How do I export Active Directory membership? - windows

I am in an organization with thousands of users and some of them are not in the correct Active Directory group. I can access most of the groups through dsquery Rundll dsquery.dll OpenQueryWindow, but the way the groups are configured, it takes forever to check. Microsoft doesn't provide any information I've seen to export this to a text file or other source, but there must be a better way to get this information.

I assume you mean organizational unit (OU) instead of group.
Use PowerShell. You do need RSAT installed. Then you can run:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "ou=testou,dc=iammred,dc=net"
Change the OU to the OU you want to look at.
Or if you really did mean group:
Get-ADGroupMember -identity "GROUPNAME" -Recursive


How to get full name from domain name

So a while back, I managed to make a bat file that would let me enter in somone's username.
Then, it would search the domain for the full name and I could use that for other work. The bat I used would spit out JUST the fullname and put it in a variable.I know I can use the net user /domain $username command, but that doesn't let you single out a result, as far as I'm aware
Unfortunately, I lost it and I can even fine the tutorial I used to help me with it. Does anyone know how this might be done? I did it a few years back on a windows 7 machine, I'm not sure if that changes anything.
Powershell is a much better option for pulling AD info and exporting it. Using the PS AD Module you could do something similar to Get-ADUser -filter $username -properties Name | Select-Object Name From here you could store this info in a variable or write it to a file etc. I will also link to the AD Module documentation for reference on Get-ADUser
If your variable $username is the SamAccountName for the user, just do PowerShell:
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$username'" -Properties DisplayName
You now have an object with these user properties: DistinguishedName, Enabled, GivenName, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID, Surname, UserPrincipalName, DisplayName
Only DisplayName needs to be asked for, all other properties are returned by default using Get-ADUser
So if you want just the DisplayName ('FullName' as you call it), just return that:
$fullName = (Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$username'" -Properties DisplayName).DisplayName

Why am I getting no output when I try to search for a deleted user in Active Directory through PowerShell?

I am trying to search Active Directory for deleted users with PowerShell, but am unable to return any results even though I have used the -IncludeDeletedObjects parameter. Here is the command that I used:
get-adobject -filter{Name -like "$user"} -includedeletedobjects -properties *
The answer that worked for me is the command below will list all the users that were deleted from the Active Directory if your AD recycle bin is enabled and if you have sufficient privileges on Active Directory
Get-AdObject -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "user" -and IsDeleted -eq $True' -IncludeDeletedObjects -Properties * | Ft Name,IsDeleted,WhenCreated
If you don't have the AD Recycle Bin enabled, you won't be able to find deleted objects.
If $user is expected to an exact match, you should also be using the -eq operator, not -like. If you want a fuzzy match, -like is correct but you should surround $user with * like so: *${user}*.
If $user is supposed to be the logon name, and not the friendly name of the user, then Name isn't the correct property to filter on, you will want to check against SamAccountName, not Name:
Get-ADObject -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$user'"
If you are only interested in user objects, and not other AD object types, consider usingGet-ADUser in lieu of Get-ADObject. The syntax for what you specified above is the same, but will guarantee you only get ADUser objects, not ADComputer, ADGroup, etc.
Also, you should avoid using -Properties * and -Filter { ScriptBlock } arguments when using the AD cmdlets. Only use the Properties you need to process later, and use a string based filter like so:
Get-ADObject -Filter "Name -like '*$user*'"
See my answer here for best practices when using the -Filter parameter with AD cmdlets (also explains why not to use -Properties *), and this answer here for more details on why you should not use ScriptBlock parameters for AD filters.

Add a user to a domain group and set the user privileges to certain folder

I have a user in my workplace domain, I want to add him to a specific domain group then assign him some privileges on a specific folder.
I wonder how this can be done using command line or a more automated process than doing it step by step as I do this quite often.
I'm using AD on Windows 10
Looks like dsmod group can be used but I don't know how.
If I have a user with username userh01 in domain mydom how I can add him automatically to group mydomgroup1?
I've tried this command:
dsmod group "mydomgroup1" -addmbr "userh01"
but I get this error
dsmod failed:Value for 'Target object for this command' has incorrect format.
Any advice?
Maybe using powershell to add memeber to a domain group is an alternative way.
here below th script for example
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Groupmane" -Memebers "Username to add"
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "mymdomgroup1" -Memebers "userh01"
ps:you may need to import active diretory modul. before using Add-ADGroupMeber parameter use this command 'Import-Module ActiveDirectory' at begining
for different syntax and detailed description to add-adgroupmember parameter follow this link

Server 2012 Powershell Check Members of a Group

I have users and groups in the Users folder of a Windows 2012 Server. I want to check if a user is a member of a group and if not, add to the group. To list the members of a group, I've tried everything including:
get-adgroupmember -identity "cs99group"
which produces the error
get-adgroupmember : Cannot find an object with identity: 'cs99group' under: ...
The following works perfectly
get-adgroupmember -identity "Administrators"
Of course the Administrators group is in the Builtin folder and cs99group is in the Users folder. What am I doing wrong?
Can you try with the parameter -recursive added?
Does the command Get-AdGroup work?
If so, try Get-AdGroup "cs99group" | get-adgroupmember

Retrieving computers where specified user is in local admin group?

I have windows domain network, i have about 3000 hosts in there. I would like to just check the info which of those hosts having specified technical user account in their local admin groups. I am not that great at power shell, though I know the base things.
I belive that I have to make a list of all hosts across several subnets I have and then run a script that will try to log on those hosts with looking account credentials.
What could be the best solution?
There is a very detailed post on TechNet about listing all computers in domain.
And here's the WMI query part (PowerShell, $aComputerList is a list of computer names):
foreach ($sComputerName in $aComputerList) {
$sUserPattern = 'Win32_UserAccount.Domain="domainname",Name="username"'
$sGroupPattern = 'Win32_Group.Domain="{0}",Name="Administrators"' -f $sComputerName
$oResult = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $sComputerName -Class Win32_GroupUser | `
Where-Object {
($_.groupcomponent -match $sGroupPattern) -and `
($_.partcomponent -match $sUserPattern)
The hard part is that some computers probably won't be reachable (if they're turned off for instance). So you'll need to run your script several times and remove computers from the list as you get responses from them.
