What elastic search request body is equivalent to URI search? - elasticsearch

If I made a request using the URL:
Then what is the equivalent document that I would POST to that endpoint without a query string?
I've tried:
query: {
term: { "_all": "TEST" }
But with how our indexes are set up this doesn't return anything (but ?q=TEST does). The most basic search example in the API specifies a field to search against and I don't want to do that. I want to search as open ended and unrestricted as if I had used the query string.

As mentioned in the official documentation, an URI search query string query (i.e. q=...) is equivalent to sending a query_string query in the body.
So this
curl -XGET http://myserver/stuff/stuff/_search?q=TEST
is equivalent to this
curl -XPOST http://myserver/stuff/stuff/_search -d '{
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "TEST"
Both queries will default to searching against the _all field, which is what you want.

q is The query string (maps to the query_string query, see Query
String Query for more details.
From the documentation.
This is the corresponding query DSL:
query: {
"query_string": { "_all": "TEST" }
Also relevant:
The default field for query terms if no prefix field is specified.
Defaults to the index.query.default_field index settings, which in
turn defaults to _all.


How to match exact word using query_string

I have an Elasticsearch field values slim and extra slim, If I search for slim I'm getting extra slim included documents as a result. I want to match the exact word. I used fieldName.keyword while querying but It did'nt work if the field has multiple words.
The query I used is
{"query_string": {"query": "(fit:slim)" } }
How to match only specified value using query_string?
When looking for exact match against a field use term query on keyword field.
"query": {
"term": {
"fit.keyword": "slim"
UPDATE: Via query_string
For exact match using query_string wrap the string to be matched in quotes.
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "fit.keyword:\"extra slim\""

ElasticSearch: Using match_phrase for all fields

As a user of ElasticSearch 5, I have been using something like this to search for a given phrase in all fields:
GET /my_index/_search
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"_all": "this is a phrase"
Now, the _all field is going away, and match_phrase does not seem to work like query_string, where you can simply use something like this to run a search for all fields:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "word"
What is the alternative for a exact phrase search for all fields without using the _all field from version 6.0?
I have many fields per document so specifying all of them in the query is not really a solution for me.
You can find answer in Elasticsearch documentation https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-all-field.html
It says:
Use a custom field and the mapping copy_to parameter
So, you have to create custom fields in source, and copy all other fields to it.

Which query does the search api execute by default in elasticsearch

In elasticsearch, i can access the default search api like
server: 9200/index/_search?q=keyword but how can i replicate this if I am building the query myself? I've tried multi_match and query string, but the result set seem a bit different than the default search api.
PS: i am using elasticsearch PHP client, if that matters
The equivalent query to server:9200/index/_search?q=keyword is a query_string query like this one
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "keyword"

Elasticsearch search body from URL search

If I do a search directly to elasticsearch in a browser, such as:
What does the search body data actually look like? Is it doing a multi_match and including all fields? I've tried writing a multi_match including all the fields and I get different results from doing it right in the browser.
?q=.... is not a multi_match query, this is URI query and it's using query_string query.
So your search is "translated" to:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "Awesome Search"
You need to pass multi_match query as request body like this
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/your_index/_search?pretty=true' -d '{"query":{"multi_match":{"query":"keyword","fields":["field1","field2"]}}}'

Why I can retrieve records in Elastic search using bool query?

I've inserted a record in ElasticSearch an I can see that here:
But this query returns nothing:
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"term": {
"name": "Ehsanl"
I post this query using post method to this user:
What's wrong with that?
Try giving the name as "ehsanl". All in lower case.
What you see on your screenshot is the original document as you indexed it (_source field).
However, by default, string fields are analyzed (see this answer for more detail about analysis).
Using standard analyzer, your name value should have been lowercased to ehsanl and stored this way in the index : term queries search for the exact value Ehsanl in the index, which doesn't exist.
You can either :
use ehsanl value with term query
use Ehsanl value with a match query, which will apply the same analyzer before to search.
