Shell generic equivalent of Bash Substring replacement ${foo/a/b} - bash

Is there a shell-independent equivalence of Bash substring replacement:
echo ${foo/o/a} # will output "Hella"
Most of the time I can use bash so that is not a problem, however when combined with find -exec it does not work. For instance, to rename all .cpp files to .c, I'd like to use:
# does not work
find . -name '*.cpp' -exec mv {} {/.cpp$/.c}
For now, I'm using:
# does work, but longer
while read file; do
mv "$file" "${file/.cpp$/.c}";
done <<< $(find . -name '*.cpp')
Ideally a solution that could be used in scripts is better!

Using find and -exec you can do this:
find . -name '*.cpp' -exec bash -c 'f="$1"; mv "$f" "${f/.cpp/.c}"' - '{}' \;
However this will fork bash -c for each filename so using xargs or a for loop like this is better for performance reasons:
while IFS= read -d '' -r file; do
mv "$file" "${file/.cpp/.c}"
done < <(find . -name '*.cpp' -print0)

Btw, an alternative to using bash would be to use rename. If you have the cool version of the rename command, which is shipped along with perl you can do:
find -name '*.cpp' -exec rename 's/\.cpp$/.c/' {} +
The above example assumes that you have GNU findutils, having this you don't need to pass the current directory since it is the default. If you don't have GNU findutils, you need to explicitly pass it:
find . -name '*.cpp' -exec rename 's/\.cpp$/.c/' {} +


Bash script to return all elements given an extension, without using print flags

I want to create shell script that search inside all folders of the actual directory and return all files that satisfy some condition, but without using any print flag.
(Here the condition is to end with .py)
What I have done:
find . -name '*.py'| sed -n 's/\.py$//p'
The output:
What I would like to achieve:
Use -exec:
find . -name '*.py' -exec sh -c 'for f; do f=${}; echo "${f##*/}"; done' sh {} +
If GNU basename is an option, you can simplify this to
find . -name '*.py' -exec basename -s .py {} +
POSIX basename is a little more expensive, as you'll have to call it on every file individually:
find . -name '*.py' -exec basename {} .py \;
Using GNU grep instead of sed:
find . -name '*.py' | grep -oP '[^/]+(?=\.py$)'
If portability is not a concern, this is a very readable option:
find . -name '*.py' | xargs basename -a
This is also differentiated from chepner's answer in that it retains the .py file ending in the output.
I'm not familiar with the -exec flag, and I'm sure his one-liners can be customized to do the same, but I couldn't do so off the top of my head.
Chepner's version achieves the same with the small modification:
find . -name '*.py' -exec basename {} \;
if you want the literal output from find and didn't intend to drop the file endings when you used dummy variables (123,test, etc.) in your question.
find shows entries relative to where you ask it to search, you can simply replace the . with a *:
find * -name '*.py'| sed -n 's/\.py$//p'
(Be aware that this skips top level hidden directories)
This might work for you (GNU parallel):
find . -name '*.py*' 2>/dev/null | parallel echo "{/.}"

Find and rename files by pattern works in Debian, but not in CentOS7

I need to find and rename files with question mark in names.
Example: "style.css?ver=111" should become "style.css"
I use this command
find . -type f -name "*\?*" -exec rename 's/\?.*//' '{}' \;
In Debian all works fine, but in CentOS7 I get and error that "rename: not enough arguments
Any ideas why?
For a reliable option that should work in any POSIX-compliant system, you may use
find . -type f -name "*\?*" -exec sh -c 'mv -- "$1" "${1%%\?*}"' findshell {} \;
$1 is the name of each file found and ${1%%\?*} is a construct that strips the substring starting from the question mark.
That should be enough if you have a few matching files. If you need it, a more efficient alternative is
find . -type f -name "*\?*" -exec sh -c '
for file in "$#"; do
mv -- "$file" "${file%%\?*}"
' findshell {} +

BASH: find and rename files & directories

I would like to replace :2f with a - in all file/dir names and for some reason the one-liner below is not working, is there any simpler way to achieve this?
Directory name example:
for i in $(find /tmp/ \( -iname ".*" -prune -o -iname "*:*" -print \)); do { mv $i $(echo $i | sed 's/\:2f/\-/pg'); }; done
You don't have to parse the output of find:
find . -depth -name '*:2f*' -execdir bash -c 'echo mv "$0" "${0//:2f/-}"' {} \;
We're using -execdir so that the command is executed from within the directory containing the found file. We're also using -depth so that the content of a directory is considered before the directory itself. All this to avoid problems if the :2f string appears in a directory name.
As is, this command is harmless and won't perform any renaming; it'll only show on the terminal what's going to be performed. Remove echo if you're happy with what you see.
This assumes you want to perform the renaming for all files and folders (recursively) in current directory.
-execdir might not be available for your version of find, though.
If your find doesn't support -execdir, you can get along without as so:
find . -depth -name '*:2f*' -exec bash -c 'dn=${0%/*} bn=${0##*/}; echo mv "$dn/$bn" "$dn/${bn//:2f/-}"' {} \;
Here, the trick is to separate the directory part from the filename part—that's what we store in dn (dirname) and bn (basename)—and then only change the :2f in the filename.
Since you have filenames containing space, for will split these up into separate arguments when iterating. Pipe to a while loop instead:
find /tmp/ \( -iname ".*" -prune -o -iname "*:*" -print \) | while read -r i; do
mv "$i" "$(echo "$i" | sed 's/\:2f/\-/pg')"
Also quote all the variables and command substitutions.
This will work as long as you don't have any filenames containing newline.

Using cp in bash to use piped in information about files like modification date

I am trying to copy files from one directory into another from certain modification date ranges. For example, copy all files created after May 10 from dir1 to dir2. I have tried a few things but have been unsuccessful so far.
This made sense to me but cp does not take the filenames piped to it, but just executes ./* and copies all files in the directory:
find . -type f -daystart -mtime 2 | cp ./* /dir/
This almost worked, but did not copy all of the matching files, I also tried xargs -s 50000, but did not work:
find . -type f -daystart -mtime 2 | xargs -I {} cp {} /dir/
find . -type f -daystart -mtime 2 | xargs cp -t /dir/
Found this online, does not work:
cp $(find . -type f -daystart -mtime 2) /dir/
Ideas? Thanks.
Given as your actual question is about using filenames from stdin rather than metadata from stdin, this is quite straightforward:
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
cp "$filename" /wherever
done < <(find . -type f -daystart -mtime 2 -print0)
Note the use of IFS= read -r -d '' and -print0 -- as NUL and / are the only two characters which can't be used in UNIX filenames, using any other character, including the newline, to delimit them is unsafe. Think about what would happen if someone (or a software bug) created a file called $'./ \n/etc/passwd'; you want to be damned sure none of your scripts try to delete or overwrite /etc/passwd when they're trying to delete or overwrite that file.
That said, you don't actually need to use a pipe at all:
find . -type f -daystart -mtime -2 -exec cp '{}' /wherever ';'
...or, if you're only trying to support GNU cp, you can use this more efficient variant:
find . -type f -daystart -mtime -2 -exec cp -t /wherever '{}' +
You don't specify why the various attempts didn't work, so I can only assume that they are the result of whitespace in the filenames.
Try using find's useful -exec action instead of using xargs:
find . -type f -daystart -mtime 2 -exec cp {} /media/alex/Extra/Music/watchfolder/ \;
find . -type f -daystart -mtime 2 \
| cpio -pdv /media/alex/Extra/Music/watchfolder/

recursively rename directories in bash

I'd like to recursively rename all directories containing the string foo by replacing that part of the string with Bar. I've got something like this so far, but it doesn't quite work. I'd also like foo to be searched case-insensitive.
find . -type d -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" "${1//foo/Bar}"' -- {} \;
Are there any elegant one-liners that might be better than this attempt? I've actually tried a few but thought I'd defer to the experts. Note: i'm doing this on a Mac OS X system, and don't have tools like rename installed.
Try the following code using parameter expansion
find . -type d -iname '*foo*' -depth -exec bash -c '
echo mv "$1" "${1//[Ff][Oo][Oo]/BAr}"
' -- {} \;
But your best bet will be the prename command (sometimes named rename or file-rename)
find . -type d -iname '*foo*' -depth -exec rename 's#Foo#Bar#gi' {} +
And if you are using bash4 or zsh (** mean recursive):
shopt -s globstar
rename -n 's#Foo#Bar#gi' **/*foo*/
If it fit your needs, remove the -n (dry run) switch to rename for real.
rename was originally written by Perl's dad, Larry Wall himself.
I suspect the problem is getting it to work with mkdir -p foo/foo/foo.
In this regard, I think a solution based on find will likely not work because the list of paths is probably predetermined.
The following is in no way elegant, and stretches the definition of a one-liner, but works for the above test.
$ mkdir -p foo/foo/foo
$ (shopt -s nullglob && _() { for P in "$1"*/; do Q="${P//[Ff][Oo][Oo]/bar}"; mv -- "$P" "$Q"; _ "$Q"; done } && _ ./)
$ find
find . -type d -iname '*foo*' -exec bash -O nocasematch -c \
'[[ $1 =~ (foo) ]] && mv "$1" "${1//${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/Bar}"' -- {} \;
Pro: Avoids sed.
Con: Will not find all matches if there are multiple in different cases.
Con: Is ridiculous.
Thanks #Gilles Quenot and Wenli: The following worked for me. I based it on both of your solutions.
find . -depth -type d -name 'ReplaceMe*' -execdir bash -c 'mv "$1" "${1/ReplaceMe/ReplaceWith}"' -- {} \;
The -execdir seems to be key on linux Red hat 7.6
I've been searching similar answers and this one worked:
find . -depth -name 'foo' -execdir bash -c 'mv "$0" ${0//foo/Bar}"' {} \;
