How to share a filtered resource at generate-sources phase in a multi module project? - maven

I have a parent project with 3 child projects:
The configuration config.xml is used during the generate-sources phase. For the three projects, the config.xml is exactly the same. However, the usage of this config.xml is different for each project.
In project-X, I am referring to config.xml as following:
What is the best way to share this common config.xml between all 3 projects?

You can use the build-helper-maven-plugin here.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<custom-value>Project-X Value</custom-value>
Now, let's build the project:
D:\workspaces> cd shared-resources-project
D:\workspaces\java\shared-resources-project> mvn clean install
Some notes:
The build-helper-maven-plugin will add the common config.xml file as a resource to Project-X.
Then the Maven resources plugin (MRP) will copy config.xml to the project output directory (target directory by default). During the copy, MRP will also replace ${custom-value} with the specific value provided by Project-X.
The final config.xml will be available to another plugin as long as the other plugin is bound to the generate-source phase AND its declaration appears AFTER the build-helper-maven-plugin declaration. Maven (3.0.4+ at least) calls the plugins in their order of apparition in the pom.xml.


Include Maven Site HTML pages in JAR's resources

I've got a Maven project that builds a JAR file.
It also creates a site (using maven-site-plugin) that describes information about the project.
I'd like to include the resultant html pages generated by the maven-site-plugin in the resources of the created JAR so that they can be accessed at runtime by a help system.
Is this possible? If so, how?
I've tried using the site:jar goal but this always creates an additional JAR with "-site" appended, as per the documentation.
I've solved this by using maven-resources-plugin to copy the site from the ${}/site directory to ${}/classes, which is the contents of the final JAR.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Include the maven site in the final JAR - we do this by running site:site BEFORE install -->

maven build ear - how I can build just a .ear file and not the exploded ear dir?

I just need a myEar.ear file as output of my maven build.
I don't want the dir myEar (the exploded ear version).
To be clear, this is my build output:
20/02/2017 11:37 <DIR> myEar
20/02/2017 11:37 7.985.535 myEar.ear
I just want the myEar.ear.
Here my pom.xml of the ear:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I fixed with th maven-antrun-plugin... an ant call inside maven... very dirty... someone has a better idea?
<delete dir="${basedir}/../target/diraliases/EARHOMEDIR1036/myEar"/>

How to set values for properties tag of maven by reading the .properties file

I have 5 projects, here I want to copy the java classes from one non-maven project to maven project for this requirement I used maven-ant-plugin. with this I am able to do the copy successfully.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<copy file="${project1.nonmaven.src}"
todir="${}" />
<copy file="${project1.nonmaven.test}"
todir="${}" />
But here my question is, instead of giving the source and destination paths (I want to give this like for remaining 4 projects) inside the pom.xml directly, I just want to read it from the properties file.
for example :
${get the location from property bundle by using key}</project1.nonmaven.src>
Can you please some one suggest me how ??

Referring dependencies that don't yet exist in Maven

I need to install a whole bunch of 3rd party jar files in my local repository, using maven-install plugin. That part is done with the following pom:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<bo.lib.dir>C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib</bo.lib.dir>
In a nutshell, I'm looping through these three items (cecore,celib, and cesession) to perform the actual installation.
I would like to then add these three items as dependencies, but since these won't exist before the package phase, Maven complains about that.
Ideally, I would like to instruct Maven to resolve the dependencies after the packaging, or to instruct Maven to trust that the dependencies will in fact become available.
Any ideas/suggestions?

Artifact has not been packaged yet - maven-dependency-plugin

When I build a multi module maven project(using mvn clean compile) where one dependency(part of the build reactor) is copied into another using dependency:copy, then maven complains with the below error.
Artifact has not been packaged yet. When used on reactor artifact, copy should be executed after packaging: see MDEP-187 is thrown
This is perfectly fine, Maven can't copy the dependent jar because it has not been packaged yet and the dependency has to be resolved from the local project and not from the repository.
Lets say project A is being copied into project B using the dependency:copy goal.
Now if I import the projects into eclipse,with the lifecycle mapping set in such a way that the maven-jar-plugin is executed on project A(which means that A is packaged), still project B complains with the same error. How can I get rid of this.I can't ignore dependency:copy in the m2e lifecycle as it's a crucial phase in the build.
ProjectA's pom file :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<execute />
Project B's pom file
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
and the Parent pom wrapping these 2 modules
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I need a ProjectB's jar to contain ProjectA's jar in the jars directory(This is required by a custom class-loader part of a home-grown framework)
With m2eclipse, the artifactItems or dependencies will be resolved to the outputDirectory of the corresponding workspace project if the Resolve dependencies from workspace Projects setting is turned on. This is the root cause for the error in my question.
I ended up forking the existing m2e configurator for this plugin so that it can fetch these dependencies/artifactItems from the respository instead of picking it from the workspace project's outputDirectories .
Though this works with few tests which I had done, it is pretty much a work in progress and in case someone wants to help or contribute, the GitHub URL is
