Installation process for Hive on windows 7? - windows

suggest me the best installation process for hive on windows 7. I have downloaded hadoop and hive from apache but couldn't install them.


Is it possible to use Hadoop MiniCluster without having Hadoop installed locally?

Is it possible with hadoop-mini-cluster or it is just a tool for running cluster locally and it requires to have Hadoop installed on your machine?

Can i install Apache Hue for Hadoop in Windows?

I am working on Hadoop but searching for a better open source HDFS explorer. Ended up with Apache Hue.
For Linux there are manuals but what about for Windows?

Build Apache Hadoop 2.5.1 in windows

I like to configure Hadoop Setup in windows environment is there any step to step guide available for installing Hadoop 2.5.1 in with configuring both hadoop master and slave in windows platform.
also like to know what are all the limitations in Hadoop windows Setup?
Refer the below links to build Hadoop on windows :

accumulo, zookeeper hadoop Installation instructions, downloads and versions for CENTOS 6

I would appreciate guidance on accumulo, zookeeper hadoop Installation instructions, downloads and versions for CENTOS 6.
You can do the installation via cloudera manager version 5. I recently installed accumulo using the same.
Here is the link for Cloudera manager 5.
You can use this Youtube video as reference.

Installing hadoop on windows xp

i am having problems while trying to install hadoop on windows32 bit
i have followed the yahoo ttorial on installing hadoop
and have successfully downloaded the VMplayer and Hadoop virtual machine image,
but i am not able to configure the eclipse plug-in
using the jar i am able to write the basic map-reduce program in eclipse,Now after writing howw to execute them on hadoop as with hadoop vMimage i can not find the bin directory
Hortonworks has released windows version of hadoop by modifying shell scripts wrappers by windows powershell scripts. You can directly install hadoop on your windows machine.
Use the following link for downloading the windows version :
