camel:when on header value using blueprint - xpath

I have camel routes that make rest calls based on header values.
I had been using xpath to read values from xml and set them as the header and used xpath in a block as so:
<camel:setHeader headerName="clear">
but now I am forced to use json so xpath will not work. I now have:
<camel:setHeader headerName="clear">
but obviously the <camel:xpath>$clear='CLEARED'</camel:xpath> part won't work anymore. Is there another way I can check the value of $clear header to restrict when the <camel:doTry> and following execute?

Try the simple language :
<camel:simple>${in.header.clear} == 'CLEARED'</camel:simple>
See this documentation


Using XPATH in jmeter - based on parent

I have a xml file having the following structure:
I want to be able to extract the socID field based on the externalSubId field. Essentially, I want to be able to do this:
if externalSubId=911, then, extract SOCID. Anyone has tips?
You didn't specify where would you want to extract it, so I assume you can use XPath Extractor as a post-processor to some sampler that reads that file.
You configure post-processor like this:
XPath Query can be built like this:
Select subscriberDetailsItem that has externalSubId with the value you want:
Select socId either by using absolute path:
or you can omit entities in the middle if socId cannot be found elsewhere in the item:

XSL - Externalizing Xpath queries to a property file

I went through various posts, regarding reading properties from external property files. Looks like there is a function - getProperty, which can read values from a property file, using a key. I am using saxon parser with spring integration. I am trying something like this, as described in the post :-
spring context file:
<int-xml:xslt-transformer id="xsltTransformer" input-channel="bulkStringInboundChannel"
output-channel="toBridgeChannel" result-type="StringResult" **transformer-factory-class="net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl"**
xsl-resource="classpath:/META-INF/spring/integration/intake/intake-flow/bulkTransformer.xsl" />
XSL style sheet:
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
<xsl:variable name="props" select="document('prop.xml')" />
<xsl:value-of select="f:getProperty('query1')"/>
query1 = /Batch/RequestID/text()
Error description:
XPST0003: XPath syntax error at char 23 on line 30 in {f:getProperty('query1')}:
XTSE0650: No template exists named getProperty
I now have two questions- first of all, how do I get rid of these errors?
Second, can I store xPath queries in property files? The post describes a method, to read a property file and use the value pertaining to its key. However, I am thinking that getProperty will just print the query's text equivalent instead of evaluating the query and processing it. Is there a way to achieve this?
Post - How to read a .properties file inside a .xsl file?
I can't help you with the Spring side of the question, but as for the Saxon side, you can call the JDK method System.getProperty() using code like this:
<xsl:value-of select="System:getProperty('user.dir')" xmlns:System="java:java.lang.System"/>
Java extensibility requires Saxon-PE or higher.
If the value of the property that you read is an XPath expression, you can then execute it using the XSLT 3.0 xsl:evaluate instruction - which also requires Saxon-PE or higher.

Extracting value from complex hash in Ruby

I am using an API (zillow) which returns a complex hash. A sample result is
"xmlns:SearchResults"=>"", "request"=>[{"address"=>["305 Vinton St"], "citystatezip"=>["Melrose, MA 02176"]}],
"message"=>[{"text"=>["Request successfully processed"], "code"=>["0"]}],
"response"=>[{"results"=>[{"result"=>[{"zpid"=>["56291382"], "links"=>[{"homedetails"=>[""],
"graphsanddata"=>[""], "mapthishome"=>[""],
"comparables"=>[""]}], "address"=>[{"street"=>["305 Vinton St"], "zipcode"=>["02176"], "city"=>["Melrose"], "state"=>["MA"], "latitude"=>["42.466805"],
"longitude"=>["-71.072515"]}], "zestimate"=>[{"amount"=>[{"currency"=>"USD", "content"=>"562170"}], "last-updated"=>["06/01/2014"], "oneWeekChange"=>[{"deprecated"=>"true"}], "valueChange"=>[{"duration"=>"30", "currency"=>"USD", "content"=>"42749"}], "valuationRange"=>[{"low"=>[{"currency"=>"USD",
"content"=>"534062"}], "high"=>[{"currency"=>"USD", "content"=>"590278"}]}], "percentile"=>["0"]}], "localRealEstate"=>[{"region"=>[{"id"=>"23017", "type"=>"city",
"name"=>"Melrose", "links"=>[{"overview"=>[""], "forSaleByOwner"=>[""],
I can extract a specific value using the following:
result = result.to_hash
p result["response"][0]["results"][0]["result"][0]["zestimate"][0]["amount"][0]["content"]
It seems odd to have to specify the index of each element in this fashion. Is there a simpler way to obtain a named value?
It looks like this should be parsed into XML. According to the Zillow API Docs, it returns XML by default. Apparently, "to_hash" was able to turn this into a hash (albeit, a very ugly one), but you are really trying to swim upstream by using it this way. I would recommend using it as intended (xml) at the start, and then maybe parsing it into an easier to use format (like a JSON/Hash structure) later.
Nokogiri is GREAT at parsing XML! You can use the xpath syntax for grabbing elements from the dom, or even css selectors.
For example, to get an array of the "content" in every result:
response = #get xml response from zillow
results = Nokogiri::XML(response).remove_namespaces!
#using css
content_array = results.css("result content")
#same thing using xpath:
content_array = results.xpath("//result//content")
If you just want the content from the first result, you can do this as a shortcut:
content = results.at_css("result content").content
Since it is indeed XML dumped into a JSON, you could use JSONPath to query the JSON

simplexml_load_file with xPath returns empty array

Getting XML from this URL:
$xml = simplexml_load_file(',55.75208&kind=metro&spn=1,1&rspn=1');
print_r($xml) shows that XML loaded, but xpath always returns empty array. I tried:
Why I got empty array? Hope I just missing something easy.
It might be rather easy, but I guess it is also the most common mistake in the history of XML: You are forgetting namespaces!
A lot of elements in the given XML are changing the default namespace and you have to consider that in your XPath.
You can first register your namespace like so:
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('y', '');
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('a', '');
and then you can query your data:

XPath using string functions in the middle of the path

I'm trying to use Web Deploy 3.0 to make changes to my web.config before deployment. Let's say I have the following xml:
<connectInfo httpURL="" />
And I'd like to match just the "http" in "http://..." so that I can potentially replace it with https.
I looked into XPath string functions and understand them -- I just don't know how to put them in the middle of an expression, for example:
That's basically what I want to do, but it doesn't look right.
That's basically what I want to do, but it doesn't look right.
But it is right and will match the http.
(Btw, you could write it shorter without ..
However, it will return the string "http" not some kind of pointer pointing to the value of #httpUrl, which is not possible, since there are no partial nodes within the value.
(In XPath 2,) you can return the attribute and a new value, and then perhaps change it in the calling language
//node/subnode/connectInfo/#httpURL/(., concat("https:", substring-after(.,':')))
Using XPath 1.0, if you want to return the initial part of the URL use:
Note though that this will return the value of ONLY the first connectInfo element.
If you want to get the connectInfo nodes that use HTTP:
If you wan to get all httpURL that use HTTP:
