Schedule a job with Spring-boot - spring

I have the following requirement.
A product has n user
Every user has the option to set one day+time per weak for a notification
Timezone must be considered as well
The complete info is stored inside a mongo db. But now I ask myself should I create cron jobs for every user and notification or setup a task?


Oracle scheduler JOBS: get argument_value used in a specific job instance

I have a Oracle Scheduler Job configured in my DB 19c. This is as event-based job, with a queue table created used in this process.
I need to analyse a possible problem in one of this executions. In DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG table I have the instance and a JOB_SUBNAME called SCHED$_EVTPARINST_89121.
Although I don't have DBA privileges, I have two questions:
How can I get the parameters values passed to this scheduler Job instance?
How can I get the Log (history) of enqueue messages, with enqueue date and set_job_argument_value associated to each enqueue message?
I've tried to check in Oracle documentation ( or without success.

Laravel - Removing jobs on queue based on model association

I'm new to jobs and queues.
At the moment, I'm only really using the ->later() method on a Mail. This places each mail on the default queue.
There are instances where I need cancel jobs on the queue related to a specific model ID. I don't really see any reference to deleting pending jobs in the queue - only deleting / clearing failed.
In Telescope, there are tags showing the Model IDs associated with each pending job.
There are a few things I was hoping to do:
Delete all jobs associated with a specific model ID
Listen for the execution of a job based on a specific model ID, so I may update the database table with the date/timestamp of when the job actually executed. (users can queue emails to send hours in advance and I'd like to log when their customer actually receives the email)
Remove record associated with job since it should not exist if the email didn't actually get sent.
Hoping for some advice on how to solve this problem of needing to manage jobs in this fashion.
I'm using Redis if that makes any difference.

How to process a logic or job periodically for all users in a large scale?

I have a large set of users in my project like 50m.
I should create a playlist for each user every day, for doing this, I'm currently using this method:
I have a column in my users' table that holds the latest time of creating a playlist for that user, and I name it last_playlist_created_at.
I run a query on the users' table and get the top 1000s, that selects the list of users which their last_playlist_created_at is past one day and sort the result in ascending order by last_playlist_created_at
After that, I run a foreach on the result and publish a message for each in my message-broker.
Behind the message-broker, I start around 64 workers to process the messages (create a playlist for the user) and update last_playlist_created_at in the users' table.
If my message-broker messages list was empty, I will repeat these steps (While - Do-While)
I think the processing method is good enough and can be scalable as well,
but the method we use to create the message for each user is not scalable!
How should I do to dispatch a large set of messages for each of my users?
Ok, so my answer is completely based on your comment where you mentioned that you use while(true) to check if the playlist needs to be updated which does not seem so trivial.
Although this is a design question and there are multiple solutions, here's how I would solve it.
First up, think of updating the playlist for a user as a job.
Now, in your case this is a scheduled Job. ie. once a day.
So, use a scheduler to schedule the next job time.
Write a Scheduled Job Handler to push this to a Message Queue. This part is just to handle multiple jobs at the same time where you could control the flow.
Generate the playlist for the user based on the job. Create a Schedule event for the next day.
You could persist Scheduled Job data just to avoid race conditions.

Quartz schedular: how do I setup dynamic job arguments

I'm setting up a Quartz driven job in a Spring. The job needs a single argument which is the id of a database record that it can use to locate the data it needs to process.
The sequence is:
Job starts,
locates next available record id,
processes data.
Because the record id is unknown until the job starts, I cannot set it up when I create the job. I also need to account for restarts if things go bad. From reading Quartz doco it appears that if I store the record Id in the trigger's JobDataMap, then when the server restarts, the job will automatically restart with the same record Id it was original started with.
This is where things get tricky, I'm trying to figure out where and when to get the record Id so I can store it in the trigger's JobDataMap. I'm thinking I need to implement a TriggerListener and use it to set the record Id in the JobDataMap when the triggerFired() callback is called. This will involve a call to the database to get the record Id.
I'm not really sure if this approach is the correct one, or whether I'm barking up the wrong tree. Can someone with some quartz experience tell me if this is correct, or if there is a better way to configure a jobs arguments so that they can be dynamically set and a restart will preserve them?

Oracle Scheduler - can a single job be both event based and time based

Hi I am new to Oracle Scheduler. My question is - Can we give both repeat interval and event condition in the Schedule object for a single job?
I have this requirement in job scheduling - A job should run at a scheduled time, but only if a certain event has occured.
For eg.
Job1 should run
- at 10 am every day
- but only if same job from yesterday is not running anymore. (This I gonna figure out based on the table entry.) So the event gonna be a cell entry say 'ENDED' in the table job_statuses.
Would be easier if I can give both info in the same job. Else another approach I gonna try is - Schedule the job based on time. If the earlier instance is still running , reschedule the job based on event. But this looks clumsy.
Thanks in advance.
I'd encode the condition in the PL/SQL of the procedure itself. i.e. it runs at 10am every day, but the first thing it does is check if the previous job had finished successfully.
What you could do is create 3 jobs
EVENT_JOB and REPEAT_JOB just start ACTUAL_WORK_JOB. If that is already - or still - running, you get an error on which you can react accordingly.
