Can we develop .net framework 4.6.1 supporting office applications using Visual Studio 2013? - visual-studio-2013

I have developed an outlook VSTO addin using VS 2008, supporting .net 3.5 . Now, I want to upgrade the .net framework version supported by my application to the latest .net 4.6.1 version. So, will I have to get Visual Studio 2015 for that, or any prior version will suffice?

you can target 4.6.1 .net framework with visual studio 2012 or later. You must install.NET Framework 4.6.1 Dev Pack.
Source :


Is .Net Framework 4.8 compatible with Visual Studio 2017

I am looking to see if there are any official mentions about .NET Framework 4.8 being compatible with Visual Studio 2017.
I can see that there is backwards compatibility between applications built with .Net Framework 4.8 to 4.5 as noted here but on the other side, looking at Visual Studio 2017 Support for .NET Development I don't see 4.8 being mentioned.
Installing it locally and checking, it looks like .Net Framework 4.8 is compatible to Visual Studio 2017, but I am still looking for a more official resource confirming that it is safe to use them together for development.
Yes, it's compatible.
Visual Studio 2017 was released before .NET Framework 4.8, so it makes sense that the original documentation of Visual Studio 2017 does not mention .NET Framework 4.8. In particular, the document you linked to mentions "05/31/2018" as its modification date, which is also before .NET Framework 4.8 was released (18 April 2019).
According to Microsoft's official "What's new in .NET Framework" page, .NET Framework 4.8 can be used in Visual Studio 2012 and higher:
You can target .NET Framework 4.8 in Visual Studio 2012 or later by installing the .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack.

How to add .NET Core to Visual Studio 2015 Pro

I want to install .NET Core in Visual Studio 2015 Pro, to implement Service worker for Linux.
When I go to official download page of microsoft, they are showing everything confusing, not sure what to download.
See below screeshot
Please suggest how to install .Net Core?
Microsoft only supports .NET Core development on Visual Studio 2015 up to .NET Core 1.1, meanwhile .NET Core Worker Service is introduced on .NET Core 3.0. Since the only currently supported .NET Core with Worker Service is .NET 3.1, you will need to use .NET Core 3.1, which are only supported by the latest VS 2019. So either ask your company if they can provide you with the license for VS 2019 Pro, get VS 2019 Community if you're eligible, or otherwise use VS Code.
How to add .NET Core to Visual Studio 2015 Pro
TL;DR: you can't.
.NETCore 3.0 (now end of life) and 3.1 are only supported in VS 2019.
.NET Core 2.2 (the only other supported version) is only supported in VS 2017 & 2019.

Cannot target .NET Framework 4.7.2 in VS 2017 15.7.5

I have installed .NET Framework 4.7.2 from Microsoft's website. However, when I'm in Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.7.5 (currently the latest)) I cannot target Framework 4.7.2 even though it is installed on the computer. All other Frameworks are there.
When running the Visual Studio installer there is only the option to install up to 4.7.1.
Does VS 2017 15.7.5 literally not support targetting project to 4.7.2 yet or what might be going on here?
For developing with .NET Framework 4.7.2, the .NET Framework Dev Pack must be installed, not just the runtime.
Currently it can be found at Download .NET Framework 4.7.2, but that location is likely to change in future.

.net core - Visual Studio 2015 error

There is a way to open .net core project in Visual Studio 2015? (I can't use 2017).
I am talking about the full version .net core (released in march).
Currently my VS generate error:
Unfortunately, no. For .NET Core projects using csproj format, you need VS 2017. VS2015 just won't work.
We are encouraging everyone doing .NET Core development to move to Visual Studio 2017, including migrating from project.json to csproj. We will not be supporting csproj and MSBuild for .NET Core in Visual Studio 2015.
Announcing .NET Core Tools 1.0.

Can I still target .NET Framework 1.1 in VisualStudio 2010?

I am working with a project which uses .Net Frame V1.1 runs on VisualStudio 2003,
Now, I want to run my project in VisualStudio 2010?
Can I still target .NET Framework 1.1 in VisualStudio 2010?
Visual Studio 2010 only supports the 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 frameworks as targets. It does not support 1.1.
Is there any reason why you can't upgrade it to .NET 2.0. Did you know that .NET 1.1 is no longer officially supported on Server 2008 R2 and so I wouldn't expect it to be officially supported on any newer operating system.
I have read of some hacks to build .NET 1.1 projects for VS2005 and VS2008 - see below. Realize that if you set this up, then everyone else who works on the project will have to go through the same setup.
No, .NET Framework 1.1 is not supported by Visual Studio 2010.
