kendo ui datasource read method makes two requests - kendo-ui

I have a grid with a datasource read method
this.editorGridConfig = {
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: options => {
this.getSummaryData().then(res => {
getSummaryData() {
console.log('get summary data');
let url = 'myEndPoint';
return ajaxRequest(url);
The getSummaryData is been called successfully and returns an array of objects.
The problem is when the options.success( is called kendo makes a new request on the this.getSummaryData is called twice.

if you are using a kendo route then this is the issue.
router.navigate('/page/' + e.index);
fires read() inside pagination onChange() and dataSource.query()
Solution is :
var url = window.location.href;
var pagelessUrl = url.indexOf("/page/") === -1 ? url.length - 1 : url.indexOf("/page/");
window.history.pushState('page'+e.index, document.title, url.substring(0,pagelessUrl)+"/page/" + e.index);


failing to reset language selection after sync

I am facing a problem which I am not aware how to resolve. Let me describe elaborately below:
I have a commonViewModel kendo class where event like save, cancel are written. I am facing problem with the save event of this class.
save: function () {
var that = this;
var routeLanguage = "";
that.set("isFormSubmitted", true);
console.log("form is valid, sending the save request!");
if (vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage")) {
routeLanguage = "/" + vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage");
else if (that.get("model.Languages") && that.get("model.Languages").length > 1) {
that.get("model.Languages").forEach(function (lang) {
if (lang.get("IsActive") === true) {
//sätt cv-visning till det språk jag senast redigerade på detta item
routeLanguage = "/" + lang.LanguageId;
//if i call the function _loadDefaultLanguageSelection here, it
// works. because, the datasource is not synced yet.
//Make sure the datasource are syncing changes to the server (includes all crud)
return that.dataSource.sync().fail(function (e) {
//i need to do something here to be in the same language tab. But
//as i am changing directly in to model, it is not possible. But
//saving directly to model is essential because that model is
//shared to other viewmodel for language tab synching purpose.
that.set("isFormSubmitted", false);
console.log("form rejected");
}).done(function () {
if (that.get("isPersonaldetail")) {
var name = that.get("model.Name");
if (name.length > 12)
name = name.substring(0, 11) + "...";
that.set("isFormSubmitted", false);
that.set("isSelected", false);
// it is called from here right now. but it is failing because
// model is updated but not synced in that function
router.navigate(that.nextRoute + routeLanguage);
_loadDefaultLanguageSelection: function () {
var that = this;
if (that.get("model.Languages") && that.get("model.Languages").length > 1) {
that.get("model.Languages").forEach(function (lang) {
if (!that.get("isPersonaldetail")) {
lang.set("IsActive", lang.get("LanguageId") === vm.get("languageTabsVm.selectedLanguage"));
So, my question is, how can i resolve this problem. one solution is i will have to sync twice. that is not nice. So, I am looking for efficient solution.

Iteration of resultset in schema method of kendo mvc grid

I'm using kendo MVC grid with custom binding of datasource. I want to do some preprocess to resultset data in client side javascript before binding the data to grid. But I dont know how to do the iteration of resultset in schema method of kendo custom binding. Anyone please tell me how to iterate the data in schema method.
My Code:
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Transport(transport => transport
url = Url.Action("Action", "Controller"),
beforeSend = new Kendo.Mvc.ClientHandlerDescriptor
HandlerName = "beforeSend"
.Schema(schema => schema
You can use the Schema's "parse" function to parse the server response:
I can't speak directly to how to do this using the MVC approach, but in pure javascript you could do this to convert a property called StartDate to a Date object (for example)
var mydataSource = new{
transport: {
read: function(e) {
var data = GetData(); //do something to get data
schema: {
parse: function (response) {
$.each(response, function (i, item) {
if (item.StartDate && typeof item.StartDate === "string") {
item.StartDate = kendo.parseDate(item.StartDate);
return response;

Why my extension sends duplicates on request in geometric progression?

I've created extension that makes some JSON request & send it to some receiver.
My problem is:
Open popup window
After it closing, extensions sends 1 request
Open it on the same page again, and extension will send 2 requests
Open again, 4 requests
Open again, 8 requests
In each uses of popup, extension will be duplicate outgoing data in geometric progression.
Why that happens?
From the panel I'm send addnewurl to the port:
AddDialog.port.on("addnewurl", function (data) {
AddDialog is my popup
here It handle port messages aftre popup is closed(hidded)
var http = require("sdk/request").Request;
var req = CreateRequest("add_url", {});
req.params = {...};
var sreq = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(req));
count += 1; //Global counter, u will see it in video
console.log('count = '+count);
var cfg = {
url : getRequestURL(),
contentType : "text/html",
content : sreq,
onComplete : function (response) {
var data = {
code : response.status,
body : response.json
AddDialog.port.emit("addnewurldone", data);
For more sense I've created a AVI video record of that. See it here:
1.6 MB
How to resolve that?
ADDED by request more info
That function emit addnewurl:
function AddNewURL() {
var node = $("#Tree").dynatree("getActiveNode");
if (node == null) {
$("#ServerStatus").css("color", "red");
var nkey =;
var aImg = null;
var data = {
ownerId : nkey,
name : $("#LinkTitle").val(),
description : $("#LinkDesc").val(),
url : $("#CurrentURL").val(),
scrcapt:$("#ScrCaptureCB :selected").val()
$("#load").css("display", "inline");
self.port.emit("addnewurl", data);
and it calls by button:
self.port.on("showme", function onShow(data) {
document.querySelector('#BtnOk').addEventListener('click', function () {
"swomme" goes from here(main.js):
AddDialog.on("show", function () {
count = 0;
AddDialog.port.emit("showme", locTbl);
function addToolbarButton() {
var enumerator = mediator.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var document = enumerator.getNext().document;
var navBar = document.getElementById('nav-bar');
if (!navBar) {
var btn = document.createElement('toolbarbutton');
btn.setAttribute('id', cBtnId);
btn.setAttribute('type', 'button');
btn.setAttribute('class', 'FLAToolButton');
btn.setAttribute('image', data.url('icons/Add.png'));
btn.setAttribute('orient', 'horizontal');
btn.setAttribute('label', loc("Main_ContextMenu"));
btn.addEventListener('click', function () {;
}, false)
I think the problem is here
document.querySelector('#BtnOk').addEventListener('click', function () {
If you are running AddDialog.port.emit("showme", locTbl); when you click your toolbar button then you're adding a click listener to #BtnOk every time as well.
On the first toolbar click it will have one click listener, on the second click two, and so on. You should remove the above code from that function and only run it once.

Ember: Fetching data for objects that depend on each other

I'm trying to build a front-end for a metrics tool with Ember. The code that I've written so far has been very much influenced by Eviltrout's emberreddit application
The goal is to have two classes that depend on each other: metrics and filters.
1) Once the application initializes, the filters, which are instances of the Filter-class, are loaded from the server. Once the filters have loaded, they are displayed as checkboxes on the screen. After that, the metrics objects should take the filters as parameters and query the server for data.
2) Once the user changes the checkboxes and thus updates the filter objects, the application should take the filters as parameters again and fetch new metrics data from the server.
My problem is that I don't know how to handle the dependencies between these two sets of objects with asynchronous ajax calls. At it's current state, my application doesn't finish loading the filters when it already starts loading the metrics. Therefore, the filters don't get passed as parameters for the metrics ajax-call.
My question is: What's the best way to do this ember? There surely has to be a way to handle the order of ajax calls. My intuition is that manually adding observers isn't the way to go.
Here are the models of my application:
var defaultFilters = ['dates', 'devices'];
//set Filter class. The Filter object will be multiplied for each filter.
App.Filter = Ember.Object.extend({
//capitalize first letter to get title
filterTitle: function() {
return this.get('id').charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.get('id').slice(1);
//set attribute to see if filter has loaded
loadedFilter: false,
//create method to load filter values from server
loadValues: function() {
var filter = this;
return Ember.Deferred.promise(function (p) {
if (filter.get('loadedFilter')) {
} else {
p.resolve($.getJSON("" + filter.get('id')).then(function(response) {
var values = Ember.A();
response[filter.get('id')].forEach(function(value) {
filter.setProperties({values: values, loadedFilter: true});
return values;
//reopen class to create "all" method which returns all instances of Filter class
all: function() {
if (this._all) {return this._all; }
var all = Ember.A();
defaultFilters.forEach(function(id) {
all.pushObject(App.Filter.create({id: id}));
this._all = all;
return all;
//Create a Filters array to store all the filters.
App.Filters = App.Filter.all();
App.Metric = Ember.Object.extend({
metricTitle: function() {
return this.get('id').charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.get('id').slice(1);
loadedMetric: false,
filtersBinding: 'App.Filters',
loadValues: function() {
var metric = this;
var filters = metric.get('filters');
if (filters.get('loadedFilters'))
console.log('loading metrics');
return Ember.Deferred.promise(function (p) {
if (metric.get('loadedMetric')) {
} else {
console.log('sending ajax'),
url: "" + metric.get('id') + "/",
data: JSON.stringify(metric.get('filters')),
}).then(function(response) {
var values = Ember.A();
response[metric.get('id')].forEach(function(value) {
metric.setProperties({"values": values, "loadedMetric": true});
return values;
findByView: function(searchView) {
if (this._metrics) {return this._metrics; }
var metrics = Ember.A();
defaultMetricsSettings.forEach(function(metric) {
if (metric.view == searchView)
metrics.pushObject(App.Metric.create({id:},{view: metric.view}, {calculation: metric.calculation}, {format: metric.format}, {width: metric.width}));
this._metrics = metrics;
return metrics;
And here are the routes:
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
//set application routes model to all filters
model: function() {
return App.Filter.all();
//after filter has loaded, let's load its values
afterModel: function(model) {
return model.forEach(function(item) {
//create a controller called ApplicationController and pass the filter as its model
setupController: function(controller, filter) {
controller.set('model', filter);
App.DashboardRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.Metric.findByView('Dashboard');
afterModel: function(model) {
return model.forEach(function(item) {
setupController: function(controller, metric) {
controller.set('model', metric);
App.ApplicationController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
//ApplicationController controls all the filters. Let's create a controller to handle each instance of a filter
itemController: 'filter'
App.FilterController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
//this sets the titleId property that is used only for binding html attributes in template. Stupid way to do this.
titleId: function() {
return "#" + this.get('filterTitle');}.property('filterTitle')
Your afterModel hook could do this in a sequence of dependent promises. The current implementation is returning immediately, instead you chain the promise and finally return the last promise as the result of the hook. The router will wait for the whole set of calls to complete before continuing to setupController.
afterModel: function(model) {
var promise;
model.forEach(function(item)) {
if (promise) {
promise = promise.then(function() {
} else {
promise = item.loadValues();
return promise;
I'm not sure how many of the calls you have, but you may want to batch some of these together to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Url passing in telerik mvc panel

I m using Telerik Panel bar in mvc3, and i am facing a problem while passing Url??
can anyone please help me how can i pass Url in my view.
You need to bring controller/Action name dynamically in you model and create and pass the url
.Items(sub =>
for (int i = 0; i < Model.Count(); i++)
.Url(Url.Action(Model.ElementAt(i).ActionName, Model.ElementAt(i).ControllerName, new { id = Model.ElementAt(i).IDParam }))
If I understand your question correctly, I did something similiar to this using the PanelBar and Grid.In the panel bar, put a js function in the OnSelect event:
.ClientEvents(events =>
.Items(panelbar =>
.Text("Header Text")
.Items(item =>
In the getEvent function, assign a variable to each item and make an ajax post to an actionresult on your controller or something. In my case I just made the grid rebind.
function getEvent(e) {
panelItem = $(e.item).text();
if (panelItem == "Test1") {
var eventid1 = 1;
if (panelItem == "Test2") {
var eventid2 = 2;
//make ajax post here or something
// $.ajax({
// url: '/Controller/Action',
// type: 'POST',
// data: {
// eventid1: eventid1,
// eventid2: eventid2,
// panelItem: panelItem
// }
// });
and in your controller make a conditional statement for the eventids and perform the action you want.
Hope this helps.
