How can I get an HMONITOR handle from a display device name? - windows

I want to obtain a monitor handle (HMONITOR) that can be used with the Windows multi-monitor APIs for a specific monitor attached to the system by index. For example, say I have three monitors attached to my system and forming part of my desktop; I want to get a handle to monitor 3.
I already know how to get the device name for a specific monitor by index by calling the EnumDisplayDevices function. For example:
HMONITOR MonitorFromIndex(int index /* (zero-indexed) */)
dd.cb = sizeof(dd);
if (EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, index, &dd, 0) != FALSE)
// We found a match; make sure that it's part of the desktop.
// Yup. Now we've got the name of the device:
std::cout << dd.DeviceName << std::endl;
// But how do I obtain an HMONITOR for this device?
// ...
return NULL; // indicate failure
In the code above, we've found the name of the desired device (dd.DeviceName). I can use this name to create a DC for that monitor by calling CreateDC:
HDC hDC = CreateDC(dd.DeviceName, dd.DeviceName, NULL, NULL);
And I can obtain information about that monitor by calling EnumDisplaySettings:
dm.dmSize = sizeof(dm);
dm.dmDriverExtra = 0;
if (EnumDisplaySettings(dd.DeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dm) != FALSE)
std::cout << "The monitor supports " << dm.dmBitsPerPel << " bits per pixel." << std::endl;
Which is all great, but I want a handle to that monitor. How can I get it?
I tried to call EnumDisplayMonitors, passing a handle to the device context that I created using CreateDC, hoping to get a handle to the monitor passed to the callback function, but no such luck. The callback function was never called, and EnumDisplayMonitors returned FALSE (without setting an error code):
struct FoundMatch
BOOL found;
HMONITOR hMonitor;
FoundMatch* pfm = reinterpret_cast<FoundMatch*>(dwData);
pfm->found = TRUE;
pfm->hMonitor = hMonitor;
return FALSE; // stop enumerating
// elsewhere, after getting the device name and using it to create a DC
FoundMatch fm;
fm.found = FALSE;
fm.hMonitor = NULL;
BOOL result = EnumDisplayMonitors(hDC, NULL, MonitorEnumProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&fm));

Sorry for such a late reply but maybe someone can find this useful.
The multi-monitor API is really minimalist to say the least. Once you've got your dd.DeviceName, it appears you have to go through EnumDisplayMonitors() enumeration until you find a match of dd.DeviceName against MONITORINFOEX.szDevice.
The MONITORINFOEX structure can be obtained by calling GetMonitorInfo().
Here is a non-compilable C++11 pseudo code:
struct DataBag
TCHAR* devname;
} bag;
bag.hmon = NULL;
bag.devname = &dd.DeviceName;
BOOL bRes = EnumDisplayMonitors(
[](HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hDC, LPRECT rc, LPARAM data) -> BOOL {
auto& bag = *reinterpret_cast<DataBag*>(data);
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
if (/* match bag.devname against mi.szDevice */ && GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi))
bag.hmon = hMonitor;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if (bRes && bag.hmon)
// Monitor found!


How to write an application to control a driver which is pnp and in kmdf?

so I will detail so that we can easily understand
I have to make a driver for a pcie card, I already have the driver that I wrote in kmdf, now I am using this driver, unfortunately I find myself stuck, I have to write an application (which for example would call the METHOD_IN_DIRECT function that I defined in a switch case in my IoDeviceControl)
I therefore tried to start from an example on github and modified it so that it works ... but obviously as this example is for a NONpnp driver it is not usable for my driver which is pnp.
So I looked for examples of applications that worked with a pnp driver to see the model / shape, but I can't find a tutorial / sites / example on the realization of this famous application, one of the only sites that spoke about it was saying:
"Set an interface guide so the application can find the device and talk to it."
now my question is:
"how to write an aplication to control a PNP driver"
the main in "test.c":
int __cdecl
_In_ ULONG argc,
_In_reads_(argc) PCHAR argv[]
HANDLE hDevice;
DWORD errNum = 0;
CHAR driverLocation[MAX_PATH];
BOOL ok;
LONG error;
// ULONG bytesReturned;
printf("main start. \n");
//open the device
printf("createFile. \n");
hDevice = CreateFileA(DRIVER_NAME,
if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){...}
printf("press enter \n");
int c = getchar();
printf("reception d'un charactere . \n");
if (c) {
printf("ioctl go \n");
printf("ioctl end \n");
// Close the handle to the device before unloading the driver.
// Unload the driver. Ignore any errors.
ManageDriver(DRIVER_NAME, driverLocation, DRIVER_FUNC_REMOVE);
c = getchar();
here is the main of "test.c" which is at the base for nonpnp but that I modified that said I do not know how to embed the use of the GUID in my application (I imagine that it is because of that that it does not work).
the function DoIoctl :
HANDLE hDevice
char OutputBuffer[100];
char InputBuffer[200];
ULONG bytesReturned;
// Printing Input & Output buffer pointers and size
printf("\nInputBuffer Pointer = %p, BufLength = %Id\n", InputBuffer,sizeof(InputBuffer));
printf("OutputBuffer Pointer = %p BufLength = %Id\n", OutputBuffer,sizeof(OutputBuffer));
// Performing METHOD_IN_DIRECT
printf("\nCalling DeviceIoControl METHOD_IN_DIRECT\n");
if (FAILED(StringCchCopy(InputBuffer, sizeof(InputBuffer),"this String is from User Application; using METHOD_IN_DIRECT")))
if (FAILED(StringCchCopy(OutputBuffer, sizeof(OutputBuffer),"This String is from User Application in OutBuffer; using METHOD_IN_DIRECT")))
bRc = DeviceIoControl(hDevice,
(DWORD)strlen(InputBuffer) + 1,
if (!bRc)
printf("Error in DeviceIoControl : %d \n", GetLastError());
printf(" Number of bytes transfered from OutBuffer: %d\n",bytesReturned);
printf("\nCalling DeviceIoControl METHOD_OUT_DIRECT\n");
if (FAILED(StringCchCopy(InputBuffer, sizeof(InputBuffer), "this String is from User Application; using METHOD_OUT_DIRECT"))) {
memset(OutputBuffer, 0, sizeof(OutputBuffer));
bRc = DeviceIoControl(hDevice,
(DWORD)strlen(InputBuffer) + 1,
if (!bRc)
printf("Error in DeviceIoControl : : %d", GetLastError());
printf(" OutBuffer (%d): %s\n", bytesReturned, OutputBuffer);
function ManageDriver :
ManageDriver( // <- ManageDriver
IN LPCTSTR DriverName,
IN LPCTSTR ServiceName,
IN USHORT Function
SC_HANDLE schSCManager;
schSCManager = OpenSCManager(NULL, // local machine
NULL, // local database
SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS // access required
// Do the requested function.
switch (Function) {;
printf("remove case. \n");
// Stop the driver.
// Remove the driver service.
// Ignore all errors.
rCode = TRUE;
printf("Unknown ManageDriver() function. \n");
rCode = FALSE;
// Close handle to service control manager.
if (schSCManager) {
return rCode;
} // ManageDriver fin
function remove :
RemoveDriver( // <- RemoveDriver
_In_ SC_HANDLE SchSCManager,
_In_ LPCTSTR DriverName
SC_HANDLE schService;
// Open the handle to the existing service.
schService = OpenService(SchSCManager,DriverName,SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
// Mark the service for deletion from the service control manager database.
if (schService) {
return rCode;
} // RemoveDriver fin
function StartDriver :
_In_ SC_HANDLE SchSCManager,
_In_ LPCTSTR DriverName
SC_HANDLE schService;
DWORD err;
// Open the handle to the existing service.
schService = OpenService(SchSCManager, DriverName,SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
// Start the execution of the service (i.e. start the driver).
StartService(schService, // service identifier
0, // number of arguments
NULL // pointer to arguments
// Close the service object.
if (schService) {
return TRUE;
} // StartDriver fin
function StopDriver :
_In_ SC_HANDLE SchSCManager,
_In_ LPCTSTR DriverName
SC_HANDLE schService;
SERVICE_STATUS serviceStatus;
// Open the handle to the existing service.
schService = OpenService(SchSCManager,
// Request that the service stop.
// Close the service object.
if (schService) {
return rCode;
} // StopDriver fin
I deleted everything that is debugger otherwise there is sure that it would not be clear
if you had any indication maybe I'm wrong about the nature of applications maybe the solution is very dumb but if you know anything about writing application for pnp driver I'm a taker
to shorten it :
i would need an application skeleton, but not just any, i need one that works for a pnp driver.
(it doesn't matter which driver as long as it's a pnp)
this is to be able to compare with my application and see what is missing from my aplication to support plug and play
cordially thank you all
You need to obtain the device path using the SetupDi functions as shown in this answer.

How to open a handle to a device using its Device Instance ID?

I am updating my question to better reflect what I was actually going after. To state a fact about my original confusion quickly, it is incorrect to say that there is a 1-to-1 relationship between "Device Interface Class GUID" and the Device Instance ID. A device can have many device interfaces. As Ben Voigt noted in the comments, see this for more information.
How can one open a handle to a child device after calling the CM_Get_Child (...) function?
Take the following code snip as an example:
#pragma comment (lib, "Setupapi.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "Cfgmgr32.lib")
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Setupapi.h>
#include <Cfgmgr32.h>
int main ()
WCHAR DeviceInstanceID[] = L"USB\\VID_2109&PID_0813\\8&216C1825&0&4\0"; // Parent Device Instance ID.
DEVNODE ParentDeviceNode = (DWORD) 0; // A device instance handle. This handle is bounded to the local machine.
CMResult = CM_Locate_DevNode ((PDEVINST) &ParentDeviceNode, DeviceInstanceID, CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL);
if (CMResult != CR_SUCCESS)
std::cout << "No parent device node found." << std::endl;
return -1;
DEVINST NextChildDeviceNode = (DWORD) 0;
CMResult = CM_Get_Child ((PDEVINST) &NextChildDeviceNode, ParentDeviceNode, 0x0); // Gets the first child of the parent node. If this returns "CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE," then there is no child attached.
if (CMResult != CR_SUCCESS)
std::cout << "No child device node found." << std::endl;
return -2;
ULONG ChildInstanceIDBuffLength = 0;
CMResult = CM_Get_Device_ID_Size (&ChildInstanceIDBuffLength, NextChildDeviceNode, 0x0);
if (CMResult != CR_SUCCESS)
std::cout << "Could not get the size of the device instance ID of child device." << std::endl;
return -3;
WCHAR * ChildInstanceIDBuff = (WCHAR *) malloc (ChildInstanceIDBuffLength);
CMResult = CM_Get_Device_IDW (NextChildDeviceNode, ChildInstanceIDBuff, ChildInstanceIDBuffLength, 0x0);
if (CMResult != CR_SUCCESS)
std::cout << "Could not actual device instance ID string of child device" << std::endl;
return -4;
std::cout << "Found child device instance ID: ";
std::wcout << ChildInstanceIDBuff << std::endl;
* Open handle to the child device node now!
free (ChildInstanceIDBuff);
return 0;
How can I use the newly obtained child Device Instance ID to open a handle to the device? CreateFile (...) requires the complete device path, which includes the missing "Device Interface Class GUID."
More specifically, a device path has the following format:
\\?\usb#vid_2109&pid_0813#7&3981C8D6&0&2#{[DEVICE_INTERFACE_GUID]}, where:
[DEVICE_INTERFACE_GUID] - This the "Device Interface Class GUID." This is NOT the same as the "Device Setup Class GUID."
There does not appear to be an easy way to get this "Device Interface Class GUID" without some level of brute force (e.g. CM_Enumerate_Classes (...) using the CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INTERFACE flag). Is there a function I can call to get a handle to a device using only its "Device Instance ID," so that I can then call DeviceIoControl (...) and query information about the device?
if we need open handle to device by Device Instance ID -
first call CM_Locate_DevNodeW function for obtains a device
instance handle to the device node that is associated with a
specified device instance ID on the local machine.
then we need call CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW function with
DEVPKEY_Device_PDOName - this return name of the physical name object (PDO) that represents a device and we can use it in call NtOpenFile. of course if very want - can use and in call CreateFileW if add L"\\\\?\\Global\\GLOBALROOT" to name, but not view any sense do this.
volatile UCHAR guz = 0;
ULONG OpenDeviceByDeviceID(_Out_ PHANDLE FileHandle, _In_ PWSTR DeviceID)
DEVINST dnDevInst;
CONFIGRET CmReturnCode = CM_Locate_DevNodeW(&dnDevInst, DeviceID, CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL);
if (CmReturnCode == CR_SUCCESS)
ULONG cb = 0, rcb = 128;
PVOID stack = alloca(guz);
union {
if (cb < rcb)
rcb = cb = RtlPointerToOffset(pv = alloca(rcb - cb), stack);
CmReturnCode = CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW(dnDevInst,
&DEVPKEY_Device_PDOName, &PropertyType, pb, &rcb, 0);
if (CmReturnCode == CR_SUCCESS)
if (PropertyType == DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING)
DbgPrint("PDOName = %S\n", sz);
#if 1
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa = { sizeof(oa), 0, &ObjectName };
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjectName, sz);
NTSTATUS status = NtOpenFile(FileHandle,
FILE_GENERIC_READ, &oa, &iosb, 0, 0);
return 0 > status ? RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) : NOERROR;
static WCHAR prefix[] = L"\\\\?\\Global\\GLOBALROOT";
alloca(sizeof(prefix) - sizeof(WCHAR));
PWSTR fileName = sz - _countof(prefix) + 1;
memcpy(fileName, prefix, sizeof(prefix) - sizeof(WCHAR));
HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(fileName, FILE_GENERIC_READ,
0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
return GetLastError();
*FileHandle = hFile;
return NOERROR;
CmReturnCode = CR_WRONG_TYPE;
} while (CmReturnCode == CR_BUFFER_SMALL);
return CM_MapCrToWin32Err(CmReturnCode, 0);
You can use the CM_Enumerate_Classes function with the CM_ENUMERATE_CLASSES_INTERFACE flag (Requires Windows 8) to get possible values to pass as that third parameter of SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces.
Beginning with Windows 8 and later operating systems, callers can use the ulFlags member to specify which device classes CM_Enumerate_Classes should return. Prior to Windows 8, CM_Enumerate_Classes returned only device setup classes.
Note that finding all interfaces on a device is very useful for diagnosing driver problems and/or reverse engineering random peripherals rescued from scrap. But you should know what interface class you are dealing with long before you get to the point of calling CreateFile.

USN NFTS change notification event interrupt

I'm trying to find a way to let the system tell me whenever there's a new entry in the USN Change Journal to track modifications made to files and directories on an NTFS volume (Server 2008/2012).
This way I don't have to constantly poll the journal and can just let my thread sleep until I get notified when there's a new change-event.
However, is there even such an interrupt?
The FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL function doesn't specifically mention interrupts (events, notifications), nor have I been able to find another way to achieve this with less intensive poll-and-compare techniques.
I'm not a hard-core programmer so there may be simpler ways to tie these functions to interrupts that I'm not aware of.
Could I perhaps find out where the USN Change Journal is stored and watch that file with another process that can generate and interrupt on change?
The code posted here blocks the executing thread till the new USN record is created in the Journal. When new records arrive, the thread awakens and you can process changes and/or notify listeners via a callback that filesystem has changed (in the example it just prints message to the console). Then the thread blocks again. This example uses one thread per volume (so for each volume, separate NTFSChangesWatcher class instance needed).
It is not specified which tools or language you use, so I will write as I did it. To run this code, create a Visual Studio C++ Win32 Console Application.
Create NTFSChangesWatcher class. Paste this code in NTFSChangesWatcher.h file (replacing auto-generated one):
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <memory>
class NTFSChangesWatcher
NTFSChangesWatcher(char drive_letter);
~NTFSChangesWatcher() = default;
// Method which runs an infinite loop and waits for new update sequence number in a journal.
// The thread is blocked till the new USN record created in the journal.
void WatchChanges();
HANDLE OpenVolume(char drive_letter);
bool CreateJournal(HANDLE volume);
bool LoadJournal(HANDLE volume, USN_JOURNAL_DATA* journal_data);
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::WaitForNextUsn(PREAD_USN_JOURNAL_DATA read_journal_data) const;
std::unique_ptr<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA> GetWaitForNextUsnQuery(USN start_usn);
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::ReadJournalRecords(PREAD_USN_JOURNAL_DATA journal_query, LPVOID buffer,
DWORD& byte_count) const;
std::unique_ptr<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA> NTFSChangesWatcher::GetReadJournalQuery(USN low_usn);
char drive_letter_;
HANDLE volume_;
std::unique_ptr<USN_JOURNAL_DATA> journal_;
DWORDLONG journal_id_;
USN last_usn_;
// Flags, which indicate which types of changes you want to listen.
static const int FILE_CHANGE_BITMASK;
static const int kBufferSize;
and this code in NTFSChangesWatcher.cpp file:
#include "NTFSChangesWatcher.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int NTFSChangesWatcher::kBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 / 2;
const int NTFSChangesWatcher::FILE_CHANGE_BITMASK =
NTFSChangesWatcher::NTFSChangesWatcher(char drive_letter) :
volume_ = OpenVolume(drive_letter_);
journal_ = make_unique<USN_JOURNAL_DATA>();
bool res = LoadJournal(volume_, journal_.get());
if (!res) {
cout << "Failed to load journal" << endl;
journal_id_ = journal_->UsnJournalID;
last_usn_ = journal_->NextUsn;
HANDLE NTFSChangesWatcher::OpenVolume(char drive_letter) {
wchar_t pattern[10] = L"\\\\?\\a:";
pattern[4] = static_cast<wchar_t>(drive_letter);
HANDLE volume = nullptr;
volume = CreateFile(
pattern, // lpFileName
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // disposition
// It is always set, no matter whether you explicitly specify it or not. This means, that access
// must be aligned with sector size so we can only read a number of bytes that is a multiple of the sector size.
FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, // file attributes
NULL // do not copy file attributes
if (volume == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
// An error occurred!
cout << "Failed to open volume" << endl;
return nullptr;
return volume;
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::CreateJournal(HANDLE volume) {
DWORD byte_count;
CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA create_journal_data;
bool ok = DeviceIoControl(volume, // handle to volume
&create_journal_data, // input buffer
sizeof(create_journal_data), // size of input buffer
NULL, // lpOutBuffer
0, // nOutBufferSize
&byte_count, // number of bytes returned
NULL) != 0; // OVERLAPPED structure
if (!ok) {
// An error occurred!
return ok;
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::LoadJournal(HANDLE volume, USN_JOURNAL_DATA* journal_data) {
DWORD byte_count;
// Try to open journal.
if (!DeviceIoControl(volume, FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL, NULL, 0, journal_data, sizeof(*journal_data), &byte_count,
NULL)) {
// If failed (for example, in case journaling is disabled), create journal and retry.
if (CreateJournal(volume)) {
return LoadJournal(volume, journal_data);
return false;
return true;
void NTFSChangesWatcher::WatchChanges() {
auto u_buffer = make_unique<char[]>(kBufferSize);
auto read_journal_query = GetWaitForNextUsnQuery(last_usn_);
while (true) {
// This function does not return until new USN record created.
cout << "New entry created in the journal!" << endl;
auto journal_query = GetReadJournalQuery(read_journal_query->StartUsn);
DWORD byte_count;
if (!ReadJournalRecords(journal_query.get(), u_buffer.get(), byte_count)) {
// An error occurred.
cout << "Failed to read journal records" << endl;
last_usn_ = *(USN*)u_buffer.get();
read_journal_query->StartUsn = last_usn_;
// If you need here you can:
// Read and parse Journal records from the buffer.
// Notify an NTFSChangeObservers about journal changes.
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::WaitForNextUsn(PREAD_USN_JOURNAL_DATA read_journal_data) const {
DWORD bytes_read;
bool ok = true;
// This function does not return until new USN record created.
ok = DeviceIoControl(volume_, FSCTL_READ_USN_JOURNAL, read_journal_data, sizeof(*read_journal_data),
&read_journal_data->StartUsn, sizeof(read_journal_data->StartUsn), &bytes_read,
nullptr) != 0;
return ok;
unique_ptr<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA> NTFSChangesWatcher::GetWaitForNextUsnQuery(USN start_usn) {
auto query = make_unique<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA>();
query->StartUsn = start_usn;
query->ReasonMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; // All bits.
query->ReturnOnlyOnClose = FALSE; // All entries.
query->Timeout = 0; // No timeout.
query->BytesToWaitFor = 1; // Wait for this.
query->UsnJournalID = journal_id_; // The journal.
query->MinMajorVersion = 2;
query->MaxMajorVersion = 2;
return query;
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::ReadJournalRecords(PREAD_USN_JOURNAL_DATA journal_query, LPVOID buffer,
DWORD& byte_count) const {
return DeviceIoControl(volume_, FSCTL_READ_USN_JOURNAL, journal_query, sizeof(*journal_query), buffer, kBufferSize,
&byte_count, nullptr) != 0;
unique_ptr<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA> NTFSChangesWatcher::GetReadJournalQuery(USN low_usn) {
auto query = make_unique<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA>();
query->StartUsn = low_usn;
query->ReasonMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; // All bits.
query->ReturnOnlyOnClose = FALSE;
query->Timeout = 0; // No timeout.
query->BytesToWaitFor = 0;
query->UsnJournalID = journal_id_;
query->MinMajorVersion = 2;
query->MaxMajorVersion = 2;
return query;
Now you can use it (for example in the main function for testing):
#include "NTFSChangesWatcher.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
auto watcher = new NTFSChangesWatcher('z');
return 0;
And console output should be like this on every change in the filesystem:
This code was slightly reworked to remove unrelated details and is a part of the Indexer++ project. So for more details, you can refer to the original code.
You can use Journal, but in this case I'd use easier method via registering a directory notification by calling the FindFirstChangeNotification or ReadDirectoryChangesW functions, see
If you'd prefer to use Journal, this is - I think - the best introductory article with many examples. It is written for W2K, but those concepts are still valid:

Windows VC++ Get Machine Model Name

Can anyone Please tell me how to get Model name of Windows Machine.
I am new to Windows VC++.
For Example i have an IBM ThinkCenter M50 running on Windows. Here the Model name is "Think Center M50". I want to get this from the System using some API.
Thanks in Advance,
Shashi Kiran G M
Alternatively, you could use the registry key:
The SystemManufacturer and SystemProductName entries should do it. Saves using WMI, which i try to avoid at all costs for performance reasons.
As Ben suggests, you'll need to use WMI for this.
The class you're looking for is Win32_ComputerSystem, which contains a read-only Model property of type string that returns the product name that a manufacturer gives to a computer.
I'll leave writing the C++ code to make this WMI call as an exercise for the reader.
Do note Ben's caveat as well: not all manufacturers publish this information in the BIOS. It's very likely that IBM does, so your test case should work out fine, but this is not a universal assumption that you are justified in making. Applications should not rely on this property containing a particular value.
With the help of the Microsoft example code, I was able to create this method.
#include <Wbemidl.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "wbemuuid.lib")
std::pair<CString,CString> getComputerManufacturerAndModel() {
// Obtain the initial locator to Windows Management on a particular host computer.
IWbemLocator *locator = nullptr;
IWbemServices *services = nullptr;
auto hResult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *)&locator);
auto hasFailed = [&hResult]() {
if (FAILED(hResult)) {
auto error = _com_error(hResult);
return true;
return false;
auto getValue = [&hResult, &hasFailed](IWbemClassObject *classObject, LPCWSTR property) {
CString propertyValueText = "Not set";
VARIANT propertyValue;
hResult = classObject->Get(property, 0, &propertyValue, 0, 0);
if (!hasFailed()) {
if ((propertyValue.vt == VT_NULL) || (propertyValue.vt == VT_EMPTY)) {
} else if (propertyValue.vt & VT_ARRAY) {
propertyValueText = "Unknown"; //Array types not supported
} else {
propertyValueText = propertyValue.bstrVal;
return propertyValueText;
CString manufacturer = "Not set";
CString model = "Not set";
if (!hasFailed()) {
// Connect to the root\cimv2 namespace with the current user and obtain pointer pSvc to make IWbemServices calls.
hResult = locator->ConnectServer(L"ROOT\\CIMV2", nullptr, nullptr, 0, NULL, 0, 0, &services);
if (!hasFailed()) {
// Set the IWbemServices proxy so that impersonation of the user (client) occurs.
hResult = CoSetProxyBlanket(services, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, nullptr, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CALL,
if (!hasFailed()) {
IEnumWbemClassObject* classObjectEnumerator = nullptr;
hResult = services->ExecQuery(L"WQL", L"SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem", WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY |
WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, nullptr, &classObjectEnumerator);
if (!hasFailed()) {
IWbemClassObject *classObject;
ULONG uReturn = 0;
hResult = classObjectEnumerator->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &classObject, &uReturn);
if (uReturn != 0) {
manufacturer = getValue(classObject, (LPCWSTR)L"Manufacturer");
model = getValue(classObject, (LPCWSTR)L"Model");
if (locator) {
if (services) {
return { manufacturer, model };

Not able to get the coordinates of a particular window (I've tried the examples...still ) in V C++

I have been trying various code snippets here and there, but still not successful.I am simply trying to find one of the open windows (it is the Browser window) using FindWindow(NULL,WINDOWTITLE), with a specific Title string. Once I get the handle of the window, I need the coordinates using GetWindowRect.
This code gets me the coordinates, but seems like it's in an infinite loop, there are about a 100 lines of output with the coordindates, should be just 1. I don't see any while construct (originally a Java programmer)... wonder why it's repeating...
struct WindowInfo
HWND m_hWnd;
string m_title;
WindowInfo(HWND hwnd, string title) : m_hWnd(hwnd), m_title(title) {}
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd,LPARAM lParam)
vector<WindowInfo*> & windows = *(vector<WindowInfo*>*)lParam;
char title[256];
HANDLE wndHandle;
LPCWSTR WINDOWTITLE = L"eBargain 2 Share - Windpos Internet Explorer";
RECT rRect;
LPRECT lpRect;
RECT rc;
hwnd = FindWindow(NULL,WINDOWTITLE);
printf("Position: %d x %d\tSize: %d x %d\n",rc.left,,rc.right- rc.left,;
/* Enumerating through all the windows tells me that I am on the right track... (Should I just try to find the TITLE STRING by comparing every title from the following enumeration ?
GetWindowTextA(hwnd, title, 256);
windows.push_back(new WindowInfo(hwnd,title));
// printf("%s\n", title);
return TRUE;
int main()
vector<WindowInfo*> windows;
BOOL ret = EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM) &windows);
if ( ret )
//windows have windowinfo of all enumerated windows
Your EnumWindowsProc seems to be a bit confused - are you enumerating or using FindWindow?
If you enumerate, simply get the window title and compare to the string you search for:
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd,LPARAM lParam)
char title[256];
if (GetWindowTextA(hwnd, title, 256)) {
if (strcmp(title, "eBargain 2 Share - Windpos Internet Explorer") == 0) {
/* GetWindowRect ... */
return TRUE;
Or, if you're using FindWindow, no need to enumerate:
int main() {
HWND hwnd = FindWindowA(0, "eBargain 2 Share - Windpos Internet Explorer");
if (hwnd) {
/* GetWindowRect ... */
