Oracle Converter Rdf report to Xml - oracle

I am trying to convert an .rdf report to xml.I am using report builder to convert but i cannot see an option for conversion to xml. I am new to this conversion process and i seem not to be getting a solution.I have been using forms and reports 18

Oracle has a tool called rwconverter.exe wich is installed among Developer Suite.
Please, verify the command line options for this tool in this link (10g):
Make sure you this is the proper version for you.


Migrating SAS Reports Into SSRS

I am very new to working with SAS, have not worked with it before. My current workplace is asking me to migrate reports over from SAS and rework them using SSIS/SSRS. I'm not sure how would be the best way to go about this or where even to start. Any help would be appreciated.
You will need to look at the data sources and the report outputs and figure out what is required to manually recreate the reports from scratch in SQL and SSRS. There is no conversion tool available.

Visual Studios .NET 4 - adding Oracle Database as Data Source - Warnings about OracleDataAdatper deprecated

When I add an Oracle Database as a Data Source to my project, the automatically generated code in the TableAdapter section is uses System.Data.OracleDataAdapter which is obsolete.
Following the documentation explains that you should use the third party Oracle software (ODAC). Given that the code is autogenerated, I am confused.
Am I missing something here?
Possible Solutions:
I could use .NET 3.5 for my Data Access Layer
Ignore the warnings
Manually Create Table Adapters
Something I am missing?
The solution is to use Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studios. Add the Data Source in the same way as before (except the form now looks different as a result of the newly installed add on).

Exporting Xcode's Code Coverage data

Is there a way of accessing the data produced when you gather code coverage stats from your unit tests to text/command line or a way of exporting the data to another file format? Are there any third party libraries I can use? I am using Swift in Xcode 7.1.
You can check slather from the below link which is an open source tool to generate reports for Xcode's code coverage data. It generates reports in both xml and html formats
If you are using fastlane or ruby gems you can use xcov to gather and display reports in HTML:

How to add userName who execute the report in birt

I used to develop report in SSRS and a newbie in birt, there're a bunch of handy global functions in SSRS that can be used but can't be found in birt.
I tried to develop a report that needs to show the sysuser who are executing the report but can't find an easy way to implement it in birt.
Can anyone suggest me an easy way to do it? Do I need to install Maximo and use para userName?
Thank you in advance!
You can use following JavaScript:"")
This will run Java method System.getProperty("") which returns current user.

Parsing XML Embedded in VBScript (QTP)

Say there's a QTP Function Library that contains many procedures. Each procedure contains documentation written in an XML node format that describes the purpose, return values and other information about the procedure.
Is there a way to parse these XML documentation that is embedded in the source code just like how it is possible to generate documentation based on XML documentation in .NET?
Microsoft's own XML parser should do the job. I've used it in a couple of projects. The SO posting MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0 Source? shows how to find out which version is installed on your machine. Microsoft, naturally, has a lot of documentation. You could probably start here.
