Exuberant Ctags: undocumented extension fields - ctags

I'm looking at the tags file that Exuberant Ctags generated for my ruby project, and reading the documentation for the Tag File Format:
My tags file has lots of lines like:
MyThing<TAB>lib/my_thing.rb<TAB>/^class MyThing$/;"<TAB>c
It's just my burning curiosity, but I can't find any explanation of what the trailing <TAB>c extension field indicates.

After downloading the ctags source (and indexing it with ctags), I see in ruby.c that the extension fields are pretty simple:
static kindOption RubyKinds [] = {
{ TRUE, 'c', "class", "classes" },
{ TRUE, 'f', "method", "methods" },
{ TRUE, 'm', "module", "modules" },
{ TRUE, 'F', "singleton method", "singleton methods" }


bootstrap-typeahead's displayfield using multiple values

I'm sorry if this is a duplicate question but I do not understand the answers of other people. I'm using Twitter Bootstrap Ajax Typeahead Plugin (https://github.com/biggora/bootstrap-ajax-typeahead/) to search emails from data that comes from an SQL query. This is the code I use with a php file, where I use people's emails as valueField and people's names as displayField and it works well.
ajax: {
url: urlAjax + '?requete=rechercheannuaire',
displayField: "description",
valueField: "id",
triggerLength: 2,
method: "get",
loadingClass: "loading-circle",
preProcess: function(data){
if(data.type === "error")
return false;
return data.datas;
onSelect: function(data){
//alert("assez tot");
data.text = data.value;
return data;
The problem is that I have to be able to search "Dujardin" as well as "Du Jardin" and I cannot find a way to assign multiple values to displayField. If someone could explain how typeahead works, I'd be thankfull, I don't understand the documentation.
According to the plugin documentation, you cannot assign multiple values to the displayField option. However, it is possible for you to re-write events.
After a quick lookup into the source code of bootstrap-ajax-typeahead, we can figure out that the "matcher" event is used as the filter for displaying - or not - values to the user.
To allow to match both "Du jardin" and "Dujardin", we have to manipulate strings. Here, I suggest you to :
Remove any diacritic character
Remove any non-word character (all except [A-Za-z0-9_])
Remove any underscore
Set the string to lowercase
To do #1, I suggest you to use this fantastic script by rdllopes.
I wrote a POC. Here is the JSON source (called "source.json"):
{ "id": 1, "name": "jdupont#example.com - Jean Du Pont"},
{ "id": 2, "name": "jdupont2#example.com - Jean Dupont"},
{ "id": 3, "name": "jdupont3#example.com - Jéan Dupônt"},
{ "id": 4, "name": "mbridge#example.com - Michel Bridge"}
And here is the script that I used for matching elements :
// Our source is a simple JSON file
ajax: 'source.json',
// Display field is a list of names
displayField: 'name',
// And value field a list of IDs
valueField: 'id',
matcher: function(item)
// For both needle and haystack, we :
// 1. Remove any diacritic character
// 2. Remove any non-word character (all except [A-Za-z0-9_])
// 3. Remove any underscore
// 4. Set the string to lowercase
var needle = removeDiacritics(this.query).replace(/[^\w]/gi, '').replace('_', '').toLowerCase();
var haystack = removeDiacritics(item).replace(/[^\w]/gi, '').replace('_', '').toLowerCase();
// Does the needle exists in haystack?
return ~haystack.indexOf(needle);

Adding <a> tags using styles results in dropdown error [duplicate]

For some reason if I change 'p' to 'a', it no longer appears on the style list. Any reason why?
{ name : 'Wys wiersza 1' ,
element : 'p',
styles : { 'line-height' : '18px' }
-edited the code, I missed some brackets while copying
Your problem is a bracket mess. This code will work:
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'default',
name: 'Wys wiersza 1' ,
element: 'p',
styles: { 'line-height' : '18px' }
EDIT: Now I see it's a CKEditor bug as it only fails for element: 'a'. Created ticket for this: https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/9349

Meteor SimpleSchema says random stuff is valid

I'm using aldeed:collection2 and aldeed:simple-schema packages. I want to validate a doc against the schema. My schema contains e.g. a string field with allowedValues array and an array of nested object, described with sub-schema. Like this:
type: {
type: String,
allowedValues: [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ],
defaultValue: 'A',
index: 1,
nestedStuff: {
type: [ new SimpleSchema(nestedStuffSchema.schema(Meteor, SimpleSchema)) ],
defaultValue: [],
I have a 'bad' doc which has e.g. "D" in type field and invalid nested array items.
At client I'm trying to:
and it returns true. SimpleSchema says the doc is valid even though its fields do not abide to schema.
Validating 'bad' type field individually also returns true.
What am I doing wrong? Why could SimpleSchema assume random stuff to be valid?
if you want to validate an array of strings you need to keep String inside [ ].See the below code it may help
type: {
type: [String],
allowedValues: [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ],
defaultValue: ['A'],
index: 1,
nestedStuff: {
type: [ new SimpleSchema(nestedStuffSchema.schema(Meteor,SimpleSchema)) ],
defaultValue: [],

CKEditor Custom ACF disabling all plugins

I am trying to set an explicit list of allowed contents in my ck editor, but it seems that I'm not being inclusive enough in my list because almost all my plugins are disabled. If I set the ACF back to auto (delete allowedContent) then all the plugins come back. Here is my allowedConent in the config.js
config.allowedContent =
h1: true,
h2: true,
h3: true,
'span, p, ul, ol, li,': {
styles: 'color, margin-left, margin-right, font-size'
'a[!href,target,name]': true,
b: true,
u: true,
i: true,
Yet the only buttons that seem to be enabled are bold, underline, and italics. I'm trying to figure out why my other plugins aren't working. For instance, the link plugin has the following:
var allowed = 'a[!href]',
required = 'a[href]';
// Add the link and unlink buttons.
editor.addCommand( 'link', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'link', {
allowedContent: allowed,
requiredContent: required
} ) );
editor.addCommand( 'anchor', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'anchor', {
allowedContent: 'a[!name,id]',
requiredContent: 'a[name]'
} ) );
As you can see, I have anchor with the necessary properties defined (anchor with an href and name), yet the button doesn't show up! I have verified my syntax is correct by printing out CKEDITOR.instances["editor-1"].filter.allowedContent and it shows the object I'm expecting. I have also tried adding a bunch of common elements like to see if adding one of them brings the plugins back, but it does not. So what am I missing?
Well it seems that I was mixing my object syntax and my string syntax. Once I corrected this, the anchor and font-size buttons started appearing. The following is what I have so far:
config.allowedContent =
h1: true,
h2: true,
h3: true,
a: {
attributes: ['!href','target','name']
b: true,
u: true,
i: true,
// font-size
span: {
styles: { 'font-size': '#(size)' },
overrides: [ { element :'font', attributes: { 'size': null } } ]
I still need to figure out the proper definition for font-color and a few others, but that's just a matter of inspecting the plugins' code and seeing what they expect.

CKEditor - Use Advanced Content Filter rule to specify values

It seems that some plugins of CKEditor specify values of properties. For example, the left-to-right plugin has the following rule:
How can I specify values with string format rules?
Something like span[!dir=ltr].
You can't. String format doesn't allow such definition. You can specify span[!dir] so all spans require dir attribute and nothing else. With object definition you can do more, e.g. use functions:
'ul, li: true,
'$0': {
match: function( el ) {
return el.name == 'b';
propertiesOnly: true,
attributes: 'dir'
'$1': {
Why do you persist to use string format? You can use objects and store it as JSON.
