret to the native app.
Imagine if this were possible, then PKCE would be redundant in an OAuth 2.0 Code Flow, since the server could have safely transmitted the access token in response to the authorization request, instead of requiring the code_verifier to be provided with the grant when obtaining the access token.
Just got the following idea. It's simple and while it doesn't allow to fully automate the setup of a secure channel between Web Browser app and the Native app, it may significantly improve the user experience.
We can use Time-based One-Time Password algorithm (TOTP). In a way, it's similar to how we pair a Bluetooth keyboard to a computer or a phone.
The Web Browser app (where the user is already authenticated) could display a time-based code to the user, and the Native app should ask the user to enter that code as a confirmation. It would then use the code to authenticate against the Web API. That should be enough to establish a back-end channel between the two. The life time of the channel should be limited to that of the session within the Web Browser app. This approach might even eliminate the need for a custom protocol communication in the first place.
Still open to other ideas.
You could try driving the synchronization the other way:
Once the user is authenticated into the web app, launch the native app from the web app via the custom URL scheme.
If the native app is not authenticated, connect securely to the backend over HTTPS, create a record for the native app, retrieve a one time token associated with that record and then launch the web app in the user's browser with the token as a URL parameter.
Since the user is authenticated in the browser, when the server sees the token it can bind the native app's record with the user account.
Have the native app poll (or use some other realtime channel like push notifications or a TCP connection) the server to see if the token has been bound to a user account: once that happens you can pass a persistent auth token that the native app can store.
Did you think about using LDAP or Active Directory?
Also OAuth2 could be combined, here are a related question:
- Oauth service for LDAP authentication
- Oauth 2 token for Active Directory accounts
SSO should be easier then too, furthermore access-rights could be managed centralized.
Concerning general security considerations you could work with two servers and redirect form the one for the web-application to the other one after successful access check. That 2nd server can be protected so far that a redirect is required from the 1st server and an access check could be made independent again but without need to login another time, might be important to mention here the proposed usage of Oracle Access Manager in one linked answer for perimeter authentication.
This scenario with two servers could be also hidden by using a proxy-server in the frontend and making the redirects hidden, like that data-transfer between servers would be easier and secure too.
The important point about my proposition is that access to the 2nd server is just not granted if anything is wrong and the data are still protected.
I read here some comments concerning 2FA and some other ideas like tokens, surely those things increase security and it would be good to implement them.
If you like the general idea, I'm willing to spend still some time on the details. Some questions might be helpful for me ;-)
Technically the design in detail might depend on the used external authentication provider like Oracle Access Manager or something else. So if the solution in general sounds reasonable for you it would be useful to elaborate some parameters for the choice of a external authentication provider, i.e. price, open-source, features, etc.
Nevertheless the general procedure then is that the provider issues a token and this token serves for authentication. The token is for unique one-time usage, the second link I posted above has some answers that explain token-usage very well related to security and OAuth.
The Difference between an own OAuth2 / OIDC server and a LDAP/AD server is that you need to program everything by yourself and can't use ready solutions. Nevertheless you're independent and if everything is programmed well perhaps even a bit more secure as your solution is not public available and therefore harder to hack - potential vulnerabilities just can't be known by others. Also you're more independent, never have to wait for updates and are free to change whatever you want at any time. Considering that several software-servers are involved and perhaps even hardware-servers the own solution might be limited scale-able, but that can't be know from outside and depends on your company / team. Your code base probably is slimmer than full-blown solutions as you've only to consider your own solution and requirements.
The weak point in your solution might be that you have to program interfaces to several things that exist ready for business-frameworks. Also it might be hard to consider every single point in a small team, large companies could have more overview and capacity to tackle every potential issue.

OneLogin SAML assertion - does it authenticate the user for the app specified

I am trying to build an app in Laravel that uses the OneLogin API to provide a seamless integration with their data.
Part of the users' data is displayed in an embedded Tableau view (hosted on Tableau Online).
I have successfully added the Tableau app in OneLogin.
I have also
setup the SAML authentication - working
Laravel app can get a token and assertion via API from OneLogin
My understanding is that the SAML assertion is supposed to authenticate the user whose details were sent as part of the assertion, however, after receiving the assertion and redirecting to the view with the embedded Tableau view, the user is prompted to log in.
This kind of defeats the purpose of the assertion.
User prompted to log in:
Application storage:
Am I missing (misusing) the purpose of the assertion?
Should the assertion be added to the session?
How can I authenticate the user once without having them providing credentials for all the services used in the app?
I think you missed to enable iframe embedding.
When you enable SAML on your site, you need to specify how users sign in to access views embedded in web pages. These steps configure OneLogin to allow your OneLogin dashboard to be embedded into an inline frame (iFrame) on another site. Inline frame embedding may provide a more seamless user experience when signing-on to view embedded visualizations. For example, if a user is already authenticated with your identity provider and iFrame embedding is enabled, the user would seamlessly authenticate with Tableau Server when browsing to pages that contain an embedded visualizations.
Reference: https://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/saml_config_onelogin.htm#enable-iframe-embedding

SSO on Maintaining session in 2 different servers

Sorry if this is a bit long. Got a requirement to integrate our application with client's main portal site. The portal is maintained with a SAML 2.0 SSO features and as such, we'll need to integrate our login using SAML 2.0 as well.
The integration is done via an iframe, i.e. on the main portal, an iframe with the url pointing to our application. When user is logged in and click on a menu link, he/she will be presented with the iframe page, with our session checking with their IDP to make sure they are valid users. If so, then our application will continue to load as per usual.
The issue is that we'll need to maintain our session on our servers, while they shall maintain the session on their app server. If the user stayed on our site for a while, the session on the client main portal will timeout. And when the user click on the main portal link, they will be required to log in again.
It is suggested that when the user tries to navigate to the main portal pages, it will call a service (for now assuming it's an IDP) on our end to check whether the user session is valid or not. If it is, then we need to return a SAML response to them to validate the user.
We're exploring setting up an IDP service at our end to facilitates this, but it seems to be overkill to me. Is there a way for an IDP to only provides check on a user's session? Or is there a better option for us to achieve this?
Things that could not be changed:
1. SSO language: SAML 2.0
2. Server: Weblogic 10+
3. HTTPS a must.
Appreciate any suggestion or feedback.
Based on the provided information, I assume your application runs on WebLogic 10+. If the remote server too uses WebLogic you might be able to just implement the SAML authentication between the WebLogic federation. This will simplify everything and you don't need to do complicated application customization.
If the remote site does implement SAML and not on WebLogic, you still should be able to implement SAML authentication through the WebLogic configuration. This is straightforward and can be done without much hassle.
However, please be reminded that WebLogic 10+ does not support SAML SSO logout. Therefore, this needs to be handled separately.

How to cache user credentials for asp.net mvc3 mobile application

I have developed a mobile application using asp.net mvc3,html5,jquerymobile. I am authenticating the user using the ADFS authentication. Using IPAD or IPhone once the user is authenticated he is able to perform a download functionality in order to download an application. Now once the download functionality is completed when the user again tries to navigate back to the application he is prompted with the login window once again.
I need to stop the user from again entering the login credentials once again. So I thought of caching the user credentials will be good idea.
Can anyone help me to know how can we cache the user credential details in this case in order to prevent the user from entering the login credentials once again.
Thanks & Regards,
Santosh Kumar Patro
You could use persistent cookies. When authenticating simply pass true as second argument to the FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie method. This will emit a cookie that will be stored on the client for the given timeout period that you specify in the <forms> of your web.config.
