How to configure infinispan cluster with nodes on different machines? - caching

I am pretty new to this stuff. My requirement is to use a infinispan 8.1 clustered cache in domain mode. I followed the basic pre configured files. I copied the server project on two different machines on same network. I started them, and they discovered each other. Each machine create 2 nodes, so total of 4 nodes. When I used client program (a hotrod client) to access that, I got the cache from the nodes.
Now when I moved one machine to other network, it stopped working. What could be the workaround??
Also, I have one more doubt. In hotrod client API, I can add clusters and servers etc. Shouldn't it be done from the servet, and client should access it with only one logical name under IP address/Host name??
Also, How can I start the infinispan server as a service?? as I do not want to wrap it inside any web application.


Setting Up Ncache (Distributed?/Shared)

I have two servers, where I will be deploying the same application. Basically these two servers will handle work from a common Web API, the work that handed out will be transformed and go through some logic and loaded into DB. I want to cache the data the get loaded/update or deleted in the database, so that when the same data is referenced i can get it from the Cache (Kind of explained the cache mechanism). Now I am using Ncache and it working perfectly fine within one application. I am trying have kind of a shared cache, so that both my application can have access to. How do i go about doing it?
NCache is a distributed cache so you can continue to use that.
There is good general documentation available and very good getting started material that walks you through all the steps required.
In essence you install NCache on both the servers and then reference both servers in your client configuration (%NCHOME%\config\client.ncconf)
In cluster caches, a single logical cache instance is distributed over multiple server nodes and because the cache process is running outside the application address space, multiple applications can share and see the same exact cache data change in terms of addition, removal and update of the cache content.
Local out-proc caches are limited to one server node but as they are outside the application address space, they also support sharing of data between applications.
In fact, besides allowing multiple applications to share data, NCache supports a pub/sub infrastructure to allow for multiple applications to actually communicate with each other. This allows NCache to play a key part in setting up a fast and reliable microservices environment wherein all the participating services send messages to each other through the NCache platform.
See the link below where they have shared information about NCache topologies

How can a Phoenix application tailored only to use channels scale on multiple machines? Using HAProxy? How to broadcast messages to all nodes?

I use the node application purely for channels with Redis PubSub, and at the moment I have it spread across 3 machines, backed by nginx load balancing on one of the machines.
I want to replace this node application with a Phoenix application, and I'm still all new to the erlang/Elixir world so I still haven't figured out how a single Phoenix application can span on more than one machine. Googling all possible scaling and load balancing terms yielded nothing.
The 1.0 release notes mention this regarding channels:
Even on a cluster of machines, your messages are broadcasted across the nodes automatically
1) So I basically deploy my application to N servers, starting the Cowboy servers in each one of them, similarly to how I do with node and them I tie them nginx/HAProxy?
2) If that is the case, how channel messages are broadcasted across all nodes as mentioned on the release notes?
EDIT 3: Taking Theston answer which clarifies that there is no such thing as Phoenix applications, but instead, Elixir/Erlang applications, I updated my search terms and found some interesting results regarding scaling and load balancing.
A free extensive book: Stuff Goes Bad: Erlang in Anger
Erlang pooling libraries recommendations
EDIT 2: Found this from Elixir's creator:
Elixir provides conveniences for process grouping and global processes (shared between nodes) but you can still use external libraries like Consul or Zookeeper for service discovery or rely on HAProxy for load balancing for the HTTP based frontends.
EDITED: Connecting Elixir nodes on the same LAN is the first one that mentions inter Elixir communication, but it isn't related to Phoenix itself, and is not clear on how it related with load balancing and each Phoenix node communicating with another.
Phoenix isn't the application, when you generate a Phoenix project you create an Elixir application with Phoenix being just a dependency (effectively a bunch of things that make building a web part of your application easier).
Therefore any Node distribution you need to do can still happen within your Elixir application.
You could just use Phoenix for the web routing and then pass the data on to your underlying Elixir app to handle the distribution across nodes.
It's worth reading (if you haven't already) where it explains how Phoenix channels are able to use PubSub to distribute (which can be configured to use different adapters).
Also, are you spinning up cowboy on your deployment servers by running mix phoenix.server ?
If so, then I'd recommend looking at EXRM
This will bundle your Elixir application into a self contained file that you can simply deploy to your production servers (with Capistrano if you like) and then you start your application.
It also means you don't need any Erlang/Elixir dependencies installed on the production machines either.
In short, Phoenix is not like Rails, Phoenix is not the application, not the stack. It's just a dependency that provides useful functionality to your Elixir application.
Unless I am misunderstanding your use case, you can still use the exact scaling technique your node version of the application is. Simply deploy the Phoenix application to > 1 machines and use an Nginx load balancer configured to forward requests to one of the many application machines.
The built in node communications etc of Erlang are used for applications that scale in a different way than a web app. For instance, distributed databases or queues.
Look at Phoenix.PubSub
It's where Phoenix internally has the Channel communication bits.
It currently has two adapters:
Phoenix.PubSub.PG2 - uses Distributed Elixir, directly exchanging notifications between servers. (This requires that you deploy your application in a elixir/erlang distributed cluster way.)
Phoenix.PubSub.Redis - uses Redis to exchange data between servers. (This should be similar to solutions found in and others)

Websphere application server 8.5.5 clustering same application

I have the same application running on two WAS clusters. Each cluster has 3 application servers based in different datacenters. In front of each cluster are 3 IHS servers.
Can I specify a primary cluster, and a failover cluster within the plugin-cfg.xml? Currently I have both clusters defined within the plugin, but I'm only hitting 1 cluster for every request. The second cluster is completely ignored.
As noted already the WAS HTTP server plugin doesn't provide the function your're seeking as documented in the WAS KC
assuming that by "failover cluster" what is actually meant is "BackupServers" in the plugin-cfg.xml
The ODR alternative mentioned previously likely isn't an option either, this because the ODR isn't supported for use in the DMZ (it's not been security hardened for DMZ deployment)
From an effective HA/DR perspective what you're seeking to accomplish should handled at the network layer, using the global load balancer (global site selector, global traffic manager, etc) that is routing traffic into the data centers, this is usually accomplished by setting a "site cookie" using the load balancer
This is by design. IHS, at least at the 8.5.5 level, does not allow for what you are trying to do. You will have to implement such level of high availability in a higher level in your topology.
There are a few options.
If the environemnt is relatively static, you could post-process plugin-cfg.xml and combine them into a single ServerCluster with the "dc2" servers listed as <BackupServer>'s in the cluster. The "dc1" servers are probably already listed as <PrimaryServer>'s
BackupServers are only used when no PrimaryServers are reachable.
Another option is to use the Java On-Demand Router, which has first-class awareness of applications running in two cells. Rules can be written that dictate the behavior of applications residing in two clusters (load balancer, failover, etc.). I believe these are "ODR Routing Rules".

What's are best practices for using EC2 Availability Zones?

I'm relaunching a site (~5mm+ visits per day) on EC2, and am confused about how to deploy nodes in different data centers. My most basic setup is two nodes behind a Varnish server.
Should I have two Varnish instances in different availability zones, each with WWW nodes that talk to a shared RDS database? Each Varnish instance can be load balanced w/ Amazon's load balancer.
Something like:
1 load balancer talking to:
Varnish in Virginia, which talks to its own us-east-x nodes
Varnish in California, which talks to its own us-west-x nodes
We use amazon EC2 extensively to do load balancing and fault tolerance. While we still don't extensively use the LoadBalancers provided by Amazon we have our own load balancers(running outside Amazon). Amazon promises that the LoadBalancers will never go down, they are internally fault tolerant, but I havent tested that well enough.
In general we host two instances per availability zone. One acting as a mirroring server to the real server. If in case one of the servers go down we send the customers to the other one. But lately Amazon has shown a pattern that a single availability zone goes down quite often.
So the wise technique I presume is to set up servers across availability zones like you mentioned. We use postgres so, we can replicate content in the database across the instances. With 9.0 there is Binary replication that works great for two way replication. This way both the servers can take the load when up but when a availability zone does go down all the users are sent to one server. Since a common database is available it does not matter where the users go to. Just that they will experience a slight slowness, if they go to the wrong server.
With this approach you can do tandem updating of the web sites. Update one ensure that it is running fine and then update the next. So even if the server failed to upgrade the whole website is always up.

Amazon EC2 + Windows Server 2008 + Memcached = how?

We are building a system that would benefit greatly from a Distributed Caching mechanism, like Memcached. But i cant get my head around the configuration of Memcached daemons and clients finding each other on an Amazon Data Center. Do we manually setup the IP addresses of each memcache instance (they wont be dedicated, they will run on Web Servers or Worker Boxes) or is there a automagic way of getting them to talk to each other? I was looking at Microsoft Windows Server App Fabric Caching, but it seems to either need a file share or a domain to work correctly, and i have neither at the moment... given internal IP addresses are Transient on Amazon, i am wondering how you get around this...
I haven't setup a cluster of memcached servers before, but Membase is a solution that could take away all of the pain you are experiencing with memcached. Membase is basically memcached with a persistence layer underneath and comes with great cluster management software. Clustering servers together is as easy since all you need to do is tell the cluster what the ip address of the new node is. If you already have an application written for Memcached it will also work with Membase since Membase uses the Memcached protocol. It might be worth taking a look at.
I believe you could create an elastic ip in EC2 for each of the boxes that hold your memcached servers. These elastic ips can be dynamically mapped to any EC2 instance. Then your memcached clients just use the elastic ips as if they were static ip addresses.
As you seemed to have discovered, Route53 is commonly used for these discovery purposes. For your specific use case, however, I would just use Amazon ElasticCache. Amazon has both memcached and redis compliant versions of ElasticCache and they manage the infrastructure for you including providing you with a DNS entry point. Also for managing things like session state, you might consider this article on the DynamoDB session state provider.
General rule of thumb: if you are developing a new app then try and leverage what the cloud provides vs. build it, it'll make your life way simpler.
