curl issue while uploading files to ftp - bash

I have an issue while I need from script to upload all files which stored in some directory. Every time I get this issue:
curl: (9) Server denied you to change to the given directory
for file in /export/test/*
curl -T ${file}${file} --user tester:psswd
I checked vsftpd config and I have permissions to write/read and when I do it manually It runs.
for example when I run this command, everything is OK.
curl -T /export/test/testing.txt --user tester:psswd
Have someone else also this problem?
I don't have any idea how to solve it, I tried everything.
By the way: My ftp root folder is /var/www/stats and I need to rewrite files in subfolders which is named: /var/www/stats/export/test.

my bad: error is in that file variable putting full path to server and I put one more slash there.
so final conclusion is this:
for file in /export/test/*
curl -T ${file}${file} --user tester:psswd
It works. Done.


"No such file or directory" but it's there. Shell script looping through array of folders

I'm trying to automate the download of a subdirectories in a directory. However, when executing the script, the last one or two directories cannot be found by the script - "No such file or directory". All others do fine and can be downloaded. This occurs for all directories I've tried this on which is strange to me. Why would it always not find the last two directories?
Can anyone help with this? Is it due to the loop? I've tried changing it to loop over the last ones only and this doesn't help. Or maybe it's due to the conversion of array=($l)?
Here's my script:
l=`ssh -t username#server 'ls' ${dirServer}`
#array of folders that should be copied to local machine
for folder in ${array[#]}
echo ${folder}
#if directory doesn't exist, creat it
mkdir -p ${dirLocal}${folder}
scp -r username#server:${dirServer}${folder}/analysis/ ${dirLocal}${folder}
Try change the following line including this "-o LogLevel=QUIET"
l=`ssh -o LogLevel=QUIET -t username#server 'ls' ${dirServer}`
That is coming from SSH. You see it because you gave the -t switch, which forces SSH to allocate a pseudo-terminal for the connection. Traditionally, SSH displays that message to make it clear that you are no longer interacting with the shell on the remote host, which is normally only a question when SSH has a pseudo-terminal allocated.

How to download website files from a server

I have a website hosted on a server ***.***.**.**
I would like to download a folder, public_html which contains my website files.
How can I download the folder with all it's subdirectories intact and in order?
I'm using:
cd public_html
lcd D:\websiteFiles
mget */*
but, the problem is that this dumps all the contents of public_html and its sub-folders into websiteFiles without the sub-folders.
how can I maintain the structure of public_html and all its sub-folders on download?
I want to do this in windows 7 cmd without assistance from ftp tools like fireftp, filzilla....
One alternative would be to use wget to do this. The following command should work as long as you have wget installed on your system:
wget --mirror -p --convert-links -P .
You might have to add a Referer header to your request:
--header "Referer:"
Another way would be to use rsync:
rsync -avz -e ssh <username>#<server>:/public_html/ /www/
You can download wget here
The scp command can also be used to achieve this:
scp -r <username>#<server>:/public_html /www/
You could install cygwin in order to use rsync or scp
This is what worked:
wget -m

Uploading the content of a variable as a file into FTP server using Bash

Using Bash scripting, I'm trying to upload the content of variable into an FTP server.
The variable is $HASHED and it contains some hashed password
echo $HASHED
The output of the above command is: M0eSl8NR40wH
I need to do the following:
Create a time/date stamped file in the FTP server (i.e. PASSWORD_18_02_2014)
The file needs to have the same content of the $HASHED value (i.e. the PASSWORD_18_02_2014 needs to have M0eSl8NR40wH inside it).
Trying Curl, I couldn't get it working using the following:
UPLOAD="curl -T $HASHED --user username:password"
Your help is very much appreciated.
Something like this might help you (tested on Linux Mint 13):
FILENAME=PASSWORD_`date +%d_%m_%Y`
ftp -n your_ftp_site <<EOF
user your_user_name_on_the_ftp_server
A few caveats:
You have to export HASHED, e.g. when you set it, set it like this: export HASHED=M0eSl8NR40wH
The above assumes you will be running this from a terminal and can type in your password when prompted
You may have to add some cd commands after the line that starts "user" and before the line that starts "put", depending on where you want to put the file on your ftp server
Don't forget to make the script executable:
chmod u+x your_command_script_name
You can code the password after the user name on the line that starts "user", but this leaves a big risk that someone can discover your password on the ftp server. At the very least, make the bash command script readable only by you:
chmod 700 your_command_script_name
Please try this:
echo "$HASHED" | curl --silent --show-error --upload-file \
-$(date +PASSWORD_%d_%m_%Y) --user username:password
--silent : prevents the progress bar
--show-error : shows errors if any
--upload-file - : get file from stdin
The target name is indicated as part of the URL

how to use curl --ftp-create-dirs?

I have been searching the Internet trying to find an example of --ftp-create-dirs.
Overall my goal is to use "--ftp-create-dirs" to automatically create the necessary folders if they are not present when I upload my file.
The problem is I don't know the exact syntax for properly using --ftp-create-dirs, can someone help me with this?
My current curl:
curl -k -T 000-0000-0000-000.png -u [username]:[pass] --ftp-create-dirs /test --ftp-ssl ftp:[ftp server]
In the example above, I am trying to upload the .png image and create /test on the ftp server if it does not exist.
To add a new directory via FTP:
curl ftp://username:password# --ftp-create-dirs
Just putting this in here for future reference (and because I keep making the same mistake that I just saw in your code): it is important to end your folder name with a / (slash). Otherwise, curl will create a file, not a folder. Here is the command I used:
curl -T path/to/local_file.txt --ftp-create-dirs -u username:password
This will move local_file.txt to my_new_folder on the FTP server. The folder will be created if it doesn't exist, otherwise, the command will simply be ignored.
If there are any issues with creating the folder, curl will return error number 9 (see This can happen if a file with the same name as the new folder already exists in the given directory:
curl: (9) Failed to MKD dir: 451
You don't need to use the /test after the --ftp-create-dirs. Its just a parameter similar to your -k(doesn't take any value) at the command.

Moving a folder from Desktop to the server?

I have a folder in my Desktop. I want to copy it to my server in Terminal.
I tried this unsuccessfully
[~/bin]# cp -r /Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1 ~/bin/
cp: cannot stat `/Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1': No such file or directory
I run the command in my server. The problem seems to be in the fact that "/Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1" is a folder in my Mac, not in my server.
Perhaps, I cannot move the folder so simply to my server because my server do not know where my folder locates.
I have always moved the folder by GUI. Is the same possible also just in terminal?
From the server:
scp -r username#A.B.C.D:~/Desktop/tig-0.14.1/ ~/bin/
username is your shortname on your local mac.
A.B.C.D is the IP address of your local mac as seen by the server.
You will be prompted for your password.
Or if you wanted to push from your local client:
scp -r ~/Desktop/tig-0.14.1/ serveruser#W.X.Y.Z:~/bin/
serveruser is the user on the server whose ~/bin you want to copy into.
W.X.Y.Z is the IP address of the server as seen by your client.
You will be prompted to enter serveruser's password.
scp is part of ssh. See 'man scp' (from the terminal) for more info.
From your Mac (not the server):
# scp -r ~/Desktop/tig-0.14.1 myUsername#myServerName:~/bin
replace myUsername and myServerName appropriately.
cp is not the correct command. Try scp instead; it has similar use and you can use it like this: (see the manual for reference)
from linux client:
scp user1#host1://Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1 ~/bin/
if you use a windows client you can use winscp to do this in "drag&drop" style
cp: cannot stat/Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1': No such file or directory`
That's the problem, alright: the file you're trying to copy is not where you thought, or not named what you typed. As suggested in comments you can try using tab completion at the prompt to make sure you have everything correct:
# cp /Users/Sam/Desk<TAB>
# cp /Users/Sam/Desktop/tig<TAB>
# cp /Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1.tar.gz
Note that tig-0.14.1.tar.gz is probably the actual file name, as found in the wild...
