How to upload magento extension in Magento Connect? - magento

I want to upload my own extension in Magento connect, but i am not able to upload zip file in Magento Connect. While uploading my module error is display " Unable to save version. Disallowed extension release file type. "
Any body have any idea, so please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

Your extension has to be of filetype extension .tgz as this is prescribed in Magento. There are online tools to convert .zip to .tgz like this site.
Also check this manual from Magento about how to package Magento Connect Extensions.

It seems the zip file you have is not a Magento package. You can use the Magento Connect Manager to upload only valid Magento packages containing a package.xml file in the correct format, including the <contents> element containing the extension files.
In the case you have a package.xml file having a structure like this one:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
try to recreate the package as a .tgz file by placing the package.xml in the root and the other files in their respective places relatively to the root.
In the case you do not have a package.xml file, I would advise you to consider installing the extension manually by coping its files to their respective places in your Magento installation.


JInstaller: :Install: Can't find XML setup file

Joomla! 3.8.10 Stable [ Amani ] 26-June-2018 15:45 GMT is the version i installed but am getting an error when installing template, saying:
JInstaller: :Install: Can't find XML setup file
The Compatibility of the template is: Joomla 3.4.4+
How can I fix that?
Did you check if your template is .zip file and contain only template files? Some templates could be provided within zipped folder.

Access Qt resource files in VS 2017 with CMake

I am having trouble accessing qt resource files in a VS 2017 project with CMake. I was able to access the qrc files using Qt Creator. I have the following questions:
Where do I put the resource files? Preferably I would like to put resource files in the root directory. I have tried to put the files in the root director and in the directory they will be called.
What changes I should make to the CMakeLists.txt files?
How can I refer to the resource files? I have tried all the instruction I can find on internet. But none of them seem to work. For example I have tried: ":/prefix/filepath/filename" or ":prefix/filepath/filename".
Thanks a lot!
You can put your .qrc file where you want, for my project I make it on /res folder but is your choice. You can add your files on the resources edit manually the .qrc file as a normal xml file. Here a simple example:
<qresource prefix="/menu_img">
<file alias="cancel_img">icons/cancel-512.png</file>
<file alias="open_img">icons/folder-512.png</file>
<file alias="print_img">icons/printer-512.png</file>
In this resource files the images are inside the folder icons and the .qrc is outside.
After that your .qrc file is ready (assuming that you use qt5) you must add to your CMakeList.txt this line:
qt5_add_resources(PROJECT_RESOURCE path_to_rosource_file/resources.qrc)
then on your target you must add this rosource:
Now your resources is available inside your project as usual :/menu_img/cancel_img

Install not adding all Content files

I have some xml files I want to distribute with the project. The Build Action is set to Content and the Copy to Output Directory is set to Copy always. When I publish, I see all the xml files in my content folder; however, when I install using ClickOnce, these files are missing. What am I missing?
The problem was in the project settings->Publish->Application Files... the xml files under Publish Status must be changed from Data File(Auto) to Include.

Plugin installation, How to add images?

I'm creating Joomla plugin (3.3 version) and I want to add some images to /images/ folder when installing plugin. Is there a way to add them trough manifest file, or I have to create installation file ?
You can definitely add them through the manifest file the same way you add images to components.
<files folder="site">

JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file

I create one template for joomla 2.5. But when I installed it it show the error:
"Failed loading XML file
XML: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file"
How can I solve it please?
It means your XML file isn't properly written. The actual error is:
XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
Check the file and make sure
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
is the first line in the file. No line breaks or anything else is allowed before this.
That means you try to install the wrong .zip file. It happens often if you try to install a Joomla 1.5 template to a Joomla 1.6 website or the other way around.
Another common reason is, that you try to install the templates download package (<- the ZIP Archive with all the template stuff inside, like the psd file, the docs AND the installation files) , instead of the included installation file.
<extension version="2.5" type="template" client="site"> Try extension tag instead install.
<!DOCTYPE install PUBLIC "-//Joomla! 1.6//DTD template 1.0//EN" ""> Include the correct doc type.
