Porting Windows 8 Metro app to Windows 10 Universal app - windows

I currently have a windows 8 metro app built around 12 months ago. It currently runs on a touch screen but we want to port it to universal apps so we can use it on a tablet or pc. Is this currently possible without a large amount of code/scaffolding changes?

Your app should run without changes on Windows 10. To take full advantage of the new features like cortana and switch between tablet&desktop mode you should think about upgrading your app to uwp.


How to develop Windows Phone 7.5 compatibile app?

I am starting first project for Windows Phone and it should work on at least Windows Phone 7.5. My question is if should I write app on Windows Phone 7.5 or should I write two app versions - once for Windows Phone 7.5 and another for Windows Phone 8?
I know that app which works on WP7.5 will also work on WP8 but what would you recommend? What would you do?
If you think that writing two apps for both versions is a better idea then should I write app on WP8 first and at the end remove special WP8 features to downgrade it for WP7.5 or maybe I should write WP7.5 app and then add some WP8 features to upgrade it to WP8?
I am asking because I want to learn WP developement and I have two tutorials: "WP7 jumpstart" and "WP8 jumpstart" tutorials (from MSDN) and I am wondering If I can skip WP7 and start directly with WP8?
Standard way will be to create a Windows Phone Class Library that will contain all the code except Page, View or Windows 8 specific code and than create Windows Phone App and set dependency to above created Library project. Now as Rowland Shaw as suggested you can target the Windows Phone app to 7.5 so that it will work for Windows 8 as well and if you want to use any Windows 8 specific API you can create separate application with same Library reference so that all the common code will not be duplicated.
Referr MSDN Link for the same.
If you wish to normally support all screen sizes, you should create 2 apps. Because WP7.x supported only 1 screen resolution, and running on WP8.x with larger screen the app will remain small size.
You would have to use WP7.5 if you are not going to impelement any feature which is present in only WP8

Windows Phone 8 apps backward compatiability

Here is a little question bothering me around, everybody is asking about will wp7 apps run on wp8? but my question is vice-versa. Apps built using sdk8 for wp8 will run on all previous windows phone mobiles especially on wp7.
No, SDK8 uses some Windows phone 8 specific APIs, so Windows phone 7, 7.5, 7.8 users won't be able to download you app.

How to port Windows 8 App on Windows 7

I have developed an Application in Windows 8 using Metro UI.
I want the App to work on Windows 7. It is possible or not?
No, at least not unless you strip off metro entirely and code it using windows forms, which is basically doing it all over.

Can I run an app without GUI on Windows Phone 7, 7.5 and 8?

On WP 7 and WP 7.5 I have to develop the app on C#, nonetheless, on WP8 I can develop an app on native C++
Assuming the corresponding programming language, I was wondering if it is possible to run a process or an app without GUI on Windows Phone 7, 7.5 and 8.
Is it possible? How can I do it? Any example around the web?
Apps need to have UIs on windows phone. You can't just deploy straight-up services. But apps with UIs can start background processes. I've expanded in the past on what these background processes are at a related question regarding full background multitasking # How to run application in background in Windows Phone?
You can't run Windows Phone App without GUI. You can run app with GUI and then run from this app background process or background task.

Are windows phone 7 apps compatible on windows phone 8 devices?

very straight forward question. My company has developed a windows phone 7 app and have been testing it on a windows phone 7 device. Can we safely assume that the same app will be backwards compatible and work seamlessly on a windows phone 8 device such as a Nokia Lumia 920?
Thanks in advance!
Yes it will work. But it won't take advantage of all the WP8 features like a real WP8 app would. I'd suggest that you create a copy of the project and update it to WP8 for a better performence. Also replace any listboxes with LongListSelectors for example.
In most scenarios it should just work, but you should check this list of known breaking changes and you should also test your app on new devices thoroughly, just in case.
For example FMRadio class is no longer working on WP8 and there are other similar issues:
App platform compatibility for Windows Phone
