Can't trim the string in Oracle - oracle

I have a string IN-123456; now I need to trim the IN- from that string. I tried as in Oracle
select trim('IN-' from 'IN-123456) from dual;
but I get an error
ORA-30001: trim set should have only one character
30001. 00000 - "trim set should have only one character"
*Cause: Trim set contains more or less than 1 character. This is not
allowed in TRIM function.
How can I solve this?

A simple replace wouldn't do the trick?
select replace('IN-123456', 'IN-', '') from dual;

Thanks for the result...
It can be solved with LTRIM() function

Clearly, TRIM is not the correct function for the job. You need to REPLACE the (sub)string IN- with nothing:
SELECT REPLACE('IN-123456', 'IN-') FROM dual;
Be aware that this will replace all occurrences of IN- anywhere in the string. If that's not appropriate, but the IN- will always be at the start of the string, then you could use SUBSTR instead:
SELECT SUBSTR('IN-123456', 4) FROM dual;

you just forget to complete single quote
select trim('IN-' from 'IN-123456') from dual;
now try this

Trim Function is always remove one char from string
Here is the example -
You may use LEADING /TRAILING insert of Both.
In your case "IN-" holding three char.


Oracle regex_replace not working as expected

I have following SQL query (Oracle 18c):
' sOmE tEsT
chr(10)||chr(11)||chr(13), 'replText'
) "Result1",
' sOmE tEsT
'[\x0A|\x0B|`\x0D]', 'replText'
) "Result2",
' sOmE tEsT
'[\r\n\t]', 'replText', 1, 0
) "Result3"
FROM dual
What I would like to do is replace all tabs, return carriages and new line indicators with new string but it seems like regexp replace is not working (returns initial text). I am really sorry about formatting but I need to handle text in exact format as above with \r \n \t mixed chars.
Here is fiddle:
I am learning Oracle right now and don't understand why second and third solution returns initial text. The first solution seems to work but I would like to achieve the same effect in SECOND and THIRD solution. What I missed?
I'm pretty sure Oracle does not allow escape sequences in a character class. I believe this is what you have to do. In response to your comment on another answer here and as you are learning, regex is most definitely not regex. Especially Oracle's implementation.
EDIT to explain the regex: The regex pattern is building a string of a regex character class containing 3 characters, hence the concatenation. You can't just have escape characters in the regex as then regex would take those characters as part of the character class pattern itself.
' sOmE tEsT
eNdOfLiNe', '['||CHR(9)||CHR(10)||CHR(13)||']', 'X') Result3
FROM dual;
1 row selected.
You can try the below using similar format as translate
select regexp_replace(
' sOmE tEsT
chr(10)||'|'||chr(11)||'|'||chr(13), 'replText') "Result3"
FROM dual

Oracle string operation to exclude specific characters based on delimiter

From the String ES-123456-PSA Spain-101, I need to extract only ES-123456-101 Delimiter position is fixed.
Tried REGEXP_SUBSTR('ES-123456-PSA Spain-101','[^-]+',2,3 ) which gives PSA Spain.
Is there a way to ignore those specific characters and returns rest of them.
If you want ES-123456-101 then use this:
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('ES-123456-PSA Spain-101', '[^-]+-', '', 1, 3 )
FROM dual;
If you want ES-12345-101 then could you explain the logic for 12345 not 123456? Typo or omit the last character?
you can also use subtr and instr
with t as
select 'ES-123456-PSA Spain-101' as text from dual
select substr(text,1,instr(text,'-',1,2)) -- ES-123456-
||substr(text,instr(text,'-',1,3)+1) -- 101
from t

Replacing multiple CHR() from PLSQL string

I have a PLSQL string which contains chr() special characters like chr(10), chr(13). I want to replace these special characters from the string. I tried the following ways
select regexp_replace('Hello chr(10)Goodchr(13)Morning','CHR(10)|chr(13)','') from dual;
This do not works since regexp_replace do not replace chr() function. Then I tried
select translate('Hello chr(10)Goodchr(13)Morning', 'chr(10)'||'chr(13)', ' ') from dual;
It works partially, ie; I am forced to replace chr() with white space(third parameter). No option if I do not want to replace chr() with white spaces . If I pass third character as null then above query returns null result.
Anybody have any other methods?
The problem with your replacement isn't the logic, it's the syntax. Parentheses are regex metacharacters, and as such, if you want to replace a literal parenthesis, you need to escape it. So your pattern should be this:
Here is a working query:
regexp_replace('Hello chr(10)Goodchr(13)Morning','chr\(13\)|chr\(10\)','', 1, 0, 'i')
from dual
The fifth parameters in the above call to regexp_replace is 'i' and indicates that we want to do a case insensitive replacement.
The above logic removes the literal text chr(13) and chr(10) from your text. If instead you want to remove the actual control characters chr(13) and chr(10), then you may add those control characters to the alternation, e.g.
regexp_replace('Hello chr(10)Goodchr(13)Morning','chr\(13\)|chr\(10\)|chr(10)|chr(13)','', 1, 0, 'i')
from dual
Since regular expression functions are relatively expensive in Oracle I think it's worth showing the alternate method which just uses REPLACE for the same effect.
This replaces occurrences of the each control characters with a space;
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE('ABC'||CHR(10)||'DEF'||CHR(13)||'GHI'||CHR(10)||'JKL',CHR(13),' '),CHR(10),' ') from dual
And this replaces occurrences of the strings 'CHR(13)' and 'CHR(10)';
select REPLACE(REPLACE('ABCCHR(10)DEFCHR(13)GHICHR(10)JKL','CHR(13)',' '),'CHR(10)',' ') from dual

what will translate function do if I want to change some chars to nothing?

I have a sql statement:
select translate('abcdefg', 'abc', '') from dual;
Why the result is nothing?
I think it should be 'defg'.
From the documentation:
You cannot use an empty string for to_string to remove all characters in from_string from the return value. Oracle Database interprets the empty string as null, and if this function has a null argument, then it returns null. To remove all characters in from_string, concatenate another character to the beginning of from_string and specify this character as the to_string. For example, TRANSLATE(expr, 'x0123456789', 'x') removes all digits from expr.
So you can do something like:
select translate('abcdefg', '#abc', '#') from dual;
... using any character that isn't going to be in your from_string.
select translate('abcdefg', 'abc', '') from dual;
To add to Alex's answer, you could use any character(allowed in SQL) for that matter to concatenate to remove all the characters. So, you could even use a space instead of empty string. An empty string in Oracle is considered as NULL value.
So, you could also do -
SQL> SELECT TRANSLATE('abcdefg', ' abc', ' ') FROM dual;
Which is the same as -
SQL> SELECT TRANSLATE('abcdefg', chr(32)||'abc', chr(32)) FROM dual;
Since the ascii value of space is 32.
It was just a demo, it is better to use any other character than space for better understanding and code readability.

Oracle: Pattern for to_char(number) to add additional ascii characters?

Using the Oracle to_char(number) function, is it possible to append ascii characters to the returned string?
Specifically, I need to add a percentage character to the returned string.
"select to_char(89.2244, '999G999G999G999G990D00') from dual" -->
returns "89.22". I need a format pattern that returns "89.22%".
I am using this through reports in Application Express, so cannot simply concatenate "%" to the query, i need to put it in the number format.
So you can't wrap the to_char with a CONCAT?
select concat(to_char(89.2244, '999G999G999G999G990D00'),'%') from dual
You can't do it right in the number format.
If you are able to change NLS_CURRENCY for you session, you can do the following:
SELECT TO_CHAR(1.2, '999G999G999G999G990D00L' /*, 'NLS_CURRENCY=%' */)
FROM dual
Quick and dirty way:
select to_char(89.2244, '999G999G999G999G990D00L', 'NLS_CURRENCY=''%''') from dual;
SYS # orant11g >select to_char(89.2244, '999G999G999G999G990D00')||'%' from dual;
Just use the || bars instead of the concat function.
