Code coverage without junit - sonarqube

Is it possible to use jacoco in sonar without writing junit as I have added jacoco plugin in sonarqube but when I ran the sonar scanner then it is showing 0% code coverage. Please advise me on this as I am new to this work.

JaCoCo is a coverage tool that will record, during an execution of the Junit test where the execution went through your code.
So short answer is : no. This makes absolutely no sense.
(this is a bit simplified but given the question I am keeping things short here).

you can use jacoco java agent, which has nothing to do with junit, and just run your code, then report the code coverage. See this doc for more details


Does SonarQube always require an external code coverage tool to show coverage on sonar server?

Does SonarQube always require an external code coverage tool like jacoco (Java), Coverage (python), gcov (c/c++), in order to show coverage on a sonar server?
SonarQube by itself doesn't do any coverage. Its the job for other tools like jacoco and others.
However SonarQube can gather the "results" relevant to the project quality (of course including coverage as an important code quality metric) of the build and allows tracking of the quality over time.
Usually you run coverage tool first, it "adjusts" the code, then you run the tests in the build. Coverage tool creates some results, and only after that you run sonar plugin that processes the results and sends to the sonar qube server.
So, to answer your question: Yes, without an external code coverage tool, sonar won't produce any coverage results, and no, it doesn't have a "default, built-in" coverage tool

Export explicit Jacoco it report to sonarqube 6.7

I'm not able to see the Integration Tests in new sonarqube 6.7 version, here is what I'm doing,
Run Sonarqube task with Gradle to generate the report along with code coverage.
Here, Sonarqube is by default invoking test task and using the test.exec file from build/jacoco generated by Jacoco plugin.
However, I've a task depends on the test task to place an integrationTest.exec report in the build/jacoco as the integrations tests are run outside build(for some reason)
Though I place the integrationTest.exec file explicitly while Sonarqube execution it is still not considering the report and due to which I do not see any change in the coverage computed also I do not see Integration Tests section under coverage like I see Unit Tests.
Firstly, I would like to understand that whether is it feasible to export the integration tests result like I did above or not?
Second, is the latest Sonarqube having the capability to show integration tests report in the coverage section?
Your comments would help me.
Thanks in advance!

How to force code coverage to Zero?

I have several java projects with no unit test cases. When I try to analyse these projects using SonarQube I am unable to get unit test code coverage because it doesn't have any test cases. As per my research I saw that I can force it to show it as zero if there are no unit test cases. The official Jacoco Java documentation mentions
My SonarQube analysis will be done using maven builds and SonarQube 5.6.6 and sonar-java
How can I set this parameter in maven so that it can show as zero unit test cases in my coverage?
From version 6.2 SonarQube does this automatically where the behavior is supported by the analyzers. Before that version, availability of the feature is spotty and not entirely reliable. For best results you should upgrade SonarQube.
That said, you can set that property on the analysis command line like so:
mvn sonar:sonar
Or by setting a property in your pom, as shown in the docs
Update 16 Dec 2019
Most language analyzers now calculate Executable Lines, so files omitted from the coverage report are included in calculations anyway. But that only kicks in if you provide coverage reports. No coverage reports -> no coverage metrics at all.

Can Sonar calculate overall test coverage when using Cobertura?

When using Cobertura I am able to display unit and integration test coverage separately in Sonar however I can't find a way to display the overall test coverage..
The Sonar documentation implies this is possible using Jacoco but I wondered if it was also possible using Cobertura?
Many thanks
It is not possible, at least not with sonarqube 4.3.
You could however, combine unit-test-coverage generated with cobertura with integration-test-coverage generated with jacoco.
The documentation sais clearly:
"If coverage by unit tests is not computed with JaCoCo, overall coverage = integration test coverage."
You can find the documentation here:
Sorry and good luck with yout further configuration!

Jacoco and Sonar code coverage?

Using : JaCoCo 0.5.3, Maven2, Sonar 2.14, sonar-maven-plugin 1.8, SùartGWT 3.0
Currently trying to : Get code coverage on Sonar of my Selenium unit tests.
Problem : Code coverage doesn't move from 0% although the sensor is launched properly, analyse the jacoco.exec which is correctly generated.
Ressources : The pom.xml
It's been about 2 weeks I'm trying to get code coverage. I upgraded the Sonar from 2.10 to 2.14, changed every single sonar property, tried the plugin jacoco (for maven) and I still DON'T get any results. So if someone had the same problems and found the solution, could you please tell me how you amde it work ?
I'm quite sure my tests must generate at least 0.5% of code coverage. My Selenium tests are actually executed in, does it have any incidence ? Must I call it ? (The tested class is
I'm using surefire to start the javaagent of JaCoCo (see the tag) and it actually GENERATES the jacoco.exec.
Please give me some help, I'm totally lost I have only one week left to make it work... :(
Thanks in advance.
I'm in a slightly different setup than you are, using Ant and Sonar 3.01, but... there was one property that did the trick for me, that seemed to be almost entirely undocumented when I looked. I notice the wiki pages have had updates in the last couple of days, which may have changed the doc situation.
<property name="sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin" value="jacoco" />
<property name="sonar.jacoco.reportPath" value="${test.log.dir}/jacoco.exec"/>
Setting sonar.jacoco.reportPath explicitly to the file, not a directory, was what finally worked for me.
