ZOHO CRM - Does it support JSON Posts? - zoho

I'm playing around and evaluation CRM systems and came across ZOHO. All the examples I have seen post XML to the APi methods. I'm wondering if ZOHO supports JSON posts and any examples there may be

Zoho CRM API don't support neither JSON nor XML in requests in native way.
Zoho CRM API expect application/www-x-form-urlencoded request with parameter xmlData that contains XML.
Here is Development Console
BR Igor


POST data to api using nodejs for Outlook Add-ins

I want to fetch api and POST data to that api in nodejs which i have created using yo generator.
You can use the Fetch API which provides an interface for fetching resources (including across the network). It will seem familiar to anyone who has used XMLHttpRequest, but the new API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set.

How should I consume a configuration entity on partner portal?

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords is available on CRM form.
Is there any way to query web api from the javascript on webpages?
Unfortunately we cannot use Xrm.WebApi in portals and they are native to CRM forms.
Recently web api is introduced for portals and you can use it for CUD operations from portal. MS documentation and this blog post can help you to understand and setup the pre-requisites like enabling settings, permissions, verbose.
For entity data retrieval - still we have to use fetchxml liquid tag. Read more

Is there a possibility to get data from google analitycs to CRM via API or else?

We have an web site and CRM. User fills form on a web page then we send this data into CRM as contact. Also Google analitycs gets more info about this user directly from web site. Is there any possible way to get data from Analitycs to combine it with CRM data?
If this is important: Bitrix24.com is used as CRM (installed on our server).
Thanks in advance.
You need this web-site: https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/?hl=en#p/analytics/v3/analytics.data.mcf.get to construct API-request.
Set your CustomerID in filters field like this: mcf:adwordsCustomerIDPath=={customerID1}

Possible to create yammer custom API's?

Creating a custom analytics dashboard for yammer and looking at all the ways I can get data. While browsing the web I came across this
'You can create an API to do this type of accomplish this type of functionality. You may join a 3rd party site https://stackoverflow.com/tour.'
Just wondering if anyone has done anything with creating an API?
You are misinterpreting the response. You can't create additional APIs. All supported APIs are documented on the Developer Site.

OData v4.0 via ASP.NET WebAPI - Can Excel consume a service?

I have built a few WebAPIs since it was born, including one supporting OData URL filters when that was new. I see now that OData over WebAPI has matured, I see it can serve service metadata.
Is it complete enough for Excel or other OData client tooling to plug and play as if it were a full WCF Data Service (ye olde Astoria)?
That's it. Thanks
OData V1-3 services can be consumed by the Data tab and Power Pivot data source import of Excel. While Excel's support for importing data from OData V4 services will rely on Power Query. That support is planned targeting early next year according to this: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/2169958f-9e2a-4fc2-a844-c0dce4c17a19/support-of-odata-v40?forum=powerquery
It is. In the past you had to do the right configuration or do a workaround to populate the OData feed from Web API correctly, to be able to consume it from Excel. Suprotim Agarwal wrote an excellent blog post about all the steps necessary to consume the feed from Excel, including creating and configuring the endpoint and what the steps in Excel are.
