JavaFx animation start/stop loop? - animation

is there anyway that you can start and stop an animation, so plays for 1 sec, stops for 1 sec? I have tried to implement this with a radio button toggle with thread.sleep, however I dont think its possible this way. Are there any other ways to do this? thanks.

Given your animation:
Animation animation = ... ;
create a PauseTransition and place both in a SequentialTransition:
PauseTransition pause = new PauseTransition(Duration.seconds(1));
SequentialTransition seq = new SequentialTransition(animation, pause);
and then just play the sequential transition indefinitely (or as many times as you need):
If you are using a Timeline as your animation, another approach is to add a key frame one second after the last key frame you have, that make no changes.


In godot, I want to run an animation tied to an animated sprite one time only

I can't do this at the moment because the system I'm using to detect input runs once every frame, meaning that the animation will continue looping every frame. I tried making it so that the animation would only run when the spacebar is being held down, but it just made it start and then pause when the spacebar is unheld, which is not what I'm going for. Is there any way to make it such that when a certain key is pressed, an animated sprite runs its animation once and then stops? Thanks for your help.
Telling the animation that currently playing to play is fine. I believe the issue is with stopping it. For that I suggest having an "idle" animation. So that instead of stopping the current animation, you can tell it to play the "idle" animation (which could be as simple as one frame).
Now, if you don't want to tell the animation to play every frame, use Input.is_action_just_pressed and Input.is_action_just_released, and that will tell you when to start and stop the animation.
And if you prefer to only run code if there is some input event, you can use _input. See also _process vs. _physics_process vs. *_input and Using InputEvent.
Addendum: I paid little attention to "only one time". In the SpriteFrames editor, where you define the animations, there is a toggle in the bottom where you can tell Godot if you want the animation to loop or not.
In the odd case where you might want to change that from code, it would be something like this $AnimatedSprite.frames.set_animation_loop("animation_name", false) to make the animation not loop (you still need to tell Godot to play it, this changes how it plays from there on). Or you can replace false with true to make it loop again.

Playing same animation action on loop without reseting position

I am trying to run a walking animation on a gltf model from animationClip. The goal is to play the walking animation whenever the up arrow key is pressed and keep it running if the key is held down. For that i am playing the animation whenever first animation is completed but the animtion only plays once. It triggers the finished event but there is no animation.
walkAction = mixer.clipAction(walkClip);
walkAction.loop = THREE.LoopOnce;
walkAction.enabled = true;
walkAction.paused = true;
walkAction.clampWhenFinished = true;;
mixer.addEventListener('finished', restoreAnim);
function restoreAnim(event){
mixer.removeEventListener('finished', restoreAnim);;
The above code was to keep the character keep moving but it clamps up after the first time but the finished eventListener is still triggered repeatedly.
Also is there any other way to do this. I am using walking animation from mixamo and the problem persists even when using multiple animations and changing different properties.
Where you are downloading that animation. if it's a site like "" there will be an option called "In place". you have to check that check box before you download your selected animation. Then your animation will play without repositioning its place.
check this "In place" checkbox

JavaFX Animations: Quit an infinite transition by fading out

Have an animation like this starting with the program:
tr = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(1000), rect);
Obviously it loops endlessly. Now I want a function which stops this, but only after it has faded out. that means just the next time it reaches its "to value" (or the "from value") it should stop animating.
Now I know that I can end the animation on the next iteration by setting the cycle count to 1. However that only works when the animation has been stopped before.
But that means the .play() function restarts the animation, causing a flicker which isn't really pretty. This last cycle doesn't continue where it had been before.
How can I end the animation smoothly?
Huge thanks in advance!
Have found a smooth solution myself after all.
Instead of using infinite cycle, it uses a cycle of 2 and a finish-event which just restarts the animation:
tr = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(1000), rect);
tr.setOnFinished((ActionEvent event) ->;
Then a simple call of
Suffices to smoothly quit the animation at the end of the last transition.

Animation is not looping

Im using Unity 5.3.4 and made some animation clips in the native animation panel of Unity, using keyframes.
In the Animator, I related those clips with transitions. I set "idle" as my entry clip and y checked "Loop Time" on it's properties. Nevertheless, when I hit play, the animation is not looping. It just play once and goes to the "jump" clip. Then it keeps rotation between "jump" and "hit".
Here's how things are done:
You should control the animation behaviour with conditions for example if you want it to loop till something happened you should first add a parameter to use it for checking if something happened then use it in conditions tab for example you can make an bool parameter then use it in condition so when it was checked you will move to the next state till then it will just loop in the current state , if you put no condition so there is nothing stopping the state machine from going to the next state
animation transitions
Another tutorial

Unity 5 play 2D animation one time

I need to play animation just one time.
Something like this:
public Animation[] animations;
I've looked through StackOverflow, all I found is:
animation["AnimationName"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;
But it makes nothing.
Is this method actually for Unity3D 5?
Are there new ways to play animation one shoot?
I have one way for playing animation on mouse down.
For that open animator controller and add that dropping animation and one will be idle animation(this will have initial stage of dropping). Now make idle animation as default and add transition from idle to dropping animation.
Add parameter to this transition of type "Trigger". Set this parameter in transition condition.
And add one more transition from dropping animation to idle state.
So after dropping animation complete , it will come again in idle state.
Now For scripting :
int dropHash = Animator.StringtoHash("parameterName");
onmouseDown :
Hope you get some idea. This may help you. Thanks.
You have to use wrapMode. In your case, it can be something like
foreach(Animation anim in animations) {
anim.wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;
