is Jcron for Java scheduling? - joomla

I have been searching through entire Internet for sometime and I am not able to understand whether Jcron is a API for Java scheduling or is it specific only to Joomla CMS ?
If it can be used with Java can someone share links of some Example.
Thanks in Advance

From the Jcron web page:
JCron Scheduler is a Joomla component for Cron Jobs Management and Scheduling! It's purpose is to simulate cron jobs through Joomla front end interface at preset periods of time for users who either don't have access to the server crontab or don't want to use it for any purpose!
It is clearly something that belongs to Joomla world, and has nothing to do with Java. If you are looking for cron like scheduling in Java you should check cron4j.


Ruby Background Scheduler

i'm trying to use some background scheduling in ruby, and seems like havent found yet the right solution.
so many gem are talked about on the net, rufus, sidekiq, resque, whenever , clockwwork , but i was wondering what is the best option for our need.
basically i have few jobs that i want to schedule on a cron basis upfront.
also, would like to have the ability to update those jobs, or add new jobs during runtime.
tried the following:
rufus-scheduler : was vary simple and easy to integrate. had the ability to schedule jobs by ons startup. the problem is there is no ability to dynamically integreate with it during runtime.
resque - should have the ability to schedule at runtime (schedule.yml) and also to integrate with dynamically, but uses process for each worker. bad performance.
sidekiq - should have support all of these. but by adding also some 3rd party gem "sidekiq-scheduler". had few issues on the scheduler and looks like its not really supported, which might be an issue.
so should we keep invest on the sidekiq-scheduler or have we missed some more mature gem that could help us making this works?
any help will be appriciated.

Are there any open-source or commercial UIs for a Carte slave server?

We have a number of Kettle jobs we run today using cron jobs (scheduled tasks on Windows). However, running them like this does not give us any feedback or allow manual control by any but the people who manage the servers on which the jobs run.
I believe the using Carte is the answer to this challenge. However, I cannot seem to find any UI software other than the full Pentaho suite that give any sort of UI front end to Carte. Am I missing something?
I found an older post here where the author was asking question because he was building a custom .NET UI to Carte servers... I'm just looking to use or buy an exiting one. I don't want to re-invent the wheel if I don't have to.
Carte itself has a very basic status page from which you can examine run logs and run jobs/trans.
You can also manage slave servers from spoon and get the same information. Add carte instances as slave server (
Double click on the slave server to then view it's run logs.
You may also try something like Apache Chainsaw. I've never tried this myself, and may require some wiring & config, but it might make Carte's logs more readable.

Free Ruby scheduled tasks (off the rails) hosting?

I have some simple Ruby scripts to run as a background job. They are in an infinite while loop to monitor external database changes. Can someone recommend a hosting provider that can do it for free to start?
I looked at AWS and the EC2 micro instance is actually a good fit for the first year. Anything equivalent beyond the first year?
Then I looked at Heroku. It seems a hack and overkill to use Delayed Job in the Rails framework.
Google App Engine is also a good fit as long as I am willing to rewrite my Ruby scripts to Python.
More background on my project. I am using CouchDB + CouchApp. It requires some external scripts to monitor new users sign up and send out forget password emails.
I don't know about free, but there is SimpleWorker, which lets you offload processes (and apparently schedule them too!) to their cloud infrastructure.
Try using
Are you able to set up an always on machine at your house? It's probably going to be just as reliable as hosting it with a free tier provider.

windows django server

I have inherited a Windows Server and I have to deploy a django app on it.
Have anyone tried to benchmark http servers with django support on this platform?
Which one is fastest?
Use-case of my application would be:
not so much writes to db
heavy usage of admin panel
display tons of results
Have you looked at either wamp or xampp? They both deliver Apache/MySQL/PHP-and-Perl on a Windows platform. But you need more because neither includes Python. See this SO thread for how to proceed from there. Note, you may encounter problems. See this SO thread for an example.
Ps. Personally, I would just get a an account that supports Django (e.g. and not screw around with this.
I run a Django site on Windows using Apache. I've posted a write up about some of the hurdles that you're going to face.

Which workflow engine should I chose for implementing a dynamic reconfiguration of workflows?

I want to be able to interrupt a running workflow instance, say when a new activity is about to be invoked, and extract information both about the structure of the workflow and the data in the particular instance. Then I will consult with an external system and according to its response I will possibly alter the behaviour of the workflow. The options I would like to have are addition/removal of activities and altering parameters for the activities to be invoked.
I am currently struggling with the engine it's best to go with. I have looked at WWF, Apache ODE, Oracle Workflow and Active BPEL and as far as I understand they can all provide me with the options I need. I would really appreciate any recommendations on which one will be the easiest to work with for my purpose and any restrictions either of the above might have that would prevent me from reaching my goal.
I am sorry not to directly answer your question, but you may be interested in a state machine framework called Stateless created by Nicholas Blumhardt (AutoFac). I have used this instead of Windows Workflow where I needed to quickly configure my steps for a work flow. I have one configuration file that I alter and can introduce new steps into the workflow quite easily. See my SO answer here for more details.
Essentially you define a state as State<T> and this allows you to persist your state in a database easily.
