Spark jobserver is not finishing YARN processes - hadoop

I have configured Spark jobserver to run on YARN.
I am able to send spark jobs to YARN but even after the job finishes it does not quit on YARN
For eg:
I tried to make a simple spark context.
The context is reflecting in jobserver but YARN is still running the process and is not quieting I have to manually kill the tasks.
Yarn Job
Spark Context
Job server reflects the contexts but as soon as I try to run any task in it Job server give me an error
"status": "ERROR",
"result": "context test-context2 not found"
My Spark UI is also not very helpful


How to Kill Hive Query, without knowing application id?

My hive-server2 list a few running jobs, so I can find the various query_id.
But there is not yarn-application information in the Yarn 8088 pages.
My question is how to kill the running job.
If you are using Yarn as resource manager, you can find all running jobs by running the following in shell:
yarn application -list -appStates ALL
You can change ALL to RUNNING etc. depending on what application state you are interested in seeing.
An alternative command to the above to see running applications is:
mapred job -list
In order to kill a specific application/job, with YARN you can run:
yarn application -kill <application_id>
Or otherwise:
mapred job -kill <job_id>

Get list of executed job on Hadoop cluster after cluster reboot

I have a hadoop cluster 2.7.4 version. Due to some reason, I have to restart my cluster. I need job IDs of those jobs that were executed on cluster before cluster reboot. Command mapred -list provide currently running of waiting jobs details only
You can see a list of all jobs on the Yarn Resource Manager Web UI.
In your browser go to http://ResourceManagerIPAdress:8088/
This is how the history looks on the Yarn cluster I am currently testing on (and I restarted the services several times):
See more info here

Do we need to put namenode in safe mode before restarting the job tracker?

I have a Hadoop cluster running Cloudera's CDH3, Apache Hadoop's 0.20.2 equivalent. I want to restart the job-tracker as there are some jobs which are not getting killed. I tried killing them from the command line, the command executes successfully, but the jobs are still in Job Cleanup: Pending status. Anyways I want to restart the job-tracker and see if that cleanup the jobs. I know the command to restart the job-tracker, but I am not sure if I need to put the name-node in safe-mode before I restart the job-tracker.
You can try to kill the unwanted jobs using hadoop job -kill <Job-ID> and check for command status echo "$?". If that doesn't work, Restart is the only option.
Hadoop Jobtracker and namenodes are independent components, No need to execute namenode safenode before Jobtracker restart. You can restart Jobtracker process alone.(tasktracker if required)

gcloud console indicating job is running, while hadoop application manager says it is finished

The job that I've submitted to spark cluster is not finishing. I see it is pending forever, however logs say that even spark jetty connector is shut down:
17/05/23 11:53:39 INFO org.spark_project.jetty.server.ServerConnector: Stopped ServerConnector#4f67e3df{HTTP/1.1}{}
I run latest cloud dataproc v1.1 (spark 2.0.2) on yarn. I submit spark job via gcloud api:
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark --project stage --cluster datasys-stg \
--async --jar hdfs:///apps/jdbc-job/jdbc-job.jar --labels name=jdbc-job -- --dbType=test
The same spark pi stuff is finished correctly:
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark --project stage --cluster datasys-stg --async \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --jars file:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar -- 100
While visiting hadoop application manager interface I see it is finished with Successful result:
Google cloud console and job list is showing it is still running until killed (see job run for 20 hours before killed, while hadoop says it ran for 19 seconds):
Is there something I can monitor to see what is preventing gcloud to finish the job?
I couldn't find anything that I can monitor my application is not finishing, but I've found the actual problem and fixed it. Turns out I had abandoned threads in my application - I had connection to RabbitMQ and that seemed to create some threads that prevented application from being finally stoped by gcloud.

After completion of MapReduce job, RunJar is still active

I was executing few mapreduce program on the hadoop cluster. The programs executed successfully and gave the required output.
using jps command I noticed that RunJar was still running as the process. I stopped my cluster but still the process id was up.
I know that Hadoop jar invokes base Runjar for execution of jar, but is it normal that even after job completion the process is up?
enter image description here
if yes, in that care muliple Runjar instances will keep running, how can i make sure that after job completion, run jar even stops(I don't wish to kill the process)
The RunJar process is normally the result of someone or something running “hadoop jar "
you can kill the process with:
kill 13082
