making a singular matrix non singular by removing rows and columns - algorithm

I have large sparse square matrix n by n, its rank is slightly below n, let's say m. I want to make it non-singular by removing rows and columns by a certain rule. The rule is that if you remove ith row, you must remove ith column as well, so that the matrix is always square. This is effectively removing a node in an adjacency graph.
My first question is: does there always exist such a combination of n-m rows and columns I can remove such that the remaining m by m submatrix is structurally non singular.
My second questions is: is there an effective algorithm to obtain a p by p non-singular submatrix without removing excessive amount of rows and columns
To provide more context, the matrix I'm dealing with is about 1000 by 1000 with sparsity close to 0.05

1 is not true. here's a example.
[1 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0;
0 0 0 1;
0 0 0 0]
The rank is clearly 3 which happens to be the number of nonzero rows/columns). You can't remove rows 1,2,3 nor columns 1,2,4. So 1 to 4 are covered.

The first one is not true. As has been answered by hiandbali. I managed to solve the second problem by doing a DFS. The interior adjacency matrices are not singular.


Sort matrix elements around the diagonal

I am looking for an algorithm that can sort the rows of a matrix so that the elements will cumulate around the diagonal.
I will have a square matrix (around 80 rows/ columns) containing only the values 0 and 1. There are algorithms that sort the rows in a way that most of the elements with the value 1 are below the diagonal.
I need an algorithm that sort to minimize the mean distance of the elements to the diagonal.
Like so:
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 0
0 1 0
1 0 1
Since I am not familiar with this topic I hope that someone can help me. I am not looking for a complete solution. The name of such algorithm if it exists or a pseudo code would be sufficient.
Thanks a lot!
There is probably a more efficient way, but you could treat this problem as an assignment problem (trying to assign each row to a diagonal element).
This can be done in three steps:
1) Create a new matrix M where each entry M(i,j) contains the cost of assigning row i of your input matrix to the diagonal element j. For your example this matrix will be the following (average distance to the diagonal element):
1 0 1
1 1 1
1 0.5 1.5
Example: M(0,0) = 1 is the average distance when assigning row 0 of the input matrix (0 1 0) to the diagonal element positioned at 0.
2) Run an algorithm to find the best assignment (e.g., hungarian algorithm). This will give you an optimal 1:1 matching between rows and columns minimizing the sum of cost in the matrix.
The result will be the elements (0,1), (1,2) and (2,0)
3) Rearrange your input matrix using this knowledge. So
row 0 -> row 1
row 1 -> row 2
row 2 -> row 0

Constrained maximization of the sum of square submatrices

I have an intensity map of an image that I would like to select sub-regions with large average value. To do this, I want to find the sub-regions which maximize the sum of the intensity map pixels covered by the sub-regions. To prevent an excessive number of returned sub-regions, a penalty is applied for each additional sub-region returned. Additionally, it is fine if two sub-regions overlap, but the overlap objective value is only that of the union of the sub-regions.
More formally, suppose you have a matrix A containing non-negative values with dimensions m x n. You would like to cover the matrix with square sub-matrices with dimension s x s such that the sum of the values of A covered by the union of the area of the squares is maximized. For each square you add to the solution, a constant penalty p is subtracted from the objective value of the solution.
For instance, consider the following matrix:
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 2 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 0 0
with parameters p = -4 and s = 2. The optimal solution is the two squares S1 = [1, 2; 1, 2] and S2 = [2, 1; 2, 2] with coordinates (2:3,2:3) and (2:3,4:5) respectively (in Matlab notation). Note that in this example that the greedy approach of incrementally adding the squares with maximum value until no squares can be added (without decreasing the objective value) fails.
One brute force way of solving it would be to check all possible combinations using exactly k squares. Starting from k =1, you would compute the optimal combination with exactly k squares, increment k and repeat until the objective value stops increasing. This is clearly very expensive.
You can precompute the sums of values of the (m-s+1)*(n-s+1) possible squares in time O(mn) using an integral image.
Is there an efficient solution to this?
The problem is NP-Hard. This could be proven by reduction from planar minimum vertex cover. Proof for special case s=3, p=2, and A having only values 0 or 1 is identical to the proof for other SO question.
As for brute force solution, it could be made more efficient if instead of trying all combinations with increasing k, you add squares incrementally. When objective value of partial solution plus sum of not-yet-covered values is not greater than best-so-far objective value, rollback to last valid combination by removing recently added square(s) and try other squares. Avoid adding squares that add zero to objective value. Also avoid adding sub-optimal squares: if in example from OP partial solution contains square [1, 2; 1, 2], do not add square [2, 2; 2, 2] because [2, 1; 2, 2] would always be at least as good or even better. And reorder the squares in such a way that you quickly get good enough solution, this allows to terminate all further attempts sooner.

How to tell if there is a 1 in every row of a matrix such that each 1 is in a different column?

Given an n X n matrix containing 1s or 0s, I need to pick some 1s from the matrix such that:
There is a 1 in every row.
Every 1 that I pick is in a different column.
How do I check if it is possible to do that?
The approach I could think of has exponential complexity : It's much like the N Queens problem. Pick a 1 in the 1st row, recurse into the 2nd row and so on. If it isn't possible at any stage, backtrack.
But is there a better way?
I think you need to determine if a matrix is in reduced row echelon form.
This sounds like a dynamic programming problem to me.
Everytime you recurse you delete an entire row + column from the matrix. At the bottom of your recursion you'll have [1] and [0]. The [1] matrix is "successful" the [0] matrix is "unsuccessful". The next stage up you'll have 2^4 matrices from [0 0; 0 0] to [1 1; 1 1]. Some of these will be successful, some will not be successful.
It seems like sorting the rows of the matrix so that rows with lots of 1s are processed last will help

Possibility of making diagonal elements of a square matrix 1,if matrix has only 0 or 1

Let M be an n x n matrix with each entry equal to either 0 or 1. Let m[i][j]
denote the entry in row i and column j. A diagonal entry is one of the
form m[i][i] for some i. Swapping rows i and j of the matrix M denotes the following action:
we swap the values m[i][k] and m[j][k] for k = 1, 2 ..... n. Swapping two columns
is defined analogously We say that M is re arrangeable if it is possible to swap some of the pairs of rows and some of the pairs of columns (in any sequence) so that,
after all the swapping, all the diagonal entries of M are equal to 1.
(a) Give an example of a matrix M that is not re arrangeable, but for
which at least one entry in each row and each column is equal to !.
(b) Give a polynomial-time algorithm that determines whether a matrix
M with 0-1 entries is re-arrangeable.
I tried a lot but could not reach to any conclusion please suggest me algorithm for that.
I think this post is on topic here because I think the answer is Consider the job of putting a 1 in column i, for each i. Each row could do some subset of those jobs. If you can find an assignment of rows such that there is a different row capable of putting a 1 in each column then you can make the matrix diagonal by rearranging the rows so that row i puts a 1 on column i.
Suppose that there is an assignment that solves the problem. Paint the cells that hold the 1s for the solution red. Notice that permuting rows leaves a single red cell in each row and in each column. Similarly permuting columns leaves a single red cell in each row and each column. Therefore no matter how much you permute rows and columns I can restore the diagonal by permuting rows. Therefore if there is any solution which places 1s on all the diagonals, no matter how much you try to disguise it by permuting both rows and columns I can restore a diagonal by permuting only rows. Therefore the assignment algorithm fails to solve this problem exactly when there is no solution, for example if the only 1s are in the top row and the leftmost column.

Efficient way to find all zeros in a matrix?

I am thinking of efficient algorithm to find the number of zeros in a row of matrix but can only think of O(n2) solution (i.e by iterating over each row and column). Is there a more efficient way to count the zeros?
For example, given the matrix
3, 4, 5, 6
7, 8, 0, 9
10, 11, 12, 3
4, 0, 9, 10
I would report that there are two zeros.
Without storing any external information, no, you can't do any better than Θ(N2). The rationale is simple - if you don't look at all N2 locations in the matrix, then you can't guarantee that you've found all of the zeros and might end up giving the wrong answer back. For example, if I know that you look at fewer than N2 locations, then I can run your algorithm on a matrix and see how many zeros you report. I could then look at the locations that you didn't access, replace them all with zeros, and run your algorithm again. Since your algorithm doesn't look at those locations, it can't know that they have zeros in them, and so at least one of the two runs of the algorithm would give back the wrong answer.
More generally, when designing algorithms to process data, a good way to see if you can do better than certain runtimes is to use this sort of "adversarial analysis." Ask yourself the question: if I run faster than some time O(f(n)), could an adversary manipulate the data in ways that change the answer but I wouldn't be able to detect? This is the sort of analysis that, along with some more clever math, proves that comparison-based sorting algorithms cannot do any better than Ω(n log n) in the average case.
If the matrix has some other properties to it (for example, if it's sorted), then you might be able to do a better job than running in O(N2). As an example, suppose that you know that all rows of the matrix are sorted. Then you can easily do a binary search on each row to determine how many zeros it contains, which takes O(N log N) time and is faster.
Depending on the parameters of your setup, you might be able to get the algorithm to run faster if you assume that you're allowed to scan in parallel. For example, if your machine has K processors on it that can be dedicated to the task of scanning the matrix, then you could split the matrix into K roughly evenly-sized groups, have each processor count the number of zeros in the group, then sum the results of these computations up. This ends up giving you a runtime of Θ(N2 / K), since the runtime is split across multiple cores.
Always O(n^2) - or rather O(n x m). You cannot jump over it.
But if you know that matrix is sparse (only a few elements have nonzero values), you can store only values that are non zero and matrix size. Then consider using hashing over storing whole matrix - generally create hash which maps a row number to a nested hash.
m =
0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0
Will be represented as:
row_numbers = 4
column_numbers = 4
hash = { 1 => { 1 => 2}, 2 => {2 => 1, 3 => 2}}
number_of_zeros = row_numbers * column_numbers - number_of_cells_in_hash(hash)
For any un sorted matrix it should be O(n). Since generally we represent total elements with 'n'.
If Matrix contains X Rows and Y Columns, X by Y = n.
E.g In 4 X 4 un sorted matrix it total elements 16. so When we iterate in linear with 2 loops 4 X 4 = 16 times. it will be O(n) because the total elements in the array are 16.
Many people voted for O(n^2) because they considered n X n as matrix.
Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
Assuming that when you say "in a row of a matrix", you mean that you have the row index i and you want to count the number of zeros in the i-th row, you can do better than O(N^2).
Suppose N is the number of rows and M is the number of columns, then store your
matrix as a single array [3,4,5,6,7,8,0,9,10,11,12,34,0,9,10], then to access row i, you access the array at index N*i.
Since arrays have constant time access, this part doesn't depend on the size of the matrix. You can then iterate over the whole row by visiting the element N*i + j for j from 0 to N-1, this is O(N), provided you know which row you want to visit and you are using an array.
This is not a perfect answer for the reasons I'll explain, but it offers an alternative solution potentially faster than the one you described:
Since you don't need to know the position of the zeros in the matrix, you can flatten it into a 1D array.
After that, perform a quicksort on the elements, this may provide a performance of O(n log n), depending on the randomness of the matrix you feed in.
Finally, count the zero elements at the beginning of the array until you reach a non-zero number.
In some cases, this will be faster than checking every element, although in a worst-case scenario the quicksort will take O(n2), which in addition to the zero counting at the end may be worse than iterating over each row and column.
assuming the given Matrix is M do an M+(-M) operation but do use the default + use instead my_add(int a, int b) such that
int my_add(int a, int b){
return (a == b == 0) ? 1 : (a+b);
That will give you a matrix like
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
Now you create a s := 0 and keep adding all elements to s. s += a[i][j]
You can do both in one cycle even. s += my_add(a[i][j], (-1)*a[i][j])
But still Its O(m*n)
To count the number of 1's you generally check all items in the Matrix. without operating on all elements I don't think you can tell the number of 1's. and to loop all elements its (m*n). It can be faster than (m*n) if and only if you can leave some elements unchecked and say the number of 1's
However if you move a 2x2 kernel over the matrix and hop you will get (m*n)/k iteration e.g. if you operate on neighboring elements a[i][j], a[i+1][j], a[i][j+1], a[i+1][j+1] till i < m & i< n
