Identify data warehouse design methodologies in the following diagram - etl

Can someone help me identify the top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid data warehouse design methodologies as mentioned here in Wikipedia in the following diagram? I am interested in understanding how the diagram differs depending on each design methodology.

The diagram is too generic to enable identification of a methodology. Further, the Wikipedia article is surprisingly out of date.
There are four mainstream DW methodologies in common use today - Dimensional (Kimball), 3NF (Inmon), Data Vault (Linstedt) and Anchor Modelling (Ronnback). All could be represented within that diagram.
The issue of top-down or bottom-up in this article is centred around data marts. There is no requirement that marts are stored in a separate database, or even in a DBMS. In the context of your diagram they might exist in either the data warehouse or the analysis tool. In any case, the diagram does not give any indication of what came first, so you can't infer an approach.
In order to identify the methodology (Kimball, etc.) that was used to design the warehouse you'd need to see its data model. It would be immediately apparent from the model.
To identify the order in which components were delivered you'd need to see some sort of timeline, project plan, etc.


Kedro Data Modelling

We are struggling to model our data correctly for use in Kedro - we are using the recommended Raw\Int\Prm\Ft\Mst model but are struggling with some of the concepts....e.g.
When is a dataset a feature rather than a primary dataset? The distinction seems vague...
Is it OK for a primary dataset to consume data from another primary dataset?
Is it good practice to build a feature dataset from the INT layer? or should it always pass through Primary?
I appreciate there are no hard & fast rules with data modelling but these are big modelling decisions & any guidance or best practice on Kedro modelling would be really helpful, I can find just one table defining the layers in the Kedro docs
If anyone can offer any further advice or blogs\docs talking about Kedro Data Modelling that would be awesome!
Great question. As you say, there are no hard and fast rules here and opinions do vary, but let me share my perspective as a QB data scientist and kedro maintainer who has used the layering convention you referred to several times.
For a start, let me emphasise that there's absolutely no reason to stick to the data engineering convention suggested by kedro if it's not suitable for your needs. 99% of users don't change the folder structure in data. This is not because the kedro default is the right structure for them but because they just don't think of changing it. You should absolutely add/remove/rename layers to suit yourself. The most important thing is to choose a set of layers (or even a non-layered structure) that works for your project rather than trying to shoehorn your datasets to fit the kedro default suggestion.
Now, assuming you are following kedro's suggested structure - onto your questions:
When is a dataset a feature rather than a primary dataset? The distinction seems vague...
In the case of simple features, a feature dataset can be very similar to a primary one. The distinction is maybe clearest if you think about more complex features, e.g. formed by aggregating over time windows. A primary dataset would have a column that gives a cleaned version of the original data, but without doing any complex calculations on it, just simple transformations. Say the raw data is the colour of all cars driving past your house over a week. By the time the data is in primary, it will be clean (e.g. correcting "rde" to "red", maybe mapping "crimson" and "red" to the same colour). Between primary and the feature layer, we will have done some less trivial calculations on it, e.g. to find one-hot encoded most common car colour each day.
Is it OK for a primary dataset to consume data from another primary dataset?
In my opinion, yes. This might be necessary if you want to join multiple primary tables together. In general if you are building complex pipelines it will become very difficult if you don't allow this. e.g. in the feature layer I might want to form a dataset containing composite_feature = feature_1 * feature_2 from the two inputs feature_1 and feature_2. There's no way of doing this without having multiple sub-layers within the feature layer.
However, something that is generally worth avoiding is a node that consumes data from many different layers. e.g. a node that takes in one dataset from the feature layer and one from the intermediate layer. This seems a bit strange (why has the latter dataset not passed through the feature layer?).
Is it good practice to build a feature dataset from the INT layer? or should it always pass through Primary?
Building features from the intermediate layer isn't unheard of, but it seems a bit weird. The primary layer is typically an important one which forms the basis for all feature engineering. If your data is in a shape that you can build features then that means it's probably primary layer already. In this case, maybe you don't need an intermediate layer.
The above points might be summarised by the following rules (which should no doubt be broken when required):
The input datasets for a node in layer L should all be in the same layer, which can be either L or L-1
The output datasets for a node in layer L should all be in the same layer L, which can be either L or L+1
If anyone can offer any further advice or blogs\docs talking about Kedro Data Modelling that would be awesome!
I'm also interested in seeing what others think here! One possibly useful thing to note is that kedro was inspired by cookiecutter data science, and the kedro layer structure is an extended version of what's suggested there. Maybe other projects have taken this directory structure and adapted it in different ways.
Your question prompted us to write a Medium article better explaining these concepts, it's just been published on Toward Data Science

How to build a knowledge graph?

I prototyped a tiny search engine with PageRank that worked on my computer. I am interested in building a Knowledge Graph on top of it, and it should return only queried webpages that are within the right context, similarly to how Google found relevant answers to search questions. I saw a lot of publicity around Knowledge Graphs, but not a lot of literature and almost no pseudocode like guideline of building one. Does anyone know good references on how such Knowledge Graphs work internally, so that there will be no need to create models about a KG?
Knowledge graph is a buzzword. It is a sum of models and technologies put together to achieve a result.
The first stop on your journey starts with Natural language processing, Ontologies and Text mining. It is a wide field of artificial intelligence, go here for a research survey on the field.
Before building your own models, I suggest you try different standard algorithms using dedicated toolboxes such as gensim. You will learn about tf-idf, LDA, document feature vectors, etc.
I am assuming you want to work with text data, if you want to do image search using other images it is different. Same for the audio part.
Building models is only the first step, the most difficult part of Google's knowledge graph is to actually scale to billions of requests each day ...
A good processing pipeline can be built "easily" on top of Apache Spark, "the current-gen Hadoop". It provides a resilient distributed datastore which is mandatory if you want to scale.
If you want to keep your data as a graph, as in graph theory (like pagerank), for live querying, I suggest you use Bulbs which is a framework which is "Like an ORM for graphs, but instead of SQL, you use the graph-traversal language Gremlin to query the database". You can switch the backend from Neo4j to OpenRDF (useful if you do ontologies) for instance.
For graph analytics you can use Spark, GraphX module or GraphLab.
Hope it helps.
I know I'm really late but first to clarify some terminology: Knowledge Graph and Ontology are similar (I'm talking in the Semantic Web paradigm). In the semantic web stack the foundation is RDF which is a language for defining graphs as triples (Subject, Predicate, Object). RDFS is a layer on top of RDF. It defines a meta-model, e.g., predicates such as rdf:type and nodes such as rdfs:Class. Although RDFS provides a meta-model there is no logical foundation for it so there are no reasoners that can validate the model or do further reasoning on it. The layer on top of RDFS is OWL (Web Ontology Language). That has a formal semantics defined by Description Logic which is a decidable subset of First Order Logic. It has more predefined nodes and links such as owl:Class, owl:ObjectProperty, etc. So when people use the term ontology they typically mean an OWL model. When they use the term Knowledge Graph it may refer to an ontology defined in OWL (because OWL is still ultimately an RDF graph) or it may mean just a graph in RDF/RDFS.
I said that because IMO the best way to build a knowledge graph is to define an ontology and then use various semantic web tools to load data (e.g., from spreadsheets) into the ontology. The best tool to start with IMO is the Protege ontology editor from Stanford. It's free and for a free open source tool very reliable and intuitive. And there is a good tutorial for how to use Protege and learn OWL as well as other Semantic Web tools such as SPARQL and SHACL. That tutorial can be found here: New Protege Pizza Tutorial (disclosure: that links to my site, I wrote the tutorial). If you want to get into the lower levels of the graph you probably want to check out a triplestore. It is a graph database designed for OWL and RDF models. The free version of Franz Inc's AllegroGraph triplestore is easy to use and supports 5M triples. Another good triplestore that is free and open source is part of the Apache Jena framework.

Is a fact table in normalized or de-normalized form?

I did a bit R&D on the fact tables, whether they are normalized or de-normalized.
I came across some findings which make me confused.
According to Kimball:
Dimensional models combine normalized and denormalized table structures. The dimension tables of descriptive information are highly denormalized with detailed and hierarchical roll-up attributes in the same table. Meanwhile, the fact tables with performance metrics are typically normalized. While we advise against a fully normalized with snowflaked dimension attributes in separate tables (creating blizzard-like conditions for the business user), a single denormalized big wide table containing both metrics and descriptions in the same table is also ill-advised.
The other finding, which I also I think is ok, by fazalhp at GeekInterview:
The main funda of DW is de-normalizing the data for faster access by the reporting if ur building a DW ..90% it has to be de-normalized and off course the fact table has to be de normalized...
So my question is, are fact tables normalized or de-normalized? If any of these then how & why?
From the point of relational database design theory, dimension tables are usually in 2NF and fact tables anywhere between 2NF and 6NF.
However, dimensional modelling is a methodology unto itself, tailored to:
one use case, namely reporting
mostly one basic type (pattern) of a query
one main user category -- business analyst, or similar
row-store RDBMS like Oracle, SQl Server, Postgres ...
one independently controlled load/update process (ETL); all other clients are read-only
There are other DW design methodologies out there, like
Inmon's -- data structure driven
Data Vault -- data structure driven
Anchor modelling -- schema evolution driven
The main thing is not to mix-up database design theory with specific design methodology. You may look at a certain methodology through database design theory perspective, but have to study each methodology separately.
Most people working with a data warehouse are familiar with transactional RDBMS and apply various levels of normalization, so those concepts are used to describe working a star schema. What they're doing is trying to get you to unlearn all those normalization habits. This can get confusing because there is a tendency to focus on what "not" to do.
The fact table(s) will probably be the most normalized since they usually contain just numerical values along with various id's for linking to dimensions. They key with fact tables is how granular do you need to get with your data. An example for Purchases could be specific line items by product in an order or aggregated at a daily, weekly, monthly level.
My suggestion is to keep searching and studying how to design a warehouse based on your needs. Don't look to get to high levels of normalized forms. Think more about the reports you want to generate and the analysis capabilities to give your users.

Predicting missing data values in a database

I have a database, consisting of a whole bunch of records (around 600,000) where some of the records have certain fields missing. My goal is to find a way to predict what the missing data values should be (so I can fill them in) based on the existing data.
One option I am looking at is clustering - i.e. representing the records that are all complete as points in some space, looking for clusters of points, and then when given a record with missing data values try to find out if there are any clusters that could belong in that are consistent with the existing data values. However this may not be possible because some of the data fields are on a nominal scale (e.g. color) and thus can't be put in order.
Another idea I had is to create some sort of probabilistic model that would predict the data, train it on the existing data, and then use it to extrapolate.
What algorithms are available for doing the above, and is there any freely available software that implements those algorithms (This software is going to be in c# by the way).
This is less of an algorithmic and more of a philosophical and methodological question. There are a few different techniques available to tackle this kind of question. Acock (2005) gives a good introduction to some of the methods. Although it may seem that there is a lot of math/statistics involved (and may seem like a lot of effort), it's worth thinking what would happen if you messed up.
Andrew Gelman's blog is also a good resource, although the search functionality on his blog leaves something to be desired...
Hope this helps.
Acock (2005)
Andrew Gelman's blog
Dealing with missing values is a methodical question that has to do with the actual meaning of the data.
Several methods you can use (detailed post on my blog):
Ignore the data row. This is usually done when the class label is missing (assuming you data mining goal is classification), or many attributes are missing from the row (not just one). However you'll obviously get poor performance if the percentage of such rows is high
Use a global constant to fill in for missing values. Like "unknown", "N/A" or minus infinity. This is used because sometimes is just doesnt make sense to try and predict the missing value. For example if you have a DB if, say, college candidates and state of residence is missing for some, filling it in doesn't make much sense...
Use attribute mean. For example if the average income of a US family is X you can use that value to replace missing income values.
Use attribute mean for all samples belonging to the same class. Lets say you have a cars pricing DB that, among other things, classifies cars to "Luxury" and "Low budget" and you're dealing with missing values in the cost field. Replacing missing cost of a luxury car with the average cost of all luxury cars is probably more accurate then the value you'd get if you factor in the low budget cars
Use data mining algorithm to predict the value. The value can be determined using regression, inference based tools using Baysian formalism , decision trees, clustering algorithms used to generate input for step method #4 (K-Mean\Median etc.)
I'd suggest looking into regression and decision trees first (ID3 tree generation) as they're relatively easy and there are plenty of examples on the net.
As for packages, if you can afford it and you're in the Microsoft world look at SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS for short) that implement most of the mentioned above.
Here are some links to free data minning software packages:
Although not C# he's a pretty good intro to decision trees and baysian learning (using Ruby):
There's also this Ruby library that I find very useful (also for learning purposes):
There should be plenty of samples for these algorithms online in any language so I'm sure you'll easily find C# stuff too...
Forgot this in my original post. This is a definately MUST HAVE if you're playing with data mining...
Download Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft Office 2007 (It requires SQL Server Analysis Services - SSAS - which isn't free but you can download a trial).
This will allow you to easily play and try out the different techniques in Excel before you go and implement this stuff yourself. Then again, since you're in the Microsoft ecosystem, you might even decide to go for an SSAS based solution and count on the SQL Server guys to do it for ya :)
Predicting missing values is generally considered to be part of data cleansing phase which needs to be done before the data is mined or analyzed further. This is quite prominent in real world data.
Please have a look at this algorithm
Currently Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 also comes with algorithms like these which help in predictive modelling of attributes.

Algorithm to auto-arrange entity relationship diagram

I am currently writing a control (in C#) for displaying a set of tables and the relationships that exist between them. I got the basic control done, but would like to implement something similar to the "Auto-Arrange" feature provided by the diagramming component of SQL Express.
What kind of algorithm does it follow to identify the optimal layout of tables? That is, an algorithm that considers all the "relationship paths" and comes up with a layout in which the tables can be arranged without much clutter.
Look into Graphviz. Even if you can't use it as a dependency, it has plenty of documentation about the algorithms used.
Check out graph layout algorithms, in particular "orthogonal layout". According to Wikipedia this is a "layout with edges running horizontally or vertically, with approaches that reduce the number of edge crossovers and area covered."
